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CWWI: Cruiserweight Wrestling International

Thriller Ant

Beep Bop Boop
This is the first show ever for CWWI. For more background information, please see the CWWI.wz page. I'll check both threads for comments, questions, etc.

All of the non-wrestling talent will have their own colored text. The owner/commentator, Thriller, will be blue. The ring announcer, Mike User, will be green. The backstage interviewer, April Fools, will be pink.

I, Thriller, would like to thank each and every one of you for joining us here for the debut episode of CWWI, Cruiserweight Wrestling International’s presentation of TakeOff! This is the free TV show in CWWI, with about 4 or 5 occurring between each pay-per-view. There will be no set schedule for shows at first, so be sure to always keep your eyes open for the next TakeOff!

Ladies and gentlemen, you are about to experience wrestling unlike anything you have ever seen. Every wrestler employed by this company falls under the cruiserweight guidelines set back in World Championship Wrestling, which mandates that every man must weigh less than 215 pounds. Also, the ring will be a standard WWE ring, except the ropes will be the cables, once again borrowing a page from WCW. Finally, every championship match, unless otherwise stated, will be waged as a 2 out of 3 falls match. We vow to bring you the best cruiserweight wrestling in the world, and we want to make sure that the best man is the one holding the belt.

Without further ado, it is time to announce tonight’s card and get the action going! We have a special treat for you, as we will crown not only our first-ever Lucha champion, but also our first ever CWI World Champion! The process will go as follows: We will begin with two simultaneous over-the-top battle royals, one with 12 men and the other with 13. These battle royals will continue until there are 2 men left in each ring. From there, those 4 will be moved into a single ring, where the over-the-top rules continue until only 2 men remain. Those final 2 will battle for the World Title later tonight. The 2 eliminated from the final 4 will immediately begin their 2 out of 3 falls match for the Lucha Title. Let's send it down to Mike User for the wrestler introductions!

Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for the 2 ring, over-the-top battle royal to begin the process of crowning CWWI's first ever Lucha and World Champions! First, in the blue ring, we have Bryan Danielson, Eddie Guerrero, El Hijo del Santo, Homicide, "Lionheart" Chris Jericho, Kidman, Jushin "Thunder" Liger, Dean Malenko, Brian Pillman, Spanky, "The Phenominal" A.J. Styles, Tajiri, and Último Dragón!

The members of the blue ring make their way down the entrance ramp and into the ring. It looks like Styles, Malenko, and Danielson are having some words while waiting for the bell.

And, making their way to the red ring, Austin Aries, Juventud Guerrera, Chavo Guerrero Jr., Paul London, Low-Ki, Jerry Lynn, Rey Misterio Jr., Psicosis, Sabu, Super Crazy, Matt Sydal, and Rob Van Dam!

Writer's Note: All wrestlers' names will be in the color of their ring either until they are eliminated or we are down to the last two men in each ring.

Once the bell rings, all out chaos ensues in both rings. In the red ring, a couple of teams form right away, with Rey Jr. and Super Crazy working together to eliminate Chavo. On the other side of the ring, Psicosis and Juventud sneak up behind the locked up pair of Low-Ki and Paul London and send them over the ropes to remove them from the competition. Meanwhile, in the blue ring the unlikely duo of El Hijo del Santo and Eddie Guerrero are clearing house. They go from victim to victim, teaming up to take out Tajiri, Kidman, Spanky, and Último Dragón. On the other side of the ring, an all out brawl is occurring between Styles, Malenko, and Danielson. Before the match, it seemed like the 3 of them were having words, and they clearly weren’t making dinner plans. Oh! In the red ring, Austin Aries and Matt Sydal eliminate each other, and Aries takes a cheap shot at the back of Sydal’s head! He is lying on the ground in shock, while Aries stomps away before locking in the Last Chancery! After what seems to be an eternity, the referees on the outside break the hold and send Aries to the back while they check on the condition of Sydal.

We are down to Liger, Guerrero, El Hijo, Jericho, Styles, Malenko, Danielson, and Pillman in the blue ring. In the red ring, we have Jerry Lynn, Sabu, RVD, Misterio, Psicosis, Juventud, and Super Crazy. Wow! As I speak, Misterio and Crazy eliminate RVD, and get immediately eliminated by Psicosis and Juventud! As they taunt Rey and the Insane Luchador, Jerry Lynn and Sabu stop their brawl and eliminate them! Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the red ring are Jerry Lynn and Sabu! But they don’t seem to be done! They start brawling again, and the referees outside of the ring run in to break it up.

Over in the blue ring, we are down to Eddie Guerrero, Jushin Liger, El Hijo del Santo and Chris Jericho as Styles, Malenko, and Danielson were fighting on the apron and Jericho hit a triangle dropkick on Malenko, who fell and took out the other two as well. The team of Guerrero and El Hijo is still intact, and it seems that they will win the ring as Jericho thrown over the top by Eddie while he attempts a Lionsault! Eddie turns around, as he and El Hijo have Liger cornered. El Hijo runs at Liger, but Liger ducks and El Hijo goes flying over the top rope! He catches himself, however, and begins to skin the cat. Out of nowhere though, Eddie connects with a dropkick to El Hijo’s chest, meaning that he and Liger win the blue ring! El Hijo del Santo is furious, and has to be restrained from going back in the ring to get at Guerrero.

Ladies and gentlemen, the final four men in the battle royal are Jerry Lynn and Sabu from the red ring, and Eddie Guerrero and Jushin Liger from the blue ring! These four men will now go to the blue ring and continue the battle royal. The last 2 men in the ring will compete later tonight for the CWWI World Title, while the 2 eliminated men will climb back into the ring and begin their match for the Lucha Title!

He leaves the ring and the battle begins again. The men from the red ring tie up, as do the men from the blue ring. Out of nowhere, Eddie hits Splash Mountain, and Liger is down. Rather than trying to eliminate him, Guerrero goes over and begins to help Sabu with Jerry Lynn. Lynn gets whipped into the corner, and Guerrero gets down and Sabu hits the Air Sabu! Lynn stumbles forward, and lands next to Liger, who just beginning to stir. Eddie crawls over, and sets up Sabu for the Triple Jump Moonsault ,which he hits! Sabu sets up for a springboard moonsault, but Eddie shoves him over the top! Sabu is also furious at Eddie now, and throws a chair at him! Eddie dodges it, but it hits Lynn in the face! Guerrero sees his opportunity and throws Lynn out of the ring. The bell rings and we have the official announcement:

"Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of the battle royal, and the men who will compete for the CWWI World Title later this evening, are Jushin Liger and Eddie Guerrero!" A shower of boo’s rain down as soon as Eddie’s name is announced. He just stands in the ring and laughs it off. After a moment, Liger and Guerrero make their way to the back.

Mike User begins again, “And now, a CWWI standard 2 out of 3 falls match will begin for the Lucha Title! A fall is won by pinfall, submission, or the disqualification or countout of your opponent. Now, for the competitors. First, from Minneapolis, Minnesota and weighing in at 205 lbs., Jerry Lynn! And his opponent, hailing from Bombay, India and weighing in at 214 lbs, Sabu!”

