CWI Thursday Night Riot 9/7/2006

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Pre-Show Stalwart
The show opens with a wide pan shot of the Schneider Arena crowd, then fades to a closeup of Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura at ringside. Both men are talking excitedly about the fact that tonight's show will mark the official CWI debut of the Hart Foundation, as well as the explosive main event in which new CWI Canadian champion test will face Eduoard Carpentier.

Camera fades to a Rhode Island state police color guard in the center of the ring displaying the Stars & Stripes as the bell tolls 10 times to commemorate 9/11.

Pan to a reaction shot of various CWI superstars watching the color guard dip the flag before the first toll of the bell, then raise it again after the bell rings for the tenth. As the color guard files out of the ring, we fade to a pre-recorded video of CWI commissioner Lou Thesz urging CWI fans around the world to remember those killed in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Fade to commercial.

When we return from commercial break, we see Gary Michael Cappetta standing just to the left of the center of the ring getting ready to introduce the opening bout of the night. Lance Storm's old ECW entrance theme blasts over the Schneider Arena PA as the former ECW tag team champion strides down the aisle wearing a T-shirt that reads "Canada's REAL greatest athlete". A minute later, the music segues into Slade's "Run Run Away" and Ronnie Garvin hits the ring....

"Rugged" Ronnie Garvin vs. Lance Storm

In a show of contempt for his opponent, Storm yanks his T-shirt off and throws it right in Garvin's face. Not the smartest thing he could have done...right away Garvin tears into him with a series of roundhouse rights, demonstrating for the crowd just how he got the nickname "Hands of Stone". He then follows those blows up with an atomic drop/short clothesline combo.

Styles: Not looking good for Storm right now...

Ventura: Definitely not! Lance is just getting hammered out there....

Garvin hits Storm with a belly-to-back suplex and goes for the pin, but Storm kicks out at two and cleans Garvin's clock with a DDT. As a dazed Garvin lies sprawled out in the middle of the ring, Storm hits him with a wicked knee drop to the sternum and slingshots him against the top rope; when Lance tries to pin Ronnie, however, the former NWA world champion manages to get his foot on the rope at the last possible second, forcing Storm to break the cover attempt.

Styles: Storm just can't seem to put Rugged Ronnie away tonight....

Ventura(as camera zooms in on an irritated Storm arguing with referee Brian Hildebrandt): You can see how much it frustrates Lance-- with his killer instinct, he normally finishes his opponents off in less than ten minutes!

This time, however, it's Storm who gets finished off; while the former ECW tag team champion is busy jawing with the ref, Garvin sneaks up behind him and traps him in a rollup for the 1-2-3. As mad pops erupts from the crowd, Garvin points at the camera and says "You're next, Jericho!"

Your winner: "Rugged" Ronnie Garvin by pinfall at 14 minutes and 21 seconds.

Fade to Michael Cole standing by backstage with former CWI Far East champion "Macho Man" Randy Savage. Asked if he feels he's lost a step after being dethroned by Jun Akiyama, Savage replies thusly:

Savage: The Macho Man might be a little down right now, but don't ever count him out! Sooner or later I'll get the Far East title back, and tonight I'm takin' the first step toward that by beatin' the living hell out of Kurt Angle! Oooooh yeahhhhh!

Cut back to the ring as Anthony Chimel introduces the next match. "Hot Legs" booms out from the Schneider Arena, signalling the arrival of Midajah O'Hearn accompanied by Scott Steiner. As Midajah gives a brief display of her, physique, the music switches in mid-track to the "Miami Vice" theme, and Wendi Richter hits the ring looking to kick some ass...

Wendi Richter vs. Midajah O'Hearn

The former CWI women's champion wastes little time going on the attack; decking Midajah with roundhouse rights and a kick to the midsection, she quickly seizes the initiative. While O'Hearn is struggling to recover from this initial barrage, Richter nails her with a perfectly executed hurricanrana....

