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CWI Thursday Night Riot 8/31/2006

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Pre-Show Stalwart
The show opens with an exterior shot of the Boston skyline, followed by a wide-angle pan of the TD Banknorth Garden crowd; we then fade to Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura at their usual ringside broadcast position. Styles stares in disbelief at Ventura's heavily sequined New England Patriots jersey and quips that it must have come from an Elton John garage sale, to which The Body retorts that Styles' outfit looks like it came from a Commonwealth Ave. dumpster.

Cut to Anthony Chimel introducing the opening bout of the evening...

Tito Santana vs. Psicosis

The former WWE Intercontinental champion draws mad pops from the Boston crowd as he hits the ring sporting a Boston College Eagles jersey and rips into the Mexicools leader with a flurry of fists and kicks; with a hip toss he knocks out two of Psi's teeth in one stroke. Fellow Mexicools Juventud Guerrera and Super Crazy try to come to his aid only to get dropkicked through the ropes and onto the arena floor.

By the six-minute mark of this bout, Psicosis is wishing he were somewhere, anywhere else but in the Garden...and Tito soon gives him his wish, knocking him into Dreamland with a flying forearm for the 1-2-3 and the victory. As the crowd favors him with a standing ovation, Tito picks up the mic and challenges Cavernario Galindo to face him at Throwdown with the CWI Lucha Libre title on the line.

Your winner: Tito Santana by pinfall at 6 minutes and 37 seconds.

Cut to Jonathan Coachman standing by with Rick Steamboat and Jay Youngblood as they get ready to face MNM; asked to comment on MNM's ongoing feud with the Midnight Express, Steamboat responds that his only concern is winning tonight's match so that he and Youngblood can start establishing themselves as bona fide contenders for the CWI world tag team titles.

We then fade to Michael Cole talking to CWI Canadian champion Iron Mike Sharpe, who says he'll mop the floor with Test when they square off in the ring later tonight.

Styles: I wouldn't count my chickens before they were hatched if I were him!

Ventura: C'mon, Joey, Iron Mike's been on a roll since he won that Canadian title...

Styles: He could wind up on the hot seat if he's not careful!

Cut to a shot of Booker T. getting out of a limo inside the Garden's main garage, with Sharmell and "Living Legend" Larry Zbyszko stepping out right behind him.

Fade to commercial.
Everything ^^^ had the potential to be very good! Promos, and even the little opening segment with the announcers would be good if they were written out, rather summarized... Improvment with the matches, but they're a little short, so maybe if you doubled the length of each match... (just a suggestion)
Nice booking, putting Psicosis against Tito Santana, even though I knew who would win the whole time!
I'll be reading the rest of the show... I hope you take my advice
Fusion Week 15 will be up probably by tomorrow, and I'd greatly appreciate a review... thanks
Duly noted. And on that note, back to the show...

We come back from commercial break to see Boyd Pearce backstage with Rick Martel; in his opening comments, Martel makes his reasons for coming to CWI crystal-clear...

Martel: Only one thing matters to me, and that's winning the CWI Canadian title! No matter whether it's Iron Mike Sharpe or Test who's the champion after their match tonight, I'll take the belt from them first chance I get! As a former AWA world champion and WWE tag team champion, I've got all the tools to beat anybody who steps in that ring with me!

In a similar vein, "The Model" states he wants to run Ronnie Garvin out of CWI one way or another; he then disappears back into his dressing room to prepare for his match against "Whipper" Billy Watson later in the evening.

We then cut back to the ring, where Anthony Chimel is introducing the next match. Camera does a very tight close up of Melina Perez as she escorts MNM to ringside....

Ventura: Now that's what I call a woman...hotter than Georgia asphalt, wouldn't you agree, Styles?

Styles: If that neckline was any lower, we'd be getting phone calls from the FCC...who's her tailor, Hugh Hefner?!

Joey Mercury leans over the top rope and is about to start shouting insults to a fan when a huge ovation erupts as Rick Steamboat and Jay Youngblood hit the ring; Steamboat and Youngblood immediately get into a heated verbal confrontation with Mercury and Johnny Nitro while Melina bolts out of there like a runaway train....

MNM vs. Rick Steamboat & Jay Youngblood

Steamboat opens the match with a roundhouse kick to Nitro's gut; he then follows up with a series of short jabs to the face and an Irish whip/head scissors combo. He tags Youngblood in at the four-minute mark, and Youngblood goes on a tear, nailing Mercury with a roundhouse right and a pair of German suplexes.

