Daniel Bryan Needs An Edge!

CM Steel

A REAL American
It almost seems like the WWE hit a grand-slam when they signed Bryan Danielson (Daniel Bryan) to a WWE contact. He has been through so much within over a year in the WWE. Now that DB is the 2011 Smackdown Money in the bank winner. Could he be taken seriously as the face of the Smackdown brand as it's world champion?

But could you picture Daniel Bryan headlining a Wrestlemania in the future? Could you see Daniel Bryan winning the big one at a Wrestlemania in the future? If so, Daniel Bryan needs an edge! A more attitude-like way. Like a Chris Benoit-light? A submissionist shooter? Someone who takes control of a match. Now is that Daniel Bryan?

Because he needs an edge to be the future of the WWE!
I remember watching him go off on Cole on NXT season one and I thought it was the perfect gimmick. Give him a silent rage type gimmick where he loses his cool during a match. Daniel Bryan certainly has the ring skills to be someone in the WWE. All he needs is to do is dust off a little of that charisma I saw in NXT Season One so people can get behind him. Right now, I see a terrific wrestler but not much else. His charisma is lacking and he really has no gimmick. No worries though, by the time he's World Champion, he'll be ready. Personally, I think the WWE has something in store for Bryan. Had they not, I seriously doubt he would be in the middle of this Big Show/Mark Henry feud right now. I see a bright future for Bryan. If, and only if, he can manage to get the crowd behind him a little more. A silent rage gimmick would do that perfectly.
What do you mean by "edge"? He doesn't need to "snap" or some other IWC cliche for how to make a guy better.

He needs to be quirky and arrogant. When they announce him, he needs to stop the announce and whisper something in their ear, then the announcer says "....and really, too good to be wrestling in front of the hicks in oklahoma city". He needs to pose and look around before he puts someone in the surfboard.

Either that or you make him the most sympathetic guy there is. The little guy who will fight anyone. The guy who never gives up. Not an edge, not a sudden snap, but a guy who is ALWAYS fighting from underneath.

A gimmick type doesn't get you over, it's how believable you are. If you looked at a young dustin runnels and said "you know what, wear gold spandex and act kinda gay and just plain weird, that'll get you over" people would laugh at you. But the EXECUTION of the character got it over. DB just needs to get DB over by making people believe that if you were at a zoo, he'd be outwrestling a bear just for the fuck of it. People need to BELIEVE he is who he says he is on TV. If you look at anyone else thoughout history, that's how they do it. Mic skills and charisma aren't always loud. Randy Orton and bret hart have been/are very over because of a lot of subtle things fitting together to make a character people believe in.
He needs to be quirky and arrogant.

Well, no. He certainly doesn't need to be that, it's not a 1-lane road they can go with him. He doesn't need to be anything......other.... than a prison guard's son?


But if I was answering the question, which I probably should, then I might say something like 'yes'. Well, I think he needs a little something. He had a little run where he was 'Mr. tap or snap' but that sort of ended after he lost his US title and won MITB.

This determined little man idea isn't really a gimmick if you think about it, it's more of something faces just generally do in matches. They get beat down and the idea is, if you're a face then you wont give up which is a face quality in and of itself. As of now, him holding that contract I believe is doing enough to keep interest invested in him, but when he's cashed in and used that opportunity I think they are going to need something he can use to maintain the interest as you say.

I said long ago that a kayfabe-reality blurring gimmick where somebody like Daniel Bryan goes on a tirade about how they worked in the indy's and was taught real wrestling by legends would be a good heel gimmick. He could basically work over a bunch of younger guys with unusual holds, moves and submissions and just obliterate them. It'd work. It's more or less the only way I can envision someone turning Bryan heel and having it be bought by the audience.

Otherwise, you can revert back to submission specialist Bryan. You could.... give him a manager. Now I'm really running out of ideas. Erm, an accept all challengers kinda guy? That's what Punk is doing though I suppose. Faction? It's really difficult this. Perhaps you just sympathetically play on his back story with Regal and Shawn Michaels and allow him to develop his character as time goes by.
Well, no. He certainly doesn't need to be that, it's not a 1-lane road they can go with him. He doesn't need to be anything......other.... than a prison guard's son?


But if I was answering the question, which I probably should, then I might say something like 'yes'. Well, I think he needs a little something. He had a little run where he was 'Mr. tap or snap' but that sort of ended after he lost his US title and won MITB.

