CWI Thursday Night Riot 7/27/2006

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Sorry this is late, guys, but family pressures prevented me from getting to it sooner. Anyhow...

We start with highlights from Conflagration, then fade to the regular TNR opening sequence, and finally cut to an interior shot of the Toyota Center as a pyrotechnics show brings the crowd to its feet.

Camera pans down to Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura at their usual ringside broadcast table.

Styles: This past Monday was a night to remember at Conflagration...a new CWI European champion crowned, our first-ever United States and Canadian champions decided, an all-out war between Brutus Beefcake and Randy Orton, and last but not least the epic world title match between JBL and Dave Batista that almost blew the roof off the Staples Center! I'm Joey Styles along with my broadcast partner Jesse "The Body" Ventura coming to you live from the Toyota Center in Houston...and Jesse, here in our first post-Conflagration edition of Thursday Night Riot, the action promises to be just as intense!

Ventura: You can say that again, Joey....the Sandman makes his CWI debut takin' on Buddy Colt, the Destruction Crew faces Kronik, El Santo defends the CWI Lucha Libre title against Cavenario Galindo, and in our incredible main event, the Dudley Boys face Demolition and the Legion of Doom in a triple threat match for the CWI world tag team titles!

Styles: Right now, though, we're going to send you up to the ring for our opening bout, Ken Patera vs. Justin Credible!

CUT TO: Lillian Garcia standing in the center of the ring.

Garcia: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is our opening bou--

Melina Perez steps in from out of nowhere and rips the mic out of Garcia's hand; by the look on Melina's face it's clear she wants to vent about what happened to MNM at Conflagration.

Ventura(off-camera): Wow, Melina ain't in a good mood tonight, is she?

Styles(off-camera): MNM suffered a controversial loss to Jim Cornette's Midnight Express at Conflagration in what marked the CWI debut for both teams....

Melina(practically screeching): Cornette, you warped, backstabbing little mama's boy, get your fat (bleep) out here right now!

Ventura(off-camera): WHOA! Melina's throwin' down the gauntlet to Cornette!

Styles(off-camera): And knowing him, he won't waste time picking it up....

Sure enough, right on cue, the Midnight Express' old NWA entrance theme starts playing over the Toyota Center PA as Jim Cornette makes his way down the aisle with his own wireless mic in hand.

Styles(off-camera): Think we're even going to have time for the opening bout?

Ventura(off-camera): Depends on how long these two talk, Styles...

ZOOM IN: Melina wrinkling her nose in distaste as Cornette leans forward until they're practically nose-to-nose.

Cornette: Just who in the blue hell do you think you're dealing with, Melina? You and I both know...(sweeps his arm to indicate the crowd)...and all these people know that Johnny Nighttrain--

Melina(irritably): Nitro, you moron!

Cornette(rolling his eyes): Whatever. You and I both know that Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury ON THEIR BEST DAY couldn't beat Beautiful Bobby and Sweet Stan if their lives depended on it! Hell, those knuckleheads couldn't even beat lightweights like Paul London and Spanky Kendrick...what makes you think they could win over the greatest tag team in NWA history?

Melina: Greatest team in NWA history, my (bleep)-- the way I hear it, you guys used to get beaten like a drum....

Cornette: Then you've been talking to the wrong people, sweetheart! If there were any beatings going on, we were usually the ones dishin' 'em out...

As Cornette and Melina continue their verbal joust in the ring, the camera pans down the aisle to show MNM coming up behind him; Cornette turns around just in time to get nailed square in the chops with a double savate kick by Nitro and Mercury, and quicker than you can say '3-on-1 ambush' Melina is joining in on the beatdown.

Styles(off-camera): OH MY GOD! This was a set-up! MNM and Melina played Cornette for a sucker, and now he's paying the price!

To be continued...
Continued from my previous post...

Ventura(off-camera): I've got to admit, Joey, this comes as a bit of shock...normally Cornette's too smart to let something like this happen.....

Styles(as camera pans to show the Midnights racing down the aisle): The Midnight Express coming out of the locker room to defend their manager! Melina bailing out of the ring as Nitro and Mercury slug it out with Bobby Eaton and Stan Lane!

