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CWI Thursday Night Riot 7/6/2006

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Pre-Show Stalwart
FADE IN: Highlights from the 6/29 premiere of Riot, followed by the show's normal opening montage and a pyrotechnic show inside the Verizon Wireless Arena.

Camera pans down to Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura at ringside.

Styles: Welcome to Manchester and the sophomore edition of Thursday Night Riot! I'm Joey Styles along with Jesse "The Body" Ventura...America celebrated its independence on Tuesday, but we're saving some of our biggest fireworks for tonight.

Ventura: You can say that again, Joey...Tonight we find out whether or not Brutus Beefcake will take Randy Orton's challenge to face him in a steel cage match at Conflagration! Plus we have five CWI titles on the line...

Styles: Also on tap, a rematch from Grand Opening between "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and "Outlaw" Ron Bass...but we'll kick off the action with former WWE hardcore champion Test taking on "Hands of Stone" Ronnie Garvin.

CUT TO: Lillian Garcia standing in the center of the ring.

Garcia: The following contest is scheduled for one fall...("This Is A Test" starts pounding from the Verizon Wireless PA)Introducing first, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 283 pounds, Test!

Styles(off-camera): Test considered by many in the know at CWI to be a serious contender for the CWI Extreme championship currently held by Sabu...

Garcia(as music switches to House of Pain's "Jump Around"): And his opponent...from Montreal, Quebec, Canada and weighing in at 231 pounds, "Hands of Stone" Ronnie Garvin!

Ventura(off-camera): Ronnie givin' away at least 50 pounds to the former WWE hardcore champ...it's hard to see how he can win this matchup...

To be continued
Continuing from my first post...

Styles(off-camera): Garvin taking a swing at Test and mssing...Test retaliates with a clothesline and a knee to the sternum!

Ventura(off-camera): Test wants that CWI Extreme title so bad he can taste it...a win against Rugged Ronnie here tonight puts him one huge step closer to being ranked as a top ten challenger for Sabu's belt!

Styles(off-camera): Test going for the Irish whip...Garvin reverses it and nails him with a boot to the midsection! And now a left hook sends the former WWE hardcore champion down to the canvas!

Ventura(off-camera): If Garvin can keep this up, he could beat the odds--and Test...

Styles(off-camera): Back-to-back elbow smashes by Garvin, and Test in major trouble....

Ventura(off-camera): He underestimated Garvin and now he's payin' the price!

Styles(off-camera): Garvin whips Test into the ropes....leapfrog by Test--and there's a spinning heel kick! The former WWE hardcore champion reasserting control of the match!

Ventura(off-camera): Garvin's no stranger to comebacks...he won the NWA world heavyweight title in a grueling showdown against Ric Flair, and that experience is what's keeping him in this bout....

Styles(off-camera): It may not keep him in the bout much longer--Test setting Garvin up for the pumphandle slam...and down he goes! The cover--1...2...("Break The Walls Down" starts blasting from the Target Center PA) What's Jericho doing here?!!

Ventura(as camera fades to Chris Jericho holding a wireless mic): I'm not sure, but I don't like the look on his face!

Jericho: You know, there's a good reason they call this guy Test...because back in school he flunked so many of them!

CUT TO: An outraged Test jumping out of the ring and chasing after Jericho as the referee starts counting.

Styles(off-camera): You think Garvin might have been in on this?

Ventura(off-camera): I doubt it...he looked just as shocked as Test was...but there's definitely something fishy about all this!

Styles(off-camera): Referee's count is up to seven now...eight...nine...ten! And Ronnie Garvin wins by countout in his first CWI match!

Garcia(as camera cuts to Jericho and Test brawling backstage): Your winner by way of a countout, "Hands of Stone" Ronnie Garvin!

Styles(off-camera): CWI security trying to restore order in the back...we'll bring you more on this story as it develops, but right now let's take you to a special prerecorded statement from Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake regarding Randy Orton's challenge from last week.

FADE TO: Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake standing outside Monster Park. In the upper right corner of the screen we see the caption "Taped Yesterday".

Beefcake: You want the cage match, Randy? You've got it. You're always bragging about how you're the Legend Killer, but at Conflagration it's going to be your legend that gets killed.

