Daniel Bryan Back - How does this affect the top tier?


With the safety off!!
If you watched RAW tonight you saw Daniel Bryan come out to make an announcement. Most of us on the LD discussion thread thought it didn't look good, and he was going to announce his retirement.

Instead it was a huge swerve and he announced not only is he not going to retire but he'll be entering the Royal Rumble in a few weeks. Now Bryan has been out for most of the year after his shoulder surgery, but he looks good and raring to go.

For months now a lot of fans have been speculating he either won't come back, or not be in shape to wrestle. Well mostly me, but that being said, we know the WWE is pushing the hell out of Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler. They've been touted as possible replacements for Daniel Bryan.

Considering the pop he got from a totally dead crowd in Washington, it's clear Bryan hasn't lost any of the fans that were behind him last year. They were thrilled.

Personally I think it now gives the WWE time to groom Reigns properly, and gives him the time to get a proper singles career under his belt before going for the title. Ambrose will continue to get over and so will Ziggler just in case Bryan can't get back to his former self.

He has pretty much a guaranteed title shot, even though I don't see him winning the Rumble but because he was stripped of the title, they have to let him at least have another chance at it. So my question is this. How do you think it will affect guys like Reigns, Ambrose and Ziggler if Bryan is back in fighting form?
It puts Bryan back in the main event picture. Ambrose, Reigns, and others will be involved, but the fact remains is that Bryan is healthy, give him a major spot on your card. What needs to happen is Bryan wins the belt at Elimination Chamber, have Rollins cash in on him, and set up Rollins/Bryan where Bryan's career is on the line vs Bryan being champion and the Authority being gone for good.

That being said, Bryan shouldn't keep guys like Ambrose, Ziggler, Reigns, and others form being on the back burner. If anything he'll help elevate them in any shape or form.
I hope that he can win the Rumble and go on to defeat either Cena or Lesnar at WrestleMania.

That said; with the Authority also returning, and with a Big Angle being rumoured on various sites, there could well be a Huge Blanket storyline on the Road to WrestleMania that will happen with Bryan possibly being involved alongwith the likes of Cena,Orton,Ziggler and Reigns with Sting also coming in at some point... Could be interesting viewing and make for some unpredictability heading into the Royal Rumble match and beyond as to who get who.
I said it in another post recently, and WWE was swerving us. I bet anything that Bryan will win the Rumble. Lesnar should defend the title at WrestleMania against him, there's no other way. Reigns still needs to mature, he's not ready for this huge push.

And no, I don't think Bryan's return will spoil Dean, Ziggler, etc. I believe they will all be Bryan's "dance partners" when WM is over. Bryan should first feud with Rollins, and Rollins should get the title from him when he cashes in.
people complaint about cena always takes the mainevent spot. But now bryan take that spot. When he return he directly takes the mainevent spot. No one stood against bryan. They immediately booed by bryan fans. We witness that last year rumble. WWE never do that to roman. Now bryan became a talents carrier killer. He got everything until fans throw him away from their heart.
I hope that he can win the Rumble and go on to defeat either Cena or Lesnar at WrestleMania.

That said; with the Authority also returning, and with a Big Angle being rumoured on various sites, there could well be a Huge Blanket storyline on the Road to WrestleMania that will happen with Bryan possibly being involved alongwith the likes of Cena,Orton,Ziggler and Reigns with Sting also coming in at some point... Could be interesting viewing and make for some unpredictability heading into the Royal Rumble match and beyond as to who get who.

See that's what I've been waiting for, the unpredictability factor. No one wants to watch the Rumble knowing for sure who's going to win. Or watch Mania for that fact knowing who will walk out the champ.

Last year when Bryan went through hell to first of all get into the main event, and then running the gantlet of HHH, Orton and Batista at Mania itself, there was always the chance he wouldn't do it. When he did, it was a glorious moment for everyone there and most of us watching.

This year we've been told Reigns will win the Rumble and go on to beat Lesnar. Then we hear that the WWE might pull back on Reigns and put Ambrose or Ziggler in his place. Okay I can deal with that as well. But now Bryan is back, the "if" factor has crawled back in, and any one of them can win the Rumble and go on to defeat Lesnar. Plus we have the added bonus of Rollins waiting in the wings to cash in.

I wasn't looking forward to the next few PPV's, but now I am.
I honestly don't know. In terms of the near future, I think we can discount Ambrose. Although he is one of my favorites on the roster, his feud with Wyatt didn't meet the expectations that it should have done. It was a throw away match at Survivor Series teasing the TLC match, and then at the TLC event they were both outshone by Ziggler and Harper in the match of the night. I don't know how he can get involved with the Authority Storyline which will be the main angle.. again. This means I think he will struggle to stay in the mix for the Rumble win, which Bryan is favorite for at this point.

