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CWI Thursday Night Riot 8/3/2006

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Pre-Show Stalwart
FADE IN: A tight shot of Craig DeGeorge sitting behind a desk in the CWI Broadcast Center. At the bottom of the screen we see a caption that reads "LIVE/CWI Corporate Headquarters".

DeGeorge: Before we start this week's TNR, we have some breaking news concerning CWI's next pay-per-view event, Frontal Assault....the mystery surrounding Tully Blanchard's backstage appearance at the July 13th TNR has finally been solved: Blanchard was negotiating with promoters for himself and his longtime friend and tag team partner "Double A" Arn Anderson to make their CWI debut at Frontal Assault. Within the last hour we learned that the negotiations are complete, and CWI promoters have confirmed that Blanchard and Anderson will compete at the August 25th event against the Fabulous Kangaroos. We'll bring you additional details on the card for Frontal Assault as they become available....right now, though, let's send you to the Matthewson Exhibition Center in Sedalia, Missouri to kick off this week's edition of TNR.

Roll usual TNR opening sequence, then fade to exterior shot of Matthewson Exhibition Center.

Styles(off-camera): This is Joey Styles coming to you live along with my broadcast partner Jesse "The Body" Ventura from the Matthewson Exhibition Center in Sedalia, Missouri, and boy, have we got an explosive show for you!

CUT TO: Interior shot of Matthewson Exhibition Center; camera pans over crowd, then down to Styles and Ventura at their ringside broadcast table.

Styles: Former CWI Far East champion Stan Hansen will be here tonight for a live interview with Michael Cole...plus Triple H will go for his third CWI win in a row as he battles World Class brawler Dutch Mantel!

Ventura: The CWI United States title is on the line for the first time as Gorgeous George faces off with "Mr. Perfect" Curt Henning!

Styles: Also on the line tonight, the CWI Canadian championship--Iron Mike Sharpe battles NWA-TNA's Scott D'Amore! And Koji Kanemoto faces his biggest CWI challenge yet as he defends the cruiserweight belt against X-Pac....plus the immortal Hulk Hogan battles Stan "The Man" Stasiak!

Ventura: But right now, let's take you to the ring for our opening match as the World's Most Dangerous Man, Ken Shamrock, takes on the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase!

FADE TO: Ring announcer Gary Michael Cappetta standing in the center of the ring.

Cappetta: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is our opening bout! ("It's All About The Money" starts playing over the Matthewson Center PA) Introducing first, making his summer residence in the Hamptons, weighing in at 261 pounds, the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase!

Ventura(off-camera): Million Dollar Man lookin' pretty relaxed, considering who his challenger is...

Styles(off-camera): I don't like that gleam in his eye, Jesse...it usually means he's got something up his sleeve.

Cappetta(as music switches to "The Ultimate"): And his opponent...from San Diego, California and weighing in at 252 pounds, the World's Most Dangerous Man, Ken Shamrock!

Styles(off-camera): Shamrock giving DiBiase a "don't (bleep) with me" look as he steps into the ring...and now the Million Dollar Man pulling what looks like a huge wad of cash out of his ring jacket....

Ventura(off-camera): Looks like he's getting ready to make Shamrock a pretty generous offer...

Styles(off-camera): I doubt Shamrock will take it--wait a sec, now DiBiase's got a mic....

To be continued.
Continuing from my last post...

DiBiase: Ken, I have here in my hand $5000 in cash...it can all be yours if you agree right now to walk out of this ring and forfeit the match. What do you say?

Camera zooms in Shamrock's face as he looks at the bankroll, then pans over to DiBiase's smug grin. He seems sure that the World's Most Dangerous Man will accept his offer....

Ventura(off-camera): I think Ken's gonna take it....

Styles(off-camera): I hope not....I always thought he was better than that.

Camera cuts back to Shamrock.

Shamrock: You know something, Ted? You're right...there's only one answer I can give you.

We start to hear muffled boos in the background. DiBiase, convinced that he's won, lets out a triumphant cackle only to be abruptly silenced three seconds later when Shamrock smacks him across the face and shoves the bankroll into his mouth. He then gets knocked flat to the canvas as the World's Most Dangerous Man hits him square in the throat with a short clothesline.


Ventura(off-camera): Where's Virgil when you need 'im?!!

