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CWI Thursday Night Riot Premiere 6/29/2006

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Pre-Show Stalwart
FADE IN: A CGI animation sequence with the CWI logo, followed by a video package of wrestling greats past and present and a title card bearing the caption CWI Thursday Night Riot.

DISSOLVE TO: A multicolored pyrotechnics show followed by a slow pan to Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura in their broadcast position at ringside.

Styles: Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the Target Center in Minneapolis, where tonight we'll be hosting the debut of CWI Thursday Night Riot! I'm Joey Styles, calling the action along with Jesse "The Body" Ventura, and Jesse, last Friday's inaugural CWI pay-per-view event, Grand Opening, was an awesome show...

Ventura: Damn straight, Joey! From the opening bout between Kurt Angle and Ken Patera to the "crazy eights" match that produced CWI's first world heavyweight champ, Grand Opening kicked ass!

Styles: Speaking of the world heavyweight belt, later tonight our newly crowned champion, Dave Batista, will be defending his title for the first time as he takes on the Beast from the East, Bam Bam Bigelow.....

Ventura: Don't forget about the tag title match! CWI's world tag team champions, the Legion of Doom, battle the Dudley Boys!

Styles: And of course, our newly crowned CWI Extreme champion, Sabu, will go one-on-one with the 470-pound behemoth from Chicago, the One Man Gang...but before we get into any of that, let's send you up to the ring, where Josh Matthews is waiting to interview "Total Package" Lex Luger about the explosive situation between him and "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters.
FADE TO: Josh Matthews standing in the center of the ring.

Matthews: Last Friday at CWI's debut event, Grand Opening, my guest was scheduled to take on Chris Masters in a posedown challenge; however, Masters sabotaged his plans by attacking him in the Madison Square Garden parking lot and stuffing him in the trunk of a limo. Please join me in welcoming the Total Package, Lex Luger!

Styles(off-camera as A3's "Woke Up This Morning" starts playing over the Target Center PA): Huge pops from the crowd as Lex Luger makes his way down the aisle and joins Josh Matthews in the ring!

Ventura(off-camera): Luger definitely looks hot under the collar....

Matthews: Lex, I know you must be upset about what happened with the posedown--

Luger(interrupting in a burst of fury): "Upset" doesn't begin to describe it! Masters screwed with the wrong guy when he jumped me in that parking lot, and I'll make him pay for it in his own blood!

Matthews: Does this mean you'd be willing to face him next month at Conflagration?

Luger: Why wait? I'll take him on right here, right now....

CUT TO: Chris Masters strolling down the aisle towards ringside as Linkin Park's "My December" blares from the PA, cutting Luger off in mid-sentence.

Ventura(off-camera): To borrow a phrase from Jim Ross, business is about to pick up!

Styles(off-camera): Masters taking a big risk by coming out here...

Masters: Whoa, you must be a real glutton for punishment, Luger! I'm twice the man you are and everybody knows it! But you're right, we shouldn't wait for Conflagration to get it on one more time...so how about you and me lock up next week on Riot in a submission match?

Luger(as the camera zooms in on his face): You're on!

Ventura(off-camera): Luger may not have much brain, but he's sure as hell got guts!

Styles(as camera pulls back to show Luger-Masters staredown): The Torture Rack vs. the Masterlock here next week on Riot-- but coming up next, Triple H makes his first CWI appearance as he battles the Russian Nightmare, Nikita Koloff!

FADE TO: 30-second promo for the July 6th episode of Riot.
As we come back from commercial, we see Dave Penzer standing in the center of the ring.

Penzer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! (Motorhead's "It's All About The Game" starts blasting from the Target Center PA) Introducing first, from Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing in at 247 pounds, Triple H!

Styles(off-camera): The Cerebral Assassin making his first CWI appearance tonight, and he'll be facing a lethal opponent in Nikita Koloff...

Ventura(off-camera): Don't sweat it, Joey-- the Game's faced tougher challenges than this and come through! He'll find a way to beat Koloff, count on it.

Penzer(as music segues to "Charge of the Cossacks"): And his opponent, being accompanied to the ring by his uncle Ivan Koloff, from Moscow, Russia, weighing at 275 pounds, Nikita Koloff!

Styles(off-camera): The Russian Nightmare and the Game eyeing each other like two caged lions as we start this match....collar-and-elbow tieup, and Koloff shoves Triple H into a neutral corner! Hip toss by Nikita as the Game tries to clear his head!