This determined little man idea isn't really a gimmick if you think about it, it's more of something faces just generally do in matches. They get beat down and the idea is, if you're a face then you wont give up which is a face quality in and of itself. As of now, him holding that contract I believe is doing enough to keep interest invested in him, but when he's cashed in and used that opportunity I think they are going to need something he can use to maintain the interest as you say.

I said long ago that a kayfabe-reality blurring gimmick where somebody like Daniel Bryan goes on a tirade about how they worked in the indy's and was taught real wrestling by legends would be a good heel gimmick. He could basically work over a bunch of younger guys with unusual holds, moves and submissions and just obliterate them. It'd work. It's more or less the only way I can envision someone turning Bryan heel and having it be bought by the audience.

Otherwise, you can revert back to submission specialist Bryan. You could.... give him a manager. Now I'm really running out of ideas. Erm, an accept all challengers kinda guy? That's what Punk is doing though I suppose. Faction? It's really difficult this. Perhaps you just sympathetically play on his back story with Regal and Shawn Michaels and allow him to develop his character as time goes by.
In other words, do stuff that'll only get him over with the people who already like him? That doesn't make any sense.

Look at Punk, he is more over now, because he STOPPPED catering to the smarks. They'll like Punk (and DB) regardless. He needs to be more marketable. Going all indy and "THIS IS WRESTLING" isn't going to get him over. When has that ever gotten anyone over?
So I take it we haven't seen last night's Smackdown then. If that wasn't an edge, I've never seen an edge. Between his promo and match, easily the most intensity I've seen out of Bryan in WWE. It's really awesome when it comes out, because its not usually the personality he gives off. I think for him to get to the top in WWE, he has to be the "intense" guy, simply to make up for his lack of size.
In short (no pun intended), he needs personal conflicts to bring out his best. He's already got the technical wrestling ability to rival anybody's, but today's fans aren't as interested in that as they should be, imo. Classic wrestling maneuvers send the crowd in the stands reaching for their cell phones during matches.

So, what do they do with Daniel Bryan? He's certainly not fierce looking enough to scare anyone, nor does he have the fiery personality necessary to command attention. Some of the outbursts he's displayed look like a 3-year-old having a temper tantrum; he's just seems like too much of a puppy dog to do that kind of stuff.

Already, management has spent too much time wasting Daniel in losing efforts against guys like Sin Cara, using his exquisite wrestling ability to sell the moves of someone even smaller than himself. Ugh.

So, what's left? Personal conflicts; that's what. Lots of fans detest Michael Cole, but what he did with Daniel last night was exactly what they should be doing. If Cole is good at one thing, it's provoking the talent and paving the way toward conflicts between wrestlers. Daniel's argument with Cole led the way toward his confrontation with Cody Rhodes, similar to the manner in which Cole's feud with Jerry Lawler steered the King into physical confrontations with Jack Swagger. In both cases, Michael Cole is the catalyst.....and all the true wrestlers benefit from his interference.

That's exactly the kind of thing Daniel Bryan needs. Let us wonder who he's more upset with; Cole or Cody. Let Daniel shout it out with Cole outside the ring and duke it out with Cody inside.

There's the path for Daniel. Don't leave him out there by himself; pair him with antagonists and let him use that great wrestling ability to make his point.
I do not agree at all actually. If by "edge" you mean that he should suddenly snap and become an anihero or a heel then I do not think that that is neccesary at all. I liked the story that WWE was doing with Bryan of being this good, upstanding guy who wanted to use the MITB briefcase the right way to fulfil his dreams. No one thought that he would succeed so proving them wrong was an added bonus. There is nothing wrong with a simple feel good story once in a while.

Also I feel that this thread is a few weeks late. If anything, Bryan attempting to cash in on Henry for Henry hurting him shows that Bryan has an edge to his character. That shows that though Bryan would ideally like to use his briefcase to fulfill his dreams, he is not going to sit down and shut up if someone shits on him.
Absolutely he does. Look at me, agreeing with Mack_Swagger. Yep, I feel a bit ill.

Anyway, Bryan does need that edge - and Hamler nailed it in regards to what that edge should be. Bryan's best promo work in the WWE has always happened when he's angry - and when he's not saying "OK" after every sentence. His best promo work has been when he - to use an "IWC cliche" - snaps. To see that happen on occasion in a match would be a nice thing to see. I'm not saying that he needs it to entertain me, but he needs it to get over. Daniel Bryan isn't over - and that sucks. The WWE Universe loves a hothead, so why not let Bryan do something that he does so well?

