D.Bryan Cooperate Makeover


"The Apex Predator of the WWE"
On RAW we saw Vince, Stephanie McMahon and HHH backstage, where Vince thinks D.Bryan is a bad idea at SS and he does't have that look for WWE, But Stephanie suggested a cooperate makeover...

What do you think of this?
Is this a good thing or bad?
Should WWE change D.Bryan's image?
i hope not. i respect the beard the Duck Dynasty guys would b prould. hopefully they just throw suit and tie on him. somthing he can pull off in a rage at end of night for what ever reason.
This a good 1 i've also been thinking abt this and im not sure but whatever it is im sure d. Bryan will do it then reject it screaming NO! NO! NO! and undoing it. I alsi think thia isa way of the WWE making D. Bry look like a clean cut WWE champion (if/when he wins) . When i first heard them say a makeover i knew they were preping him to look good with the belt around his waist nobody wants a bearded Goat face as top champion so a clean cut Goat face will look much better
I'm not sure exactly what this segment will entail. It could be entertaining or it could be a train wreck, depending on how much corny comedy Vince wants put into it.

Bryan has shown that he can be pretty funny in an endearing way, citing some of the genuinely memorable & funny moments he's had while teaming with Kane. He was more laid back during his promo confrontation with Vince on Raw and it worked, in my opinion, so I'm hoping to see a little more fire come out of him here. I'm certain Bryan will get a ton of audience involvement by asking questions with a "Yes!" or "No!" answer. Since it was Stephanie's idea, I'm wondering if she'll initially be out there by herself or if Trips and/or Vince will be out there with her. It wouldn't surprise me if Bryan wound up saying something that winds up making Vince, Stephanie or both look kind of foolish, kayfabe, and Vince tries to "punish" him in some way by putting him in a match or even multiple matches like we saw happen on Raw a few weeks back.

Personally, I highly doubt that Bryan's image will change. There's no real need to because, frankly, his image seems to be part of a winning formula. Bryan's "Respect The Beard" shirt hasn't been out for all that long and it's selling well, so don't try to fix it if it ain't broke. Bryan's been growing his beard all thick & bushy not long after he won the WHC and if top officials were genuinely down on it, he'd have long since shaved it off. Daniel Bryan isn't the prototypical WWE Superstar, it's something that's been played up since Bryan first appeared on WWE television 3.5 years ago as part of NXT Season I. The shaggy beard and longish hair only further serves to set him apart. Besides, with the massive success of the television show Duck Dynasty, big bushy beards look to have become kinda popular again. In 2013, several wrestlers have popped up sporting thick, full beards. The Wyatt Family all have them, which definitely fits in with their characters, Matt Morgan returned to TNA sporting a thick bead and even Shawn Michaels himself sports one these days.
It could be something similar to when they tried to do a Corporate makeover on Austin. he came out in a suit, but with tennis shoes, and acted like he was trying to change. McMahon liked it(except the shoes) and then to end the segment, Austin ripped his suit off and stunned Vince. Could be something like that will happen here too.
To be completely honest, this talk has made me fear for Daniel Bryan's future. I hope it's just a mock moment and put in for laughs. Or maybe to spur DB flipping out on the McMahon family in general. Who knows...but if he shaves the beard they might as well bury him on Smackdown with Sheamus for the next 3 years lol
Bryan should get a makeover. He has a fucking t-shirt depicting his beard that probably sells quite well - they shouldn't mess with that.

I think all this segment will result in is Stephanie and HHH getting Bryan into the ring; make him suit up; smile; speak politely etc. He will be resentful but will agree to it. Then they will tell him to shave his beard: he will go crazy and start chanting "No". That is how I see it.

It is likely they want some tension between Vince and Cena/Bryan so they will make sure that Bryan remains the unlikely champion. This will hopefully lead to something with Randy Orton.
On RAW we saw Vince, Stephanie McMahon and HHH backstage, where Vince thinks D.Bryan is a bad idea at SS and he does't have that look for WWE, But Stephanie suggested a cooperate makeover...