Ventura(off-camera): That's the kind of grappler Nikita is, never lets up on his man when he's got the advantage!

Styles(off-camera): On the outside, Nikita's uncle, Ivan Koloff, shouting to his nephew to keep up with the attack....rake to the eyes by Triple H! Now it's the Game who's on the offensive! Irish whip into the ropes...clothesline, and Nikita's down!

Ventura(off-camera): That's Trips for you....just when you think you've got him cornered, he breaks out of it and tears you up!

Styles(off-camera): Big elbow smash by Triple H, and Ivan Koloff starting to look worried about his nephew's chances for getting the win...German suplex!

Ventura(off-camera): The Game's firing on all cylinders!

Styles(off-camera): Triple H setting up for a kneedrop....OH MY GOD! Ivan Koloff's got him wrapped up in the chain! Ivan Koloff is using that long, huge chain to try and choke out the Game!

Ventura(off-camera): Ivan's never been afraid to use unconventional tactics to help Nikita win!

Styles(off-camera, disbelieving): Unconventional tactics?! He's trying to kill Helmsley, for God's sake! (Camera quick pans over to the curtains leading to the backstage area as X-Pac comes bolting out to ringside clutching a steel chair) Wait a minute....here comes one of Triple H's longtime DX buddies, X-Pac! The sides are all even! (Camera cuts to close-up of X-Pac nailing Ivan Koloff with a chair shot to the head) And there's Uncle Ivan getting a dose of his own medicine!

Ventura(off-camera): X-Pac's never been one to keep away from a fight!

Styles(off-camera): Triple H back on his feet...and he nails Nikita with a roundhouse right! He sets Koloff up for the Pedigree...WHAM! He nails it dead-on...the cover--1...2...3! And the Game emerges victorious in his CWI debut!

Penzer(as "Break It Down" starts playing over the Target Center PA and Trips and X-Pac taunt Nikita with the DX chop): Here is your winner by way of pinfall, Triple H!

Ventura(off-camera): I don't think we've heard the last of this one, Joey!

Styles(as camera pans to Ivan Koloff berating the referee): Me either, Jesse....later on in the show, Justin Credible battles "Wildfire" Tommy Rich, CWI commissioner Lou Thesz issues his decision regarding the Texas bunkhouse brawl at Grand Opening, and "The Animal" Dave Batista defends the CWI world heavyweight title against Bam Bam Bigelow--but coming up next, speaking of Grand Opening, we have a rematch between two of the four competitors from the fatal four-way superheavyweights bout as Andre the Giant squares off against Kane!

FADE TO: commercial break.
As we come back from commercial, we see Penzer in the center of the ring.

Styles(off-camera): Folks, I've just been informed that CWI commissioner Lou Thesz will be joining us live from CWI Corporate Headquarters following the conclusion of this match to give us his ruling on Owen Hart's intervention in the Texas bunkhouse brawl between "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and "Outlaw" Ron Bass at Grand Opening.

Ventura(off-camera): Thesz is pretty strict about layin' down the law...my gut says he'll throw the book at Owen.

Penzer(as camera pans toward the entrance to the backstage area): The following contest is a rematch from Grand Opening, scheduled for one fall! ("La Marseillaise" begins playing over the Target Center PA) Introducing first, from Grenoble, France, weighing in at 471 pounds, Andre the Giant!

Styles(off-camera as Andre steps in the ring): The Eighth Wonder of the World ready for action as he awaits the arrival of the Big Red Machine....

Penzer(off-camera as music segues to "Burned"): And his opponent, from parts unknown, weighing in at 326 pounds, Kane!

Ventura(off-camera): There's a guy you don't want to run into in a dark alley....

Styles(off-camera): Or a well-lit one for that matter--Andre with a hard left to Kane's jaw! The match is now officially started! Irish whip into the ropes...and a big boot knocks the Big Red Machine flat on the canvas!

Ventura(off-camera): Andre's lookin' to put this one away early!

Styles(off-camera): Kane trying to get back to his feet....headbutt by the Eighth Wonder of the World! The cover--1...2...3! And Andre beats the Big Red Machine for the second match in a row!

Penzer(as Andre turns to face the crowd): Here is your winner by way of pinfall, Andre the Giant!

Ventura(off-camera): Once again, Andre's size and ferocity make the difference! What will it take for the Big Red Machine to get a win over the Giant?

Styles(off-camera): The jury's out on that one, Jesse...right now, we'll send you live to CWI Corporate Headquarters!