FADE TO: Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura at ringside.

Styles: It's official, the Barber has accepted the Legend Killer's challenge--Brutus Beefcake and Randy Orton will square off in a steel cage at Conflagration!

Ventura: Don't go away--we've got more bone-crunching action for ya on this week's Riot! Comin' up next, CWI women's champ Wendi Richter battles Japanese legend Lioness Asuka!

Fade to commercial.
As we come back from commercial we see Lillian Garcia standing just to the right of the center of the ring.

Garcia: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CWI women's championship! (Main theme from Fushigi Yūgi starts playing over the Verizon Wireless Arena PA) Introducing first the challenger, from Hasuda, Japan and weighing in at 167 pounds, Lioness Asuka!

Styles(as camera follows Asuka into the ring): Lioness Asuka formerly one half of the Crush Gals, now looking to make an impact in singles competition in the CWI women's division!

Ventura(off-camera): And winning the CWI women's title would be the perfect way to accomplish that, Joey...

Garcia(as music segues into "Miami Vice" theme): Her opponent, from Dallas, Texas and weighing in at 122 pounds, she is the CWI women's champion, Wendi Richter!

Styles(off-camera): The crowd on its feet for the reigning CWI women's champion as she gets ready to take on one of the most celebrated athletes in the history of Japanese women's wrestling...And here we go! Richter with an armbar on Lioness to start things off....

Ventura(off-camera): Anybody who remembers her bouts with Fabulous Moolah knows you can't afford to underestimate her!

Styles(off-camera): Definitely not...Irish whip into the ropes, and Richter hits Lioness with a dropkick! The CWI women's champion in control of this bout early on....

To be continued
Continuing from my last post...

Ventura(off-camera): You think Trish Stratus is watching this?

Styles(off-camera): I wouldn't be surprised if she were, Jesse-- in her exclusive post-match interview on CWI.com after Grand Opening, Trish said point blank that she intends to pursue Richter's title...nicely executed side suplex by the women's champion!

Ventura(as camera fades to a suspiciously familiar-looking blonde woman in the front row at ringside wearing Godzilla-sized sunglasses): Is it just me, Styles, or does that chick over there look Pam Anderson?

Styles(off-camera): Maybe not Pam, but it definitely could be someone we recognize....power bomb by Richter, and we could be just a few moments away from seeing the champion deliver her patented Widowmaker finisher on Lioness...

Ventura(off-camera): If she connects with it, Asuka's toast!

Styles(off-camera): Richter setting Lioness up for the Widowmaker--(at this point, the woman who was sitting the front row earlier whips off her outsized shades, revealing herself to be Trish Stratus) OH MY GOD! IT'S TRISH! SHE'S AMBUSHING RICHTER FROM THE BACK!REFEREE CALLING FOR THE BELL!

Garcia(as camera cuts to close-up of Trish pounding the snot of Richter in the center of the ring): The winner by disqualification and still CWI women's champion, Wendi Richter!

Ventura(off-camera): Looks like Trish has declared war on the champion!

Styles(off-camera): And then some....CWI security officials now intervening to break up the melee--folks, we're going to Mean Gene Okerlund right now, who's standing by with JBL.

FADE TO: Mean Gene Okerlund standing with JBL beside JBL's limo.

Okerlund: I'm here right with JBL, the man who on July 24th at Conflagration will challenge "The Animal" Dave Batista for the CWI world heavyweight....

JBL(interrupting, with a self-satisfied grin): Correction, Gene...the man who will beat Batista for the CWI world heavyweight title at Conflagration.

Okerlund: Time will tell...In the meantime, I'd like to get your reaction to a statement made by commissioner Lou Thesz earlier this week in which he warned that you would be suspended and heavily fined if any members of your Cabinet interfered in the match.

JBL(scoffing): He wouldn't dare...he knows I'm the biggest draw in CWI, and he also knows that I'll sue him for breach of contract if he even thinks about suspending me.

Okerlund: One last question, JBL....

JBL(waving him off): Not now, Okerlund, I have to check my liquor stock and be sure I have enough bottles of champagne for the post-Conflagration victory party.(Gets in his limo and drives off).