Styles(off-camera): Shamrock's got the ankle lock on the Million Dollar Man...(camera zooms in on a clearly agonized DiBiase screaming "I quit!" to the referee) And DiBiase taps out! Ken Shamrock's record goes to 2-0!

Cappetta(as camera pulls back to show DiBiase clutching his leg in excruciating pain): Your winner by submission, Ken Shamrock!

Ventura(off-camera): Somehow, I don't think DiBiase's going to forgive or forget what Shamrock did to him here tonight!

Styles(off-camera): Shamrock wants to be the number one contender for the CWI Extreme title, but with a performance like the one he turned in for this bout he could wind up number one contender for the CWI world title....right now let's go over to Boyd Pearce, who's standing by with the current CWI United States champion, Gorgeous George!

CUT TO: Boyd Pearce and Gorgeous George standing outside George's dressing room.

Pearce: George, tonight in your first title defense you'll be facin' former WWE Intercontinental champion Curt Hennig....what do you think your chances are of beating him?

George: Let me put it to you this way, Boyd...by the time the match is over, Hennig and that blubber-gut manager of his will wish they'd never laid eyes on me.

Pearce: You're not nervous about outside interference?

George: Heenan's a sissy, and everybody knows it--only time he's not pushin' somebody around is when he runs into somebody who can push back.

Pearce: That's all from this end...now let's go over to Josh Matthews, who's standin' by with the challenger.

FADE TO: Josh Matthews standing between Bobby "The Brain" Heenan and Curt Hennig inside Hennig's dressing room.

Matthews(turning to face Heenan): Bobby, so far the Heenan Family's come out on the short end of every CWI match it's been involved in--first Paul Orndorff loses to Triple H, then Goldberg clobbers Big John Studd, and finally last Monday at Conflagration Rick Rude was the first man eliminated from the "high five" match to determine our first CWI United States champion....

Heenan(disdainfully): Biased officiating, that's all it was...tonight we're going to start turning things around. Tonight the Heenan Family takes the first step towards claiming its rightful place as the dominant force in CWI!

Hennig(pulling the mic out of Matthews' hand): George, you won't be looking so gorgeous when Mr. Perfect gets through with you....and that's not a threat-- (camera zooms in on Hennig's face) --that's a guarantee.

CUT TO: Styles and Ventura back at ringside.

Ventura: Hennig not one to mince words, Joey, that's for sure....that United States title match should be an all-out war!

Styles: And speaking of title matches, let's send you back up to the ring as CWI Canadian champion Iron Mike Sharpe puts his title on the line against Scott D'Amore!

CUT TO: Dave Penzer standing just to the right of the center of the ring.

Penzer: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CWI Canadian championship! (The official TNA Team Canada entrance theme starts blasting over the Matthewson Center PA) Introducing first the challenger....accompanied to the ring by Bobby Roode, from Windsor, Ontario and weighing in at 245 pounds, Scott' D'Amore!

Styles(off-camera): D'Amore the leader of NWA-TNA's most controversial stable, Team Canada...a win tonight would give a huge boost to their profile here in CWI....

Penzer(as music switches to "Breakin' The Law"): And his opponent....from Hamilton, Ontario and weighing in at 281 pounds, the CWI Canadian champion, Iron Mike Sharpe!

Ventura(off-camera): Sharpe lookin' pretty good as he gets ready to defend the title against Scott D'Amore....

As the bell rings, we see D'Amore strutting up to the champion with a "you're goin' down, sucker" smirk on his face. He starts firing off a string of sarcastic remarks about Sharpe's athletic talents, bedroom performance, and family background; camera pans over to Sharpe looking increasingly enraged.

Styles(off-camera): Not a smart idea on the challenger's part....

Ventura(off-camera): Don't be so sure about that, Styles-- this might be the perfect way to psych the champ out and throw him off his game plan...


Ventura(as camera follows Bobby Roode clearing out of the ring like his butt is on fire): D'Amore may have woken up a sleeping giant!

To be continued
Picking up where I left off...

Styles(off-camera): Back body drop by the champion on D'Amore, and we may see another quick ending to a match here this week on Riot!

Ventura(off-camera): Especially if Sharpe does what I think he's gonna do....

Styles(off-camera): Iron Mike setting D'Amore up for a superplex-- and the Team Canada leader goes tumbling down to the canvas! The cover--1...2...3! And Sharpe victorious in his first title defense!

Camera follows a shaken D'Amore down the aisle as he retreats to the relative safety of the locker room.

