Cyber Sunday: Diva Halloween Costume Contest

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I'm guessing this will be similar to last year. Between matches a Diva comes out dressed as something, anything, and then fans vote for the winner. The winner get's.....nothing. But Jillian was funny last year, and Kelly Kelly had an impressive bosom.

On a side note it's almost a year since Brooke got fired. They should have got rid of Melina instead.
This is a nice filler, I guess and you get to see the diva's dressed up. Even though I would have rather saw an actual match, must wouldn't so this is an easy way to get the Divas on the PPV. Victoria & Jillian will be redused to a comedy angle(which will be funny most likely)and I see either Candice, Mickie, or Kelly winning. And a side note Brooke was hot but offered nothing else. Melina is a hot and offers everything.
Will the Divas (outside of Natalya, basically) look attractive? Sure.

Will it serve really no purpose? Definitely.

Will I enjoy it better than having a match? Well, that depends on who would be in the match, but there's like a 90% chance that that's true.

Really there are only two things of interest here: sex appeal (which loses most of its value if you're past the age of 13) and whether or not they'll rig it in a way to push one particular person. You know, like damn near every contest they've ever had, where they pick one that they want everyone to vote for and give her the smallest amount of clothing to wear? If they do such, I bet it will be Kelly Kelly - unless they really want Tiffany to get over fast.
Seeing as how they have been pushing Kelly like crazy, I'm going to go with her. I don't know if the Playboy rumors are true, but if they are than it points further to the fact of her winning it.

The only other people who they would benefit putting over are Bella, Candice, Maria, and maybe but hopefully not, McCool.
This'll be the portion of the PPV where I go use the bathroom, but i'm gonna say Candice.. just because I think the WWE is just wanting "to milk her for what she's worth" because she seems to be so injury prone, and I agree with JackAttack, I can see Kelly winning as well.
This would probably be better than any actual Divas match they had put on the show. Whoever wears the least will win, so Kelly's definately winning this one. I can't really think of any of the other divas who would win it. This is the filler match, you always need at least one. It won't serve any other purpose. Maybe Bella will go under the ring and switch outfits? I don't know, but something a bit strange will probably happen involving either Victoria, Jillian or Bella.
I really don't see the point in this as the time allocated for this should have been given to Shelton Benjamin's defense of the US title. I would rather see his match against either R-Truth, Festus or MVP on the actual card than some stupid halloween costume contest
So how the hell do people vote for this, on or by text voting? I can't vote since I live in Australia, but theres no way in the world I would pay to vote for this crap. Sure, having about 15 divas in halloween costumes is a nice little filler, but it better not last more than 5 minutes.

I'm sensing a Maria win since she shall be challenging Michelle McCool for the Divas Championship soon and I'm sure the WWE will want to build her up for that match, in which I think she will come up short. But it's just a filler. Hopefully the Divas actually wear something good and revealing, otherwise it has no purpose whatsoever.

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