Daniel Bryan has the tools to be a star - charisma, above-average mic skills and impeccable in-ring ability. He just needs that extra facet to his personality to properly get over with the fans.
In other words, do stuff that'll only get him over with the people who already like him? That doesn't make any sense.

Look at Punk, he is more over now, because he STOPPPED catering to the smarks. They'll like Punk (and DB) regardless. He needs to be more marketable. Going all indy and "THIS IS WRESTLING" isn't going to get him over. When has that ever gotten anyone over?

CM Punk came out two weeks ago and said he was a professional wrestler and not a sports entertainer. Every interview he does he preaches the same thing, runs down how he disliked his place in the WWE pre-MITB and discusses things that fans know about, hes used more than enough Internet known facts on live television to get cheap heat and you're saying he has stopped catering to the smarks? Well done, no wonder you're nominated in the forum awards for worst poster and biggest try hard.

Onto Mack_Swagger's topic, usually agreeing with this guy is hard because he comes out with some of the worst threads known to man, however this one is near polar opposite as it's a pretty good topic.

Daniel Bryan does need that little something extra to get him over. Hes already done the, "I'm a self made man" thing, hes already told people he is actually Bryan Danielson, he has done the "tap or snap" routine, ladies man gimmick was brought in which sucked and now we've seemingly gone full circle as DBD and Michael Cole are at it again. Judging from Smackdown I see a DBD and Booker T thing against Cole and Rhodes in some form or other in the near future, however going back on topic, what Danielson needs is some more time on the microphone.

I've well documented as have others through Live Discussion posts or threads on the forum that for someone people say has "no personality", whenever handed a microphone the dude usually churns out a golden promo of the night. Whether we go back to his NXT days, his feud with Sheamus, his feud with Rhodes, his promo on RAW going into the Henry match a couple weeks ago or even last night on Smackdown, every single time he gets a microphone and speaks he says something good, passionate and relevant to everything. I think he just needs to get over who he is a little bit more.

He still has a lot going for him. He has fan support, he has his briefcase, hes had title runs, he has charisma, he has more than enough in-ring talent but what he needs to me, is just time to get who he truly is over. A small part of me is annoyed Punk uses "Best In The World" as his label due to the fact it was originally Danielson's, but most people recognize the talent DBD has even if you like or dislike him.
I kinda agree with the use Michael Cole to get over. Here is how I would do it:- have him cash in MITB and win the title. As part of his celebration he gets in Cole's face and screams "I'm a nothing Cole. Well this nothing is now your world champion" and the like. And this is the important bit Cole has to sell like he has to get his mother out of hock, really look terrified.

The next few weeks on Smackdown have normal service be resumed with Cole putting Brian down and announcing that at the next PPV brian is in a cage with the former champ. At the go home show Cole has an in-ring interview with Brian and is his usual obnoxious self and doesn't notice the cage come down around the ring until Brian looks straight into his eyes, smiles and says welcome to my playroom. He then takes the mic from Cole and slaps him in some sort of submission hold and says "18 months ago I was fired for choking Justin Roberts to sleep with a tie, I had nothing against him. What do you think I'm gonna do to the bully who has made my life hell for 2 years".

This then can go in any direction that they want either turn Brian heal by aligning him with Cole "I knew you'd make it, I just wanted you to release your dark side". He could then terrorise Cole leading to a double turn. Or he can remain a face Keeping an eye on the Bullies of Smackdown (Cole, Henry, Rhodes etc). I'm sorry if this rambles a little but I'm a little sleep deprived.
Yes he needs more edge. They need to promote him as a wrestling machine. Every week on Smackdown he should be making guys tap out. Have him do a bunch of different submissions to show off his submission background. He is never going to be the face of a brand.. but he could definately be a big part of Smackdown. Turn him into a modern day Benoit.

Instead of having Punk put Cole in the anaconda vice on Raw a few weeks ago... It should of been Daniel Bryan putting Cole in the Lebell Lock. They have a never ending feud together since his NXT days. Attacking Cole is an easy way to get cheered.
CM Punk came out two weeks ago and said he was a professional wrestler and not a sports entertainer. Every interview he does he preaches the same thing, runs down how he disliked his place in the WWE pre-MITB and discusses things that fans know about, hes used more than enough Internet known facts on live television to get cheap heat and you're saying he has stopped catering to the smarks? Well done, no wonder you're nominated in the forum awards for worst poster and biggest try hard.