MNM seizes the initiative ten minutes into the match when Youngblood misses with a dropkick, allowing Mercury to tag in Nitro; Nitro hits Youngblood with a powerslam a series of nasty legdrops....

Styles: Nitro going after Jay Youngblood like a rabid dog!

Ventura: Can ya blame him? Nitro and Mercury have a lot of frustration to vent...The Midnight Express have been playin' 'em for fools since they first landed here!

Mercury gets back in the match at the sixteen-minute mark and puts Youngblood in a headlock. Melina is yelling for him and Nitro to deliver the Snapshot on Youngblood when she notices an all-too-familiar face sitting in the front row at ringside.....

Styles: What the hell's Cornette doing here?!

Ventura: I don't know, Joey, but Melina sure as hell ain't happy about it!

Cornette and Melina start exchanging ugly words; forgetting about Youngblood, Nitro and Mercury leap out of the ring and intervene in their manager's defense. Instead of being worried or upset like you might think he would, Cornette actually seems to be grinning-- and we soon find out why as two more familiar figures show up at ringside.

Styles: The Midnight Express ambush Nitro and Mercury! This was a set-up all along!

Ventura: You think Steamboat and Youngblood knew about this?

Styles(as camera pans up to a perplexed Steamboat staring down at the melee): Doesn't look like it...OH MY GOD! Double suplex by the Midnights on Joey Mercury through the Spanish announcers table!

Security floods the ringside area as the referee calls for the bell; as the Midnights and MNM are pulled apart, an enraged Melina threatens to claw Cornette's eyes out, to which Cornette responds that he'll give her a taste of his tennis racket if she tries.

Your winners: Rick Steamboat and Jay Youngblood by disqualification at 18 minutes and 24 seconds.

The Garden is buzzing as the fans react to what they just saw; at their broadcast table, Styles and Ventura are reflecting on where the MNM-Midnights feud will go from here...

Ventura: If there wasn't a war between these guys before, there sure is one now!

Styles: Have to agree with you on that one, Jesse...I think we could be seeing these guys go head-to-head at Throwdown!

With that, we fade to the backstage area, where we see "Strangler" Ed Lewis warming up in preparation for his bout against Hulk Hogan later tonight.

Cut to Michael Cole interviewing Sammy Berg, who says he's going to shock the Boston crowd tonight and beat Ric Flair; halfway through the interview, J.J. Dillon interrupts to tell Berg that he isn't good enough to shine the Nature Boy's boots, to which Berg replies: "We'll see about that!"

Fade back to the ring as "Can You Dig It Sucka?" starts blasting over the TD Banknorth Garden PA. Booker T. struts down the aisle with Sharmell at his side and Larry Zbyszko right behind him; all three of them are sporting blue T-shirts with the caption "Team Booker" on the front. George Hackenschmidt, already in the ring, looks less than pleased to see them...

Booker T. vs. George Hackenschmidt

The former NWA world heavyweight champion barely has time to hand his robe to the ring attendant before the five-time ex-WCW champion nails him with a left hook to the jaw and Irish whips him into the ropes, where Zbyszko trips him up as he's starting to come off the rebound. Hackenschmidt starts to argue with Zbyszko only to wind up on the wrong end of a back body drop by Booker...

Ventura: Hell of a debut for Booker, wouldn't you say?

Styles: He's definitely going to town on Hackenschmidt, Jess!

Hackenschmidt briefly manages to seize control of the match by clamping a grapevine on Booker, but with prodigous effort(and an illegal assist from Sharmell) Booker manages to make it to the ropes and force the former NWA world champion to break the hold. When Hackenschmidt tries to set Booker up for a suplex, the five-time former WCW world champion reverses it into a DDT, then nails him with the Spinnerooni for the three-count and the victory.

Sharmell leaps in the ring to celebrate Booker's successful debut; Chimel tries to announce the winner, but Zbyszko yanks the mic out of his hand and shoves him aside...

Zbyszko: Ladies and gentlemen, your winner and the next CWI world heavyweight champion, Booker T.!

Styles(as camera follows Booker, Sharmell, and Zbyszko out of the ring): Doesn't that sound a little arrogant to you, Jess? Booker's only just arrive in CWI!

Ventura: It ain't braggin' if you can back it up, Styles!

Your winner: Booker T. by pinfall at 5 minutes and 41 seconds.

Fade to commercial.
Fortunately, you won't have to. :) Picking up more or less where we left off from my last post...