Okerlund(turning to face the camera): That about does it from here...now we'll send you back inside as the reigning CWI tag team champions, the Dudley Boys, get set to defend their titles against the Rock & Roll Express!

CUT TO: Dave Penzer standing in the center of the ring.

Penzer: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CWI world tag team titles! ("Boogie Woogie Dance Hall" starts blasting over the Verizon Wireless Arena PA) Introducing first the challengers, at a total combined weight of 522 pounds, Rick Morton and Robert Gibson, the Rock & Roll Express!

Styles(off-camera): Eddie Ellner's least favorite tag team making their way to the ring right now...Morton and Gibson looking to add the CWI tag team belts to the four WCW titles already on their resume...

Ventura(off-camera): These Axl Rose wannabes as our tag champions? You can't be serious....

Penzer(as music switches to the Dudleys' old WWE entrance theme): And their opponents, accompanied to the ring by Spike Dudley, at a total combined weight of 589 pounds, the CWI world tag team champions, Bubba Ray and D-Von, the Dudley Boys!

Ventura(off-camera): The champs look psyched as they get ready to battle Morton and Gibson!

Styles(off-camera): There's the bell, and Bubba Ray will start this match off for the Dudleys, facing Robert Gibson in the center of the ring...Bubba Ray shoves Gibson into a neutral corner and nails him with a head-on avalanche!

Ventura(off-camera): Dudleys lookin' good so far in their first title defense!

Styles(off-camera): Legdrop by Bubba, and now he makes the tag to D-Von, who drills Gibson with some ferocious elbow smashes!(Camera zooms in Rick Morton) Gibson's partner Rick Morton looking nervous as D-Von Irish whips Gibson into the ropes....and Gibson flattens D-Von with a clothesline! Tag is made to Rick Morton, and Morton lets loose with some roundhouse rights on D-Von!

Ventura(as camera cuts to Spike Dudley): Spike not too happy about this turn of events...

Styles(off-camera): Morton trying to set D-Von up for a DDT--but D-Von blocks it and reverses it into a face-first suplex! Bubba Ray tagging back in....powerslam! It could be just a matter of time before we see the Dudley Death Drop!

Ventura(off-camera): The Dudleys dominating this match just like they dominated last week's bout against the LOD!

Styles(off-camera): Bubba and D-Von ready to execute the 3-D on Morton...and down he goes! The cover--1...2...3! The Dudleys retain their titles!

Penzer(as camera pans to Spike handing the title belts to his brothers): The winners of this bout by pinfall and still CWI world tag team champions, the Dudley Boys!

Styles(off-camera): Folks, we have a few bills to pay, so right now we're going to commercial break, but when we come back, you'll see CWI European champion William Regal in his first title defense as he takes on Frank Sexton!

Fade to commercial.
We return from commercial break to see Lillian Garcia standing just to the left of the center of the ring.

Garcia: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CWI European championship! (Glenn Miller's "In The Mood" starts playing over the Verizon Wireless Arena PA) Introducing first the challenger, originally from Sedalia, Ohio and now based in London, England, weighing at 236 pounds, Frank Sexton!

Styles(off-camera): Sexton has a tough job ahead of him as he takes on a four-time WCW television champion and the reigning CWI European champion...

Garcia(as music switches to "Rule Britannia"): His opponent, from Blackpoole, England, weighing in at 241 pounds, he is the CWI European champion, William Regal!

Ventura(off-camera): Whoever wins this match won't have much time to rest on their laurels, Joey-- at Conflagration the winner of this bout defends the title against the great Pat "Bomber" Roach!

Styles(off-camera): That should be an amazing match--and Regal hits Sexton with a left hook to the jaw to start the match! Short clothesline, and the challenger already in major trouble!

Ventura(off-camera): Regal's killer instinct is second to none!

Styles(off-camera): I can believe that...headlock by Regal on Sexton, and you have to believe that Pat Roach will be going over the replay of this match with the proverbial fine tooth comb--atomic drop!

Ventura(off-camera): If Regal gets him in the abdominal stretch, he's history!

Styles(off-camera): The champion getting ready to apply the Regal Stretch...and there it is! Sexton's tapping out! Regal retains his title!

Garcia(as camera cuts to Regal displaying the CWI European belt to the crowd): Your winner by submission and still CWI European champion, William Regal!