Penzer(as camera cuts to Sharpe holding up the CWI Canadian title belt for the crowd): Your winner by pinfall and still CWI Canadian champion, Iron Mike Sharpe!

Styles(off-camera): The Canadian champion squashing Scott D'Amore here tonight at the Matthewson Center...coming up in just a few minutes, Triple H will go for his third straight CWI victory as he takes on Dutch Mantel, but right now let's go to Tony Schiavone, who's standing by live with X-Pac.

CUT TO: Tony Schiavone and X-Pac standing in the DX dressing room.

Schiavone: Thanks, Joey...(turns to face X-Pac) Tonight, you'll be taking on reigning CWI cruiserweight champion Koji Kanemoto in a rematch from Grand Opening. Last time you were in the same ring with him you came out on the short end of the stick...any concerns that history might repeat itself?

X-Pac(shaking his head): No way, Tony-- at Grand Opening he caught me on an off day. Tonight I'll be at the top of my game...and make no mistake about it, at the end of the night I will be walking out of here as the new CWI cruiserweight champion.

Schiavone(turning back to face the camera): That's all from here--right now, we'll be a taking a short break, and when we come back, Triple H will be going for his third consecutive CWI win as he faces Memphis legend Dutch Mantell!

Fade to commercial.

When we return from the break, we see a 20-second spot for Frontal Assault followed by an exterior shot of the Sedalia skyline. After that we fade to a wide angle shot of the crowd from inside the Matthewson Center, then pan down to Anthony Chimel as he prepares to announce the next match.

Chimel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! (Bon Jovi's "Blaze of Glory" blares over the Matthewson Center PA) Introducing first, from Oil Trough, Texas and weighing in at 222 pounds, Dutch Mantel!

Ventura(off-camera): Dutch had some amazing battles with Bill Dundee and Jerry "The King" Lawler back when he was working the Memphis circuit...be interesting to see how he fares against the Game tonight.

Styles(off-camera): Mantel said last week in his first official CWI.com interview that he's aiming to take the CWI Extreme title from Sabu, so look for him to some use some pretty brutal tactics tonight against the Cerebral Assassin...

Chimel(as music segues into "It's All About The Game"): And his opponent....from Greenwich, Connecticut and weighing in at 249 pounds, Triple H!

Styles(off-camera): The Game looking primed for action as he awaits the start of his bout against Dutch Mantel...Trips being touted as a possible contender for the CWI United States championship....(bell rings to signal the start of the match) And here we go! Dutch and Triple H sizing each other up....

Ventura(off-camera): The Game a little more cautious than usual....

Styles(off-camera): Mantel goes for the armbar on Triple H, but the Game sidesteps him and gets him in a headlock! (camera zooms in on Mantel wincing as he tries unsuccessfully to reach the ropes) You have to believe, Jesse, that current CWI United States champion Gorgeous George and his challenger Curt Hennig are both watching this bout very closely...

Ventura(off-camera): They'd be crazy not to, Styles-- whoever wins tonight's US title bout will probably be defending it against either Trips or Dutch in the next few weeks...

Styles(off-camera): Triple H going for the Irish whip...but Mantel reverses it and nails him with a furious clothesline! Dutch Mantel with the advantage for the first time tonight....elbow smash to the Game's sternum!

Ventura(off-camera): Game looks like he might be in a bit of trouble here....

Styles(off-camera): Mantel with a running powerslam! Hooks the leg--1...2...and Triple H just manages to kick out at the last second!

To be continued
Continuing from my last post...

Ventura(off-camera): That's the Game for ya...he's tougher than the entrance exam at Harvard!

Styles(off-camera): Mantel with some vicious right hooks on Triple H...going for a suplex--and Helmsley reverses it into a DDT!

Ventura(off-camera): Mantel can't believe Helmsley's still in this match...

Styles(off-camera): The Game now unleashing some furious rights of his own on Mantel, and the former World Class brawler totally off his stride!

Ventura(off-camera): I don't think Dutch has ever taken a beating like this, even at the height of his feud with Lawler!

Styles(off-camera): Helmsley setting Mantel up for the Pedigree-- and down he goes! Hooks the leg-- 1...2...3! And the Game's CWI record now moves to 3-0!

Camera follows Triple H as he climbs one of the ringposts to acknowledge the pops from the crowd.

Chimel: Your winner by pinfall, Triple H!