To be continued
CUT TO: CWI Commissioner Lou Thesz in his private office at CWI Corporate Headquarters sitting behind his desk.

Thesz: While there was nothing in the contract for the bunkhouse brawl at Grand Opening that specifically forbade the presence of outside parties at ringside during the match, it's clear that Owen Hart's involvement unfairly tipped the scales against Steve Austin during that match...therefore, I'm ordering that a rematch be held between Bass and Austin next week on Thursday Night Riot with Owen Hart banned from ringside. I'm also ordering that Hart be suspended for 30 days and fined $60,000 for his actions at Grand Opeining.

CUT TO: Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura back in the broadcast booth.

Styles: Jesse, it looks like you were right....Commissioner Thesz did throw the book at Owen Hart.

Ventura: Owen might throw it right back before it's all said and done!

Styles: I don't doubt it...(looks up to face camera)Folks, in just a few minutes, we've got some killer tag team action coming your way as the Rougeau Brothers battle Kronik, and later in the show we'll have Tommy Rich vs. Justin Credible as well as the main event pitting CWI world heavyweight champion Dave Batista against Bam Bam Bigelow--but first, let's go to Michael Cole, who's standing by live right now with the One Man Gang and Gang's manager, Slick.

FADE TO: Michael Cole standing in OMG's dressing room to the right of OMG and Slick.

Cole: Slick, tonight your protege, the One Man Gang, will be taking on Sabu for the CWI Extreme championship...are you looking forward to that bout?

Slick: You know we are, brother...my man Gang is gonna go through that shrimpy little ECW reject like a knife through butter. He's the biggest, toughest, meanest man in CWI Extreme, and tonight he'll prove it in front of all these people at the Target Center.

Cole: Gang, Sabu is one of the most unpredictable competitors you've ever faced--does that bother you at all?

Gang: Hell no, Cole! I can't wait to get in the ring with him so I can wring his slimy little neck!(lets out his trademark bellow)

Slick(pointing at the camera): Better get that belt polished nice and bright, Sabu, 'cause it ain't gonna be yours much longer!(chuckles)

Cole: That's it from this end...now let's hear from Jonathan Coachman, who's standing by with the reigning CWI Extreme champion and his manager Bill Alfonso.

CUT TO: Jonathan Coachman in Sabu's dressing room standing between Sabu and Bill Alfonso.

Coach: Bill, do you have any comments on Slick's--

Alfonso(yanking the mic out of Coach's hands and glaring at the camera): Slick, you and Gang have just signed your own death warrants! My man Sabu will tear you both up till there's nothin' left of you!(throws the mic down on the floor and storms out of the dressing room with Sabu directly behind him)

Ventura(off-camera): Sounds to me like Bill Alfonso and Sabu are pretty fired up for this match!

Styles(off-camera): I'd say that's a safe bet, Jesse...coming up after this commercial break, the Rougeau Brothers take on Kronik!

FADE TO: 45-second spot for official CWI website.
We come back from commercial break to see the Rougeau Brothers walking down the aisle to ringside as "All-American Boys" blasts over the Target Center PA.

Penzer(off-camera): The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, at a total combined weight of 464 pounds, Jacques and Raymond, the Rougeau Brothers!

Styles(off-camera): Jacques and Raymond are at a disadvantage of almost 150 pounds against Kronik...they'll have to rely on speed and smarts if they want to win this matchup!

Ventura(off-camera): That suits 'em just fine, Joey--they've got speed and smarts in abundance! Mark my words, before the summer's over they'll be challenging for the CWI tag team titles....

Penzer(off-camera as the music switches to "Rock & Roll All Night" by KISS): And their opponents, at a total combined weight of 613 pounds, Brian Adams and Bryan Clarke, KroniK!

Styles(off-camera): Kronik one of the most successful tag teams in WCW history, and now they're looking to make their mark in CWI as well....the Rougeaus jump Brian Adams from behind! A double Irish whip into the ropes, and a double clothesline! Kronik in trouble early in this match!

Ventura(off-camera): Let this be a lesson to you, Joey...size ain't everything!

Styles(off-camera): Raymond going for a toehold on Brian Adams--and a kick by Adams to the groin stops the senior Rougeau dead in his tracks! Tag is made, and Bryan Clarke now in the ring delivering some punishing forearm shots to Raymond's back!

Ventura(off-camera): Whatever else you might say about Kronik, you certainly can't accuse 'em of not being aggressive!

