CWI Thursday Night Riot 9/14/2006

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Pre-Show Stalwart

The show opens with a wide-angle crowd shot of the stands of the Comcast Center in College Park, Maryland; we then pan to a close-up of Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura at their customary ringside broadcast position, where Styles is looking somewhat askance at the sequined Baltimore Ravens cap Ventura's wearing....

Styles: Where'd you get that goofy thing from?

Ventura: Goofy, nothin', Styles-- this was custom-made for yours truly by my good buddy Tony Siragusa....

Styles: Yeah, right! :icon_rolleyes:

We then fade to the ring, where Lilllian Garcia is getting ready to introduce the opening bout of the show. "619" pumps out from the PA and Rey Misterio pops into the aisle heralded by a burst of pyro; a standing ovation follows Rey to the ring apron and gets more intense after he tosses out a handful of official CWI T-shirts to fans at ringside. The mood soon darkens, however, as the music switches to "Cat Scratch Fever" and Buzz Sawyer struts down to the ring looking like he doesn't have a care in the world...

Rey Misterio vs. Buzz Sawyer

Capitalizing on his superior speed, Rey knocks Buzz off-balance with a trio of standing dropkicks in the opening minutes of the match; while Sawyer is trying to clear the cobwebs out of his head, the former WWE world champion Irish-whips him into the ropes and takes him down with a picture-perfect head scissors.

Ventura: What'd he have for breakfast this morning?!! :blink:

Styles: I'm not sure, but I bet that right now Buzz is wishing he'd had some of it himself! :lmao:

Gamely Buzz tries to get some offense going by landing a few roundhouse rights to Mysterio's temple, but it only works for a few seconds as Rey traps Buzz in an armbar before putting him flat on his keister with a hip toss. Mysterio is starting to climb the top turnbuckle for a splash attempt when the camera pans over to the curtains leading to the backstage area...

Styles: Justin Credible sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong!

Ventura: How do you know he's not here to scout an opponent for his next match?

Styles: Rey noticing the former ECW world champion as he comes towards the ring....LOW BLOW BY SAWYER ON MISTERIO!

Joey's suspicions about Justin Credible's presence in the arena turn out to have been right on the money-- after an encouraging nod from the former ECW world champion, Sawyer back body drops Rey onto the canvas hard, then puts his lights out with a powerslam for the three-count and the win. As the crowd boos in outrage, Justin bounds in the ring and high-fives Sawyer...

Styles: It looks like Justin Credible's alliance with Buzz Sawyer is a full-time deal!

Your winner: Buzz Sawyer by pinfall at 12 minutes and 49 seconds.

Cut to Michael Cole standing by backstage with "Gentleman" Chris Adams; the British superstar, looking full of vim and vigor, says he'll knock Scott Steiner flat on his face when they hook up in the ring later tonight. We then fade to Gorilla Monsoon and Jerry "The King" Lawler at CWI corporate headquarters for a final preview of the card at Throwdown; after that, it's back to the ring as Anthoy Chimel introduces the next match.

"Keys to the City" starts pumping from the Comcast Center PA as Trish Stratus heads down to the ring to take on Rockin' Robin...

Ventura: There goes the next CWI women's champion, Joey!

Styles: I think Mildred Burke might have something to say about that, Jess!

Seconds later, the music segues into Christine Aguilera's "Fighter" and Rockin' Robin charges down the aisle ready to put the boots to the WWE diva...

Trish Stratus vs. Rockin' Robin

The second Robin hits the ring, fists start flying like Frisbees; in a bid to take the upper hand, Trish kicks Robin in the gut and Irish-whips her into the ropes. However, the former WWE women's champion misses a clothesline and Robin is able to capitalize on the mistake by dropkicking the blonde bombshell smack into a neutral corner.

Robin then clamps Trish in a headlock, hoping for a submission victory; at the last second, however, Trish grabs onto the second rope, forcing Robin to break the hold. Now it's Trish's turn to go on the attack...

Styles: Kick by Trish Stratus to Robin's upper right quad, and now the three-time former WWE women's champion has her opponent set up for the airplane spin!

Ventura: She's got a lot of frustration to let out after being suspended for 45 days by Commissioner Thesz...

Styles: Down goes Rockin' Robin! The cover-- 1....2....thr-no! Robin kicks out!

Looking like she's seen a ghost, Trish tries to regain the advantage by hitting her opponent with a flying knee drop; however, when she tries to set Robin up for a DDT, Robin reverses it into a vertical suplex and drils Trish but good. As a dazed Stratus staggers into the middle of the ring, Robin grabs her from behind and nails her with a bulldog for the 3-count and the victory.

Your winner: Rockin' Robin by pinfall at 16 minutes and 14 seconds.

Camera follows Robin as she climbs the top turnbuckle to salute the Comcast Center crowd.

Fade to commercial.
As we return from commercial break, we see Tony Schiavone standing just to the right of the center of the ring, wireless mic in hand...