We see Michael Cole standing by with Hulk Hogan as the Hulkster goes through a final prematch warmup in preparation for his bout against "Strangler" Ed Lewis. The five-time WWE world champion sounds optimistic about his chances for defeating the Strangler:

Hogan: What Lewis doesn't know, brother, is that I'll beat him because I've got something he doesn't-- the support of thousands and thousands of the Boston Hulkamaniacs here in the TD Banknorth Garden! (Turning towards camera) Whatcha gonna do when the largest arms in the world put the stranglehold on you?!!!

With that, we fade back to the ring as Lillian Garcia introduces our next match. Rick Martel struts down to the ring, toting a 5 oz. bottle of "Arrogance" cologne and looking at the Boston fans like they were something he just scraped off the bottom of his shoe. Squirting a few puffs of his cologne into the air, he leans against one of the ringposts as if he's bored...

"Whipper" Billy Watson vs. "The Model" Rick Martel

Martel's smug attitude gets him in serious trouble early on as Watson nails him back-to-back scoopslams followed by a leg drop right to the Model's face. Firing his opponent into the ropes with his patented Irish whip, Watson then proceeds to hit him with a standing dropkick before putting him in a side headlock. For a minute or two, it looks like Martel's number is up...

Much to Watson's dismay, however, Martel manages to break the hold and starts kicking Whipper in the gut; the two-time former NWA world champion tries to regain the advantage, but Martel suplexes him from the second rope and follows that up with a flying knee drop. Sensing that his foe is ripe for the picking, Martel sets Watson up for the Boston crab, and within a matter of seconds Whipper has no choice but to tap out.

Ventura: A sensational CWI debut for the Model!

Styles: No matter who wins the Canadian title match tonight, they're liable to have this guy breathing down their neck sooner or later!

Your winner: Rick Martel by submission at 11 minutes and 24 seconds.

Cut to Jim Ross backstage with Smash of Demolition...

JR: Smash, you've got a tall order ahead of you tonight...you're facin' Bubba Ray Dudley in a contract-on-a-pole match in our main event, with the winner's team gettin' a shot at the CWI tag team titles at Throwdown!

Smash: JR, I'm going to make a guarantee to you, the people here in Boston, the fans watching us on TV, and the Dudley Boys...I'll win that match, and then at Throwdown me and Ax will take the CWI tag team belts from the LOD!

JR: D-Von Dudley is scheduled to be in Bubba's corner for the main....doesn't that concern you at all?

Smash: It's D-Von Dudley who should be concerned....(turns toward camera) Dudleys, tonight Demolition will hammer the last nail in the coffin of your CWI careers! And LOD, the clock's tickin' down to the end of your reign as world tag team champions!

JR(looking into the camera): That about does it from here...now back to Joey Styles and the Body at ringside!

With that, we return to the ring as Dave Penzer introduces the next match. "This Is A Test" blares from the TD Banknorth Garden as the #1 contender for the CWI Canadian title heads to the ring to take on reigning champion Iron Mike Sharpe...

CWI Canadian title match/Iron Mike Sharpe(champion) vs. Test(challenger)

Despite his greater height, Test is at a disadvantage in the early minutes of this match as Iron Mike uses eyegouges, illegal chokes, and multiple kicks to the kidneys to knock him off balance. Twice in the first ten minutes of the match, Sharpe nearly gets himself disqualified when he uses less-than-sporting tactics to keep the challeger from applying an armbar....

Ventura: I think referee Nick Patrick might be overrreacting a bit here....

Styles: Overreacting?!!? Jess, Sharpe's practically trying to KILL Test right about now!

At the fifteen-minute mark Test finally manages to gain the upper hand by blocking a suplex attempt by the champion and reversing it into a power bomb. He then Irish whips Sharpe into the ropes and blasts him with a flying clothesline; he goes for the cover, but Sharpe kicks out at two, forcing Test to drill him with an elbow smash...

Fade to commercial.
Nice quick Hulk segment, and decent match, but still very short... My only suggestion is make the matches longer. Good luck with the rest of the show ;)
Let's see if this suits your fancy....

CWI Canadian title match/Iron Mike Sharpe vs. Test(continued)

As we return from commerical break we see the champion lashing out like a wounded elephant, peppering the challenger with roundhouse rights...

Styles: Sharpe's fighting like a man possessed!

Ventura: That's what you gotta do when you're a champion if you want to stay on top!

Styles: Irish whip by the CWI Canadian champion on Test....and Sharpe nails him with a flying tackle! The cover-- 1..2..and Test just manages to get his foot on the rope at the last second.