Reigns being the chosen one and having issues with both Rollins and the Big Show will mean he will be involved in the main angle over the next few months. His reaction if he wins the Rumble now with Daniel Bryan in it would be destructive to his career. I could see Reigns having a face vs face feud against someone who eliminates him in the Rumble, as there are currently way more top faces then heels. (Cena, Bryan, Orton, Ziggler, Sting, Ambrose, Reigns, Ryback against Lesnar, HHH, Rollins, Big Show, Wyatt, Rusev) Saying that, I could actually see him facing Big Show at Wrestlemania in a mid card match, which will give him a singles feud for some much needed polishing up time, which mostly all can agree is needed before he moves to bigger things.

After the Daniel Bryan segment last night, I thought that was it for Ziggler, especially with him needing help from Ryback earlier in the night, but the final part of Raw may be his saving grace. With the Authority returning and Ziggler being a main reason for them going out of power, it explains why a new feud had not yet been started for the Show Off. With him having no new challengers expect the Authority to fix that and have him be in Raw/Smackdown main events, being punished and possibly cheaply losing his title to an Authority member. There are three different ways Ziggler can go short term. The first is he has a match with Triple H at Mania, after Trips eliminates him in the Rumble. The second like Reigns is he can go on and win the Rumble, maybe taking out the guy who eliminates Bryan in the final two. The third is he chases the IC title at Mania, or defends it against a higher up contender. I expect him to be booked so strongly over the other two even with Bryan back because of his past 2 months momentum, and how it links in to the returning Authority.
I think it hurts Reigns and Cena more than anybody. They seem to be the guys WWE seem to be pushing for to face Brock.

Seems like now no matter who is in the title picture including Reigns and Cena, the crowd will not buy into them as legit competitors against Brock. They'll want Bryan instead like how they did with Batista this year.

This is one time I wish they still had a World Heavyweight Championship. That way they won't have to worry about trying to please fans while doing what they really want to do.
I think anything less than having Bryan back in the title picture will waste his return. Remember, he didn't lose the title.... It may hurt Dolph a little, will probably hurt Reigns in the short term. But now Bryan is back, he needs to win the title at Wrestlemania; otherwise it's a bit of a let down.

We shall see what we shall see.
I think it hurts Reigns the most.

The problem I have with Dolph or Ambrose winning is that one is stuck with a midcard belt and another as a chronic loser. Neither of them have the momentum, while Reigns is in a better position in terms of booking. On the other hand, Reigns doesn't seem to be quite as 'over' as they are. So I'm rooting for Bryan.
Well this was a big middle finger to all the haters out there. 2015 is shaping to be a great year and noone can deny the improvement in the roster over the past year.

The unpredictability of the next few months is great, and I can't wait to see what feuds come about. It would actually be a difficult time being a writer, trying to fit in each and every star come Wrestlemania season.
Bad news for guys like bnb top tier is full.Everybody and i mean everybody wants db to win the rumble there can be no other way.
Trips i guess will be feuding with sting.Family crisis pushed to next WM.
Danielle Bryan should be jobbing to zack ryder. They screwed Batista last year for that over-rated twat. We all remember the end of mania, where bryan just all of a sudden had John Cena style recovery powers and neglected to sell the shoulder injury he was supposed to have. Just let him feud in the mid card and put on a decent match. Just give us Lesnar - Reigns. I'm prepared for it.
I'm thinking that this could and should lead to Bryan vs Lesnar either for the title or without it. I think that they make a great pair. It would be the ultimate beast vs the ultimate underdog. It would also be a fitting finale for the Bryan vs Authority storyline, in my opinion. It's a fresh match up too.

It would hurt the babyfaces a bit, in my opinion, particularly the likes of Ziggler and Reigns. Ziggler may have to warm the Intercontinental belt longer. As for Reigns, I'd say that the feud with Show hasn't been the worst, in my opinion. It's a feud that could continue upto even Mania but I guess that won't happen. I guess he could become the guy to eventually beat Rusev, which would be a gigantic thing in itself.

All in all, I don't think that it would be too bad for them. I think that with their being only one World title we are entering into an era where the midcard belts will mean more and I think that both Ziggler and Reigns will make fine midcard champions.
I think it hurts Reigns and Cena more than anybody. They seem to be the guys WWE seem to be pushing for to face Brock.

