Cyber Sunday: Kane vs. Rey Mysterio

What Match Type Will It Be?

  • Falls Count Anywhere Match

  • No Holds Barred Match

  • Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Kane vs. Rey Mysterio (WWE Universe chooses type of match)
Falls Count Anywhere Match?
No Holds Barred Match?
Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match?​

Could be intresting. I think that if anybody can get a good match out of Kane it will probably be Rey Mysterio. All Kane needs to do is throw him around, Rey will do all the work. Why on earth somebody would vote for a 2 out of 3 falls match is beyond me. You'd get excited about Kane getting the pin, you'd think ''thank fuck that's over'', but then it's likely you've got another two falls.
Isn't falls count anywhere, pretty much a no hold bar match anyways? But yeah it will most likely be one of thoes two choices. Do we really need to see another Kane/Mysterio match. At least with weapons and such it will be more entertaining and their will probably be a few entertaining spots. Weapons always make bad wrestlers seem less bad so this will be an alright match(not saying Kane or Mysterio are bad, just not as good as they once were) I see Kane winning and hopefully ending the feud.
I'm sick of the WWE giving us basically two of the same match types to pick. No Holds Barred and Falls Count Anywhere are basically the same. And who would vote for a 2 out of 3 Falls match? The fans want to see these guys beat the living daylights out of each other, so we'll probably get Falls Count Anywhere, as that means that they can battle anywhere and they can win the match anywhere.

Why didn't we get something like an Ambulance Match here? C'mon WWE, give us a really exciting gimmick match? Kane wants to hurt Rey Mysterio really badly and take his mask off, so a good way to do this would be for Kane to beat Rey within an inch of his life, put him in the ambulance and just before Kane shuts the doors, rip Rey's mask off. That way Kane gets what he wanted, Rey doesn't have to show his face without the mask, and the feud comes to an end. Everybody wins.
I didn't see their match at No Mercy, though I heard like Taker and Show it was better than expected. 2 out of 3 falls probably wouldn't work, due to the long drawn-out nature of the match.

Falls count anywhere is usually the type of match Rey wins, due to all of the opprotunities for high spots. But like others have said, a no holds barred match would yeild the same results, so either of those would be fine.
The only difference between falls count anywhere and no holds barred is the pin needs to take place in the ring in a no holds barred match and it doesn't in falls count anywhere. So, a vote for one is basically a vote for the other.

I would actually favor the No Holds Barred to the Falls Count Anywhere as it takes away a potentially stupid ending, like Rey runs Kane over with a car and gets the win. Actually, I'd pay to see that. Maybe I'll change my vote, if I knew it actually meant something.

2 of 3 falls is the oddball choice, which I don't see happening. The only good 1 on 1 match between these 2 had an unclean ending, so having 2-3 consecutive CLEAN finishes in 1 match would be unrealistic.

I'd have liked to see a little more creativity out of the WWE on this one. As stated by someone else, these two want to kill each other. Cage match? Ambulance Match? Inferno Match? Last Man Standing Match?

The only reason I don't see a HUGE match option for these two is because they will likely use up their big gimmick match for the Undertaker/Big Show feud. I still think that this is just wasted space on the card. Let's hope Kane goes over for good and end this.
I would like to see Falls Count Anywhere Match, providing WWE let's them fight anywhere, alla Old ECW. Mysterio's falls count anywhere with Psycosis, brilliant. Obviously Kane can't do what Psycosis can, but I'm sure Kane can do a bunch of kool shit where he throws Rey off walls and weapons. They start it in the ring, work it through the crowd, hall ways, stage ramps with high entrances for Mysterio to jump from. And the most important thing of all, a clean pinfall. I agree with checkmate about the stupid finishes, like Rey running Kane down in something or something along those lines. I want to see some one do their finisher, from somewhere high up or dropping someone from something high on to tables or concrete, 1,2,3. The other two choices are alright, but both seem to be what there already doing. Falls count anywhere, it's a real fight, no longer a wrestling match, which is how the story supposedly started and this is how it should end. I think the match could have the potential to steal the show, maybe not, but we'll see.
Here they had the perfect opportunity to have something different to revitalize this horrible feud. It has nothing going for it. Kane's promos are terrible lately, Mysterio's never been able to cut a decent promo, the two are out of their prime, and they don't match up at all with size/style/strength. These two have already had enough matches that its become even worse - and it was boring the first time. The only thing that would've saved this is if they'd have given us some COOL choices.

But no...we get two of the same thing and a throwaway. No inferno match (c'mon, you know you'd love to see Mysterio try that horrible 619 move and just end up being consumed in flames lol). No ambulance match or something weird.

Fans will either vote for Falls Count Anywhere (the one I'd rather have) or No Holds Barred, and then we'll have to sit through 10-15 minutes of garbage again. Hopefully this ends either at Cyber Sunday or in a Survivor Series elimination match.
Good grief this feud needs to end. It started out so interesting with Kane's "alive or dead!?" thing, but it got really dumb really quickly once mysterio got involved in it, without showing any trace of the tortures Kane had supposedly done to him.