Onto Mack_Swagger's topic, usually agreeing with this guy is hard because he comes out with some of the worst threads known to man, however this one is near polar opposite as it's a pretty good topic.

Daniel Bryan does need that little something extra to get him over. Hes already done the, "I'm a self made man" thing, hes already told people he is actually Bryan Danielson, he has done the "tap or snap" routine, ladies man gimmick was brought in which sucked and now we've seemingly gone full circle as DBD and Michael Cole are at it again. Judging from Smackdown I see a DBD and Booker T thing against Cole and Rhodes in some form or other in the near future, however going back on topic, what Danielson needs is some more time on the microphone.

I've well documented as have others through Live Discussion posts or threads on the forum that for someone people say has "no personality", whenever handed a microphone the dude usually churns out a golden promo of the night. Whether we go back to his NXT days, his feud with Sheamus, his feud with Rhodes, his promo on RAW going into the Henry match a couple weeks ago or even last night on Smackdown, every single time he gets a microphone and speaks he says something good, passionate and relevant to everything. I think he just needs to get over who he is a little bit more.

He still has a lot going for him. He has fan support, he has his briefcase, hes had title runs, he has charisma, he has more than enough in-ring talent but what he needs to me, is just time to get who he truly is over. A small part of me is annoyed Punk uses "Best In The World" as his label due to the fact it was originally Danielson's, but most people recognize the talent DBD has even if you like or dislike him.
I come out with the worst threads known to Man? Are you putting me on blast or are you just a hater? I can teach you a thing or two about posting threads Dragon Saga. So just call me KRS-One, because I'm your teacher!

On to the subject at hand. All Daniel Bryan needs to be taken REAL seriously as a future main eventer and a potenial world champion. Is that mean streak someone had already pointed out. Whenever DB gets real angry on the mic, he's gold! Pure gold! Like how the WWE had a mean streak-side to Kofi Kingston when he was feuding with Randy Orton a few years ago on RAW. It was what Kingston needed to be advanced to the main event level, but of course it didn't happen.

But for Daniel Bryan who is the current Smackdown Mitb winner. He's a sure bet to be in the main event there on the blue brand. So if Bryan could get that imfamous mean streak going full-time, he could be a modern-day Chris Benoit of the new generation of WWE superstars!
I come out with the worst threads known to Man? Are you putting me on blast or are you just a hater? I can teach you a thing or two about posting threads Dragon Saga. So just call me KRS-One, because I'm your teacher!

I'v given you red rep before, memory recalls we've even exchanged PM's about your thread making. You've had the rare good topic but a lot of really poor ones too which is why you're nominated in the forum awards for worst poster; don't get me wrong, this isn't knocking you all that much as I like this thread, but more of this stuff and less of crap like, "What If Triple H joined NWO" and you'd be a great thread maker.

However back on topic, DBD having a mean streak would be good. He had something similar in ROH where half-way through a match he'd flip out and start roaring while he attacked his opponent, only did it for a while though, but it used to gain some pretty good crowd reaction. Whenever he does the low roundhouse kicks to the chest of an opponent I see something different in him, it could be his version of "hulking up" in a way.

I still just think DBD needs more time on the microphone, cause whenever he gets it, for a guy for whom people state has no "charisma or personality" he does fairly well for himself.
I'v given you red rep before, memory recalls we've even exchanged PM's about your thread making. You've had the rare good topic but a lot of really poor ones too which is why you're nominated in the forum awards for worst poster; don't get me wrong, this isn't knocking you all that much as I like this thread, but more of this stuff and less of crap like, "What If Triple H joined NWO" and you'd be a great thread maker.

However back on topic, DBD having a mean streak would be good. He had something similar in ROH where half-way through a match he'd flip out and start roaring while he attacked his opponent, only did it for a while though, but it used to gain some pretty good crowd reaction. Whenever he does the low roundhouse kicks to the chest of an opponent I see something different in him, it could be his version of "hulking up" in a way.

I still just think DBD needs more time on the microphone, cause whenever he gets it, for a guy for whom people state has no "charisma or personality" he does fairly well for himself.
Bruh, you could have just hit me on the inbox with all that BS you just said about the rep points and all that. Real talk! But I'm not mad, I see you for who you are Dragon Saga.