Styles(off-camera): The Cerebral Assassin may have just punched his ticket to a shot at the CWI United States championship....in the meantime let's go to Michael Cole, who's standing by live with Stan "The Man" Stasiak.

CUT TO: Michael Cole and Stan Stasiak standing in Stasiak's dressing room.

Cole: Stan, you have a rather notorious place in wrestling history as being one of the shortest-reigning WWE heavyweight champions of all time....

Stasiak(interrupting): I was robbed, Cole, plain and simple. I should STILL be WWE champion today, and tonight I'll prove it when I kick the (bleep) out of Hogan.

Cole: In a commentary posted Sunday at CWI.com, you said you were planning to go after Dave Batista's world heavyweight title...

Stasiak: I won't just go after it, I'll get it! Batista is a joke, and the first time he steps in the ring with me I'll kick his (bleep)!

Cole: Strong words from Stan "The Man" Stasiak....now let's send you back to the ring, where my broadcast colleague Jonathan Coachman is waiting to interview former CWI Far East champion Stan "The Lariat" Hansen!

FADE TO: Jonathan Coachman standing in the center of the ring.

Coach: My guest at this time not only dominated the Japanese tag team scene for nearly a decade, but was also a former AWA world heavyweight champion...and this past June he won a submission match against Jumbo Tsuruta at Grand Opening to become CWI's first Far East champion. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Stan "The Lariat" Hansen!

"Bad Company" starts playing over the Matthewson Center PA as Stan Hansen charges out from behind the curtain like an angry bull. By the way he stomps down the aisle, you can see that he's still bitter about losing the CWI Far East title.

Ventura(off-camera): Hansen hasn't looked this ticked off since Stanley Blackburn stripped him of the AWA world title...

Styles(off-camera): Hansen furious about losing his CWI Far East belt to Randy Savage three weeks ago...Coach should get hazard pay for doing this interview. Hansen looks like he could snap at any second!

Coach(turning to face Hansen): Stan, back on July 20th your reign as CWI's first Far East champion ended prematurely at the hands of "Macho Man" Randy Savage...what are you plans for the future?

Hansen: Those lousy stinkin' CWI promoters are gonna pay for settin' me up! They pulled this bogus "injury" (bleep) with Akiyama just so they could get the belt away from me! They knew I'd kick the (bleep) out of that worthless piece of--

Hansen's tirade gets cut off in mid-sentence as "Pomp and Circumstance" erupts over the Matthewson Center PA and Randy Savage strides forth from behind the curtain holding the CWI Far East title belt in one hand and a wireless mic in the other.

Styles(off-camera): Looks like the Lariat may have touched a nerve with the Macho Man!

Camera pans to Hansen looking like he's just seen a ghost, then to Savage getting ready to launch into a tirade of his own.

Savage: Hansen, who do you think you're kidding? You just couldn't handle the Macho Man....(waves his arm to indicate the crowd)...and all these people here know it! Akiyama would've kicked your (bleep) just as hard as I did, and if you don't believe it, why don't you come to Frontal Assault on August 25th?!!

Hansen(pulling Coach's mic out of his hand): Why wait? Let's get it on right now!

Camera follows Hansen as he bolts from the ring and barrels into Savage halfway down the aisle. The two men start trading punches, which brings a flood of arena security officials out to ringside to try and restore order. After what seems like an eternity, they finally manage to separate Savage and Hansen, but not before the Lariat spits a huge wad of tobacco juice in the Macho Man's face.

Ventura(off-camera): Looks like we've got the makings of CWI's next major feud right here!

Styles(off-camera): You may be right, Jess...folks, we're going to take a short break right now--when we come back, Hulk Hogan battles Stan Stasiak and X-Pac challenges Koji Kanemoto for the CWI cruiserweight title!

Fade to black as a still-irate Hansen is hustled backstage while Elizabeth comes out to check up on Savage.

Fade to commercial.
As we come back from commercial break we see Howard Finkel standing in the center of the ring.

Finkel: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CWI cruiserweight championship! ("Brass Knuckles" starts booming over the Matthewson Center PA) Introducing first the challenger....from Minneapolis, Minnesota and weighing in at 210 pounds, X-Pac!

Styles(as camera follows X-Pac into the ring): This will be X-Pac's second attempt to win the CWI cruiserweight belt...his first came back in June at Grand Opening, when he was the first man eliminated from the three-way match pitting him against Nunzio and Koji Kanemoto!

