Daniel Bryan and the US Title

Crippler CrossFace

Occasional Pre-Show
I was thinking about this. Since it's quite obvious that Daniel Bryan will not be on NXT for too much longer I had a feeling he would be on either Raw or Smackdown sooner rather than later. Now based on his storylines on NXT he has a bit of a feud with the Miz.

Now Miz has had the US Title for quite some time now. I don't think I've seen someone have as little title matches as the Miz has regarding his US Title. Now maybe they are keeping the US Title on the Miz so that someone young and up and coming can get a bit of a rub from the title. Daniel Bryan maybe. They already have history and Bryan really doesn't need to be "groomed" for the PPV matches. I think we could see a US Title match at backlash, or whatever they're calling it.

In fact the reason Bryan may have been on NXT was to set up the US Title run. Get the entire fanbase acquainted with him and set up the feud.

So I ask you, do you see this happening/ is it a good idea.
Hell to the yeah. I'm picturing right now. That story line is flawless. People know bryan enough for him to challenge. I see nothing wrong with this. Clearly bryan is ten times better than Miz, but needs a "personality". On the last few weeks of NXT he's proven that he can wrestle under the pressure of the WWE Universe. Give him some sick entrance music and give him the U.S. title. make miz scream like a bitch until he taps. and shut cole the hell up. Just picture him with the u.s. title, picture: perfect!

Daniel Bryan aka Brian Danielson "American Dragon" or "The Best in the World" to those that followed him through ROH and other independent promotions, reminds me of what Dean Malenko provided to WCW when he came in, a no non-sense true wrestler. I really hope they still let him use the cattle mutilation or the repeated elbows to the head for his finisher. He would be a great US Champion, almost like Guerrero and Benoit were in WCW, the title meant something and really had some great wrestling matches. It would let the Miz concentrate on tag team wrestling for a while, and could lead back into a Bryan vs. Miz later on for the title after his run with the Big Show is over for a rematch for the title
Oh, absolutely. In fact, I have complete confidence that this is what is going to happen. The Miz will get cockier and cockier, and Bryan will get more and more fed up until he snaps, attacks the Miz (hopefully to a major pop), and challenges him to a US Title match.

Or, Bryan could get voted off of NXT early and then show up on RAW to challenge Miz for the title.

I will be very shocked if Daniel Bryan does not win the US Title within a few months.
He would not be voted early if they are smart.Think about it.Why would they wanted to get ridd of him from NXT now when he is 0-5?It would make no sense at all.Mark my words,from next week he would start winning and then they would go on with Miz feud and taking the US title.He is just not that credible with that losing streak.I like Danyel Bryan and he has potential to be big(even right now) but he must stay on NXT until he has some momentum to go after Miz, then he must learn to not get lost in midcard-jobbing hell like some of the superstars on the roster(namely Evan Bourne) and only after then he could be big star in WWE with good feuds and mainevent status
Oh, absolutely. In fact, I have complete confidence that this is what is going to happen. The Miz will get cockier and cockier, and Bryan will get more and more fed up until he snaps, attacks the Miz (hopefully to a major pop), and challenges him to a US Title match.

Or, Bryan could get voted off of NXT early and then show up on RAW to challenge Miz for the title.

I will be very shocked if Daniel Bryan does not win the US Title within a few months.

Both good ideas... but how about Danny Bryan gets picked up in the draft? Have anybody but Michael Cole, whose voice annoys me to no end, talk up how in the draft, anybody is up for grabs, even someone on the NXT roster (or, if DB gets kicked off NXT, how free agents can also be drafted, or something to that effect).

If DB remains on NXT and the announcement goes out that NXT wrestlerrrrrr I mean Superstars can also be drafted: Miz figures that if he can get DB kicked off the show, then he will be in the clear. Long story short, things escalate between the two, the other Pros keep DB around due to wanting Miz be served some justice, DB gets drafted, feud, BOOM! new US champ.