Daniel Bryan is a hell of a performer! I just think that with an edge to his persona could take him places that the WWE universe and Vince McMahon for that matter never dreamed of. The WWE needs more superstars like Bryan in the E. He's the living Rudy story! A small-tough guy just trying to live his dream and be successful in this business.

We won't be seeing ya boy Sin Cara in the WWE for a while due to him taking the Ken Kennedy route with his injury and drug use. But I hope that you see the era of your ways Dragon Saga? Like it says on John Cena's new T-shirt, RISE ABOVE HATE!
We won't be seeing ya boy Sin Cara in the WWE for a while due to him taking the Ken Kennedy route with his injury and drug use. But I hope that you see the era of your ways Dragon Saga? Like it says on John Cena's new T-shirt, RISE ABOVE HATE!

"Era" of your ways? What on earth does Sin Cara have to do with this all?

On topic: I agree he needs an edge. DB is a fantastic wrestler but just needs that little something extra. Last Friday was not bad
I like the intensity, I think he needs to be confident, like a Benoit or Angle does and be booked to always look strong, even in loss.

Tapping out to ADR in 2-3 minutes is weak and does nothing for him. He needs to be the guy who fights submission holds for a long time before submission. The guy who puts on epic matches and can counter anything (which we know he can ! ).

Imagine if Henry-Bryan had another 5-6 minutes of Henry almost tapping to a whole range of submissions. He'd have looked golden, and it makes Henry look better in the process. Does anybody remember Benoit passing out in the brock lock?

Then on RAW make him fight injured and give ADR a big fright yet lose.
So yeah... Daniel Bryan kinda seemed like not a total pussy on Raw tonight, right?

I think it was at some point he was throwing kicks in the corner at someone, they all look the same really. And I thought, fuck, he's kinda kicking the piss out of him, isn't he? He should do this more often.

I imagine a Daniel Bryan character who has these moments of rage in the ring. Everything's all nice and peaceful, and the next thing you know, he just starts going batshit crazy on his opponent. Have it be at a random time, too, but at some point, he just injures his opponent. No prelude, no warning, just injures him. It has to look like an accident; Bryan doesn't mean to hurt the man, but he does. Maybe he suplexes the opponent on his head, maybe he puts him in a submission, or maybe he just kicks the fuck out of a guy. Whatever it is, he has to injure some poor fucks. We got enough jobbers to last a life time. Heath Slater's got nothing better to do, really. Have Daniel Bryan just start injuring people at random times in his match.

Of course, then you're likely having him turn heel. Great. Smackdown can use some heels. You know it's bad when you're forced into giving Marblemouth Barrett the old push. But make it a slow build. Daniel Bryan at first really doesn't mean to hurt anyone, and you can see some remorse. But it starts to happen more in his matches. All of a sudden, we're wondering if these are really "accidents". Maybe this is all the work of a calculated crippler. Finally, the coup de grace; he takes out a weakened Mark Henry, attacks his leg, and wins the World Championship. If done well enough, you can even go for the double turn, and when Mark Henry comes back, you have a built in face to tear down Bryan.

So yeah, Daniel Bryan not a pussy... Should be good shit.
In other words, do stuff that'll only get him over with the people who already like him? That doesn't make any sense.

Meh. Seemed to work pretty well in NXT last year, one of the highlights of the year actually was his reality scratching thing with Cole all focused on his past career and whether he had what it took to climb the ladder. All you need is the correct opposing face or heel to make it work.

Look at Punk, he is more over now, because he STOPPPED catering to the smarks.

Erm, wait there. Punk started getting over after his now infamous promo. That promo did nothing but cater to the smarks. Before that he didn't cater to them at all. Pretty much the opposite of what you're saying. If you need reminder's, "ice cream bars, hello colt cabana, funk man laurenitis, super shredder, vinnie vegas" and so on.

They'll like Punk (and DB) regardless. He needs to be more marketable. Going all indy and "THIS IS WRESTLING" isn't going to get him over. When has that ever gotten anyone over?

CM PUNK!! CM PUNK RIGHT NOW! That's, like, a massive chunk of his gimmick is being the best in the world at wrestling. What show are you watching kiddo?
Meh. Seemed to work pretty well in NXT last year, one of the highlights of the year actually was his reality scratching thing with Cole all focused on his past career and whether he had what it took to climb the ladder. All you need is the correct opposing face or heel to make it work.