Sabu still looks furious about his elimination, while Lynn looks calm and confident as the more rested man. Mr. User leaves the ring and the referee calls for the bell. The match begins with a series of lock-ups, take downs, and counters with neither man gaining an advantage. Finally, Lynn locks in a side headlock, and is thrown off the ropes by Sabu, who lowers his head for a back body drop. Lynn sees this and leaps over him takes him down into a sunset flip! Sabu rolls through, however and plants him feet straight into Jerry’s face! He goes for the cover, but only gets a short 2. After a stomp, Sabu goes to the outside, and hits Lynn with a slingshot somersault leg drop! A cover results in a long 2 count. Jerry rolls to the outside while Sabu informs the ref that the previous pin should have been a 3. Sabu sees Lynn on the outside, does his signature pose, and goes for the slingshot somersault plancha! Lynn sees him coming, however, and Sabu crashes hard into the security barrier and lands on his neck! Lynn sees his opportunity, and runs up and hits Sabu with a dropkick to the head, which causes Sabu to finally fall to his back and off his neck.

Lynn rolls back into the ring, and it seems that he would be happy to win the first fall by countout. It is becoming very evident how much hell they have put each other through during the night. Sabu finally crawls into the ring at nine, and Jerry immediately goes for the cover. 1…2…and a kick out milliseconds before 3. Lynn sees that Sabu doesn’t have much left, and sets him up for the Cradle Piledriver! Sabu is able to shift his weight, however, and land on top of Lynn for quick 2. Jerry retaliates with a clothesline to the back of the head, followed by the Kryptonite Krunch, dropping Sabu on his injured neck. 1…2…and another kickout. Sabu gets picked up again and gets hit with the Cradle Piledriver! 1…2…3! The first fall goes to Jerry Lynn!

Sabu rolls to the outside to recover but the referee wants him back inside to start the next fall. The referee decides to ring the bell to start the next fall, and immediately begins counting Sabu out. Sabu is clutching at his neck as he circles the ring. With the count at 5, Lynn goes out to bring his opponent into the ring, but gets blasted by a chair for his trouble! The bell is rung, meaning that Jerry Lynn is the first ever Lucha Champion but Sabu doesn’t seem to care. Lynn is seemingly defenseless as Sabu has lost his mind. Finally, referees and CWWI security come in and end the beating. Lynn’s music blasts through the arena, as the Lucha champ has his belt strapped to his waist before being helped to the back.

Let’s take a look backstage, as El Hijo del Santo has been on a mission to find Eddie Guerrero ever since he was eliminated from the blue ring earlier this evening. Our backstage reporter, April Fools, caught up with him earlier however. “Yes, I did talk to El Hijo earlier, and he vows to get revenge on Eddie before the night is over. He was carrying around a chair, and he definitely seemed to mean business. Back to you.”

Mike User is standing in the ring, and begins the announcements for the next match. “Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is for the CWWI World Title!”
“Approaching the ring first, from Hiroshima, Japan and weighing in at 210 lbs., Jushin “Thunder” Liger!” Liger makes his way to the ring, acknowledging the crowd and looking focused on the match that is about to begin.

“And approaching the ring, from El Paso, TX and weighing in at 212 lbs., Eddie Guerrero!” A chorus of boos rains down, and Eddie struts to the ring. The security he has with him, however, shows that he is not as worry free as he appears. The referee shows both men the prize they are competing for, the CWWI World Title belt.

He passes it to the timekeeper, calls for the bell, and we are underway! The men open by trading headlocks, shoulder blocks, and pins that don’t even get a 1 count. Eddie asks for a test of strength, and as Liger grabs his outstretched hand, Guerrero connects with a kick to the gut followed by a series of European uppercuts that send Liger back into the corner. After another uppercut, Eddie switches places with Liger, hops up to the second rope, and goes for a tornado DDT. Liger hasn’t been worn down enough, however, and hits the running Liger Bomb! Guerrero is able to roll out of the ring and avoid the pin attempt. Liger heads to the outside, and rolls Guerrero back in, and it is very clear that Eddie is feeling the effects of the Liger Bomb. Liger goes for the cover, 1…2…and a kick out! Liger looks shocked, but goes back to work, rolling Guerrero over and locking in a surfboard. Eddie screams in pain, but refuses to tap. Liger releases the hold, and climbs the turnbuckle. He goes for a shooting star press, a move he invented! Eddie seems to have been playing possum and rolls out of the way. Guerrero jumps to his feet and locks in the Lasso from El Paso! Liger can’t reach the ropes and is forced to tap! Eddie Guerrero wins the first fall!

Liger slowly gets to his feet, gets checked by the ref, and the second fall begins. Eddie goes right back at Liger, hitting the Three Amigos! Guerrero floats over into the pin, but only gets 2. After the pin attempt, he climbs the turnbuckle, and looks for the Frog Splash! But Liger avoids it! He picks up Guerrero and hits the Crash Thunder Buster! 1…2…3! Liger has won the second fall!

Both men are down from the beatings they have taken. The referee is waiting for them to get so the final fall can begin. As they struggle to get up, El Hijo del Santo is making his way to ringside, complete with a steel chair! Guerrero and Liger are up, and the ref starts the 3rd fall. Right as it begins, Eddie whips Liger into the referee, sending both down, but not out. El Hijo is up on the apron, holding up the chair and threatening Guerrero. He tells El Hijo to bring it, but as soon as he enters the ring, Guerrero connects with a dropkick, sending the chair into the side of El Hijo’s head! As soon as he hits the mat after hitting the dropkick, Eddie crawls and puts his head under the chair right as the referee turns around. Jushin Liger gets disqualified for the interference, giving the deciding fall to the new champion, Eddie Guerrero!

Mike User is up and ready to make it official. “Ladies and gentlemen, the winner, and the first ever CWWI World Champion, Eddie Guerrero!” Guerrero gets up, still selling the fake chair shot, and accepts his belt. Confetti falls from the ceiling and pyro is going off as Eddie climbs each turnbuckle showing off his belt to the booing crowd.

Ladies and gentlemen, this will do it for this episode of TakeOff. Be sure to tune in next time, when we will have a four team tournament to crown the first ever CWWI Tag Team Champions and we will hear from both Jerry Lynn, the Lucha Champion, and Eddie Guerrero, the World Champion. Thank you for joining us and we hope to see you again!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Episode 2 of CWWI TakeOff!

Mike User: Please welcome to the ring, the first ever CWWI World Champion, Eddie Guerrero!


The crowd greets the champ with a loud chorus of boos, but Guerrero seems to be taking it in stride as he smiles and struts to the ring. He enters through the ropes, and climbs the turnbuckle to show off his belt, which results in even more boos. The music ends, but the boos continue. Finally, after a minute or two, Guerrero is able to begin speaking.

Eddie Guerrero said:
“That’s right. Just in case you people didn’t hear, you are looking at the FIRST EVER CWWI World Champion!”

Another long and loud refrain of boos is directed at Eddie.

Eddie said:
“Now, ever since I won, I’ve heard people saying ‘Eddie didn’t win that title’ or ‘Eddie cheated, Liger should be champion’ or even ‘Eddie betrayed El Hijo del Santo, he at least should get a title shot now.’ Well guess what, there is only 1 man holding the World Title, and it sure as hell isn’t Liger or El Hijo. It’s me, Eddie Guerrero, standing here with this belt!”

Eddie holds up the belt with pride as even more boos come down from the capacity crowd.

“Now, some people are saying that I cheated to win this belt. I have been known to lie, cheat, and steal now and then, but I assure you that I did not win this belt unfairly. I simply used mi cabeza and outsmarted my opponents. In the battle royal, I went up to El Hijo del Santo and told him that if we worked together, we could be the last two in this ring. But, what I never said is that we WOULD be the last two. In the final match, I was in a tough situation. I was tied 1 fall to 1 fall, I was tired after the battle royals, and I had a man waiting to smash my head in with a chair. But then, I did what winners do and turn a bad situation into a good one. I took out Liger with a little help from the referee. Then, I lured El Hijo in and took him out. Finally, I created an illusion that El Hijo hit me with the chair like he wanted to. See? Nowhere in there did I cheat. I used my brain to turn a bad situation into a good one. That is just one of the many, many reasons why I am the best in the world at what I do. Winning this belt didn’t prove that, it was just another accolade to add to the list.”