Seems like now no matter who is in the title picture including Reigns and Cena, the crowd will not buy into them as legit competitors against Brock. They'll want Bryan instead like how they did with Batista this year.

This is one time I wish they still had a World Heavyweight Championship. That way they won't have to worry about trying to please fans while doing what they really want to do.

Completely agree about having a second title. The way things are going Ziggler will never see a title shot.

As far as Cena goes I think it might end up being good for him. As much as people want to see Bryan v Lesnar, I don't think WWE would risk a freshly recovered Bryan. I can see Cena beating Lesnar. Maybe Rollins tries to cash in again and we end up with Lesnar v Rollins and Cena v Bryan at mania.
Bryan back in a WWE ring is nothing but good news. Sure, it'll lush guys out of the main event scene but we're due for a new main event scene soon anyway. There's no way in hell that Reigns should be winning the world title at Mania 31. He's nowhere near near ready. If anything, I think this benefits guys like Ambrose and Reigns who aren't ready just yet to carry the load. Bryan/Lesnar I can see happening at Mania 31 where the Authority storyline finally ends. WWE after Mania 31 will be very interesting to see. Hopefully Reigns improves rather quickly so that he'll be part of the main event scene. Hell, let him be the one to beat Rusev.

Overall, Bryan being back is awesome for WWE. Let's get a Rollins/Bryan feud going soon please?
I think it hurts Reigns the most.

I can see why one would leap to this conclusion, but it actually protects him. He needs another year of seasoning like a plant needs water. Pushing him to be THE guy this year may have ruined him for the forseeable future.

As for Bryan, this situation is far less complex than people seem to be making it.

Reigns isn't ready, and Bryan is awesome. Done and done.

Oh, but its even more than that.

Sympathetic, dramatic story that's easy to tell(and also happens to be 110% true)? Check. Massive underdog status? Check.

Not to mention a few big factors....

People tend to say this match would not be believable. The fact is, Lesnar had a MOTY candidate with CM Punk, who is in the same weight class as Bryan. Let us not forget that Lesnar is likely on the way out of the WWE, so the decision makers would have no qualms about putting a paperboy over on him. Add to this the fact that, well, its pro wrestling....and there is a pretty fuckin' popular old story in the most widely disseminated piece of literature on the planet that is similar to this situation.

People are also rolling with the assumption that Lesnar even has the title come WrestleMania....I'm pretty sure he defends the title against John Cena in a few weeks. The same John Cena who put on a stone cold classic with Bryan two summerlsams ago. Shit, if Cena wins at RR, you could still HAVE Roman Reigns being "made" by going over Cena.
Fuck Daniel Bryan! Why should Ziggler, Ambrose & Rollins efforts be put to the back of the line just because some bearded troll who's body couldn't cope, suddenly says he's better... FOR NOW.

Start from midcard and work your way back Bryan.
Fuck Daniel Bryan! Why should Ziggler, Ambrose & Rollins efforts be put to the back of the line just because some bearded troll who's body couldn't cope, suddenly says he's better... FOR NOW.

Start from midcard and work your way back Bryan.

Oh lordy. Now it's clear you're not a fan of Daniel Bryan, I'm not really on the bandwagon myself. Don't mind the guy, but can take him or leave him.

Can I just ask you a legit question? Don't you think that someone who was stripped of any title due to injury is entitled to another shot at it, regardless of who they are?
Oh lordy. Now it's clear you're not a fan of Daniel Bryan, I'm not really on the bandwagon myself. Don't mind the guy, but can take him or leave him.

Can I just ask you a legit question? Don't you think that someone who was stripped of any title due to injury is entitled to another shot at it, regardless of who they are?

He deserves to be in the pack, but a lot had changed. By that logic Barrett should get first pick at Ziggler, and Shaemus at Rusev. Orton never received his rematch either.

Injuries are a part of the career choice, and sometimes guus just get unlucky. It is less fair to give him his spot back over those who have earned it in his absence, than for him to have to climb the ladder again due to an unfortunate injury.
Nothing is clear right now and that is the way it should be. I don't know who is going to win the Rumble and I have little idea who will win Cena/Lesnar. I'm flirting with thoughts of Reigns turning heel in February and fighting Bryan at Mania. It gives Reigns a chance to break free of his Cena II persona, have a great singles match at Mania, and adds a strong heel to face heavy roster.

Then again Lesnar v Bryan at Mania makes sense too. Bryan doesn't nearly have the heat he had last year but if rumors are true and Vince wanted this match at SS I can easily see Vince going back to this option.