Erm, wait there. Punk started getting over after his now infamous promo. That promo did nothing but cater to the smarks. Before that he didn't cater to them at all. Pretty much the opposite of what you're saying. If you need reminder's, "ice cream bars, hello colt cabana, funk man laurenitis, super shredder, vinnie vegas" and so on.

CM PUNK!! CM PUNK RIGHT NOW! That's, like, a massive chunk of his gimmick is being the best in the world at wrestling. What show are you watching kiddo?
Cole helped get him over. If Bryan needs one of the most hateable and over heels to get over, he's not that good. as someone who has seen him live, I disagree, Bryan doesn't need someone else (as in, reinacting the Nexus stuff) to get him over.

The promo gave Punk more visibility. His overness was only in smarky markets. Remember right after Summerslam I think it was, he was against Miz in Oklahoma City and the crowd was silent. It's because he was too much of an internet tool. He's since adapted his character more. Shit man people on here bitch about how he's not shooting every 5 seconds. Think critically about the situation. They basically used the "shoot" to get a lot of attention on him. Then kept it on him by having him vs Cena and then HHH and he tweaked his character to be less smarmy over that time and now he's more over and with a wider audience than before. I'm not wrong. In fact, I said "he won't stay over, he's too smarmy and most people are getting annoyed" and they were, his reactions were getting quieter, especially in less smarky markets. Now people are on here saying "they're ruining Punk" and other bullshit because they think he's acting too normal I guess. However, you see a wider variety of people with Punk shirts on. The ice cream bars thing isn't smarky. Making fun of Ace isn't smarky. The colt cabana thing is but he's not doing that as much. For the most part Punk is less smarky and more of a typically blue collar babyface, which is working. He just needed that spark to gain visibility.

Punk is a character. People believe Punk is his character. Punk does more talking than wrestling, he just also puts on really good matches. You can say you're the best hot dog salesman in the world, if you're really REALLY fuckin good at your character, people will believe you. It's not that Punk is so good at "WRESTLING" that he's over. If that was the case, he'd have been this over his whole career. Instead, he's talking about it and doing such a great job at his character that people believe it.

Daniel Bryan doesn't need anything other than to be better at portraying a character. That's the bottom line. Anyone who has ever gotten over has simply made the audience believe in their character. that means walking, talking, and wrestling in a way that brings your character to life.
CM Punk came out two weeks ago and said he was a professional wrestler and not a sports entertainer. Every interview he does he preaches the same thing, runs down how he disliked his place in the WWE pre-MITB and discusses things that fans know about, hes used more than enough Internet known facts on live television to get cheap heat and you're saying he has stopped catering to the smarks? Well done, no wonder you're nominated in the forum awards for worst poster and biggest try hard.

Onto Mack_Swagger's topic, usually agreeing with this guy is hard because he comes out with some of the worst threads known to man, however this one is near polar opposite as it's a pretty good topic.

Daniel Bryan does need that little something extra to get him over. Hes already done the, "I'm a self made man" thing, hes already told people he is actually Bryan Danielson, he has done the "tap or snap" routine, ladies man gimmick was brought in which sucked and now we've seemingly gone full circle as DBD and Michael Cole are at it again. Judging from Smackdown I see a DBD and Booker T thing against Cole and Rhodes in some form or other in the near future, however going back on topic, what Danielson needs is some more time on the microphone.

I've well documented as have others through Live Discussion posts or threads on the forum that for someone people say has "no personality", whenever handed a microphone the dude usually churns out a golden promo of the night. Whether we go back to his NXT days, his feud with Sheamus, his feud with Rhodes, his promo on RAW going into the Henry match a couple weeks ago or even last night on Smackdown, every single time he gets a microphone and speaks he says something good, passionate and relevant to everything. I think he just needs to get over who he is a little bit more.

He still has a lot going for him. He has fan support, he has his briefcase, hes had title runs, he has charisma, he has more than enough in-ring talent but what he needs to me, is just time to get who he truly is over. A small part of me is annoyed Punk uses "Best In The World" as his label due to the fact it was originally Danielson's, but most people recognize the talent DBD has even if you like or dislike him.