There is a huge pop as Jushin Liger makes his way down the ramp towards the ring. Eddie looks nervous, as Liger steps through the ropes. His eyes have been focused on Guerrero ever since he came through the entryway.

Jushin Liger said:
“You see Eddie, that’s where I have a problem. Ever since you won that match, you’ve been parading around and declaring yourself the best wrestler in the world. So I have but 1 question for you: If you really are the best, why did you have to fake a chair shot in order to beat me?”

The crowd erupts at this. Liger looks around, nodding his head while Guerrero’s facial expression varies between many different levels of anger and embarrassment.

Liger said:
“The answer to the question is the simple fact that you knew you couldn’t beat me. All it would have taken was 1 brainbuster or 1 Liger bomb and that belt would be around my waist. And that’s why I am here to tell, not ask but tell you that we will be having a rematch. I don’t care if it’s now, tomorrow, or next week, but I will be your first, and last title defense.”


It’s El Hijo del Santo! He was betrayed by Eddie in the battle royal, and later had a chair planted into the side of his head courtesy of the champ. He makes his way to the ring, and Guerrero is starting to look a little nervous.

El Hijo del Santo said:
“Whoa, whoa, un momento. Before you start declaring who he is going to lose the belt to, we have some more facts to look at. , you might have been on the brink of beating him, Liger, but if it wasn’t for me, Eddie, you would have been heading to the back with 20 other guys while I was in the final four, battling for a title shot. Don’t believe me? Fine. But what you can’t deny is that if I hadn’t come out to beat you brain right out of your skull after the match you would have lost to Liger. It was stupid for me to come out, and you reminded me of that by taking full advantage of it. This is why I deserve to be number one contender for that belt. But, the reason we are all here in CWWI is to find out who the best is. So I, El Hijo del Santo, challenge you, Jushin Liger, to a number one contender’s match for next week. What do you say?”

Liger looks around at the crowd, which is cheering incessantly, almost begging him to accept. Liger extends his hand, and El Hijo shakes it. We have a number one contender’s match, tonight! Guerrero, however, looks furious and has something to say about this.

Eddie said:
“NO, NO, AY DIOS MIO, NO! Have you two gone locos? I am the champion around here, and I will decide when and against whom I defend my title!”

He charges at Liger, belt over his head, but Jushin connects with a kick to the gut and hits a Liger Bomb! And El Hijo is up top and hits the Topé de Cristo, the somersault flying headbutt! El Hijo is standing over Guerrero’s prone body while Liger is on the floor looking up at his opponent for the next TakeOff.

Tag Team Tournament: Match 1

Mike User: The following is a tag team match, scheduled for 1 fall, with the winner advancing for a chance at the CWWI World Tag Team Championship!


Coming to the ring first, at a combined weight of 401 pounds, the team of Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera!


On their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 385 pounds, the team of Paul London and Spanky!

It’ll be London and Juvi starting off this match. They trade arm drags, headlocks, and shoulder blocks to start the match. Finally London gains the advantage by hitting a dropsault after shooting Juvi off the ropes. He puts Guerrera in a full nelson, and drags him over into the corner for a tag. Spanky makes the tag, and hits a springboard tornado DDT! 1…2…and a kick out. Juventud starts getting up to his knees, but a low dropkick to the face by Spanky ends the effort. Now Spanky and London are making quick tags, while putting Guerrera in wear down holds and attempting frequent pins. Spanky now tags London back in again, and goes to do a hip toss, throwing London onto Juvi, but Juvi rolls out of the way! London gets back up slowly, and grabs at Juventud’s legs to try to drag him back to the corner, but Juventud locks his legs onto London’s head and takes him down. Guerrera is crawling toward his corner. He’s fingertips away, and he’s pulled back by London! London goes and makes the tag to Spanky. They shoot Juvi off the ropes, London uses a drop toe hold, but Spanky is pulled down by the hair by Psicosis! The ref doesn’t notice, but he is still standing on Spanky’s hair! Spanky is trying to roll away, but can’t, as Juventud finally makes it to his corner and tags in Psicosis.

Psicosis starts stomping away at Spanky like there is no tomorrow. Finally, the referee pulls him off of Spanky. While the ref checks on his condition, Psicosis runs across the ring and dropkicks London off the apron and onto the metal security rail! Spanky is whipped into Psicosis and Juvi’s corner, where Psicosis is chopping away at his chest. The ref pulls Psicosis away, and Guerrera takes advantage of the distraction to choke the life out of Spanky. London has made his way back up to the apron, but looks a lot worse for the wear. Juventud is tagged in, and continues the attack with a dragon suplex, bridged into a pin! 1…2…and broken up by London. For his trouble, London is knocked out of the ring by a spinning heel kick from Psicosis followed up by a diving hurracanrana, sending London back first into the metal barrier. Back in the ring, Juvi hits the Juvi Driver! He tags in Psicosis right as he returns to the apron, who hits the guillotine leg drop! 1…2…3!

Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of this match, and the first team advancing to the CWWI World Tag Team Championship match, the team of Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis!

Guerrera and Psicosis celebrate in the ring, while Spanky rolls out of the ring next to his partner, London. They both are showing the beating that they took at the end of the match.

Singles Match: Austin Aries vs. Matt Sydal

We are back from commercial, and here is a recap from last week, showing the vicious attack by Austin Aries on Matt Sydal after they eliminated each other from the battle royal.

TakeOff Last Week said:
In the red ring, Austin Aries and Matt Sydal eliminate each other, and Aries takes a cheap shot at the back of Sydal’s head! He is lying on the ground in shock, while Aries stomps away before locking in the Last Chancery! After what seems to be an eternity, the referees on the outside break the hold and send Aries to the back while they check on the condition of Sydal.


The following match is scheduled for 1 fall. On his way to the ring, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and weighing in at 202 pounds, Austin Aries!


And his opponent, from St. Louis, Missouri and weighing in at 183 pounds, Matt Sydal!

Even before the bell rings Sydal goes rushing at Aries, attacking him with a series of strikes, until Aries is able to get out of the ring and lean against the barrier to recover. But, with his back to the ring he can’t see Sydal sizing him up from the apron. Suddenly, Sydal leaps, catches Aries with his legs, and pulls him over the barrier with a hurracanrana! The crowd is in absolute shock as Sydal gets up favoring his back a bit, and Aries is lying on top of the chair he was thrown onto. Aries gets picked up and whipped into the barrier. He screams out in pain as his back crashes into the steel. Sydal sets up a chair in front of Aries, gets a running start, and jumps off the chair, over Aries and does another hurracanrana from behind him, flipping Double A over the barrier and into the timekeeper’s area, nearly flinging himself and Aries into the ring bell. Sydal goes back in to break the count, and heads back outside to throw Aries back into the ring. He goes to pick up Aries, but is met with the bell hammer to the face, not once, but twice, courtesy of Austin Aries. The referee thought it was just a strike to the face, and the match continues. Aries is basically carrying the lifeless and bloody body of Sydal toward the ring. Sydal is finally thrown in, and Aries goes right back to the attack with knees to the head, and he locks in the Last Chancery! Sydal is out, and the ref begins to lift his arm. It falls once, twice, but Aries breaks the hold before his hand can fall a third time. He picks up Sydal, and hits a picture-perfect brainbuster! Sydal is lying in a pool of his own blood as Aries has climbed to the top, and hits the 450! 1…2…3, this match is over!