Ventura: At this rate we could be here till 1AM!

Sharpe tries to set the challenger up for a piledriver, but Test kicks him right in the family jewels and adds insult to injury with a face-first suplex. As a dazed Iron Mike starts struggling to get back to his feet, the challenger nails him with a German suplex before preparing to administer the coup de grace on the champion....

Styles: Pumphandle slam coming up...

Ventura: If Test connects with this, we've got a new CWI Canadian champion!

Styles: Sharpe airborne...and Test pancakes him into the canvas! Hooks the leg-- 1....2....3 And we've crowned a new CWI Canadian champion!

The crowd goes insane as the referee hands the new CWI Canadian champion his title belt; after taking a moment to acknowledge the pops, Test picks up a wireless mic and addresses a few choice words to Rick Martel...

Test: Martel, there's only one way you're getting your hands on this title-- OVER MY DEAD BODY! (Pops from the crowd get louder as the cameras follow the new champion back to the locker room)

Ventura: Looks like Test has just declared war on the Model!

Your winner and new CWI Canadian champion: Test by pinfall at 19 minutes and 7 second.

Cut to Mike Tenay interviewing Ric Flair backstage; the Nature Boy, looking as flamboyant and self-assured as ever, tells the Professor he's going to make it a very short night for Sammy Berg. He then adds that he's got his sights set on dethroning Dave Batista as CWI world heavyweight champion.

We then fade to a brief clip of Bubba Ray Dudley psyching himself up(with a small bit of help from D-Von) for the contract-on-a-pole match before returning to the ring for Anthony Chimel to introduce our next bout. AC/DC's "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" blasts from the Banknorth Garden's PA speakers as Ed "Strangler" Lewis hikes down to the ring with a "don't f*** with me" scowl on his face. He snaps a few choice insults at one of the ringside fans before stepping through the ropes to await his opponent.

Seconds later, the Boston fans go berserk as the music switches to "Real American" and the Hulkster steps out from behind the curtain wearing a jersey with a red-and-yellow version of the New England Patriots logo; he practically flies down the aisle, and the second he hits the ring he's trading punches with the Strangler....

Hulk Hogan vs. Ed "Strangler" Lewis

The five-time former WWE world champion dominates the early minutes of this bout, peppering Lewis with roundhouse rights and short clotheslines; he also whomps the Strangler pretty good with back-to-back bodyslams. It's not until we hit the five-minute mark that Lewis is able to mount any kind of sustained attack, knocking the Hulkster off-balance with knife-edged chops....

Ventura: If he can win this match tonight, it'll be a huge upset for the Strangler!

At the ten-minute mark Lewis locks a sleeper hold in on Hogan, but the Hulkster breaks free of it at the last second and Irish-whips the Strangler into the ropes before knocking him flat with a flying tackle; he goes for the pin, but Lewis kicks out at two and pummels him with another barrage of firsts. At the 17-minute mark he hoists Hogan into the air for a pile-driver...

Styles: This could be the end for the Hulkster! The cover-- 1...2...thr-NO! OH MY GOD! Hogan's kicked out! Hogan's kicked out and he's getting psyched to really put a beating on the Strangler!

Lewis tries punching Hogan once again, but this time it has no effect on him whatsoever; the Hulkster's blows, on the other hand, hit the Strangler with devastating impact. He whips Lewis into the ropes and knocks him flat with a boot to the face before crushing him with a flying legdrop for the 1-2-3 and the win.

Your winner: Hulk Hogan by pinfall at 19 minutes and 32 seconds.

Camera follows the Hulkster around the ring as he goes through his traditional post-match posedown; we then cut to Jerry "The King" Lawler with Bubba Ray Dudley.

King: Bubba, tonight you're gonna have your hands full when you face Smash in that contract-on-a-pole match...

Bubba(interrrupting): You've got that all wrong, Lawler! It's HIM who'll have his hands full with ME! Tonight, the Dudley Boys take their final step toward gettin' the CWI tag team titles back!

Bubba Ray then elbows Lawler out of the way and stomps off back to his dressing room.

King(as soon as he's sure Bubba Ray is out of earshot): I hate these ECW guys!

Camera then fades back to the ring as Lillian Garcia introduces the final match of the undercard. Ric Flair struts down to the ring with J.J. Dillon in tow, while Sammy Berg is flying solo....