If DB DOES get kicked off: The announcement is made. Miz initially dismisses the announcement with his signature arrogance/ignorance (I can never remember how to use those two words properly... help?). The draft continues to get hyped, and come the night of the draft, another ex-NXT star who WWE in real life sees potential in (for the sake of things, I'll say Wade Barrett, as he seems like he'd be able to get the job done) gets drafted. All of the sudden Miz is reminded of how he worked to get DB kicked off NXT. Miz dismisses the thought as he has a match next. Miz wins a pick for Raw, DB gets drafted, feud, title.
Im pretty sure this is happening too, im also pretty sure that Bryan is gonna be voted off of NXT first, i think i heard that each week the two rookies with the lowest votes would face off in a match, and with Bryans loss record id see him in the first bout. Inevitably with the Miz causing him to lose, and be eliminated from NXT, claiming how he ddnt need the extra burden that was Bryan when he has so many belts to defend.

This will lead to him showing up on Raw the week later determined to get his WWE contract.He will likely challenge the miz for the title with a stipulation of "win the title and be signed to Raw, lose and he's gone for good"

I dont see them keeping him in NXT much longer at all, hes showed hes got the talent, the fans love him, those that knew his history or not, and this then gives WWE the oppurtunity to build the real FCW -> NXT rookies. It would also be a shock to those who think Bryans a shoe-in to win cos of his experience.Its a good WWE underdog story.

A bit unrelated but if they go with two winners from NXT, one to Raw and the other to Smackdown, im putting in my vote for Justin Gabriel to Smackdown, working with Hardy and Morrison and maybe Bourne after the draft ( epic matches there:rolleyes:) and Wade Barrett to Raw, with Jericho traded back to raw in the draft and having the two work together initially.
Just my two cents there
Personally I dont think this will happen. Fact is that NXT's ratings are at ECW levels and thus most of the WWE audience isn't watching the show and, if he just showed up on Raw and challenged the Miz for the title, the fans would piss all over it with boredom, it'd be less interesting then MVP getting a title shot at the moment. Do I agree with that general view? No, BD is a helluva talent and deserves a main roster spot but, personally, I can see the WWE using BD getting his ass kicked on NXT as one of the McMahon's ways of sending a message to the entire wrestling world that your reputation and achievements outside WWE don't mean shit because they're the big time and everything else sucks!
Be nice to be wrong though and have the basic ideas you guys have said come true but, can't really see it.
Personally I dont think this will happen. Fact is that NXT's ratings are at ECW levels and thus most of the WWE audience isn't watching the show and, if he just showed up on Raw and challenged the Miz for the title, the fans would piss all over it with boredom, it'd be less interesting then MVP getting a title shot at the moment. Do I agree with that general view? No, BD is a helluva talent and deserves a main roster spot but, personally, I can see the WWE using BD getting his ass kicked on NXT as one of the McMahon's ways of sending a message to the entire wrestling world that your reputation and achievements outside WWE don't mean shit because they're the big time and everything else sucks!
Be nice to be wrong though and have the basic ideas you guys have said come true but, can't really see it.

Two words to prove this is a load of BS: CM Punk. They could easily do it, have BD show up on Raw to see Miz wrestle. Miz tells him he is a winner and awesome etc and BD sucks. Have him challenge Miz on Raw, have Big Show interfere and set it up from there. A PPV match and 'shockingly BD wins.
For every Punk you get Ultimo Dragon/Low-Ki/Paul London/etc. I'd say Punk's more the exception than the rule and, in fairness, his gimmick/life-style, is far more unique and stand-out then BD (not saying his talent or charisma aren't top draw, just that Punk's is much easier for the "brain trust" at WWE to get their heads round then a wrestling machine).
Again I'd love to be wrong in this situation and having him win the US title would be a mark-out moment but, I just don't see it. My biggest hope for BD is that either he gets to Raw and HBK uses his pull to make sure he doesn't get buried under like Evan Bourne has or, there's more room for movement based on pure wrestling ability on the not so manically controlled Smack Down show. Perhaps giving him the IC title would be best, then he'd be able to (as the rosters stand now) work with the likes of Mysterio, Punk, Morrison, Ziggler and McIntyre rather then the rather more "cosmetically pleasing" Big ass guys on Raw who, sadly, dwarf him. Hayes seems to be a more of a fan of writing stuff for the less bulked up guys anyways
First off, what a stupid fucking name they gave him. Anyway, he's without a doubt the best thing on NXT, and the only reason he's there is to try to get ratings. If the ratings continue to be ECW level, Vinnie Mac will move BD. And the inevitble Miz/Bryan fued will happan.
First off, what a stupid fucking name they gave him.