The winner of this match, Austin Aries!

Aries has his hand raised, but does not look away from the prone body of Sydal. He gives Sydal a couple stiff stomps, and finally leaves the ring. Referees and medics have come down to the ring, and it looks as though Sydal will be leaving the arena on a stretcher, and more than likely will be going to get some much needed medical attention.

Elimination Tag-Team Match


The following is an 8-man, elimination tag team match. Introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York and weighing in at 180 pounds, Low-Ki!


His first partner, from Tampa, Florida and weighing in at 212 pounds, Dean Malenko!


Introducing next, from Yokohama, Japan, and weighing in at 210 pounds, Tajiri!


And the final member of the team, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and weighing in at 213 pounds, “Lionheart” Chris Jericho!


And their opponents, first, from Gainesville, Georgia and weighing in at 178 pounds, A.J. Styles!


His first partner, from Allentown, Pennsylvania and weighing in at 195 pounds, Kidman!


Next, from Battle Creek, Michigan and weighing in at 215 pounds, Rob Van Dam!


And finally, from Cincinnati, Ohio and weighing in at 202 pounds, Brian Pillman!
It looks as though Low-Ki and RVD will be starting this match off. The two martial artists trade strikes, throws, and pins with neither man making any progress. Finally, Van Dam is able to catch a kick attempt, and connects with a step-over spinning heel kick to the head! He whips Ki into his corner, and hits him with 2 shoulder thrusts, followed by a back handspring, and a third thrust! He tags in Brian Pillman, who climbs to the top and hits a beautiful flying crossbody! 1…2…and a kick out by Low-Ki. Pillman stays on the attack by putting Ki in a cross armbar, and locking it in with a neckscissors! Low-Ki is fading fast, but is able to roll and get Pillman’s shoulders down, 1…2…3! Brian Pillman is eliminated!

As soon as the referee’s hand hits the mat for three, Kidman rushes in and stomps away at Ki, who is still locked in the armbar. The ref shoves his way into the fray and releases Ki from the submission, but it is clear that the damage has been done. Kidman waits for Low-Ki to get to his feet and attempts a dropkick that is dodged by Ki! This gives him just enough time to stumble over to his corner and tag in Dean Makenko. The Iceman goes to work right away, locking Kidman in a camel clutch. Kidman shows his strength and rolls over, putting Malenko in a pinning predicament! 1…and a quick kick out. Malenko hits a quick stomp to the head of Kidman, and picks him up and locks in a double underhook. He picks Kidman up for a powerbomb, but it is reversed into a facebuster! Malenko is dragged into position, and Kidman hits the Shooting Star Press! 1…2…3! Dean Malenko is the second man eliminated!

Tajiri will be the next man in as he goes right after Kidman. As Kidman starts to sit up, he is nailed with the Buzzsaw Kick out of nowhere! 1…2…3! Kidman might have to search through the 12th row to try and find his head after that kick. He is out cold and eliminated. A.J. Styles is now in the match, and trading blows with the Japanese Buzzsaw, with neither man making any real progress. Finally, Styles is able to take control with a swinging neckbreaker and follows it right away with a headlock. After what feels like an eternity, Tajiri is able to reach the ropes to break the hold. While his opponent is lying prone near the ropes, Styles tags in Rob Van Dam. Van Dam sizes up his opponent, and hits Rolling Thunder! 1…2…and a foot on the ropes by Tajiri. Van Dam picks up Tajiri and whips him into the ropes, and hits him with a leg lariat. Now he goes over to the corner, and hits a split-legged moonsault! 1…2…and a kick out at the last possible second. Tajiri tries to crawl out of the ring, but with his head across the apron, Tajiri is hit by a slingshot spinning leg drop by Van Dam! Tajiri may be done, 1…2…and another kick out! Van Dam seems to be getting frustrated, and whips the Japanese Buzzsaw into his corner and tags in Styles. A.J. picks up Tajiri for a suplex, and RVD hits a diving crossbody! Styles opts to pass on the pin opportunity, picks up Tajiri, and hits the Styles Clash! 1…2…3! Tajiri is gone!

Low-Ki will be the next man in, as Jericho shows no interest in joining this match. Ki is clearly still hurting from the submission maneuver he was locked in earlier. Out of nowhere, Styles goes for a flying armbar, but is tossed aside by Low-Ki. As Styles makes his way back to his feet, Ki hits a springboard roundhouse right into the temple of A.J. Styles! The Phenomenal One looks like he is out cold. Ki makes his way to the top, and hits the Warrior’s Way! He rolls Styles over and hooks a leg, 1…2…3!

We are now down to Rob Van Dam vs. Low-Ki and the man we haven’t seen in the ring yet, Chris Jericho. And Van Dam is in with a vengeance, hitting a springboard clothesline. He picks up Ki, and hits the rolling fireman’s carry. Van Dam is in the zone now, hitting a spinning leg drop, followed by a springboard moonsault! 1…2…and a kick out at the last possible second. RVD senses that it is time, and he goes upstairs and sets up for the 5 star, but is met with a kick to the back of the head by Jericho. Somehow, Van Dam still falls on top of Low-Ki! 1…2…3! That last kick out must have been all he had left.

Jericho wastes no time before running into the ring. RVD has rolled over onto his back, and is met with a Lionsault. 1…2…and a kick out. Van Dam is out of it, but still was able to roll his shoulder before the 3 count. Jericho wants this to be over, and it going for the Liontamer! Somehow, RVD prevents it from being locked in, and launches Jericho head first into the turnbuckle. Jericho is down, and now Van Dam wants to end it. He goes up and leaps for the 5 star, but Jericho was playing possum! He catches RVD’s legs, and locks in the Liontamer. Van Dam is tapping and Jericho wins!

Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of this match: “Lionheart” Chris Jericho, …

Jericho has ripped the mic away from Mike User and is forcing him out of the ring. It looks like the sole survivor of this elimination match has something to say. He is still breathing heavily from the end of the match, but has a goofy, cocky smile on his face. A few boos ring out in the crowd as Jericho begins to speak.

Chris Jericho said:
“I know, I know you all are still in shock from how beautiful my performance in this match was, but you’ll want to hear what I have to say. Now, I originally intended to win the CWWI World Title last week, but that did not go according to plan. So I have decided that it is up to me to make the Lucha Title mean something. I mean, shouldn’t someone who is actually good be champion? Plus, he didn’t even really win that title. He got the hell beat out of him with a chair to win. If he has any respect for wrestling and that belt, he will give me a title shot on the next TakeOff.”


Jerry Lynn is here! He stops at the top of the ramp to look at the crowd, then stares down Jericho. He makes his way to ring slowly, never taking his eyes away from the Lionheart. He stops when he makes it to the floor next to the ring. Jericho and Lynn are staring at each other intently, until suddenly Lynn unhooks his belt and slides into the ring to attack Jericho! Both men are slugging away until Lynn gains the advantage and sets Jericho up for the Cradle Piledriver! Jericho cannot scramble away quickly enough. He makes his way to the floor and looks extremely frustrated at how the exchange went. Lynn waves to the crowd who is chanting his name, then begins to speak.

Jerry Lynn said:
“Chris, I’d love to beat you in a match for my title, but I have to deal with someone who fights by fighting, not by talking.”

The crowd erupts at this statement, and Jericho heads backstage livid. Lynn chuckles, then gets a very serious look on his face and begins speaking once again.

"You have no idea how proud I am to stand before all of you as your first-ever Lucha champion."

The crowd pops big for that statement. Lynn has to wait for over a full minute before he can begin again.