FADE TO: Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura at the broadcast booth.

Ventura: Comin' up in just a few minutes, Billy Kidman battles Koji Kanemoto for the CWI cruiserweight title, but first we'll send you over to Scott Hudon for a live backstage interview with "Stone Cold" Steve Austin.

CUT TO: Scott Hudson standing beside Steve Austin in Austin's dressing room.

Hudson: Steve, tonight you're facing Ron Bass in a rematch from that controversial Texas bunkhouse brawl at Grand Opening...your thoughts?

Austin: I've got only one thought on my mind right now, and that's beating the (bleep) out of Bass the second I get my hands on him...(glares at camera)....and as for Owen Hart, I've got a little surprise waiting for him when he comes off suspension, and that's the bottom line, 'cause Stone Cold said so!

Hudson(as Austin walks off-camera): That's it from here...now let's send it back to the ring!
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CUT TO: Dave Penzer standing in the center of the ring.

Penzer: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CWI cruiserweight championship! ("You Can Run" starts blasting from the Verizon Wireless Arena PA) Introducing first the challenger, from Allentown, Pennsylvania, weighing in at 198 pounds, Billy Kidman!

Ventura(off-camera): Kidman lookin' fired up as he gets ready to take on Koji Kanemoto!

Styles(off-camera): He'll have his work cut out for him...

Penzer(as music segues into "Gatchaman" theme): And his opponent, from Kobe, Japan, weighing in at 201 pounds, he is the CWI cruiserweight champion, Koji Kanemoto!

Styles(off-camera): Kanemoto overcame tremendous odds-- and blatant interference by Nunzio's FBI cronies --to gain the CWI cruiserweight title...now we'll see if he can hold on to it--there's the bell! Hip toss by Kanemoto on the challenger, and Kidman not quite sure how to deal with the champion's speed advantage.

Ventura(off-camera): Koji seems to be firmly in control of this bout so far...Kidman's going to have pull a king-size rabbit out of his hat if he wants to take home the title!

Styles(off-camera): Snap suplex by the champion, and Kidman trying to stave off quick defeat by Kanemoto...Koji goes for the forearm smash, but nobody home! Kidman now on the offensive...Irish whip into the ropes, and a bone-jarring bulldog by the challenger!

Ventura(off-camera): We could have our second title change in as many weeks, Joey!

To be continued
Picking up where I left off...

Styles(off-camera): Kidman climbing up to the top rope for his famous Shooting Star Press...He's airborne--NOBODY HOME! Koji rolled out of the way at the last second, and now the cruiserweight champ's back on his feet!

Ventura(off-camera): Looks like Koji's gonna go airborne himself!

Styles(off-camera): Koji off the top rope with his famous Moonsault Press--and he connects! The cover--1...2...3! Koji Kanemoto victorious in his first title defense!

Penzer(as camera zooms in on a frustrated Kidman kicking the bottom rope): Your winner by pinfall, and still CWI cruiserweight champion, Koji Kanemoto!

Styles(off-camera): Kidman obviously not too happy about the way this match ended...I have a gut feeling these two will be crossing paths again pretty soon.

Ventura(off-camera): Comin' up in just a few minutes, El Santo puts the CWI Lucha Libre title on the line against Psicosis, but first we've got an exclusive Lance Russell interview with the Masterpiece, Chris Masters!
FADE TO: Lance Russell and Chris Masters inside a workout room at the Verizon Wireless Arena.

Russell: Chris, tonight you'll be taking on "Total Package" Lex Luger in a submission match, and most people give Luger the edge in this one...

Masters(chortling disdainfully): (Bleep) them. And (bleep) Luger too-- nobody knows better than him that he hasn't got a chance when he goes head-to-head with the Masterpiece.

Russell: What are your long-term goals in CWI?

Masters: Simple....to take the CWI world title from Batista. Or JBL, whichever one of them survives the main event at Conflagration.

Russel(as Masters flexes for the camera): That's all from here...back to ringside!

CUT TO: Lillian Garcia standing in the center of the ring.