"Nature Boy" Ric Flair vs. "Slammin'" Sammy Berg

The 16-time world heavyweight champion easily dominates Berg right from the get-go, using a combination of mind games and kicks to the lower back to keep his opponent off-balance. Any time Berg tries to mount a sustained offense, Flair's manager J.J. Dillon intervenes to break up his rhythm. By the seven-minute mark, Berg can barely stand up as Flair's attack has worn him down to a frazzle. At the ten-minute mark the Nature Boy shuts him down for good with a slingshot suplex; moments later an agony-stricken Berg is tapping out as Flair slaps on the figure-four to clinch the victory.

Your winner: Ric Flair by submission at 10 minutes and 34 seconds.

As the crowd boos in reaction to the Flair victory, the Nature Boy picks up the ring announcer's wireless mic and boasts that before long he's going to be the next CWI world heavyweight champion. Flanked by a dozen or so security guards, he and Dillon strut back to the locker room for what will inevitably be a raucous post-match victory party.

Fade to commercial.
Returning from commercial break, we see an exterior shot of the TD Banknorth Garden, then fade to Dave Penzer as he introduces the main event. Major pops burst out from the crowd in reaction to the sight of Smash of Demolition striding down the aisle with his tag team partner Ax right behind him as Rick Derringer's "Demolition" blares from the Garden PA speakers...

Ventura: Look at him, Joey...he's got his game face on for sure!

Styles: How can you tell with all that paint? :blink:

As Smash is playing to the crowd, the music switches over to the Dudley Boys' old WWE entrance theme; camera zooms in on Bubba Ray Dudley getting in a verbal smackdown with a ringside fan wearing a Demolition T-shirt. D-Von pulls him away from the confrotation and ushers him to the ring, telling him "it's time to take care of business"...

Contract-on-a-pole match(winner's team faces CWI tag team champions at Throwdown)/Bubba Ray Dudley(Dudley Boys) vs. Smash(Demolition)

The opening seconds of this bout find Bubba and Smash in an intense verbal staredown with each other. Each man is trying to psych the other one out by forcing him to be the one to blink first; that's easier said than done, however, as neither Smash nor Bubba Ray moves a muscle....

Styles: This has got to be a nerve-racking moment for D-Von and Ax...their respective tag partners are in the ring right now not doing anything except trying to intimidate one another...

Ventura: That won't last forever!

Styles(as Smash lands a haymaker on Bubba Ray's temple): You've got that right-- Smash going on the attack against Bubba Ray Dudley!

Smash follows up the haymaker with a series of roundhouse rights followed by an Irish whip/flying clothesline combo. He starts to climb the pole which holds the contract for the tag title match at Throwdown, but Bubba Ray stops him at the second rope and plants him on the canvas with a back body drop. While Smash is trying to recover from that blow, Bubba hits him with a reverse DDT and tries to snag the contract himself only to get tripped up by Ax at the last second.

Ventura(as camera zooms in on D-Von protesting to the referee): The Dudleys aren't happy about that move!

Styles: They'll be even less happy if Bubba Ray loses the match-- dropkick by Smash!

Smash hits Bubba with back-to-back elbow drops, then makes his second attempt to grab the contract. This time it's the Dudleys who interfere as D-Von rakes Smash in the eyes while the referee's back is turned; a disoriented Smash then stumbles right into a power slam by Bubba Ray...

Styles: Bubba Ray making his second attempt to get that tag title match contract...

Ventura: He'll have to hurry if he wants to grab it!

Styles: Bubba Ray's up on the top turnbuckle...he's almost got the contract--LOW BLOW BY SMASH! Bubba Ray Dudley down on the canvas!

Smash follows up on the low blow with a series of stomps to Bubba Ray's midsection; a few seconds later, he Irish-whips Bubba into the ringpost under the pole which holds the contract. He charges at the senior Dudley intending to nail him with an avalanche--but that particular move turns out to backfire as Bubba Ray rolls aside at the last second and Smash collides with the ringpost, knocking him out cold. Ax tries to come to his tag team partner's aid only to get clobbered with a chair shot by D-Von Dudley; as the crowd boos in disgust, Bubba climbs to the top rope and yanks the contract off the pole, clinching a chance for the Dudleys to regain the CWI world tag team titles at Throwdown.

Your winner: Bubba Ray Dudley at 17 minutes and 41 seconds.

Camera cuts to a dazed Smash trying to pull himself back to his feet, then follows Bubba Ray and D-Von back to the locker room arena as Ventura interjects a quick plug for the September 7th edition of TNR being broadcast from Schneider Arena in Providence, Rhode Island.

Fade to black as Riot goes off the air.
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