Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes: Good or Bad idea?

I have somewhat mixed feelings on this, but for me for the MOST PART it is positive. Although I consider it to be a better situation for Sandow as compared to Rhodes.

Damien Sandow...the word I associate with this guy is POTENTIAL. He has solid mic skills, solid in-ring skills and he draws an average amount of heat right now. Like I said he has potential I see him becoming a main event heel at some point, but they must not rush it. He is still not quite over with the crowd to really have a good title run so I think it is a smart move to put him into a tag team and build him that way.

Cody Rhodes...He is the part of it I don't like. In my opinion Rhodes should be a main event heel right now. Basically he should be in Ziggler's current position at least as I feel he deserves it more. He has lost some momentum, but that's not his fault. I think they partially dropped the ball with him.

I like Rhodes Scholars together. I think they have chemistry. This is where Sandow should be right now...but not where Rhodes should be.
I see nothing wrong with this. Granted, I feel it might not work in the long run but it'll have some short-term legs. How can two popular heels that are over with the WWE audience NOT be a good thing? Will they single-handedly save the division? No. But they'll certainly create depth within.

And for all of you guys who say they'll "hurt" the division... really? One tag team without a tandem name will hurt the division? Drama-queens, perhaps?
They can put these guys together or not.....it won't affect much, one way or the other. I don't know about "making Cody relevant": he was being pushed as one of the most "relevant" performers in the company for a long time......quite without logic, as far as I'm concerned. Both he and Dolph Ziggler were being thrown at us on every episode of Raw and Smackdown and I figured management intended to shoot him to the top, regardless of his impact (or lack thereof).

Instead, he came down to earth; we never knew why management decided Dolph was the one, but not Cody. Now, we all know who Cody is and I doubt he needs Damien Sandow to refresh our memories. If this team is simply something new for Cody to do for awhile......fine.

Sandow is another story. I'm glad they spent only a few weeks having him preach to us while staying out of the ring. I'm also glad the company had him beaten down by Triple H & company, rather than casting him as some kind of unbeatable wrestling prodigy. They've decided not to cast Sandow as a Ryback-type monster who barrels over everyone. Sandow seems more human for it, and I think it's wise they're doing it this way.

Does Damien need Cody? No, not really; yet, it adds interest to Sandow's act to have him interact with a mid-carder whom we already know. The company seems to realize that a pseudo-intellectual act will carry a performer only so far.....so, they're spicing things up and adding dimensions to his character before we get tired of his act, which is smart.

Cody and Damien?.....it's fine, it's temporary.......all is well.
I like the face that they are setting up tag-teams because when they split up the teams someone is going to turn face and someone i going to stay a heel .... Theres been talk that Rhodes is going to be turning face again so why not team him up with someone like Sandow someone who has power behind his moves, someone who is also excellent on the mic. He dont even have to open his mouth to get a reaction from the crowd ... his presents alone just enough to draw heat. Rhodes he was/is a heck of a performer .. his time as the IC champion did actually bring back the dignity the title deserved... now with Miz having it ... Miz could run with the title (in time turn Rhodes back to a face) give these two a chance to have a match leading up to Cody winning the title back (not saying within the next 6 months) but in due time.
Well Im going with this is a great idea. Have them wear the same colorsand have joint entrance music. Have Sandow manage Cody Rhodes during his single matches, or get them a legit manager. I think its great. The Road Scholars might bea big success
I read a report early this week that stated that Triple H is entirely responsible for the renewed focus on the tag team division and that it's only going to increase. Triple H hopes for WWE to have a strong, legit tag team division by the end of this year.

This is the problem I have with the Sandow/Rhodes team. We've heard that Triple H is going to focus on rebuilding the tag division, and while I know not to get my hopes up, this doesn't suggest anything new. Just doing the same old same old is not my idea of increasing attention to the division.

Personally, I think some fans need to expand their views on what makes a tag team. I don't personally care if it's a "thrown together" team as long as the team is talented and makes me care about what they're doing. Sandow & Rhodes are two talented wrestlers and are both over heels at the moment. Along with Kane & Daniel Bryan, it only adds that much more talent to the tag team division. It also gives Rhodes & Sandow something meaningful to do at the moment.

Yes, it gives Rhodes and Sandow something to do at the moment. What about when the feud with Kane and Bryan is over? My guess is they will immediately split up. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusion but we've been down this road before.

So let's see: Rhodes & Sandow are a couple of talented wrestlers. They're both strong on the mic, especially Sandow. They both generate good responses from the audience, they're helping to bring renewed interest to the tag team division. Ok...thus far, I fail to see any downside. I know it's very early in the creation of this team but...well here's a novel idea...how about actually giving something a chance before immediately condemning it? I know it's against IWC nature not to shit all over everything, but c'mon...be bold and do something different for a change. :p

I'm normally in agreement with you here. Many times I've told others to be patient and give something a chance. This however is an all too familiar scene. How many teams can we name that have come together this same way only to split apart after one or two storylines. Actually I can't think of that many. Not because it hasn't happened but because the teams are just not memorable.

And for all of you guys who say they'll "hurt" the division... really? One tag team without a tandem name will hurt the division? Drama-queens, perhaps?

It's not that this team will hurt the division. It's just that it's not what I had in mind when I heard of the rebuilding of the tag division. I would rather see two guys come into WWE together as partners. It makes it more believable that they share a goal of winning the titles together instead of just needing something to do until their next singles angle.
I'd say bad idea just because Damien Sandow is WAY too good for it.

I think Sandow should be facing for the IC title right now (not Ryback), let alone should already be champion. I even think we could(and should) see him in the main event in the next year.

So I think putting him not only in a tag team but with a guy that is REALLY floundering right now, is a bad idea.

Only good thing to come from this would really be their tag team name: RHODE SCHOLAR
I like the name but I am not a fan of these two teaming together. I prefer seeing them as singles wrestlers.

When you take two singles wrestlers and make them a team you need a good reason why imo. Rated RKO worked because they had a legitimate reason for teaming together and had an awesome feud with DX. Kane/Bryan are working because they have an angle where they are being forced to team with each other despite not getting along.

Watching Rhodes & Sandow on Smackdown their team feels a little awkward and forced. Throwing a random team together because you need somebody to face Kane/DB is not rebuilding the tag division. Too bad a real tag team like the Uso's had to lose to them.

If you want to put Cody in the tag team division...they would be better off pairing him with Ted. At least they have history together.
Actually a team of Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow = big win. They both share somethings in common. One main similarity is they they both have that snobbish trait. They both think of themselves as superior in comparison to many other wrestlers. I mean Sandow with all his intellectual gimmick and Cody Rhodes with his dashing style.. they complete each other just like team hell no. They have the "it" factor. As wrestlers, they are both good inside the ring and on the mic. I don't know why many people are saying that Sandow would be better on his own. But what should I say, opinions fly everywhere!
it is a terrible idea. Both wrestlers are solid heels on their own, and the tag team division is garbage anyways. So why take two potential top wrestlers, and throw them into oblivion and make them a tag team. The WWE always has ways of making, and then ruining stars, and this is one of them. Now people may argue saying being in a tag team with Dibiase Jr. was great for his career, and I would agree. Both men were young, green stars who helped catapult each others careers. Both men generated alot of heat, and they were involved in a good story line. We all know Rhodes and Sandow can carry themselves well in the ring, so why do we water them down by making them a tag team? Because the WWE has terrible management, and writers.
Really like Rhodes on his own

Sandow is better alone as well

They need to make REAL tag teams again, not just throw singles together and hope it works

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