Ventura(off-camera): X-Pac jacked as he waits for Kanemoto to come down to the ring....if he wins this match tonight, it could be a huge boost not only for him but for the whole DX crew...

Finkel(as music switches to "Gatchaman" theme): And his opponent....from Kobe, Japan and weighing in at an even 200 pounds, he is the CWI cruiserweight champion, Koji Kanemoto!

Styles(off-camera): Koji's been on a tear since winning the CWI cruiserweight title....and he gets a headlock on the challenger to start the match...

Ventura(off-camera): Some of the best technicians in wrestling are cruiserweights, Styles...speed and agility are major assets in a cruiserweight match....

Styles(off-camera): Speaking of agility, Kanemoto just executed a dynamite missile dropkick off the top rope-- the champ clearly dominating the match here in the early going!

Ventura(off-camera): Koji not in any hurry to give up that CWI cruiserweight belt....he almost had it stolen from him right off the bat by Nunzio that night at Madison Square Garden...

Styles(off-camera): Double underhook suplex by Kanemoto on X-Pac! The cover-- 1...2...and the challenger just manages to kick out at the last second!

Ventura(off-camera): X-Pac not ready to give up either....

Styles(off-camera): Irish whip by X-Pac on Kanemoto....and the challenger nails him with a spinning heel kick! X-Pac in control for the first time in this match....

Ventura(off-camera): Let's see if he can follow up on it!

Styles(off-camera): German suplex by the challenger on Koji! And now X-Pac with another Irish whip....Kanemoto goes flying into the corner! X-Pac hitting the champ with the Bronco Buster, and Koji looks to be in real trouble!

Ventura(off-camera): You're not kidding, Joey...from the way his eyes are glazed over you'd think he just got hit by a semi!!

Styles(off-camera): He probably feels like he got hit by a semi....X-Pac now trying to set Kanemoto up for the X-Factor--OH MY GOD!!! Kanemoto reverses it into a powerbomb! Hooks the leg--1....2...and X-Pac just manages to get his foot on the rope!

Ventura(off-camera): This match could go on all night!

To be continued....
Continuing from my previous post....

Styles(off-camera): Kanemoto getting in some sharp punches on X-Pac....and now he blasts the challenger with a standing dropkick! The reigning CWI cruiserweight champion goes back on the attack!

Ventura(off-camera): They've gotta be on pins and needles in the DX locker room right about now...

Styles(off-camera): Koji climbing to the top rope right now....he's going for his famous moonsault press--AND HE MISSES! HE MISSES! X-PAC DODGING THE MOONSAULT AT THE LAST POSSIBLE SECOND!

Ventura(off-camera): You don't see Kanemoto miss too often!

Styles(off-camera): The challenger trying to set Koji up for the X-Factor-- and this time he connects! The cover-- 1....2...3! We've got a new cruiserweight champion!

Finkel(as camera zooms in on referee handing X-Pac the CWI cruiserweight title belt): Your winner by pinfall, and the new CWI cruiserweight champion, X-Pac!

Ventura(off-camera): A changing of the guard here in the Matthewson Center tonight....Koji Kanemoto's amazing run as CWI cruiserweight champion finally comes to an end!

Styles(off-camera): Knowing DX, you've gotta believe they'll be having a major post-match blowout to celebrate this win....

CUT TO: Styles and Ventura back at their ringside broadcast table.

Styles: We've still got some incredible action to get to before the end of the show....right now let's send you over to Larry Nelson, who's standing by live with the immortal Hulk Hogan.

FADE TO: Larry Nelson and Hulk Hogan standing behind the curtain leading from the backstage area to the ring.

Nelson: Hulkster, tonight you'll be taking on the master of the heart punch, Stan "The Man" Stasiak...Any butterflies in the old stomach?

Hogan: Not on your life, brother! When I step through those ropes to face Stasiak, I'll have thousands of Missouri Hulkamaniacs backing me up...they'll be coming from St. Louis, from Kansas City, from Joplin, from Springfield, from Independence, from Jefferson City and from right here in Sedalia to give me that extra boost of power that's gonna crush Stasiak like a bug! (Turns to face the camera) Stasiak, whatcha gonna do, when the largest arms in the world, put the squeeze on you?!!!

Hogan flexes as Nelson turns to face the camera himself.

Nelson: The immortal Hulk Hogan loaded for bear as he waits to battle Stan "The Man" Stasiak....now let's send you up to Tony Chimel in the ring.