Styles(off-camera): Clarke with the Irish whip on Raymond into the ropes--powerslam! And a desperate Raymond barely manages to get to his corner to tag in Jacques!

Ventura(off-camera): This match is hangin' in the balance for the Rougeau Brothers!

Styles(off-camera): Jacques trading fists with Bryan Clarke, but Clarke seems to be dominating the exchange! A kick to the midsection...German suplex! Brian Adams tagged in again, and it looks like we're about to see Kronik execute the manuver that won them the WCW tag team titles!

Ventura(off-camera): The High Time!

Styles(off-camera): Clarke and Adams poised for the double chokeslam on Jacques Rougeau...down he goes! The cover 1--2--3! And Kronik prevail in their CWI debut!

Penzer(off-camera as Adams throws Raymond out to the arena floor): Here is your winner by way of pinfall, Kronik!

Styles(off-camera): We've got more tag team action coming your way as the Nasty Boys and the Honky Tonk Man face Rick Steamboat and Jay Youngblood in a 3-on-2 bout and the Legion of Doom defend the CWI tag team titles against the Dudley Boys...but right now, we're going to send you to the Coach, who's standing by with Justin Credible.

FADE TO: Jonathan Coachman and Justin Credible in the backstage area.

Coach: Justin, tonight in your first CWI appearance you'll be taking on former NWA world heavyweight champion Tommy Rich...

Justin(smirking): Annihilating Tommy Rich, you mean. That guy's a joke and everybody knows it...it was just luck that he beat Harley Race for the NWA title, and he wound up losing it back to Race five days later.

Coach: Aren't you worried that you might be taking Rich too lightly?

Justin: (Bleep) no, Coachman...only thing I'm worried about is being too tired to party after I've finished kicking his ass.

Coach: That's it from this end...now back to ringside!

CUT TO: Penzer standing in the center of the ring.
Penzer: The following contest is a three-on-two tag team match scheduled for one fall! ("I'm Cool I'm ****y I'm Bad" starts playing over the Target Center PA) Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Jimmy Hart, at a combined weight of 771 pounds, the team of the Honky Tonk Man and the Nasty Boys!

Styles(off-camera): Why doesn't somebody put this third-rate Elvis imitator out of our misery?

Ventura(off-camera): You just have no appreciation for good music, Joey!

Styles(off-camera): You call that music?!! I swear if I have to listen that much longer, I'm going to rip that guitar out of his hands and smash it over his head...

Penzer(as music switches to Glenn Frey's "The Heat Is On"): And their opponents, at a total combined weight of 475 pounds, the team of Rick Steamboat and Jay Youngblood!

Styles(off-camera): The crowd making it pretty clear where their sympathies lie in this bout....and an attempted ambush by Honky backfires as Steamboat delivers a perfect savate kick to the midsection! This one could be over in the blink of an eye!

Ventura(off-camera): Let's hope not--Jimmy spent three weeks prepping his guys for this bout...

Styles(off-camera):Tag to Jay Youngblood...and Youngblood off the top rope with his patented Flying Tomahawk on the Honky Tonk Man! The cover--1...2...3! Steamboat and Youngblood prevail against the odds!

Penzer(as camera zooms in on Jimmy Hart arguing with the referee):Your winners by way of pinfall, the team of Rick Steamboat and Jay Youngblood!

Ventura(off-camera): I have to admit, Joey, Honky more or less sealed his own fate by trying to go after Steamboat from the back...He should have set his sights on Youngblood first.

Styles(off-camera): It's water under the bridge now, Jesse...coming up next, Tommy Rich and Justin Credible square off in their CWI debut and reigning CWI Extreme champion Sabu battles the One Man Gang!

CUT TO: Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura back at ringside.

Ventura: And don't forget our hellacious main event...reigning CWI world heavyweight champion Dave "The Animal" Batista takes on the Beast from the East, Bam Bam Bigelow!

FADE TO: Commercial break.
As we come back from commercial break we see Anthony Chimel standing in the center of the ring, with Justin Credible just off to his left.

Chimel(as Snoop Dogg's "Murder Was The Case" blasts from the Target Center PA): The following contest is scheduled for one fall....already in the ring, from Waterbury, Connecticut and weighing in at 225 pounds, Justin Credible!

Ventura: Keep your eye on this guy, Joey-- word in the locker room is he's a major contender for the CWI Extreme championship...

Chimel(as Arrested Development's "Tennessee" begins booming over the Target Center PA): And his opponent, from Hendersonville, Tennessee, weighing in at 256 pounds, "Wildfire" Tommy Rich!