"With that said, I hate the way I won it. You see, me and Sabu came from this company from Philly that allowed that kind of stuff."

The crowd begins a huge EC-dub chant, while Lynn stands chuckling with a huge smile on his face.

"So here is what I propose to you, Sabu. In a few weeks CWWI will hold its first ever pay-per-view: Airborne. I challenge you to the standard 2 out of 3 falls championship match, except that it will be held under extreme rules. The only way you can lose is by pin or submission. That way there will be no doubts over who deserves to wear this belt. I’ll be watching and listening for your answer."

As soon as Lynn finishes his sentence, the lights go out. Out of the darkness, a voice is heard,

Sabu said:
“I accept.”

Then, the sound of a huge chair shot is heard coming from the ring! The lights come back up with Sabu standing over an unconscious Jerry Lynn, doing his signature pose while holding a steel chair.

Tag Team Tournament Match 2

The following tag team match is scheduled for 1 fall, and it will determine who will face Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis next week for the vacant CWWI Tag Team Chapionship!


Introducing first, at a combined weight of 387 pounds, the team of Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Homicide!


And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 390 pounds, Rey Misterio Jr. and Super Crazy!

This match gets an early start, as Homicide and Chavo attack Rey and Crazy during their ring entrance! Chavo throws Misterio to the outside, and Homicide grabs Super Crazy while his is posing on the top rope and powerbombs him! As the opening bell rings, Homicide makes the first cover of the match, 1…2…and a kick out. During the pin, Chavo hit a slingshot crossbody on Rey, and then made his way over to the corner. This is not looking good for Misterio and Crazy here at the get-go. The next few minutes of the match are a non-stop attack on the back of the Insane Luchador by both Chavo and Homicide. An opening finally appears when Homicide misses a shining wizard attempt. Rey is still showing the effects of the pre-match attack, but is definitely the fresh man. Homicide gets to his corner first, and Chavo locks in a single-leg Boston crab! Super Crazy is screaming out in pain, but he can’t reach the ropes. Suddenly, with what seems to be his last bit of energy, Super Crazy reaches back and hooks the arms of Chavo to pull him down into a backslide-like pinning predicament! 1...2…and a kick out!

Chavo looks shocked, and Crazy looks done. He hasn’t moved since the kick out and he may have nothing left. Chavo picks up Crazy and tags in Homicide. Chavo picks up Crazy for the Gory Bomb, and Homicide grabs on to Crazy’s head, and they hit a Gory Bomb / 187 combo! Homicide goes for a pin, 1…2…and Misterio comes in and hits a low dropkick that sends Homicide to the outside. The referee is lecturing Misterio about coming in without a tag. Meanwhile, Chavo tries to gain an unfair advantage behind the ref’s back, picking up Crazy, and setting him up for another Gory Bomb. But, Crazy is able to sneak out of it, get Chavo in a headlock, and run up the ropes for a huge tornado DDT! Homicide is just crawling back into the ring as Chavo rolls out, so we once again have the two legal men in the ring. The Insane Luchador is nearly at his corner when Homicide grabs his leg to pull him back toward the center, but Crazy counters with a beautiful enziguri followed by a lunge to the corner and a tag to Misterio! He comes in and hits Homicide with a series of hurracanranas, followed by a wheelbarrow bulldog! He goes for a cover , 1…2…and a kick out! Misterio goes up top, and hits a missal dropkick! 1…2…and another kick out. Misterio has had enough, and gives a signal that it is over. He drags Homicide to the corner, and tags Super Crazy before hitting a textbook tornado DDT! Crazy is up top, and hits an absolutely gorgeous moonsault! 1…2…3! Misterio and Crazy win!

Ladies and gentlemen, the winners of this match…

User is cut off as Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera come out from nowhere and start attacking Rey and Super Crazy with chairs! Guerrera has Crazy, and hits the Juvi Driver on him onto a chair! Meanwhile, Psicosis has Rey down on the mat with a chair on top of him, and Psicosis hits the Guillotine Leg Drop! Juventud is over talking to Mike User, and threatens him with a chair. Finally, Mike User begins to speak:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, your future CWWI Tag Team Champions, Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera!”

The crowd is booing loudly, but Guerrera and Psicosis are smiling and laughing in the ring, before finally heading up the ramp as the medics check out Crazy and Misterio.

That’s all the time we have for this week, but be sure to tune in next time for the CWWI Tag Team Title bout, and the #1 contender’s match for the CWWI World Title between Jushin Liger and El Hijo del Santo. Thank you for watching, and be sure to check CWWI.wz for match announcements and any other breaking news. Good night!

Author's Note: Please check out my post (#6 I believe) in CWWI.wz. It concerns the future of the show and I really need input. Thanks!
Ladies and Gentlemen, the following match is a 2 out of 3 falls match for the vacant CWWI Tag Team Championship!


Introducing first, at a combined weight of 401 pounds, the team of Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis!

We are getting off to a quick start here on TakeOff number 3, with the tag team title match! Let’s take a look back at last week, and see the head start Guerrera and Psicosis got on their opponents.

TakeOff Episode 2 said:
User is cut off as Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera come out from nowhere and start attacking Rey and Super Crazy with chairs! Guerrera has Crazy, and hits the Juvi Driver on him onto a chair! Meanwhile, Psicosis has Rey down on the mat with a chair on top of him, and Psicosis hits the Guillotine Leg Drop! Juventud is over talking to Mike User, and threatens him with a chair. Finally, Mike User begins to speak:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, your future CWWI Tag Team Champions, Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera!”


And their opponents, at a combined weight of 390 pounds, the team of Super Crazy and Rey Misterio Jr.!

Just a quick note, when a team loses a fall, the team member who was not pinned or caused to submit will enter the match and the man that did take the fall will leave the match. And it looks we will have Super Crazy facing off against Psicosis to start this match. The match starts with a series of monkey flips, hip tosses, shoulder blocks, etc. with no clear advantage. Finally, they both end on their feet and look at each other, while the crowd gives them a huge ovation. Psicosis turns and walks toward his corner to make a tag. Crazy looks away, and Psicosis runs over and hits a perfect backstabber! The Insane Luchador screams out in pain as Psicosis goes for the pin, 1…2… and a kick out at about 2½. Psicosis waits for Crazy to get up, then throws him off the ropes and hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker! 1…2…and he rolls the shoulder just before the 3.

Crazy’s face tells the story, as he can barely get to his feet, even with Psicosis pulling him up. Psicosis whips him so hard into the corner that Crazy goes down. Juventud is tagged in while Psicosis catapults Crazy into the ropes (think Miz and Morrison). Juvi slingshots and does a throwback type neckbreaker to Crazy, while Crazy lands hard on Psicosis’ knees! Guerrera goes upstairs, as he wants this to be over. He goes for the 450, but Crazy gets his knees up! Juventud is writhing in pain, while Super Crazy is using everything he has to crawl toward his corner. He is just about there, but Juvi puts him in the Juvi Lock! Crazy’s knees is over Guerrera’s shoulder, and the torque on the back of Super Crazy is incredible! And Crazy taps! It is 1-0 Guerrera/Psicosis!

Juventud refuses to let go! Crazy is screaming in pain, but can’t get out of the hold. Out of nowhere, Guerrera is hit in the back of the head with a springboard dropkick from Rey Jr., who is now the legal man! Juvi drops the hold, and wobbles to his feet as the kick dazed him. Rey comes off the ropes, and hits a absolutely beautiful headscissors takeover. Misterio is fired up! He picks up Guerrera and whips him into one of the neutral corners. He goes for a monkey flip, but Juvi lands on his feet. He doesn’t stay there long as Rey runs over and nails Juventud with a perfect step-up enziguri, with Rey’s boot connecting right in the back of Guerrera’s head. Juvi goes down like he was hit with a cannonball, and Rey goes for the cover 1…2…and Juvi gets his foot on the rope. He’s lucky, because I don’t think he had enough left to get out of that pin. Misterio looks over toward his corner, maybe thinking about a tag, but Crazy is on the floor, barely able to stand.