Styles: Think she's hungry to get the women's title back, Jess?

Ventura: Yeah, I'd say so, Styles!

A pair of elbow drops knock the rest of the wind out of Hearn, but as Richter tries to go for the cover Scott Steiner yanks her out to the arena floor...

Fade to commercial.
what a show! lol jk... Dont post little parts of ur shows like this... Write the whole show or post it in 2 or 3 parts...
Continuing from my last post...

Wendy Richter vs. Midajah O'Hearn(continued)

We return from commercial break to see Richter trapped in a corner and Midajah viciously kicking her in the stomach. O'Hearn then Irish-whips the former CWI women's champion into another corner and belts her with a flying forearm...

Ventura: Not lookin' good for the former CWI women's champion!

Styles: You can say that again...Suplex by Midajah! The cover--1...2...Richter kicks out!

Ventura: Maybe I spoke too soon!

Indeed he did-- Richter proceeds to nail her opponent with a barrage of clotheslines and roundhouse rights, then powerslams her from the second rope. As a dazed Midajah tries to pull herself up right, Richter wallops her with the Widowmaker for the three-count and the victory. The crowd erupts in a thunderous ovation.

Your winner: Wendi Richter by pinfall at 15 minutes and 54 seconds.

Cut to Mean Gene Okerlund backstage with Kurt Angle.

Gene: Kurt, tonight you'll be taking on one of the toughest challenges of your career as you battle former CWI Far East champion "Macho Man" Randy Savage....

Angle(chortling): Okerlund, please. Randy Savage is washed up-- a dinosaur, a relic. Did you see the way Jun Akiyama kicked his ass at Frontal Assault?! And Akiyama's barely five-foot-ten! Imagine what'll happen when yours truly gets hold of the Not-So-Macho-Man.

Gene: With all due respect, Kurt, it occurs to me you may be taking this match a bit too lightly...not only is Randy Savage a two-time former WWE world champion, but he's also a man on a mission in the wake of Stan Hansen's vicious post-match sneak attack on him at Frontal Assault.

Angle: Yeah, well, that mission's going to be aborted tonight courtesy of the Olympic Hero. End of story.

Gene(turning to face the camera): Strong words from Olympic gold medalist Kurt back to Joey and the body at ringside!

Fade back to the ring as Anthony Chimel introduces the next match. Sabu's old ECW entrance theme erupts like a volcano from the Schneider Arena PA and the former CWI Extreme champion rushes down the aisle looking like he's going to foam at the mouth any second....

Ventura: Sabu's out for blood tonight, Joey!

Seconds later, the music switches over to "Longhorn" and JBL's limo rolls out to an avalanche of boos from the fans. JBL steps out with Orlando Jordan right behind him, both grinning like they haven't got a care in the world. Just to cheese off his opponent, JBL is holding up a T-shirt that reads "Bruiser Brody Owns You"...

Styles: Big mistake, I'd say, Jesse...showing Sabu that slogan is like waving a red flag in front of a bull...

Sure enough, two seconds later Sabu races out of the ring, nails JBL and Orlando with a double clothesline, then shreds the T-shirt and slams JBL's head into the limo door...

JBL vs. Sabu

Orlando Jordan retreats to the safety of the backstage area as JBL and Sabu trade fists in the middle of the aisle. The former WWE Smackdown main eventer Irish-whips his ECW foe into the steel steps leading up to the ring, then throws him into the ring and hits him with a pair of nasty elbow drops.

Ventura: Looks like Sabu's still struggling with the fallout from losing the Extreme title to Bruiser Brody!

Styles: Not to mention JBL's incredibly aggressive offense...DDT on the former CWI Extreme champion!

JBL then proceeds to sprawl Sabu out with some brutal kicks to the gut; he hits the homicidal, suicidal, genocidal one with a legdrop...