Styles(off-camera): The crowd on its feet for Tommy Rich as he gets ready to take on ECW hardcore bad boy Justin Credible....and Justin already on the attack with some vicious chops to the chest!

Ventura(off-camera): Justin's not the kind to pass up an opportunity to take the advantage if he can get it...get a load of that vertical suplex!

Styles(off-camera): Legdrop by Justin on Rich, and the former NWA world champion is in serious trouble early on...

Ventura(off-camera): Compared to this, his bouts with Buzz Sawyer were a piece of cake.

Styles(off-camera): I think he might agree with you...OH MY GOD! Rich just clocked Justin with a left hook to the jaw! Tommy Rich now in control of this matchup!

Ventura: A desperation move on Tommy's part, but it worked!

Styles(off-camera): Irish whip into the ropes--and a nice standing dropkick by Tommy! Let's see if he can keep the momentum going....elbowsmash!

Ventura(off-camera): If Justin's not careful, he could come out on the losing end in his CWI debut!

Styles(off-camera): Rich setting Justin up for the piledriver...and connects! The cover--1...2...3! And Tommy Rich goes home a winner in his first CWI match!

Chimel: Here is your winner by way of pinfall, "Wildfire" Tommy Rich!

Styles(off-camera): Before we get to our next match, let's go to our broadcast colleague Scott Hudson, who has some major news about the bikini contest between Torrie Wilson and Jeannie Clark.

CUT TO: Scott Hudson in the backstage area.

Hudson: Gentlemen, it looks like the bikini contest is going to be a three-way affair...I've just learned within the past few minutes that WCW's Midajah has been invited to participate in the event and accepted the invitation. This should be an interesting spectacle indeed--now back to you at ringside.

FADE TO: Dave Penzer standing in the middle of the ring.

Penzer: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CWI Extreme championship! ("Jive Soul Bro" starts blaring from the Target Center PA) Introducing first the challenger, accompanied to the ring by his manager Slick and weighing at 481 pounds, from Chicago, Illinois, the One Man Gang!

Styles(off-camera): The One Man Gang really put a hurt on Paul Jones at Grand Opening...can he make it two wins in a row tonight??

Ventura(off-camera): You bet he can, Joey! He's a wrecking machine, and he's going to smash Sabu to smithereens!

Penzer(as music fades to Sabu's old ECW entrance theme): And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by his manager Bill Alfonso, from Bombay, India and weighing in at 222 pounds, the CWI Extreme champion, Sabu!

Ventura(off-camera): The champ's got blood in his eye!

Styles(off-camera): And he'll have it in a lot of other places before this bout is over--there's the bell! The challenger getting in the first shot with a roundhouse right and fallaway slam!

Ventura(as camera cuts to Slick cheering OMG on): The Doctor of Style likin' what he sees so far...

Styles(off-camera): Gang fires Sabu into the ropes--and a vicious chair shot to the champion's face! We could be looking at a new CWI Extreme champion when this bout is over!

Ventura(off-camera): That's part of what makes CWI great, its unpredictability...


Ventura(off-camera): That's Sabu for ya, he's like a wildcat...at his most dangerous when he's cornered!

Styles(off-camera): Sabu up on the top turnbuckle...and he nails Gang with a flying bodypress! And now Bill Alfonso trading punches with Slick!

Ventura(off-camera): What's he doin' that for? Slick never laid a glove on him!

Styles(off-camera): He was about to lay one on the champion....Irish whip by Sabu, and he plants Gang through a table with the Arabian facebuster! The cover--1...2...3! And Sabu emerges victorious in his first title defense!

Penzer: Your winner by way of pinfall, and still CWI Extreme champion, Sabu!

Styles(as camera zooms in on Sabu running out to aid Bill Alfonso): Gang had the size advantage in this bout, but he couldn't capitalize on it, and in the end Sabu made him pay for it....Coming up next, Billy Kidman and Tracey Smothers go head-to-head for a shot at Koji Kanemoto's CWI cruiserweight title!

FADE TO: Commercial break including a 30-second spot for Conflagration.

As we come back from commercial break we see Dave Penzer standing just to the right of the center of the ring.

Penzer: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is a #1 contenders match to determine who will challenge Koji Kanemoto for the CWI cruiserweight title! ("Dukes of Hazzard" TV series theme begins playing over the Target Center PA) Introducing first, from Springfield, Tennessee, weighing in at 235 pounds, Tracy Smothers!