This brief hesitation gives Juventud an opening, and he uses it, hitting Rey with a right hand to the abdomen. Guerrera gets to his feet, hits the ropes, and goes for the sunset flip. Rey goes over, but rolls through and connects with another still kick to the back of Juvi’s head. Misterio is out on the apron now, and signals for the West Coast Pop! Guerrera is up and Rey jumps, but Juventud ducks it! Rey bounces off the ropes, and is caught in a wheelbarrow position. Misterio pulls himself up, and rotates around and drops an elbow across Juvi's throat! The cover, 1…2…3! Rey Misterio Jr. has tied it up!

As soon as Rey gets up, he hit met with a spinning heel kick to the back of the head, courtesy of Psicosis. Psicosis goes for the quick pin, but only gets a 1. Psicosis is going to slow it down, and locks Misterio in a chinlock. The referee checks to make sure it isn’t a choke, and he says it’s clean. Rey is finally able to lock in a headscissors, which Psicosis kips up to get out of. Now both men are on their feet, and sizing each other up. Psicosis looks confident, as he should since he is the only man who hasn’t taken any damage thus far in the match. Both men trade maneuvers with the intent of gaining the advantage, but neither man does.

It will probably have to be these two men who finish the match, because both of their partners are looking worse for the wear. Guerrera is on the floor with the medics, as that blow earlier knocked him out while Super Crazy is leaning on the ropes just to stand. Misterio will be the first man to gain the advantage, as he reverses a whip to the ropes into a springboard crossbody, resulting in a 1 count. Rey tries to keep the advantage, and does with a running dropkick to the face of Psicosis. Misterio goes to the ropes near the body of Psicosis, and hits a variation of a split-legged moonsault, catapulting off the top rope rather than the turnbuckle. 1…2…and a last-second kick out. Misterio is in complete control, until he goes to pick up Psicosis and is pulled through the ropes and to the floor.

Rey is on the floor next to Guerrera, who is still in pain from the finishing maneuver Misterio used on him earlier. Juvi reaches under the ring, and slips something on his hand. It looks like brass knucks! He cocks back and nails Rey Jr. in the face with them! The ref was busy holding Psicosis back and didn’t see it! Rey is out cold. Guerrera rolls Misterio back into the ring, then falls back to the floor so he looks innocent. Psicosis goes up top, and hits the Guillotine Leg Drop! As he rolls over for the pin, Juvi runs around the ring and pulls Super Crazy off the apron, causing him to land on his back again! 1…2…3! We have tag team champions!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the winners of this match, and new CWWI Tag Team Champions, Juventud Guerrera and Psicosis!

The winners celebrate in the center of the ring, while Crazy and Rey are helped to the back.

And with that, let us officially welcome you to Episode 3 of CWWI TakeOff! Not only do we already have our first ever tag team champions crowned, but tonight we will also have a match between Jushin “Thunder” Liger and El Hijo del Santo to see who will face Eddie Guerrero in 2 weeks at Airborne! Speaking of the champion, in order to make sure he doesn’t try interfere with the match, Eddie Guerrero is not in the building tonight. In addition, our Lucha Champion, Jerry Lynn, and his number one contender, Sabu, will also be in action. But now, let us go to the ring where we are about to hear from A-Double, Austin Aries, about his actions the last couple of weeks.

Austin Aries In-Ring

The camera cuts to the ring, where Aries stands looking very smug and proud of himself. The crowd seems to think differently, judging by the incredible amount of boos raining down. Finally, the boos die down enough for Austin to begin speaking.

Austin Aries said:
“I have been asked the same question by a lot of people recently. ‘Why did you attack Sydal like that?’ ‘What did Matt Sydal ever do to you to deserve that?’ etc., etc. Just in case there are a couple of you out there who haven’t seen my handiwork, but mostly for my own enjoyment, let’s take a look back at what I’ve accomplished the last couple weeks.”

TakeOff Episode 1 said:
In the red ring, Austin Aries and Matt Sydal eliminate each other, and Aries takes a cheap shot at the back of Sydal’s head! He is lying on the ground in shock, while Aries stomps away before locking in the Last Chancery! After what seems to be an eternity, the referees on the outside break the hold and send Aries to the back while they check on the condition of Sydal.

TakeOff Episode 2 said:
He goes to pick up Aries, but is met with the bell hammer to the face, not once, but twice, courtesy of Austin Aries. Aries is basically carrying the lifeless and bloody body of Sydal toward the ring. Sydal is finally thrown in, and Aries goes right back to the attack with knees to the head, and he locks in the Last Chancery! Sydal is out, and the ref begins to lift his arm. It falls once, twice, but Aries breaks the hold before his hand can fall a third time. He picks up Sydal, and hits a picture-perfect brainbuster! Sydal is lying in a pool of his own blood as Aries has climbed to the top, and hits the 450!

The boos come back stronger than ever, with no sign of stopping. Aries has his mic turned up just so we have so kind of chance to hear what he has to say. He looks up with a more serious look on his face, and begins speaking again.

Aries said:
“So I guess now is when I am supposed to apologize, right? Well, keep holding your breath, because that sure as hell isn’t going to happen. You see, since day 1, I’ve always been better than that pathetic excuse for a wrester, Matt Sydal. He’s never been a champion in a promotion that anyone cares about. I have. He’s never won a pay-per-view match in a major company. I have. Yet, only one of us was offered a contract by the biggest company in the world before we both joined CWWI. The problem is that said contract was not offered to the man who has the championships, the man who has the victories, the man who is better. The contract was offered to Sydal.”

The crowd cheers loudly at this last statement. Aries is looking more and more angry as the cheers get louder. Aries looks down, seemingly to regain his composure, and finally begins again.

A-Double said:
“But now, fate has brought us both here. And I intend to prove, no matter what the cost or manner, that I am better than Matt Sydal. It started 2 weeks ago when I beat him up after the battle royal.”

The crowd begins a “Matt Sy-dal” chant. This brings a smile and chuckle from A-Double.

Aries said:
“Go ahead, chant his name as much as you want. The only thing is, when you have a concussion as serious as the one I gave Matt Sydal last week, they keep you in the hospital for a while. Sydal, I know you are going to watch this at some point, so listen up, and listen good. You may think that the pain you are in now is almost unbearable. That’s just the start. I will not stop until I have completely removed you from professional wrestling altogether. My advice to you is stay home. Because if you do come back, I promise you that I will hurt you even more and you won’t come back again.”

Aries sets the mic down and walks out of the ring with the crowd booing him louder than ever.

Backstage with April Fools and Jushin "Thunder" Liger

Before our next match, let’s go backstage to April Fools, who is with Jushin Liger.

Jushin, any thoughts about your match tonight?

Liger said:
“Tonight, I have the opportunity to get revenge on one of the men who cheated me out of the CWWI World Title. Don’t get me wrong, I respect El Hijo del Santo the person. But I hate the fact that he cost me the Title. My journey to become World Champion begins tonight when I defeat El Hijo del Santo, and it will end at Airborne when I defeat Eddie Guerrero and get what is rightfully mine.”

Singles Match


This match is scheduled for 1 fall. Introducing first, from Aberdeen, Washington and weighing in at 185 pounds, “American Dragon,” Bryan Danielson!