Styles: JBL hooks the leg--1....2...OH MY GOD! Sabu's kicked out! The former CWI Extreme champion nails JBL with a fierce flying clothesline!

Ventura: Sabu was playin' possum the whole time!! :blink:

Now it's JBL's turn to get the crap kicked out of him; Sabu rocks the Texan brawler with a series of forearm shots and running kneelifts before knocking the wind out of him with a face-first suplex. Not wanting to give JBL a chance to recover, Sabu clamps him in a headlock and puts his lights out with an Arabian facebuster to get the 1-2-3 and the win.

Your winner: Sabu by pinfall at 14 minutes and 39 seconds.

Camera follows Sabu back down the aisle as he heads toward the backstage area to get his hands on Orlando Jordan; we then fade to a brief promo for Throwdown. When we come back from the promo, we see a brief clip of the Hart Foundation in the midst of a pre-match workout in preparation for their CWI debut later in the show.

Cut to Mike Tenay standing by with new CWI Canadian champion Test, who sounds highly confident about his impending title defense against challenger Eduoard Carpentier.

Test: Tonight I'm going to prove that my win over Iron Mike Sharpe wasn't a fluke. As Canadian champion, I'll take on all come--

Test is abruptly cut off in mid-sentence as Rick Martel whales him from behind with a trash can and starts kicking him in the ribs; other wrestlers and CWI security officials quickly intervene to break up the assault, but not before Martel clocks the champ over the head with the title belt.

Martel: That's the price you pay for disrespecting me, Test!

Camera follows Martel down the hallway and out of the arena as we fade back to Styles and the Body at ringside.

Styles: If there wasn't already a war going on between Test and Rick Martel, there certainly will be now!

Ventura: The question is, can he recover from the attack in time for his match against Carpentier?

Cut to Lillian Garcia in the center of the ring as she introduces the next match. Buddy Guy's "I'm A Man" booms from the Schneider Arena PA as Buff Bagwell strolls down the aisle, looking insufferably smug...

Styles: I don't know which is bigger, his biceps or his ego!

Posing beside Garcia in the center of the ring, Bagwell hardly notices as the music switches over to Luis Miguel's "Los Muchacho de Hoy" and Tito Santana makes his way to the ring apron; as soon as he catches sight of the former WWE Intercontinental champion, however, he flips Santana off and dares him to take a swing. Tito, of course, is only too glad to oblige-- you DON'T diss "El Matador" and expect to get away with it....

Tito Santana vs. Buff Bagwell

Buff never knows what him; Santana peppers the former WCW hardbody with an avalanche of lefts and rights, then Irish-whips him into the ropes and knocks him flat on his conceited butt with a flying clothesline. As if that wasn't enough to make Bagwell wish he'd stayed in bed, Tito then proceeds to nail him with back-to-back knee drops and a German suplex.

By the five-minute mark, it's obvious Bagwell's not going to last much longer as Tito wallops him right in the chops with a flying dropkick. As a dazed, nearly unconscious Buff tries to pull himself back to his feet, Santana administers the crowning touch with his patented flying forearm for the pin and the victory.

Styles: He really did a number on Bagwell, didn't he, Jess?

Ventura: The real question is whether he can do it to Cavernario Galindo....

Your winner: Tito Santana by pinfall at 5 minutes and 12 seconds.

Fade to a brief clip of Kurt Angle shadow-boxing in his dressing room, then go to commercial.
We return from commercial break to hear "Hart Attack" blasting from the Schneider Arena PA. Deafening pops burst out from the crowd as the Hart Foundation head down the aisle for their official CWI debut...

Styles: The atmosphere in this arena is electric!

Ventura: With the Hit Man and the Anvil in the house, you'd expect nothing less!

Bret Hart bestows his trademark shades on a young fan at ringside and the two-time former WWE tag team champions step through the ropes to await their opposition. Moments later, the music segues to "North to Alaska" as Mike York and Frank Monte hit the ring...

