Daffney's suing TNA


Is a thin rope
PWInsider said:
By Mike Johnson on 2011-03-15 12:08:30
Daffney announced today via Twitterm that she has filed a workman's compensation claim against TNA, stemming from issues following her concussion.

In asking around, I was told by a few workers that there were issues between Daffney and the company over how her medical expenses were being covered after she suffered a really bad concussion taking a bump through a barbed wire board, which is why she hasn't been used of late by the company. This issue had been brewing for some time.

In her statement, Daffney noted that her TNA deal officially expires today. TNA removed her from the company roster on their website yesterday. She also noted that she was instructed by her lawyer not to say anything additional.

When reached today, TNA's Steven Godfrey stated that the company does not comment publicly on personnel matters.

Well she's not going to win, but I hope that the legal battle's costly for TNA and that other people associated with them start calling them out on their bullshit.
Biased much my friend? Konnan didn't win his. Why would Daffney be any different? And what the hell is a Twitterm?
I want TNA to lose precisely enough money to cut Alex Shelley. Or die, whichever gets him to WWE faster.

And like I say she'll lose (she's not an employee and TNA's contract is less forgiving than WWE's with regards to injuries) but damnit I hope TNA have to throw money at it to make it so.
I want TNA to lose precisely enough money to cut Alex Shelley. Or die, whichever gets him to WWE faster.

And like I say she'll lose (she's not an employee and TNA's contract is less forgiving than WWE's with regards to injuries) but damnit I hope TNA have to throw money at it to make it so.

You do realize WWE just fed him to Simon Dean on Heat and never hired him, right?
You do realize WWE just fed him to Simon Dean on Heat and never hired him, right?

Shelley's A) gotten better since then B) gotten better known since then C) Less likely to get a tryout like that and D) my favorite wrestler right now SO STOP SPOILING MY FANTASY, YOU BASTARD!

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