Yea, because complaining about management is REALLY smarky? People are complaining that he's not the same internet tool as he was before. In other words, the IWC is complaining Punk isn't IWC enough. I explained Punk's tranformation in my previous post. Punk is over as over as he is now because he appeals to MORE than just the IWC. He is a fully fleshed out character and he's less smarmy than before. Yea, he still says IWC stuff, but when people on here are complaining that he's not "IWC enough" you KNOW he's tweaked it. Shit someone in another thread said that "now that Punk is John Cena-lite". Maybe think critically and really dig deeper into what's going on. You're kinda dumb for being a guy who acts so pretentious you know that? You're nominated for the biggest IWC charicature award.

lol, Dragon was the first person to use "best in the world"? Maybe those exact words, but uh...harley Race "greatest wrestler on God's green earth" Ric Flair "baby you're lookin at the GREATEST...WRESTLER...ALIVE...TODAY whoo and i'm slick ric". Who hasn't claimed they're the best?
Cole helped get him over. If Bryan needs one of the most hateable and over heels to get over, he's not that good. as someone who has seen him live, I disagree, Bryan doesn't need someone else (as in, reinacting the Nexus stuff) to get him over.

But that's just how you get over in wrestling in general. You use somebody established to fuel the antics of their adversary. I mean, it wouldn't very well be called 'getting over' if there wasn't something or someone that you got over. That's how it works. How could somebody even get over without using someone else's thunder to do it. The only example I can think of that fits your bill is Santino.

The promo gave Punk more visibility.


His overness was only in smarky markets.

If you mean as a fan favourite then perhaps. However, he'd been over as a heel for a long time beforehand. In the end over is over so is still disproves what you're saying.

Remember right after Summerslam I think it was, he was against Miz in Oklahoma City and the crowd was silent. It's because he was too much of an internet tool.

Really don't remember this happening. Bad crowd perhaps. I don't remember anything other than superb reaction for Punk going back 6 months now.

He's since adapted his character more.

Indeed, but he's still using a lot of techniques to ensure the smarks are satisfied. It may have been dumbed down a bit, but he's still satisfying the smarter audience on a regular basis.

Shit man people on here bitch about how he's not shooting every 5 seconds. Think critically about the situation.

I hope you don't mean me. If you do then I suggest you go back and read what I say because this response isn't really appropriate to it.

They basically used the "shoot" to get a lot of attention on him. Then kept it on him by having him vs Cena and then HHH and he tweaked his character to be less smarmy over that time and now he's more over and with a wider audience than before.

But still smarky to a high degree.

I'm not wrong.

Well something's up here because you're not right either.

In fact, I said "he won't stay over, he's too smarmy and most people are getting annoyed" and they were, his reactions were getting quieter, especially in less smarky markets.

Once again, a tad bit of revisionist history? I don't remember these quieter reactions he was beginning to get. I'm also fascinated by how you're able to dissect the individual reactions of various groups within an audience.

Now people are on here saying "they're ruining Punk" and other bullshit because they think he's acting too normal I guess. However, you see a wider variety of people with Punk shirts on.

It's a gradual process. He's been getting more over for a while but you could so easily chalk it down to longevity at this stage. No reason for this proposed change in his act to be responsible for his fan alterations.

The ice cream bars thing isn't smarky.

No, it is.

Making fun of Ace isn't smarky.

Digging up things like the surfboard and 'Funk Man' that only the smarks know about, and using against Laurenitis it is really pandering to the smarky market. He did this yesterday. Smarky as it gets.

The colt cabana thing is but he's not doing that as much. For the most part Punk is less smarky and more of a typically blue collar babyface, which is working. He just needed that spark to gain visibility.

Sure, but a large part of his character and the reason he's over is because of how he appealed to the internet fans. He's gotten to a stage where he can drift from that but it's wrong to forget that as a component as to why he got over.

Punk is a character. People believe Punk is his character. Punk does more talking than wrestling, he just also puts on really good matches. You can say you're the best hot dog salesman in the world, if you're really REALLY fuckin good at your character, people will believe you.

You also can if you happen to be the best in the world, which, with the way he's wrestled against Cena and Del Rio amongst others, he seems to be doing a pretty good job of convincing people that he is.

It's not that Punk is so good at "WRESTLING" that he's over.

It partly is.

If that was the case, he'd have been this over his whole career. Instead, he's talking about it and doing such a great job at his character that people believe it.

Many people have always believed it. Using it as part of his character has helped more people to buy it but the vocal fans for him have always been there.