The Hart Foundation vs. the Alaskans

Jim Neidhart starts things off for the Foundation, facing Frank Monte of the Alaskans; surprisingly, Monte gets the better of their initial confrontation and Anvil finds himself in the wrong part of town as Monte tags in Mike York and the two engage in some nasty double-teaming....

Styles: He's getting mugged right now!

At about the six-minute mark, however, Neidhart finally manages to make his escape and tags in Bret Hart, who attacks York like a rabid pit bull, pounding him with roundhouse rights and knife-edged chops to the sternum. He powerslams York, then drills him from the second rope with an elbowsmash worthy of Randy Savage. He tries to pin York, but York kicks out at two and tags Monte back into the match...

Ventura: Look at those fists, Styles-- Monte's taking this match very seriously....

Styles: Irish-whip by Monte on Bret Hart into the ropes-- Hart reverses it and takes Monte down with a head scissors!

Ventura: Monte'll be feeling that one in the morning!

The Hit Man then nails Monte with a Russian leg sweep and tags in the Anvil, who beats the living hell out of the Alaskan with a barrage of closed fists; Mike York tries to intervene on his partner's behalf only to get decked by the Hit Man and tossed to the arena floor. From there, it's just a matter of time until the Harts put the finishing touch on this bout with their patented bearhug/flying clothesline combo for the three-count and the victory.

Your winners: the Hart Foundation by pinfall at 12 minutes and 7 seconds.

Camera follows the Harts out of the ring as they acknowledge the crowd's ovation before heading back to the locker room.

Cut to Jim Ross standing by with Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson; conspicuously absent is J.J. Dillon, who according to Double A is busy negotiating with CWI promoters to get Flair a CWI world titlte shot. Tully, for his part, predicts that he and his partner will trounce the New Age Outlaws tonight.

Fade back to the ring as Dave Penzer introduces the next match; "Olympic Hero" trumpets from the Schneider Arena PA as Kurt Angle struts down to the ring, showing off his gold medal....

Ventura: Don't you wish you had one of those, Joey?

Styles: He probably got it out of a Cracker Jack box!

Just after he gets in the ring, Angle turns to argue with a ringside fan as the music switches over to "Pomp & Circumstance" and former CWI Far East champion Randy Savage steps out from behind the curtain...

Kurt Angle vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage

In the early minutes of the match, Angle's Greco-Roman expertise gives him the advantage over the Macho Man, who's still a bit shaken up in the aftermath of Stan Hansen's beatdown of him and Elizabeth at Frontal Assault. Twice the Olympic Hero comes close to making Savage tap out, only to have the former CWI Far East champion somehow reach the ropes at the last second...

Ventura: How Savage is managing to stay in this match, I just don't know, Styles!

Styles: Me either, Jesse...(camera zooms in on Angle arguing with referee Dave Hebner)....but Kurt's not too happy about it!

Unable to put the Macho Man away with technical prowess, Angle tries brawling tactics...a decision that backfires on him big-time given Savage's ferocity and years of experience in Pier 6 showdowns. Before he knows it, the former WWE champion is sprawling out on the arena floor as Savage clotheslines him through the ropes.

Ventura: Not one of Kurt's best nights, I have to say....

As Angle climbs to his feet, Savage hauls him back into the ring and subjects him to a punishing bodyslam; he then proceeds to administer a pair of wicked kneedrops before climbing to the top turnbuckle to deliver his trademark elbow drop. The crowd erupts in a standing O as the Macho Man gets the 3-count and the win.

Your winner: "Macho Man" Randy Savage by pinfall at 14 minutes and 37 seconds.

Cut to shot of Eduoard Carpentier walking down an empty hallway as he awaits the main event.

Fade to commercial.

When we return from commercial break we see a 30-second spot for Throwdown, then fade to Anthony Chimel introducing the final match on the undercard. "TNT" burst from the Schneider Arena PA as J.J. Dillon accompanies Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson to the ring...