Garcia: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CWI Lucha Libre championship! (The Mexicools' old entrance theme starts playing over the Verizon Arena PA) Introducing first the challenger, accompanied to the ring by Juventud Guerrera-- from Tijuana, Mexico, weighing in at an even 200 pounds, Psicosis!

Ventura(off-camera): Psicosis one of the greatest cruiserweights of the last twenty years, and a first-rate exponent of the lucha libre style too!

Styles(off-camera): Psicosis hoping to add the CWI Lucha Libre belt to his collection of WCW and WWE titles...

Garcia(as music switches to Luis Miguel's "Los Muchachos de Hoy"): And his opponent...from Tulancingo, Mexico, weighing in at 217 pounds, he is the CWI Lucha Libre champion, El Santo!

Styles(off-camera): A huge ovation for the masked legend as he steps in the ring to defend his title against Psicosis....and the challengers jump him from behind to start the match!

Ventura(off-camera): Not the smartest thing they could've done, Joey-- we all know that commissioner Lou Thesz isn't shy about laying down the law. If Juvi knows what's good for him, he'd better clear out of that ring in a hurry...

Styles(off-camera): And it looks like he's about to with a little help from the champion...Juvi tossed out onto the arena floor! And now Santo nails Psicosis with a stinging backdrop!

Ventura(off-camera): This match is starting to resemble one of Santo's famous battles with his archrival, the Blue Demon...

Styles(off-camera): Legdrop by El Santo, and now a dazed Juvi finally starting to climb back into his feet on the outside!

Ventura(off-camera): Juvi lookin' a little the worse for wear after getting thrown to the floor!

Styles(off-camera): Psicosis doesn't look much better...Irish whip by Santo into the ropes, and a big boot to the midsection! We could be just seconds away from seeing the champ apply his famous 'La de a Caballo' camel clutch!

Ventura(off-camera): He's beat a lot of guys with that move!

Styles(off-camera): Santo setting up to put the Caballo on Psicosis...he's got it locked in! Psicosis tapping out! Psicosis is tapping out!

Garcia(as camera pans to Juventud Guerrera rushing to pull Psicosis out of the ring): Your winner by submission and still CWI Lucha Libre champion, El Santo!

Styles(off-camera): Santo comes away with an impressive victory in his first title defense....ladies and gentlemen, when we come back, you'll see the long-awaited rematch between "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and "Outlaw" Ron Bass!

Fade to commercial.
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Enjoy!! :shifty:
After a 30-second spot for Conflagration, we see Dave Penzer standing to the right of the center of the ring.

Penzer: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is a rematch from Grand Opening! ("Ring of Fire" starts playing over the Verizon Wireless PA) Introducing first, from Pampa, Texas at 287 pounds, "Outlaw" Ron Bass!

Styles(off-camera): The Outlaw won't have Owen Hart to bail him out this time if he gets in trouble...

Ventura(off-camera): He never needs to be bailed out, Joey-- Owen showed up at that match strictly to give moral support...

Styles(off-camera): Yeah, right!

Penzer(as music switches to "I Won't Do What You Tell Me"): His opponent, from Victoria, Texas, weighing in at 253 pounds, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin!

Styles(off-camera): The former WWE champion with blood in his eye--and look at him tear into Bass! The Outlaw getting pummeled as we start this match!

Ventura(off-camera): Austin out for payback, and it looks like he might get it!

Styles(off-camera): Irish whip into the ropes....clothesline! And now Austin going for the Stunner less than a minute into this bout...

Ventura(off-camera): If he hits it, this could go in the record books as the shortest bout in CWI history!

Styles(off-camera): Austin sets up Bass...and the Outlaw's down! The cover--1...2...3! Stone Cold's avenged his defeat at Grand Opening!

Penzer(as camera zooms in on Austin chugging his trademark six-pack of beer): Your winner by pinfall, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin!

FADE TO: Styles and Ventura at the broadcast table.

Styles: Don't go away, our sensational main event is coming up in just a few minutes...."The Masterpiece" Chris Masters takes on "Total Package" Lex Luger!

Ventura: And stick around for our preview of next week's Riot!

Cut to commercial.
As we return from commercial break, we see Chris Masters strutting down to the ring as Linkin Park's "My December" blasts from the Verizon Wireless Arena PA.