And his opponent, from Nagoya, Aichi, Japan and weighing in at 190 pounds, Último Dragón!

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a treat. These may be the two best technical wrestlers in CWWI, and neither man should take the other lightly. They begin the match by shaking hands, showing the mutual respect these men have for each other. A series of lockups and headlocks begin the match. These men are feeling each other out, and neither man wants to take a risk yet. After a couple minutes, Danielson finally gains the advantage by hitting Dragón with a brutal European uppercut as Último rebounds off the ropes. He is down and looks stunned. Danielson isn’t going to allow him time to rest up, and locks in a chinlock. Danielson is really wrenching away on the neck area of Último Dragón. Finally, Dragón is able to fight to his feet, and throw Danielson off the ropes, but he comes back and hits a tornado DDT, and transitions into a fujiwara armbar!

What a move, and Último is screaming in pain. After a minute or two with this hold, Danielson turns it into a crossface chickenwing! Bryan Danielson is putting on a technical wrestling clinic here, and Dragón is fading quickly. The referee is now checking to see is Último Dragón has passed out, his arm drops once…twice…and it stops just before it hits the mat a third time! Último has been in this hold a long time, and needs to get out now. Danielson has been unable to lock in the body scissors, and that allows Dragón to finally roll over and get Danielson’s shoulders down, 1…2…and Danielson breaks the hold and kicks out.

Danielson is back up quickly, but is prevented from getting back on his opponent by the ref, who is checking on Último Dragón’s condition. The referee is satisfied, and now both competitors are back on their feet and ready to resume the battle. Danielson goes for the discus elbow, but it is countered with a drop toehold! Danielson’s throat bounces off the middle rope and he is writhing in pain on the mat! And now Dragón has a rear chinlock cinched in, and Danielson is the one struggling to escape! Danielson is struggling in the chinlock, but Último transitions from the chinlock to a dragon sleeper! I can’t believe Danielson is still conscious, I don’t even know if he ever had an opportunity to regain his breath from the drop toehold.

Now Danielson is the one getting check to make sure he hasn’t passed out. His arm drops once…twice…and thr---no! He got his arm up, somehow even later than Dragón did earlier in the match! Danielson is still locked in the hold, however, and it will take an extraordinary effort to get out of the dragon sleeper. Danielson is fighting, and makes it to his feet! He is still locked in the hold, but he is being relieved of a lot of pressure by no longer being on the ground. Bryan is still trying to fight out, but Último hits an inverted suplex! Danielson lands hard on his torso, knocking any air he has left in him out. 1…2…and a kick out at the last possible second!
Danielson is in pain, but refuses to give up. Dragón is going to try to change his mind, as the dragon sleeper is locked in again! There is no way Danielson will be able to survive this hold again. Bryan is moving his feet around, in search of the ropes that will save him. He finally finds the ropes and locks his legs around the bottom rope. We get a clean break at 3. Último Dragón backs away from Danielson, as Bryan is seemingly unable to get to his feet. He opts to roll to the outside instead, using the metal barrier between the ring area and the fans to help support himself. Danielson looks up toward the ring, and sees Dragón flying at him with an Asai Moonsault, a move named for him! At the last second, Danielson is able to move out of the way, and Último lands on the railing sternum first! Both men are down on the outside, and the referee begins the 10 count. At 7, Danielson is able to pull himself up and roll into the ring. Dragón just beats the count by getting in at 9½.

Both men use the ropes to pull themselves up. They finally make it and lock up in the middle of the ring. Danielson connects with a knee to the sternum area, causing Dragón to double over in pain. Danielson goes behind his opponent, and hits a bridging Regal-plex! 1…2…and Dragón rolls his shoulder out as the ref was coming down for 3. Danielson can’t believe that the suplex didn’t end the match. He looks down at Último, then out at the crowd, and starts leads the crowd in a slow clap. Danielson looks down at Dragón, who is now on his stomach, and locks in the Cattle Mutilation! Danielson is going for the win right here, and I like his chances of getting it. Dragón is now the man searching for the ropes with his legs. He can scrape the bottom rope with the very tip of his boot, but that’s not enough to break the hold. He is trying move himself closer to the ropes, but with every inch he moves, that is more pressure he is being submitted to. Finally, he is able to wrap his feet around the ropes, but Dragón is screaming in pain as he is under more pressure than ever.

Danielson releases the hold just before 5. The referee tries to admonish his, but Danielson reminds the ref that he has until 5. Último Dragón is down, and not getting up. He finally rolls outside of the ring and leans on the rail, much like Danielson earlier. Danielson goes over to the ropes and goes for the slingshot crossbody, but is met with a dropkick for his effort. Now both men are lying on the outside for a second time. They both crawl in at 9 and use the ropes to pull themselves up. They make their way to the center of the ring, and trade right hands. Neither man has much left, but both men want this match badly. After a third round of strikes, both men stumble backwards and bounce off the ropes. They lock up, and Último Dragón gains the advantage. He grabs hold of Danielson’s arms, and hits an Aztec suplex! Dragón is going up top, and hits the corkscrew moonsault! 1…2…how did Danielson kick out?!

Dragón is in complete shock, as am I. I have no clue how he had enough left to kick out. Último signals to the crowd that this match is over. He picks up Danielson, and goes for the Asai DDT! However, while Dragón is upside-down above Danielson, Bryan falls to the ground, resulting in a sit-out brainbuster! Danielson rolls over for the pin! 1…2…3! Bryan Danielson has beaten Último Dragón!

Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this match, “American Dragon,” Bryan Danielson!

Both men are lying in the ring, unable to drag themselves back to their feet. A couple more referees come down the ramp, and finally they help these two competitors back up. Danielson shoves his referee away, and makes a beeline for Último Dragón. He gets over to the other side of the ring, and extends his hand, which Dragón shakes. Great show of respect after a war like that.

Backstage with April Fools and El Hijo del Santo

I am now being told that April Fools is now with the other member of the Number 1 Contender’s Match later, El Hijo del Santo.

Thanks! I am here with El Hijo del Santo. El Hijo, any thoughts about tonight’s matchup against Jushin Liger?

El Hijo del Santo said:
“I am very excited about this match. I get a chance to prove myself against one of the best in the world. With that said, I am even more excited about the fact that I will be one step closer to getting my hands on Eddie Guerrero. I am sorry that Liger lost his match because of me, but he is not the only one that was screwed. Eddie turned on me in the battle royal and cost me a title shot. I know Liger is angry at me, but tonight, once of us will be one step closer to getting revenge on Guerrero, who I heard isn’t here tonight and that couldn’t make me happier. This match will prove who the better man is and who is worthy of putting prestige into the title that is getting none by sitting on that jerk’s waist.”

Tag Team Match


The following tag team match is scheduled for 1 fall! Introducing first, from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and weighing in at 213 pounds, “Lionheart” Chris Jericho!


His partner, hailing from Bombay, India and weighing in at 214 lbs, Sabu!


And their opponents, first, from Battle Creek, Michigan and weighing in at 215 pounds, Rob Van Dam!


And his partner, from Minneapolis, Minnesota and weighing in at 205 lbs. He is the CWWI Lucha Champion, Jerry Lynn!