Styles(off-camera): Smothers getting a somewhat mixed reception as he makes his way down the aisle to take on Billy Kidman...

Ventura(off-camera): This is going to be an amazing match! You've got two of the most gifted aerial specialists in wrestling history colliding head-on, and whoever wins this bout is going to pose a huge threat to Koji Kanemoto's championship!

Penzer(as music segues into "You Can Run"): And his opponent, from Allentown, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 197 pounds, Billy Kidman!

Styles(off-camera): Kidman with some harsh words for Tracy Smothers as he steps into the ring to face off with the Tennessee native to claim the spot of #1 contender for the CWI cruiserweight belt! Collar-and-elbow tie-up to start the match, and neither man budging an inch so far...

To be continued
Picking up where we left off..

Ventura(off-camera): Kidman's a stubborn son of a bitch, no doubt about it....

Styles(off-camera): Smothers backs Kidman into a corner, and he's forced to break the hold...and Kidman with a boot to the knee! The former WCW cruiserweight champion pulling out all the stops as he tries to seize the advantage over Smothers...

Ventura(off-camera): That might be easier said than done, Joey--those Southern guys can fight like the devil if you get 'em ticked off enough.

Styles(off-camera): T-bone suplex by Kidman on Smothers, and in this battle of WCW alumni Billy Kidman seems to be getting the upper hand...fist to the face of Smothers!

Ventura(off-camera): It ain't over till the ref counts three or one of these guys taps out!

Styles(off-camera): We may be reaching that point soon...Kidman with the Irish whip--Smothers reverses it and catches Kidman with a clothesline!

Ventura(off-camera): Look out, Joey, I think he's getting ready to hit Kidman with his famous Tennessee Jawbreaker...

Styles(off-camera): Smothers connects with the Tennessee Jawbreaker, and it looks like it's just a matter of time before he goes for his favorite finisher, the Southern Kick!

Ventura(off-camera): If he hits it, he gets the title shot with Kanemoto next week!

Styles(off-camera): Smothers with the Southern Kick--AND HE MISSED! HE MISSED! KIDMAN GETS HIM WITH THE ATOMIC DROP!

Ventura(off-camera): This mean he'll try the Shooting Star Press?

Styles(off-camera): Could be....Kidman on the top rope--and blasts Smothers with the Shooting Star! The cover--1...2...3! And Billy Kidman has a date with destiny next week against Koji Kanemoto!

CUT TO: Kidman celebrating in the ring as Penzer is handed a wireless mic.

Penzer: Your winner by way of pinfall and the #1 contender for the CWI cruiserweight championship, Billy Kidman!

Ventura(off-camera): If Kidman's half as good next week against Kanemoto as he was tonight against Smothers, I'd say Koji's got his work cut out for him!

Styles(off-camera): I'd have to agree with you there, Jesse...right now let's go to a special prerecorded message from the Legend Killer, Randy Orton!

FADE TO: Randy Orton standing in front of a poster for Grand Opening at CWI Corporate Headquarters, decked out in a three-piece suit and looking like he wants to kill somebody. In the lower right corner of the screen we see the caption "Taped 6/27".

Orton: Last Friday should have been a special night for me, my dad, and the Valentines--AND YOU WRECKED IT, BEEFCAKE! YOU (BLEEP)ING TRASHED MY CWI DEBUT AND YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH IT! RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, I'M CHALLENGING YOU TO MEET ME IN A STEEL CAGE MATCH AT CONFLAGRATION! (voice gets lower as he glares into the camera) And when that match is done, and you're lying on the canvas like the scum that you are, you'll wish you'd never heard the name Randy Orton.

FADE TO: Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura back at ringside.

Ventura: Looks like Randy's a little hot under the collar about what went down at Grand Opening...

Styles: Strong words indeed from the Legend Killer...(turns to face the camera)But right now let's move on to something more pleasant, namely the bikini contest between Torrie Wilson, Jeannie Clarke, and Midajah O'Hearn.

CUT TO: Anthony Chimel standing just off to the left of the center of the ring.

Chimel: Ladies and gentlemen, it's now time for the bikini contest! (Rod Stewart's "Hot Legs" starts blaring over the Target Center PA) Introducing first, from Seattle, Washington, at an even 100 pounds, Midajah O'Hearn!

Ventura(off-camera): No wonder Scott Steiner had the hots for her, Joey...would you get a load of those legs?!

Styles(off-camera): A lot of guys here in the Target Center and watching at home would love to see what Midajah's got on under that kimono...