What do you think of this?
Is this a good thing or bad?
Should WWE change D.Bryan's image?
Well I have watched WWE for a very very long time. Since I was 4 or 5 years old. I think this is a bad idea like if they have him shave the beard him shaving his beard will actually even though it is just a beard will actually be bad for business. The fans don't only like Bryan because of his wrestling skills I actually think they like him because he is different from everybody else with the beard etc. I don't see the corporate makeover happening at all.
The beard needs to go, as some has said this made him stick out, but now look at the wyatt family or even sandow, they have big facial hair, daniel bryan ain't the only guy to have a beard. what daniel bryan needs is to keep improving in the ring, the beard didnt get him over, i think d bryan should change his look to keep him fresh, besides the beard makes d bryan look like a joke.
I am not sure what will happen. But I do know this, if they have him shave his beard and/or cut his hair, I am gonna be p*ssed lol... I like Bryan's look A LOT. I guess the number of guys in WWE that have a similar beard is starting to grow though. They just might decide to give Bryan a new look, which would actually probably just be going back to his old look. Short hair, and clean shaven. I sure hope not though..
This would be a reprise of the Survivor Series Deadly Games lead up
Mankind gets a corporate make over and is the poster child for WWE as far as storyline went with The Rock turning face again and becoming the People's Champ the whole time Vince claiming he hate him and wanted him to lose only for both to do a complete swerve and have The Rock/Cena come out as champion and Bryan being screwed by Vince, then they can fued through the summer Bryan getting screwed over til he finally overcomes it and wins. and WWE ratings syrocket again YAY... well no but sounds like a similar build up

outcome, Bryan goes to a new level
Cena turns heel keeping one demographic happy in the short term then eventually he goes face again by WrestleMania and everything is back to normalcy
I think this is going to be some type of rebuild of the corporation to lead up to survivor series just a personal opinion. Vince loves the shield and it can go one of 2 ways in the Cena/Bryan match. Bryan wins it and keeps the corporate make over and Vince will say he pushed him hard enough and now has respect for Daniel Bryan and wants him to lead the company into the next decade. Or 2 They will finally turn Cena heel and Vince will screw over Daniel Bryan and Cena leads the corporation into survivor series where it could be Cena, Orton, and the Shield vs. Bryan, Punk, and the Wyatt's. at that show you have it for control of the company or wherever they are going with Vince vs. HHH and you have the corporation win Cena pins Bryan and Orton Rko's Cena cashes in the Briefcase and becomes champion which would setup a world of possibilities for the rumble and mania.
They won't have him shave the beard. They will have a big drawn out skit to them doing it. But in the end, it's not going to happen. He looks good with the beard. It's set him apart from other wrestlers.

Not to mention the fact that the "Respect the Beard" shirts have been very popular.

It will look like he'll do it, ala Austin initially wearing the suit, but he won't shave it.
As has been mentioned I see this going down like Austin's corporate make-over just after WrestleMania 14, Bryan will act like he's going along with it and then when he's presented to Vince for the beard cutting he'll yell NO! and go off on the image bullshit.

This is an angle that dates back to the old NWA when Dusty Rhodes booked the segment where Ricky Steamboat ripped off Ric Flair's $1,000 suit. Wrestling fans love characters that are closer to the everyman and tearing up expensive clothes bought by heels has always gotten a pop in wrestling.
I am not sure what will happen. But I do know this, if they have him shave his beard and/or cut his hair, I am gonna be p*ssed lol... I like Bryan's look A LOT. I guess the number of guys in WWE that have a similar beard is starting to grow though. They just might decide to give Bryan a new look, which would actually probably just be going back to his old look. Short hair, and clean shaven. I sure hope not though..

The reason why they shouldn't shave the beard and why I doubt they will is that it is one of the things that helped get him so over with the fans.

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