I actually think the name is good. It keeps it close to Bryan Danielson, so we can still relate and it is not too much of a difference. Anyways, on topic. There is no doubt in my mind that Bryan is going to be a future US champion. I have no clue when it will be, but I fully expect it to happen. The WWE could go a few routes. They could have him be the first guy kicked off NXT and have him gone for a week or two and then have a guest host bring him to Raw and sign him to a contract. That could easily infuriate Miz and further the potential feud. This scenario is easily interchangeable for SD if Miz were to be drafted over there. The other scenario is that the other Pros get behind Bryan and they keep him around on NXT. Then he can fight in the match to determine the winner and Miz could screw him or he could win and then move to feuding with Miz and capturing the US title.
I'm not a fan of the name either, but at least he can use his real name outside of the WWE should his stay with the company not last, unlike John Cena, who's real name is owned by WWE. Anywho, I digress.

I think this would be a great first angle for Bryan to work after the NXT thing is over. It puts him very firmly in the mid card where he can develop a personality against the Miz. It also means that we might actually see some good wrestling involved with a title and thats always a plus.
I can see this feud happening eventually but right now it would be stupid. The guy is 0-5 on NXT and although he has shown people who are not familiar with his style that he is a good wrestler (take the match with Jericho for example), he isn't over enough with the crowd yet to warrant jumping staright on to the A-show and crushing Miz's momentum. Miz's entire shtick is that he is awesome and what better way to show that is by him being a double (triple if you count the tag titles as two titles) champ. So how does anyone gain anything from Bryan just showing up and winning the belt.
I think they need to give DB more time on the mic to get over and get a character because he barely has one right now.

Essentially, yes, one day i see this feud happening as i think it was the main reason they were paired together: lets see how long chalk and cheese can co-exist before one gets sick of the other. Its clever and it gives NXT an edge as opposed to this guy mentors this guy, lets see who gets cut.
I definitely see this happening. The seeds have already been planted for a feud between the two to take place. I see Bryan being kicked off NXT this week and then Miz will attack him or something a long those lines and after a few weeks off Daniel Bryan comes onto Raw or Smackdown is Miz gets moves and then challenges Miz to a match. Miz declines saying Bryan doesn't deserve it but then Bryan goes on a roll and then gets a U.S title shot which he loses because Miz cheats which would then carry the feud on. That is one way I see it happening but there are loads of ways for it to happen.

I'm not sure how it will happen but I definetly see these two having a great feud for the United States championship.
Well I am assuming Bryan will stick through the end of NXT, and have The Miz screw Bryan out of winning NXT, and Bryan will be pissed off and challenge Miz for a match and if he wins he gets the U.S. Title.

Bryan needs to stay on NXT, to develop his charisma and his character, as he still is very boring on the mic and has a lot to work on. The Miz and him are going to keep feuding through NXT, and I think Bryan will get better and better on the mic, as he has been week in and week out, and then finally beat The Miz at the end for the U.S. Title and a spot on Raw, without winning NXT.
Nice to see this thread as I've felt the same way for a while now. I definitely see Daniel Bryan winning the US title from the Miz down the road (maybe not right away but a few months down the road I could definitely see it). Luckily they don't have to build up Danielson too much because of his reputation on the indy circuit, he's a very solid worker in the ring and I for one don't need much convincing in buying Danielson as the US champion. He may not have a victory yet on television, but considering they only put him with established guys on the roster (unlike the rest of the rookies) means they probably have high hopes for the guy.
To be honest I'm quite pleased with how Danielson is being brought in right now, I was worried about him coming into the WWE, but I think they are using him the right way. The feuds already in place, and I definitely see it ending with Danielson being US Champion.

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