Garcia(off-camera): The following contest is our main event, a submission match! Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Barry Windham, from Los Angeles, California and weighing in at 273 pounds, "The Masterpiece" Chris Masters!

Styles(off-camera): The road to this match started back on June 24th at Grand Opening, when Masters jumped Lex Luger backstage to prevent him from participating in a scheduled posedown challenge; five days later, on last week's Riot, Luger accepted Masters' challenge for a submission bout. The question now is, will this mark the end of the Luger-Masters vendetta or simply an escalation of it?

Ventura(off-camera): I've got a question myself, Joey...if Barry Windham's in Masters' corner tonight, does that mean Carlito will be in Luger's?

Styles(off-camera): We'll know soon enough....

Garcia(as music switches to A3's "Woke Up This Morning"): His opponent, accompanied to the ring by Carlito....from Chicago, Illinois and weighing in at 269 pounds, "The Total Package" Lex Luger!

Styles(off-camera): Looks like you were right, Jesse...Carlito's got Luger's back as we get set to begin the submission match. Folks, right after this bout we'll have a complete preview of next week's Thursday Night Riot and an update on the fallout from Trish Stratus' interference in the Wendi Richter-Lioness Asuka bout earlier tonight.

Ventura(off-camera): There's the bell! And we've got a classic staredown in the center of the ring as Luger and Masters go eyeball-to-eyeball!

Styles(off-camera): Referee Randy "Pee Wee" Anderson admonishing Barry Windham and Carlito to leave the ring...I can't tell what Luger's saying to Masters, but it looks like the Total Package is starting to get under the Masterpiece's skin.

Ventura(off-camera): Yeah, the veins in Masters' forehead are starting to bulge almost as much as his biceps...WHOA! Masters just nailed Luger with a backhand to the face!

Styles(off-camera): Masters going berserk now, delivering some vicious roundhouse rights to Luger's jaw! Irish whip....and a wicked backdrop by Masters!

Ventura(off-camera): Pardon the pun, Joey, but it looks like the Total Package might come unwrapped tonight!

Styles(off-camera): Masters going for another Irish whip--Luger reverses it and flattens him with a clothesline! The Total Package now on the attack with a pair of knee drops to Masters' face!

Ventura(as camera zooms in on Barry Windham jawing with Anderson): Windham not happy with the way Anderson's callin' this match...

Styles(as camera cuts to Carlito shouting advice to Luger): Windham and Carlito scheduled to face each other in their official CWI debut on next week's Riot...nice side suplex by Luger on Masters!

Ventura(off-camera): Not lookin' good for the Masterpiece!

Styles(off-camera): Luger setting up to administer his most famous submission hold--He's got it! The Torture Rack on Chris Masters! Anderson's calling for the bell!

Garcia(as camera pans to Windham jumping into the ring to confront Luger and Carlito): The winner of the submission match, "The Total Package" Lex Luger!

Styles(off-camera): Windham looking to start something with Luger and Carlito....

Ventura(off-camera): Looks more like it's the other way around to me!

CUT TO: Styles and Ventura back at the broadcast table.

Styles: Before we go, we have news concerning the women's title match earlier: Commissioner Lou Thesz has booked a rematch between Wendi Richter and Lioness Asuka for next week's Riot, and he's also handed Trish Stratus a 45-day suspension and $100,000 in fines.

Ventura: Trish isn't going to like that much...(turns to face camera) Next week we'll be comin' to you from Jerry "The King" Lawler's hometown, Memphis!

Styles: Not only will the women's title be defended, but you'll see Stan Hansen put the CWI Far East title on the line as he battles Jun Akiyama! Tommy Rich will go for his second straight CWI victory as he takes on Eric Embry, and Triple H will also be looking for win #2 as he squares off with "Mr. Wonderful" Paul Orndorff!

Ventura: Plus a phenomenal women's tag team grudge match as Torrie Wilson and Madusa Miceli team up to battle Jeannie Clark and Midajah O'Hearn!

Styles: And in a rematch from Grand Opening, Haystacks Calhoun goes head-to-head with Yokozuna! For my partner Jesse Ventura and the rest of the CWI broadcast team, this is Joey Styles saying good night from the Verizon Wireless Arena!

Fade to black as Riot goes off the air.
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