But what about Cena? Seems difficult to believe he is going to lose to Lesnar even by screw job. And where does he end up at Mania? Against Rusev? In the ATGBR? Against UT? Seriously, I have no idea which makes me think he has to win the title at The Rumble. But that doesn't make much sense when you spent so much cache building Lesnar.

And when am I going to get my Shield triple threat? I'm not getting any younger and this Mania seems like the time to do it.

Wait! Is Lesnar really done after Mania? Is Sting coming back for more than just HHH? What was this thread about? Oh yeah, Daniel Bryan. Gun to my head I think his story is mostly done. He got the Mania moment and just like Punk with his year long title reign he will be used in and around the upper card enhancing talent along the way. He may get more title shots and a run or two but he won't be getting the moments he got from SS 2013 to Mania 30. But at least he won't be a complete bitch about it.

But really what I wanted to say was that I like the unpredictability WWE has going in to 2015. It is a rare thing to have.
He has pretty much a guaranteed title shot, even though I don't see him winning the Rumble but because he was stripped of the title, they have to let him at least have another chance at it.

An interesting question, one that might depend on how ring-ready Daniel actually is. I'd certainly like to think the doctors have given him clearance to go full time, since it seems just giving the fans a tease with Bryan in a part-time role wouldn't go over well. For that reason, I think if he enters the Rumble, he wins it. Whether it winds up with him winning the world title by WM31 is another question.

So my question is this. How do you think it will affect guys like Reigns, Ambrose and Ziggler if Bryan is back in fighting form?

It's all good. If the company feels Reigns isn't ready to take the world title, the return of Daniel takes the pressure off the need to put the belt around Roman's waist this early. It's hard to simply put Roman in the title match, treating the months he was out as if they hadn't happened and proceeding full speed ahead.

With the return of Daniel, management can put the focus back on him and let Reigns work into his destined role at the top instead of treating him like Ryback during his first go-around in WWE, thrusting him into the title picture before he was ready; we all saw how that turned out.

Same with Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. For the company to install either one of them as world champion just because Reigns isn't ready is counter-productive; neither of them is worthy of it at this point, although I admit Rollins is looking more title-ready as time goes on.

How will Daniel be received by the fans? Well, if the reception last night in Washington D.C. was any indication, the "Yes!" chant alone might be enough to put him over......although I'll admit to watching him with trepidation during his first weeks back, hoping he's really medically ready for this.
Judging by the reaction Bryan received last night, both when he first came out and after he announced his return, he has to be a serious contender to being back in the main event picture. Otherwise, WWE is running the same sort of risk with WrestleMania XXXI they were with WrestleMania XXX. Bryan got the biggest pop of the night, easily, and fans are still very much rallying around him. Had Daniel Bryan gotten a proper run as champion and possible program with Brock Lesnar instead of being on the shelf for the second half of 2014, I don't think the potential threat of Bryan not being considered for a main event spot for WrestleMania XXXI would be as high as it currently is.

IF Bryan is able to deliver inside the ring the way he always was, even if his style is modified somewhat, then I don't see how WWE can really keep him out of the main event picture. He's still the most universally over babyface on the roster, people still wanna see him, they wanna cheer for him, they're invested in in and enjoy seeing him do his thing. A good number of fans are burned out on John Cena and I think it's fair to say that a healthy number of people feel that Roman Reigns just simply isn't ready. Unless he progresses, in all honesty, I don't know that he'll ever be ready. Compared to a lot of the top talent like Cena, Orton, Bryan, Ziggler, Rollins, Ambrose and a few others, Reigns is just plain weaker. He's not bad, but he's not great either. He's decent, but decent doesn't cut it as a main eventer in my eyes. It's not a knock against Reigns, but being pushed to the main event spot before he's ready isn't gonna do him any favors in the long run. If anything, I think it'll most likely do a lot of damage. Give him another year, see if he's able to progress to the level he needs to and then give it another try. Otherwise, I think Reigns vs. Lesnar will turn into Orton vs. Batista all over again.

Bryan's been on the shelf injured for a while and Reigns has, reportedly, been scheduled for the spot. However, as of a few weeks ago, there were reports all over the place alleging that there were serious doubts of Reigns being ready. If Bryan takes Reigns' spot, it'll suck for Reigns and I understand that he'll be disappointed. That's only natural to have that sort of feeling; I think anyone would have it. At the same time, as I've said, I just don't believe Roman Reigns is ready. As I said, he's decent but is decent really what people want for a main event at WrestleMania? If he's just not ready, then he's not ready. It's no big conspiracy, nobody's playing politics, Bryan isn't screwing Reigns over.