Schiavone: My guest at this time is not only a two-time former WWE tag team champion, but he has also held the AWA world heavyweight title during his long and spectacular career...please welcome "The Model" Rick Martel!

The fans' attitude, however, proves anything BUT welcoming as the Model struts towards the ring toting his trademark bottle of "Arrogance" cologne. He makes a few sarcastic quips to some of the fans at ringside, then joins Tony in the ring.

Schiavone: Last week, you interfered in CWI Canadian champion Test's title defense against Eduoard Carpentier by spraying your cologne in his face...what could have made you do something like that?

Martel: Test stole something that was rightfully mine-- the chance to beat Iron Mike Sharpe for the CWI Canadian title! That oversized Dog the Bounty Hunter wannabe doesn't have a tenth of my ability or prestige, but they gave him the title shot instead of me! Before I'm through with him I'm going to make him wish he'd never heard the name Rick Martel!

Schiavone: Rick, you might be biting off a bit more than you can chew here. After all, Test stands close to seven feet---

Martel(interrupting): He's just a big dumb tree waiting to be chopped down, and I'm going to supply the axe! He's not fit to even look at the Canadian title belt, let alone wear...

This time it's Martel who gets interrupted as "This Is A Test" booms out from the Comcast Center PA and the CWI Canadian champion steps out from behind the curtain with wireless mic in hand, looking like the proverbial cat that swallowed the canary.

Test: Rick, you seem awfully sure of yourself for a guy who couldn't even beat Stan Hansen on his off-night! Well, tell you what, bud...since you're so convinced you can take me apart, how about we face off right here on TNR in two weeks!

Martel(pulling Schiavone's mic out of his hand): Careful what you wish for, Test, it might just happen!

Camera zooms in on Martel throwing the mic down to the canvas and glaring at Test, who responds by taunting the former AWA champion with the CWI Canadian title belt.

We then fade to a brief clip of Bill Goldberg shadow-boxing in a hallway as he preps for his CWI world heavyweight title match against Dave Batista later tonight.

Fade to commercial.

Returning from commercial break, we see Howard Finkel standing in the center of the ring preparing to introduce the next bout. Behind him, we see Buddy Rogers warming up...

Ventura: This is gonna be an awesome match, Joey, bank on it!

Seconds later, "Real American" erupts from the Comcast Center PA and Hulk Hogan steps out from behind the curtain, pointing his finger at Rogers as if to say "You think the ladder match with JBL was tough?!". Rogers assumes the most confrontational pose he can and dares the Hulkster to come after him...

Hulk Hogan vs. "The Original" Nature Boy Buddy Rogers

We start with a collar-and-elbow tieup by Rogers on Hogan; the Original Nature Boy then shoves the five-time former WWE world champion into a neutral corner and tries to nail him with a clothesline, only to have the Hulkster duck out of the way at the next-to-last second. As a dazed Buddy Rogers staggers away from the ringpost he just collided with, Hogan powerslams him and follows up with a series of wicked elbow drops.

The Hulkster tries to make Rogers submit using an abdominal stretch, but Buddy breaks the hold and Irish-whips Hogan into the ropes before nailing him square in the jaw with a flying dropkick. Rogers goes for a sleeper, but Hogan puts a stop to that with an elbow to the midsection followed up by a vertical suplex. A pair of knee drops later, the Hulkster goes for the pin only to have the Original Nature Boy kick out at 1½; Rogers then proceeds to administer some ferocious forearm shots to Hogan's face before getting ready to apply his favorite submission manuver....

Ventura: Looks like this is end for Hogan--Buddy's about to slap on the figure-four!

Styles: Unfortunately for Hulk, Jess, you may be right--WAIT A SECOND! OH MY GOD! HOGAN NAILED ROGERS WITH A RIGHT TO THE JAW!

Ventura: It ain't every day you see someone stop Buddy from gettin' the figure-four leglock! :blink:

The Hulkster then atomic-drops Rogers, Irish-whips him a second time and wallops him right in the jaw with a boot to the face before coming off the ropes with his patented legdrop...

Styles: Hogan hits Rogers dead on target! The cover--1...2...3! And the five-time former WWE world champion puts another notch on his belt!

Your winner: Hulk Hogan by pinfall at 17 minutes and 43 seconds.

Camera follows the Hulkster around the ring as he goes through his traditional post-match victory posedown; we then fade to a live shot of a long white limo pulling into the Comcast Center parking lot and Scott Steiner stepping out of the back after it comes to a stop.

Styles: He sure took his sweet time getting here...

Ventura: Can you blame him for wanting to stoke anticipation for his match with Chris Adams?!

Fade to commercial.
We return from commercial break with a 15-second plug for Throwdown, then fade to a close-up of Dave Batista going through a final pre-match warmup for his title defense against Goldberg.

Styles: Look at that guy, Jesse, and tell me if you don't think he's serious about retaining his championship!

Ventura: No wonder they call him the Animal-- he's snarlin' like one!