CUT TO: Chimel standing just to the left of the center of the ring.

Chimel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! ("No Tears" by Scarface starts playing over the Matthewson Center PA) Introducing first, from Beaver Creek, Oregon and weighing in at 271 pounds, Stan "The Man" Stasiak!

Styles(off-camera): Stasiak getting a decidedly hostile reception from the fans here at the Matthewson Center...

Ventura(off-camera): More their problem than his, I'd say...

Chimel(as music switches over to "Real American"): And his opponent....from Venice Beach, California and weighing in at 307 pounds, the immortal Hulk Hogan!

Styles(off-camera): A deafening ovation for the Hulkster as he enters the ring to square off with Stan Stasiak....STASIAK BLINDSIDES HIM WITH A FOREARM SHOT TO THE BACK! HOGAN IN TROUBLE RIGHT AT THE START OF THIS MATCH!

Ventura(off-camera): Heads-up think on Stasiak's part...he knows that if you let Hogan get in the first shot, more often than not you end up losing!

Styles(off-camera): Irish whip on the Hulkster by Stasiak...and a wicked clothesline! Hogan gasping for air as Stan Stasiak follows up with a pair of elbow drops! The cover--1...2....and Hogan just manages to kick out in the nick of time!

Ventura(off-camera): Purely instinct, Styles...Hogan hasn't got much gas left in the tank, and Stasiak knows it!

Styles(off-camera): Stasiak going for the scoopslam...but Hogan blocks it and executes one of his own on Stan the Man! The five-time former WWE champion starting to get his second wind!

Ventura(off-camera): How'd he do that, I'd like to know?!

Styles(off-camera): Some furious punches by Hogan on Stasiak, and now the Hulkster fires his opponent into the ropes...flying dropkick!

Ventura(off-camera): Not lookin' good for Stan the Man...

Styles(off-camera): Hulkster going for the legdrop on Stasiak-- and he connects! The cover-- 1...2...3! And Hulk Hogan notches his first CWI victory!

Chimel: Your winner by pinfall, Hulk Hogan!

Camera follows the Hulkster to the center of the ring as he launches into his traditional post-match posedown for the crowd.

Ventura(off-camera): Stan had a good strategy going into this match but he couldn't quite execute it fast enough....before we go to commercial, let's take you to Josh Matthews, who's standing by with our current CWI United States champion, Gorgeous George!

CUT TO: Josh Matthews and Gorgeous George standing in a hallway outside the main locker room at the Matthewson Center.

Matthews: Tonight marks your first title defense as CWI United States champion...you'll be facing a very challenging adversary in former WWE Intercontinental champion Curt Henning. You think you're up for it?

George: I know I'm up for it! Curt Hennig is a loser with a big mouth, and I'm the perfect guy to shut that mouth! And no matter who faces me for the title at Frontal Assault, they'll get their (bleep) kicked just like Hennig!

Matthews: Even if it's Triple H?

George: ESPECIALLY if it's Triple H!

Matthews(turning to face camera): That just about does it from here...when we return, Gorgeous George and Curt Hennig square off in our main event!

Fade to commercial.
A quick 15-second ad for the next episode of TNR followed by a 30-second teaser for Frontal Assault, and we're back to the action at Matthewson Center. Camera zooms in on Lillian Garcia standing just to the right of the center of the ring.

Garcia: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CWI United States championship! ("Simply Perfect" begins playing over the Matthewson Center PA) Introducing first the challenger....accompanied to the ring by Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, from Robbinsdale, Minnesota and weighing at 261 pounds, "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig!

Styles(off-camera): Hennig looking devil-may-care as he steps into the ring to challenge Gorgeous George for the CWI United States title...

Ventura(off-camera): Well, when you've got the kind of credentials Curt has, you can afford to be confident... (camera pans to Larry "The Axe" Hennig sitting at ringside) Curt's dad looking forward to seeing his son make CWI history tonight.

Garcia(as the music segues to "The Blue Danube Waltz"): And his opponent, from Seward, Nebraska and weighing in at 221 pounds, the CWI United States champion, Gorgeous George!

Ventura(off-camera): George givin' the Brain all kinds of dirty looks on his way to the ring..

Styles(off-camera): You can hardly blame him, Jess...Heenan's one of the sneakiest people this sport's ever seen...