Since The Authority will be officially back next week, I think that things will resume to some degree with Bryan. I wouldn't be surprised if they assigned Daniel Bryan #1 in the Royal Rumble match.
Note to the mods: feel free to move this or incorporate it into another thread. I figured it was best off as its own thing as a direct response to Killam's (excellent) editorial.

So in the editorial the conundrum is outlined: WWE wants Reigns to knock off Lesnar at 'Mania, but now Daniel Bryan is back, there's no way the crowd doesn't repeat last year's displeasure if he doesn't win the Rumble instead of Reigns. To me, there's one very simple if very audacious solution: the fabled John Cena heel turn.

Cena loses yet again to Lesnar at the Rumble. Later, Bryan enters at #30 and cleans house. A bitter Cena eliminates Bryan from the Rumble, one of the only actions that would successfully generate the heat to keep him over as a heel. Reigns wins and headlines 'Mania, Cena-Bryan co-headlines, and post 'Mania you have Reigns on top with Bryan, Ziggler, Ryback and Ambrose covering the babyface slack left by Cena who heats up the company with his long-awaited heel run.

Does this work for you? If not, why not? What's your solution to the Rumble/Mania problem?
Judging by the reaction Bryan received last night, both when he first came out and after he announced his return, he has to be a serious contender to being back in the main event picture. Otherwise, WWE is running the same sort of risk with WrestleMania XXXI they were with WrestleMania XXX. Bryan got the biggest pop of the night, easily, and fans are still very much rallying around him. Had Daniel Bryan gotten a proper run as champion and possible program with Brock Lesnar instead of being on the shelf for the second half of 2014, I don't think the potential threat of Bryan not being considered for a main event spot for WrestleMania XXXI would be as high as it currently is.

IF Bryan is able to deliver inside the ring the way he always was, even if his style is modified somewhat, then I don't see how WWE can really keep him out of the main event picture. He's still the most universally over babyface on the roster, people still wanna see him, they wanna cheer for him, they're invested in in and enjoy seeing him do his thing. A good number of fans are burned out on John Cena and I think it's fair to say that a healthy number of people feel that Roman Reigns just simply isn't ready. Unless he progresses, in all honesty, I don't know that he'll ever be ready. Compared to a lot of the top talent like Cena, Orton, Bryan, Ziggler, Rollins, Ambrose and a few others, Reigns is just plain weaker. He's not bad, but he's not great either. He's decent, but decent doesn't cut it as a main eventer in my eyes. It's not a knock against Reigns, but being pushed to the main event spot before he's ready isn't gonna do him any favors in the long run. If anything, I think it'll most likely do a lot of damage. Give him another year, see if he's able to progress to the level he needs to and then give it another try. Otherwise, I think Reigns vs. Lesnar will turn into Orton vs. Batista all over again.

Bryan's been on the shelf injured for a while and Reigns has, reportedly, been scheduled for the spot. However, as of a few weeks ago, there were reports all over the place alleging that there were serious doubts of Reigns being ready. If Bryan takes Reigns' spot, it'll suck for Reigns and I understand that he'll be disappointed. That's only natural to have that sort of feeling; I think anyone would have it. At the same time, as I've said, I just don't believe Roman Reigns is ready. As I said, he's decent but is decent really what people want for a main event at WrestleMania? If he's just not ready, then he's not ready. It's no big conspiracy, nobody's playing politics, Bryan isn't screwing Reigns over.

Since The Authority will be officially back next week, I think that things will resume to some degree with Bryan. I wouldn't be surprised if they assigned Daniel Bryan #1 in the Royal Rumble match.

I actually believe that Daniel Bryan being back will actually help give time to guys like Reigns and Ambrose to climb even more than be hot shotted without thought.

I do hope that with Cena bringing back the Authority, maybe that will play into the title match at the Rumble, and maybe, the babyfaces tease a turn on Cena for bringing back the Authority(though unlikely).
The whole landscape of the WWE changed last night, and the Road to WrestleMania is finally shaping up.

All that said: I can still see the WWE going all out with Reigns, regardless of how foolish it would be, given he just doesn't have the momentum required as yet.
I think GSB mentioned the possibility of a Roman heel turn, and given the amount of Top Faces available, a Roman turn out of nowhere might also be on the cards...

I just put out another possibility, didn't I? I guess it all now being so unpredictable will make this RtW a quite joyous ride if the WWE plays its cards right all the way to Mania 31.
Perhaps, the future of the WWE can get the required matches to be elevated coming out of it.

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