Daniel Bryan doesn't need anything other than to be better at portraying a character. That's the bottom line. Anyone who has ever gotten over has simply made the audience believe in their character. that means walking, talking, and wrestling in a way that brings your character to life.

I don't disagree with this entirely, which makes me think you lost your train of thought somewhat.
But that's just how you get over in wrestling in general. You use somebody established to fuel the antics of their adversary. I mean, it wouldn't very well be called 'getting over' if there wasn't something or someone that you got over. That's how it works. How could somebody even get over without using someone else's thunder to do it. The only example I can think of that fits your bill is Santino.


If you mean as a fan favourite then perhaps. However, he'd been over as a heel for a long time beforehand. In the end over is over so is still disproves what you're saying.

Really don't remember this happening. Bad crowd perhaps. I don't remember anything other than superb reaction for Punk going back 6 months now.

Indeed, but he's still using a lot of techniques to ensure the smarks are satisfied. It may have been dumbed down a bit, but he's still satisfying the smarter audience on a regular basis.

I hope you don't mean me. If you do then I suggest you go back and read what I say because this response isn't really appropriate to it.

But still smarky to a high degree.

Well something's up here because you're not right either.

Once again, a tad bit of revisionist history? I don't remember these quieter reactions he was beginning to get. I'm also fascinated by how you're able to dissect the individual reactions of various groups within an audience.

It's a gradual process. He's been getting more over for a while but you could so easily chalk it down to longevity at this stage. No reason for this proposed change in his act to be responsible for his fan alterations.

No, it is.

Digging up things like the surfboard and 'Funk Man' that only the smarks know about, and using against Laurenitis it is really pandering to the smarky market. He did this yesterday. Smarky as it gets.

Sure, but a large part of his character and the reason he's over is because of how he appealed to the internet fans. He's gotten to a stage where he can drift from that but it's wrong to forget that as a component as to why he got over.

You also can if you happen to be the best in the world, which, with the way he's wrestled against Cena and Del Rio amongst others, he seems to be doing a pretty good job of convincing people that he is.

It partly is.

Many people have always believed it. Using it as part of his character has helped more people to buy it but the vocal fans for him have always been there.

I don't disagree with this entirely, which makes me think you lost your train of thought somewhat.
See, you have it all wrong. You don't get over using someone else's thunder. You get visibility and they go "o wow he's good too". That's why Punk was against Cena and HHH, more people pay attention and realized "wow, he's awesome". If all it took was getting the rub, then Morrison would have been a lot more over. Shelton benjamin would have been a lot more over. At the end of the day, you get you over. Wwe can do things to set the spark, but the wrestler has to maintain it. You maintain it by making people believe.

Don't say "smarter audience", smarks have the least amount of business sense. Ask anyone off the street what makes a great pro wrestler, they'll tell you "he's a good actor" which more or less means "he makes people believe". Ask most smarks, they'll say "knows lots of moves and never botches".

My point with Punk was that he's very good at his character and his character appeals to a wide audience.

Go back on the raw review thread. In the midwest Punk wasn't as over.

He's making fun of the old character. Smarks don't even know about Ace. He's not a smarky guy. If he were making Kenta Kobashi comparisons, maybe, but it only seems smarky to you. Bottom line is that Punk has adapted his character to be broader, enough so that smarks on here are upset about it (they don't matter). I don't see how it's at all arguable that 1) he's changed his character a bit and 2) it's not so much the content that gets you over but how good you are at making people believe.

Explain how the ice cream bars thing is at all smarky? Everyone likes ice cream. It's no different than any other little phrase superstars have.

Punk isn't over because he appealed to the spot mark IWC type. If that were the case, he'd have always been this over. I don't even see how that's arguable. He's acted and been booked like a guy who will state his mind. He's the 21st Century blue collar babyface.

Here's my thought. Punk is over, not because everyone goes 'FINALLY SOMEONE IS A VOICE FOR THE INTERWEBZ!!!!" It's because he's damn good at portraying his character and he appeals to a lot of people. If his character only appeal to smarks, he wouldn't be as over as he is. As I said, he's the modern blue collar babyface.

My point was that it's not WHAT your character is, it's not WHAT you say, it's not WHAT moves you do, it's HOW you do it all. Does it all fit into a character people can believe it. At it's core, that's why Punk, Rhodes, Rock, Austin, HBK, or anyone else who's ever gotten over has gotten over.

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