Chimel(as music shifts to "Need A Little More Time"): Our second contestant, from Boise, Idaho, weighing at 124 pounds, Torrie Wilson!

Styles(off-camera): Judging by the reaction as Torrie makes her entrance, I think we can dub her the crown favorite to win this contest...

Ventura(off-camera): Maybe you can, but my money's on Midajah....the way she struts in that ring, I think the judges are going to name her the winner for that alone!

Chimel(as music switches to "Hit Me With Your Best Shot"): And from England by way of Dallas, Texas, weighing at 117 pounds, Jeannie Clark!

Ventura(off-camera): There's the X factor in this contest, Chris Adam's ex-wife...

To be continued
Continued from my last post...

Styles(off-camera): Call me crazy, Jesse, but Clark is giving Midajah this look like they know something the rest of us don't....

Ventura(off-camera): You need to lay off the wacky tobacky, Styles...you're starting to go Oliver Stone on me here.

Styles(off-camera): Torrie getting ready to slip out of her robes and show off her modeling po--WHAT THE HELL?!! Clark and Midajah just double-teamed Torrie!

Ventura(off-camera): Wow, looks like you were right after all, Joey!

Styles(off-camera): This was a set-up all along! Clark and Midajah trying to batter Torrie to a pulp...(camera pans to the curtain leading to the backstage area as Madusa bolts down the aisle with kendo stick in tow) Wait a minute--Madusa Miceli coming in to help Torrie Wilson...and she gets in a bone-jarring shot to the side of Jeannie Clark's head! Clark and Midajah running for their lives as the martial arts specialist comes in to make the save.

Ventura(as camera zooms in on Madusa daring Midajah to come back in the ring): This could be start of the first major feud in the CWI women's division!

Styles(off-camera): Or at least the escalation of it....coming up next, the Legion of Doom defends the CWI world tag team titles against the Dudley Boys!

FADE TO: Commercial break.
We come back from commercial break to see the Dudley Boys striding down the aisle as their old WWE entrance theme blasts over the Target Center PA.

Chimel(off-camera): The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CWI world tag team titles! Introducing first the challengers, at a total combined weight of 587 pounds and accompanied to the ring by Spike Dudley, Bubba Ray and D-Von, the Dudley Boys!

Ventura(off-camera): Practically every TV set in Dudleyville is tuned in to this bout! These guys made a spectacular debut in CWI when they beat the Fabulous Freebirds in the Georgia Street Fight at Grand Opening, and tonight they have an opportunity to make it two in a row by beating LOD for the tag titles!

Chimel(as music segues to "What A Rush"): And their opponents, accompanied to the ring by Paul Ellering, at a total combined weight of 602 pounds, they are the CWI world tag team champions, Hawk and Animal, the Legion of Doom!

Styles(off-camera): A deafening ovation for the champs as they hit the ring...and they're not wasting any time getting down to business! Bubba Ray and Hawk slugging it out in the center of the ring, Animal and D-Von brawling out on the arena floor, and Paul Ellering trading harsh words with Spike Dudley over by the timekeeper's table!

Ventura(off-camera,annoyed): Why doesn't Ellering mind his own beeswax?!

Styles(off-camera): Bubba Ray Irish whips Hawk into the ropes--big powerslam! And now he tags in his brother D-Von, who lays some vicious forearm chops to the back of Hawk!

Ventura(off-camera): That's what makes the Dudleys such an effective team...they see an opening and they go for it! Ooh, beautiful clothesline by D-Von!

Styles(off-camera): The reigning tag team champions in trouble early on...and now Hawk finally manages to tag in Animal!

Ventura(off-camera): This is the Dudleys' night, Joey, take my word for it...

Styles(off-camera): That remains to be seen--big elbow drop by Animal, and now it's the challengers who are in trouble!

Ventura(off-camera): Both teams pulling out all the stops here tonight Joey! The Dudleys want to take the gold, and LOD wants to keep it!

Styles(off-camera): Animal with a headlock on D-Von, and now he tags Hawk back into the match....

To be continued
Picking up where I left off...

Styles(off-camera): Double Irish whip by Hawk and Animal on D-Von...and a double back body drop! We could see the Doomsday Device any second...

Ventura(off-camera): Not if the Dudleys have anything to say about it!


Ventura(off-camera): What did I tell you, Joey?!! The Dudleys are in the driver's seat just like they were last Friday at the end of their match with the Freebirds!