Cut to Anthony Chimel standing just to the left of the center of the ring as he starts to introduce the final match on the undercard. Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" blasts from the Comcast Center PA as Scott Steiner walks down the aisle sans Midajah; he snarls at a fan who had the audacity to make a negative comment about him, then steps in the ring and waits for his opponent to arrive.

He doesn't have to wait all that long...within seconds the music has switched to the Clash's "London Calling" and "Gentleman" Chris Adams barrels into Big Poppa Pump like a runaway train....

"Gentleman" Chris Adams vs. "Big Poppa Pump" Scott Steiner

Caught off-guard by the ferocity and speed of Adams' initial attack, Steiner immediately finds himself trapped in a corner under a rain of fists; the former World Class tag team champion then Irish-whips Steiner across the ring and nails him right in the mush with a hand-spring elbow smash. Adams tries for a splash off the second rope, but misses...

Ventura: Lucky break for Steiner....

Styles: T-bone suplex by Steiner on Chris Adams, and now the former WCW tag team champion has seized the momentum!

Steiner follows up the suplex with a punishing gorilla press slam and an elbow drop right to small of Adams' back; he goes for a pin but Adams kicks out at two and manages to trap Steiner in a headlock. Executing a near-perfect snapmare takedown on Big Poppa Pump, Adams tries to put on a Boston crab but Steiner kicks him into the ropes and he goes tumbling out to the arena floor.

Ventura: I've heard of fallin' down on the job, but this is ridiculous!

Styles: Scott Steiner follows Chris Adams out to the arena floor...and Adams decks him with a left to the jaw! Steiner in trouble as Adams throws him into the steel steps!

Ventura: If he keeps this up, Scott's peaks could look a little deflated when this match is over....

Sure enough, just as Steiner is tottering back to his feet in the ring Adams puts his lights out with a superkick, then covers him for the three-count and the victory. Steiner stumbles out of the ring and back to the dressing room area like he's had one too many martinis.

Your winner: "Gentleman" Chris Adams by pinfall at 15 minutes and 41 seconds.

Just as Adams is starting to celebrate his win, however, "Mr. TV" Jackie Pallo steps out from behind the curtain with a wireless mic in hand-- and by the look on his face it's obvious he's not here to congratulate Adams....

Pallo: Mate, you're the most overrated piece of (bleep) I've seen in a ring in years! You'd better pray I never get my hands on you, because if I do kick your (bleep) out of CWI!

Camera zooms in on a scowling Chris Adams; we can hear the crowd booing in the background as we fade to commercial.
When we return from commercial break, we hear "Who's Next" thundering from the Comcast Center PA as Bill Goldberg strides down the aisle to mad pops from the College Park fans. As the Body correctly observes while the camera follows the Georgia Jackhammer into the ring...

Ventura: This could be the biggest match TNR's seen yet!

A minute later, the music changes to "I Walk Alone" and Dave Batista steps out from behind the curtain with the CWI world heavyweight title belt in one hand. Camera zooms in on the challenger as he cautiously watches Batista enter the ring and hand the title belt to referee Joey Marella....

CWI world heavyweight title match/Dave Batista(champion) vs. Bill Goldberg

Neither champion nor challenger can gain a clear advantage in the opening minutes of this title bout; both Goldberg and Batista are so huge that each one's bulk tends to cancel out the other. It's only when Goldberg decides to put an armbar on the champion at the four-minute mark that the stalemate is broken....

Styles: Irish-whip on Batista...and now Goldberg staggers the champion with a clothesline!

Ventura: Goldberg wants that CWI world title bad!

Styles: Goldberg sets Batista up...and there's a big powerslam by the challenger! 1--2--and Batista kicks out!

Now it's Batista's turn to go on the attack as he clobbers the former WCW champion with a suplex followed by a pair of wicked forearm shots to Goldberg's sternum. He slingshots the challenger into the top, then nails him with a reverse DDT; he can't quite get the pin, however, as the Bulldog manages to get his foot on the rope at the last second...

Ventura: This could end up like a Roman gladiators' match, with us finding out the winner only when somebody's dead!

Styles: The endurance of these two is amazing!

Goldberg slams Batista twice and positions himself to deliver his famous Jackhammer on the champion; no sooner does he break into his run, however, than the Animal catches him in mid-stride and reverses it into a running bulldog. The fans go absolutely insane when Batista signals that he's ready to deliver his signature finisher...

Styles: The Animal setting his opponent up for the Batista Bomb!

Ventura: If he connects with it, there goes Goldberg's CWI undefeated streak!


Batista blinks, looking like he's just been run over by a semi; the camera then zooms in on a jacked-up Goldberg accepting his newly-won title belt from the timekeeper and climbing the top turnbuckle to show it off to the crowd.

Your winner and new CWI world heavyweight champion: Bill Goldberg by pinfall at 18 minutes and 21 seconds.

Camera follows the new CWI world champion back to the locker room as TNR goes off the air.
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