Kane should win, go back to his masked character after having unmasked mysterio who could just get another mask or something, I dunno.... I just want this feud to end.
Kane and Rey Mysterio will most likely compete in a ''No Holds Barred'' match. In my opinion, I would say that a ''Falls Count Anywhere'' match would benefit these two superstars more. A ''Best 2-out-of-3 falls'' match is the least likely to get voted unless it were a title match and the last I checked, it wasn't. I predict that Kane will defeat Rey and they can possibly have atleast one more match on the next episode of RAW or maybe at Survivor Series.
HAHAHAHA! This is pathetically humorous. Kane and Mysterio for the third encore presentation? Their contest on RAW wasn't satistying enough to creative that bored me with its unbelievability. Their match to end the feud at No Mercy was inconclusive due to DQ when Kane decides to implement a chair as weaponry, and now for the third time, these two will compete at Cyber Sunday in a match of the WWE Universes' Choosings. Hahaha. WWE kills me, I swear. They don't know when to quit picking off the dead skin off the bones that had the opportunity to be something better. For them to add this match back to another card is just downright terrible.

Prediction: The "fans" or should I say, WWE chooses a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Kane will win.
Which one would I want to see? 2 out of 3 falls due to the fact that it's the only way it would make this match the least bit interesting. However, it WOULD make it longer and I don't think anyone above the age of 10 wants to see that. It'll most likely be a Falls Count Anywhere match (odd, doesn't a No Holds Barred match have the exact same rules anyway?) with the bout being taken back to Kane's boiler room type area and ending there. Bogus match.
I enjoyed Rey/Kane at NM despite the crap, illogical ending, so i'll probably enjoy this match as well. Falls Count Anywhere gives them the chance to do their usual stuff but bigger if you know what i mean. Take Hardy v Umaga for example, where Jeff did a Swanton off the truck. As stupidly fake as that came across, it was still a cool concept. Rey and Kane are capable of the same sort of things.

2/3 Falls only seems to work with great technical wrestlers like Benoit and Angle, and since WWE doesn't have a single superstar of that style or calibur, we're not likely to see that match for a long time.

No Hold's Barred would be pretty limited in regards making it an interesting match, and FCA opens it up a bit more. However, Rey is uber injury prone these days so maybe they wouldn't want to put him at serious risk like that. He can't afford to miss Wrestlemania 2 years in a row, because they'd probably release him if that happened.

Oh, and for people who want an Inferno Match....... Why exactly? It's just a singles match but with fire. Plus for Inferno Matches to work, one of the guys has to have plenty of clothing to set on fire. Both of these guys have their tights and that's it. It's not like the first three where Kane's whole body was covered and thereby flammable, or MVP having a body suit they could light up, so the reason you didn't get an Inferno Match was because it wouldn't work. Ambulance Match could have worked but the likelyhood would have been a Kane victory from the word go.
isn't no holds barred the same has falls count anywhere except you can pin any where . anyways i expect the falls count anywhere. the match between jeff hardy and Umaga was entertaining and i haven't seen a good no holds barred match since like forever. anyways i expect a run in from evan bourne for rey to win other wise kane will "some how" win lol.
Will this EVER end??? EVER?? What was the point in bringing EITHER of them to RAW if this is all they are going to do??? Really?? I mean I guess you have to get Kane over as a heel, but its done. Its BEEN done.

Not too sure how much difference there is between No Holds Barred, and falls count anywere. but I digress. Its pretty simple to see were they are going with this, since there is zero chance anyone is picking best 2 of 3 falls. Is 0 out of 0 falls an option??? Please??

Its going to be one of the no DQ options, so Mysterio can win. Only way he wins and it doesnt seem absurd is with Mysterio using copious amounts of weapon offense. Which is what this will be, which may be mildly entertaining. If it were 3 years ago, I would say yea. Rey goes over in a weapon filled match here. Hopefully this elevates him, as I would love to see a filler feud with Jericho over the WHC.
I really couldn't care less about this match. What exactly is the point of this feud? It NEVER had a purpose to begin with. Raw didn't hype it this week as Rey was wrestling Snitsky and Kane was in the gauntlet match. It's like this week they just "forgot" about each other and didn't even mention each other. Thats poor storyline building. This match better be the end of this horrible feud. One of the worst in a while actually. As for the match choices, who really cares? Who's actually going to vote for this match?

I'm not even going to go into detail about the match choices as I really don't give a shit about this match. No Holds Barred and Falls Count Anywhere are basically at the same except for in a No Holds Barred, a pinfall must take place inside the ring. Wow, what a huge difference there. :rolleyes: As for the 2 out of 3 falls match, it happens at every Cyber Sunday and I don't want to see it again as I'd rather watch a gimmick match with weapons.

At least weapons are entertaining, more so than Mysterio and Kane themselves. I forsee Falls Count Anywhere being voted in but for some unknown reason, I actually see Kane picking up the victory here in a 9 minute match that will hopefully end this truly horrible feud.

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