Styles(off-camera): D-Von and Bubba Ray setting Animal up for the Dudley Death Drop--and they connect! The cover--1...2...3! We've got new tag team champions less than a week after we crowned our first ones!

Chimel(as camera zooms in on a jubilant Spike Dudley handing his brothers the tag belts): Your winners by way of pinfall, and the new CWI world tag team champions, the Dudley Boys!

Ventura(off-camera, triumphant): Two in a row, Joey, just like I predicted! The Dudley Boys are on a roll!

Styles(off-camera): The question is, Jesse, can they keep it up? (camera focuses in on Paul Ellering bawling out the ref) Coming up next, our main event--reigning CWI world heavyweight champion Dave Batista puts his belt on the line against the Beast from the East, Bam Bam Bigelow!

CUT TO: 2-minute spot for Conflagration and 7/6 episode of Riot.
As we come back from commercial break, we see Dave Penzer standing in the center of the ring.

Penzer: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CWI world heavyweight championship!(Bon Jovi's "Wanted Dead or Alive" starts playing on the Target Center PA) Introducing first the challenger, from Asbury Park, New Jersey, weighing at 364 pounds, the Beast from the East--Bam Bam Bigelow!

Styles(off-camera): The fans here at the Target Center not exactly thrilled to see Bigelow making his way to the ring, Jesse...Before we get into the main event, I've got to say that the ending of the tag team title match was a real shocker...

Ventura(off-camera): Like I said during the bout between Sabu and Gang, one of the great things about CWI is that you never know what's going to happen on any given night....

Penzer(as music switches to "I Walk Alone"): And his opponent...from Washington, D.C. and weighing in at 321 pounds, he is the CWI world heavyweight champion, "The Animal" Dave Batista!

Styles(off-camera): Fans here at the Target Center solidly behind the reigning CWI world champion as he gets set to defend his title against Bam Bam Bigelow...Bam Bam starts off with a couple of fists to the left side of Batista's face, and the champ retaliates with a kick to the midsection!

Ventura(off-camera): Bam Bam wants that gold in the worst way...you can tell by the look in his eyes that this won't be an easy night for Batista...

Styles(off-camera): Batista Irish whipping Bam Bam into the ropes...and he catches the challenger in a devastating clothesline!

Ventura(off-camera):He hit so hard with that one I think Bam Bam's grandkids will feel it!

Styles(off-camera): The champ going for the elbow on Bam Bam...and Bam Bam just gets out of the way at the last second! Scoopslam by the challenger on Batista!

Ventura(off-camera): We could see our second title change of the night, Joey...

Styles(off-camera): Time will tell, Jesse--Bam Bam with an Irish whip on the champion into the ropes, and he knocks Batista flat with an amazing flying clothesline! The cover--1...2...and Batista kicks out!

Ventura(off-camera): I'll say one thing for the champ, he won't quit easily...

Styles(off-camera): The Animal with a powerslam on Bigelow! A devastating legdrop, and now the challenger is starting to run out of gas!

Ventura(off-camera): Bam Bam's going to need to come with something special if he wants to walk away with the title!

To be continued!
The big finale....

Styles(off-camera): Batista trying to set Bam Bam up for the suplex, but the challenger blocks it...and now a thumb to the eyes! Roundhouse rights by Bigelow, and we could be just moments away from our second title change of the night!

Ventura(off-camera): Wouldn't that be something!

Styles(off-camera): Slam by Bigelow! And now he's getting ready to deliver his patented splash on Batista!

Ventura(off-camera): If he connects with it, we've got a new world heavyweight champion!


Ventura(off-camera): It doesn't look good for Bigelow!

Styles(off-camera): Batista picks Bam Bam up...and plants him down on the canvas! The cover--1...2...3! And the Animal retains the CWI world heavyweight championship!

Penzer(as camera zooms in on Batista acknowledging the fans at ringside): Your winner by way of pinfall and still CWI world heavyweight champion, Dave Batista!

CUT TO: Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura back at the broadcast booth.

Styles: It's been an amazing launch for Thursday Night Riot...new tag team champions crowned, a dramatic world title match, the escalation of one feud and the start of two more! We hope you'll join us again next week when Riot broadcasts from the Verizon Wireless Arena in Manchester, New Hampshire!

Ventura: And don't forget our next kick-ass pay-per-view, Conflagration, coming to you from the Staples Center in LA July 24th!

Styles: For Jesse Ventura and the rest of the CWI broadcast team, this is Joey Styles saying good night from the Target Center.

Fade to black as Riot goes off the air.

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