Ventura: Look at those guys and tell me you don't see the next tag team champs, Styles!

As Blanchard and Anderson are shedding their robes and going through their final pre-match workout, the opening bars of "Oh You Didn't Know" erupt from the PA and mad pops greet the New Age Outlaws when they strut down the aisle. Dillon, Blanchard, and Anderson look at Road Dogg and Billy Gunn like they were something Dillon scraped off his shoe, especially when RD picks up the mic and says:

Road Dogg: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, the Schneider Arena proudly brings to you your soon-to-be CWI tag team champions of the woooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrld....The Road Dogg, Jesse James...the Bad @$$, Billy Gunn-- THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS!

Billy: And if you don't like that, we've got two words for ya...

Fans(in unison):S**K IT!

The New Age Outlaws vs. Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson

Blanchard and Anderson try to seize the early advantage by back-jumping the Outlaws, but it backfires; Road Dogg and Billy beat the snot out of both Horsemen and toss Anderson over the top rope. For good measure they even get in a couple of punches on Dillon....

Styles: Like the saying goes, mess with the bull and you get the horns!

A few roundhouse rights later, Blanchard is in another world, allowing Road Dogg to drill him with a belly-to-back suplex and tag in Billy, who puts on the finishing touch with a flying legdrop for the 1-2-3. The DX duo takes a few moments to pose for the crowd before heading back to the locker room to party with the rest of the DX crew.

Your winners: The New Age Outlaws by pinfall at 7 minutes and 33 seconds.

Cut to Gorilla Monsoon back at CWI Corporate Headquarters with an update on the card for Throwdown and list of upcoming cards for the 'Road to Throwdown' tour. Then it's back to Schneider Arena and our main event...

To be continued
Picking up from my last post....

Slade's "Run Run Away" bursts from the Schneider Area and Eduoard Carpentier heads down the aisle in a Montreal Canadiens jersey. Camera pans over to Rick Martel sitting in the front row...

Styles: Why's Martel still hanging around here?!

Ventura: Your guess is as good as mine, Styles!

A few minutes later, the music switches over to "This Is A Test" and the crowd applauds Test as he steps out onto the aisle, one hand holding up the CWI Canadian title belt and the other clutching the ribs that Martel kicked earlier in the show...

CWI Canadian title match/Test(champion) vs. Eduoard Carpentier(challenger)

Despite the damage Martel did to him earlier, Test is able to hold his own against Carpentier, matching him move for move. Outside the ring, Rick Martel keeps a close watch on the action, trying to see if he winged the champion enough to give him a chance at beating him for the title somewhere down the road....

Styles: Martel's up to something, Jess, bet on it!

Carpentier tries to apply a Boston crab on the champion, but Test breaks the hold and slingshots the challenger against the top rope; he then nails Carpentier with a belly-to-belly suplex and is about to deliver his famous pumphandle slam when he finally notices Martel's presence at ringside...

Ventura(as camera pans to a scowling Martel): No love lost between these two!

Styles: You can say that again...(camera follows Test out of the ring and over to Martel's seat) Looks Test wants some payback for-- OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! MARTEL JUST SPRAYED TEST IN THE FACE WITH HIS 'ARROGANCE' COLOGNE!

The referee promptly calls for the bell and EMTs are brought out to help Test to the arena infirmary as Martel, having pulled off what was obviously a sneak attack planned well in advance of this show, skulks off into the night. Carpentier kicks the ring ropes in frustration, ticked off at having been robbed of another chance to win the CWI Canadian championship.

No winners; match declared a no-contest by the referee at 14 minutes and 34 seconds.

Zoom in on Test being escorted backstage as TNR goes off the air.
I see improvement, but the matches are still way too short... they dont hafta be long like Fusion's, just maybe double the match length. Cant wait 4 u'r next show... keep up all this improvement
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