Camera pulls back to show Hennig and Gorgeous George warily circling each other as the bell rings to indicate the start of the match.

Styles(off-camera): Hennig with a nice hip toss on the champion...(camera cuts to Heenan shouting encouragement to Curt)The Brain busy out on the arena floor trying to keep his man psyched up...

Ventura(off-camera): That's what all the truly great managers do, Styles...they keep their guys pumped from start to finish in match.... (camera shows George getting tossed over the top rope) The champ's leavin' the ring the hard way!

Styles(off-camera): Gorgeous George back on his feet, and now he sees Heenan trying to sneak up on him from behind! The United States champion starting to confront Bobby Heenan-- DOUBLE AXEHANDLE BY HENNIG OFF THE SECOND ROPE!

Ventura(off-camera): Now you know why they call him Mr. Perfect, Styles, he never misses an opportunity!

Styles(off-camera): Hennig tossing Gorgeous George back in the ring, and now the challenger stomping away at the champion's left knee!

Ventura(off-camera): Not a good position to be in, that's for sure...

Styles(off-camera): Hennig with a German suplex on George...(camera pans to a grinning Bobby Heenan) And the Brain obviously likes what he sees!

Ventura(off-camera): You know what he'll like even more, Joey? Seeing that United States title strapped around Curt's waist!

Styles(off-camera): We've got a long way to go before that happens...Hennig with the cover, but George gets his foot on the rope at 1½! Mr. Perfect with the Irish whip-- the champion reverses it and catches Hennig with a brutal clothesline!

Ventura(as camera pans to a distraught Heenan): Heenan startin' to get a little nervous out here...

Styles(off-camera): Backflip by the champion on Hennig, and now Mr. Perfect is on the wrong end of the momentum in this bout!

To be continued
The big climax....

Styles(off-camera): Gorgeous George with a headlock on Hennig, and the challenger trying desperately to reach the ropes!

Ventura(off-camera): I hate to admit it, but it looks like the Heenan Family might go to 0-4 when this match is over-- Curt not havin' any luck in getting to those ropes...

Styles(off-camera): George with the Irish whip on Hennig....and another backflip! It could be all over for Hennig! The champion setting up to deliver a kneedrop to Curt's throat--RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP! THE CHALLENGER STOPS HIM COLD WITH A RUSSIAN LEG SWEEP!

Ventura(off-camera): Nice bit of improvising on Curt's part!

Styles(off-camera): Hennig getting ready for the Perfectplex...and George gets drilled onto the canvas! The cover--1...2...3! Curt Hennig has won the CWI United States title!

Garcia(as camera pans to Heenan rushing into the ring and handing an elated Hennig the CWI US title belt): Your winner by pinfall, and the new CWI United States champion, Curt Hennig!

Styles(off-camera): Barely ten days after it began, Gorgeous George's reign as CWI United States champion is over! Against the odds, Curt Hennig has prevailed to take the title, and he'll be defending it on August 25th at Frontal Assault against Triple H!

CUT TO: Styles and Ventura back at the broadcast table.

Ventura: Next week, TNR comes to you from the Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis! The Undertaker battles Sid Vicious, Wendi Richter defends the CWI women's title against the legendary Mildred Burke, Kurt Angle takes on George Hackenschmidt, and "Stone Cold" Steve Austin dukes it out with Buddy Rogers!

Styles: Also on next week's show: Eric Embry and Tommy Rich face Buzz Sawyer and Justin Credible in a tag team grudge match, Ax of Demolition meets D-Von Dudley in one-on-one action, MNM faces the Rock & Roll Express with Jim Cornette as the special guest referee, and in the main event, CWI world heavyweight champion "The Animal" Dave Batista defends his title against Antonio Inoki! For Jesse Ventura and the rest of the CWI broadcast team, this is Joey Styles saying good night from the Matthewson Exhibiton Center!

Camera cuts to an exterior shot of the Matthewson Center, then fades to black as Riot goes off the air.
okay... you can obviously write! The promos are excelent! The format is a little confusing though... I'd make in red above where the match starts,
_______ vs _______...........It was very different with your matches. You write what the announcers are saying. I dont think that's the best way to do it, because we miss out on a lotta info and moves. I also suggest, that instead of doing part by part, just take your time with the shows and post it all in one post. If you have to, maybe only do one show every 2 weeks. But it's lookin pretty good
I'm off to read The August 10th show... Keep it up!
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