The crowd cheers the Lucha Champion loudly, and it looks as though he is going to start things off against his number 1 challenger, Sabu! They circle the ring, sizing each other up, but Jericho tags himself in! He seems much more willing to get involved in the action this week to prove that he is a contender for the Lucha Title. Sabu is not happy with Jericho at all, but makes his way out to the apron. Jericho and Lynn stare each other down, and Jericho signals that he is going to take the Lucha Title from Lynn. They lock up, collar-and-elbow, and Lynn takes the advantage, putting Jericho in a side headlock. Jericho bounces Lynn off the ropes, but is taken down by a shoulder block. Jericho stumbles back to his feet, just to get run over again. Jericho is throwing a tantrum down on the mat, while Lynn just stands above him and smiles. Jericho gets up, and holds his hands out to challenge Lynn in a test of strength. They lock left hands, but Lionheart kicks Jerry in the gut before they can lock rights. After a forearm to the back, Jericho takes Lynn down with a side headlock takeover.

Lynn is doing well to keep his shoulders off the mat, but is struggling to get out of the hold. Finally, he is able to get to his feet, and attempts to throw Jericho off the ropes, but Jericho holds on and takes Lynn down again. Jerry’s shoulders are down for a one before he fights to his feet once again. This time, Jericho gives Lynn a knee to the gut followed by an Irish whip into a neutral corner. Lynn bounces off the turnbuckles and is met with a one handed bulldog by Jericho! He poses above the prone body of Jerry Lynn and places one foot on his chest for a pin, but barely gets a 2.

Jericho picks up Lynn, who is clearly in need of a tag, and whips him into the corner where the number one contender to Lynn’s Lucha title, Sabu, is waiting. Jericho makes the tag, and then is instructed to get down on his hands and knees in front of Lynn. Sabu runs and jumps off Jericho’s back, hitting Lynn with a spinning heel kick! Lynn falls first to his knees, then down onto his stomach on the mat. Jericho is taunting the champ while he stands out on the apron, and he seems to be drawing the ire of his partner, Sabu.
Jericho’s back is turned, and Sabu nails him with a dropkick, sending him into the metal barrier!

Sabu turns around and goes for a cover, but it is reversed into a roll-up by Jerry Lynn! 1…2…and a kick out by Sabu. Sabu does not look happy and is stomping away on the Lucha champion. He now goes to the apron, and hits Lynn with a slingshot leg drop! 1…2…and a kick out by the champ. Sabu wants this to be over now. He does his signature pose, and locks in a camel clutch, made famous by his uncle, The Sheik! Lynn is in trouble, as the hold is locked in right in the center of the ring! It looks as though Lynn is about to tap, but out of nowhere Van Dam comes flying in and nails Sabu with a dropkick to the head!

The referee forces RVD back outside, but the damage has been done. Sabu is lying on the mat dazed from the kick, while Lynn’s back is causing him too much pain for him to be able to get up. Lynn is crawling to his corner, but Sabu cuts him off before he can make it. The Lucha champion is trying to fight off his number one contender with right hands to the gut, but a knee to the face ends the brief spurt of offense. Lynn is lying facedown on the mat. Sabu again does his pose, and goes to the outside. He could be looking for the Arabian Facebuster! Sabu goes for it, but Lynn rolls out of the way!
Lynn rolls a little farther, and reaches his corner to tag in RVD!

Van Dam is on fire, coming in and hitting Sabu with a series of kicks. Van Dam grabs the staggered Sabu, and hits a northern lights suplex, and bridges in the pin! 1…2…and a kick out. Jericho is on the apron for Sabu to tag, but he still looks but hurt and angry over the way he left the match earlier. Sabu is now sitting in a neutral corner, as RVD was discussing the speed of the count with the official. Van Dam goes over, but Sabu grabs his tights and pulls him into the middle turnbuckle face first! Sabu is trying to get to his corner for a tag, and is almost there! He reaches out, but Jericho pulls his hand back! The Lionheart jumps down from the apron, and hits Sabu with a straight right hand, nearly knocking Sabu unconscious. Jericho rolls into the ring, staring down at his partner, then hits Van Dam with a right hand, knocking him down as well!

The referee is trying to push Jericho back into his corner, but he wants at Jerry Lynn. Lynn is barely standing in his corner, while Jericho is motioning that he is coming for Lynn’s Lucha Title! Both of the legal men are starting to wake up, and fight back to their feet. The trade blows, but neither man is doing too much damage. Finally, Sabu is whipped into the ropes and hits a springboard DDT! Both men are down, with Sabu getting up first. Van Dam is still on his hands and knees, and gets hit with the Arabian Facebuster! Jerry Lynn is nowhere to be seen, and Sabu gets the 1…2…3 on RVD!

The winners of this match, “Lion…

Jerry Lynn is back in the ring, and he has a chair! The referee was holding up the hands of Jericho and Sabu to signify their win, when Lynn snuck back into the ring, and is attacking them both with the steel chair! Both of the men who want Jerry Lynn’s Lucha Title so badly are lying the ring, busted open from the chair shots! Lynn poses with the chair in the middle of the ring, and then leaves the carnage he caused in the ring behind to go to the back.

Number 1 Contender's Match

The following match is scheduled for one fall, and it is to determine a number one contender to the CWWI World Championship!


Approaching the ring first, from Hiroshima, Japan and weighing in at 210 lbs., Jushin “Thunder” Liger!


And his opponent, from Tulancingo, Mexico and weighing in at 180 pounds, El Hijo del Santo!

Both competitors stare at each other, as the importance of this match seems to really be sinking in. They both need to be sure that their emotions don’t get the better of them in this one fall matchup. They have an uneasy handshake, then they lock up. Liger backs the smaller El Hijo into a corner, and we get a clean break. They lock up again, and Liger goes behind El Hijo. Liger has him set up for the Crash Thunder Buster, but El Hijo del Santo rolls through and has Liger in trouble! 1…2…and a kick out by Liger. El Hijo holds up his fingers and tells Thunder how close he was to losing his shot at the World Title. They go in for another lockup, but Liger rolls up El Hijo this time! 1…2…and The Son of the Saint is able to get out at the last second.

They both get to their feet, and the match has broken down into a brawl now. The referee is finally able to separate the two, but El Hijo reaches over Liger and hits him with a right hand directly in the jaw. Liger stumbles backwards, and is taken to the outside by a headscissors takeover from El Hijo. Liger makes his way back to his feet, just in time to be hit with a suicide dive from EHdS! The crowd is very divided on who to cheer for, as El Hijo panders to them, but receives a very mixed reaction. El Hijo throws Liger back into the ring and goes for the pin, which is reversed into another rollup! 1…2…and a kick out.

El Hijo is getting frustrated, and hits Liger with a running dropkick to the head. He’s going up top, maybe looking for the Topé de Cristo! He goes for it, but Liger moves out of the way leaving both competitors down! The referee begins the 10 count, as neither man is showing any sign of getting up anytime soon. The ref’s count gets up to 8 before they get back to their feet. Liger is next to the ropes nearest to the entryway, while El Hijo is directly across the ring from him. Out of nowhere, El Hijo runs across the ring and hits a crossbody that sends both men out to the floor!

As the ref goes over to start the count, a masked man runs into the ring! I can’t tell who it is, but he is distracting the referee from his count. Look out! On the outside, Homicide and Chavo Guerrero Jr. have come out of nowhere and are hammering away at the participants of the match! Homicide hits El Hijo with Da Gringo Killa while Chavo hits Liger with a Gory Bomb! The masked man runs out of the ring, and the three interfering men meet on the stage. The referee sees what has happened, and has no choice but to call for the bell.

Ladies and gentlemen, due to interference, the referee has ruled this match no contest.

The crowd is booing heavily at the outcome of this match. The masked man is celebrating with Chavo and Homicide up on the stage, before he signals for them to step away. He pulls his mask off, and it’s Eddie Guerrero! He stands laughing as the crowd boos even louder.

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