Ventura(off-camera): This reminds me of the wars the Midnights used to have with the Rock & Roll Express...

Styles(as camera pans down aisle to show CWI security officials intervening to restore order): The Midnights and MNM finally being separated, and I think we can safely say, Jesse, that what just happened is a clear sign of things to come between these two teams....

Ventura(off-camera): I wouldn't be surprised if they ended up squaring off at Frontal Assault....

CUT TO: A somewhat bewildered Lillian Garcia gamely stepping back into the ring to take her second try at introducing the opening bout.

Garcia: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is our opening match! (John Willliams' "Olympic Fanfare" begins playing over the Toyota Center PA) Introducing first, from Portland, Oregon and weighing in at 243 pounds, Ken Patera!

Styles(off-camera): Ken Patera looking for his second straight victory his CWI debut at Grand Opening he beat Kurt Angle...

Ventura(off-camera): And Angle's not gonna let that defeat go unavenged, Styles, you can be sure of that!

Garcia(as music switches to Justin's old ECW entrance theme): And his opponent...from Waterbury, Connecticut and weighing in at 232 pounds, Justin Credible!

Styles(off-camera): Justin Credible a marked man these days...he screwed Tommy Rich out of a win against Eric Embry, and now he and Buzz Sawyer will be battling Rich and Embry in a tag team bout on Riot two weeks from tonight!

Ventura(off-camera): That should be a hell of a showdown!

Styles(off-camera): Yeah it should, Jess...bell has sound, and Justin looking unusually tentative at the start of this match--he's obviously nervous about not having his manager Jason at ringside.

Ventura(off-camera): How do you know he's not trying to trick Patera into letting his guard down?

Styles(off-camera): If he was, it seems to have backfired--Patera with a swinging neckbreaker on Justin, and the former ECW world heavyweight champion in trouble early on!

Ventura(off-camera): Patera isn't exactly at the top of his game either, Styles...I think both these guys might have had their concentration jolted by that little brawl between the Midnights and MNM. We'll have to see who can scrape the rust off faster...

Styles(off-camera): Patera with the elbow smash on Justin--1...2...and Justin kicks out at the last second! Irish whip by Patera...Justin with the hurricanrana on the former Olympian, and now Patera's the one who's in trouble!

Ventura(off-camera): Justin's a firebrand, Joey...he won't give up easy!

Styles(off-camera): Justin with a legdrop on Patera....the cover--1...2...and Patera kicks out!

Ventura(off-camera): You think this is intense, Joey, wait till we get to the main event!

Styles(off-camera): I agree with you on that one, Jesse--later tonight, our current CWI tag team champions the Dudley Boys will put their titles on the line against Demolition and former champions the Legion of Doom in a triple threat match!

Camera zooms in on Justin Credible applying a headlock on Ken Patera while Patera simultaneously reaches for the ropes; in the background we can hear some of the fans at ringside taunting Justin with chants of "Embry owns you!"

Ventura(off-camera): Justin lettin' go of the hold...that could be a costly mistake! When you've got your man down, the last thing you want to do is let the crowd distract you from the job of winning the match...

Styles(off-camera): The former ECW world champion letting the fans know he's not happy with their chant--PATERA'S GOT HIM! PATERA'S LOCKED IN THE FULL NELSON! JUSTIN'S TAPPING OUT!

Garcia(as camera shows Justin collapsing to the mat after Patera lets go of the full nelson): Your winner by submission, Ken Patera!

Styles: Patera goes to 2-0 in CWI....coming up next, the Extreme Icon, the Sandman makes his CWI debut taking on Buddy Colt!

Fade to commercial.
As we come back from commercial break, we see the camera pan down a row of fans at ringside wearing ECW logo T-shirts; we then cut to Gary Michael Cappetta standing in the center of the ring.

Ventura(off-camera): Just a hunch, Styles, but I think we can guess whose side the crowd is taking in our next match...

Capetta: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! ("The Devil Went Down To Georgia" starts playing over the Toyota Center PA) Introducing first...from Atlanta, Georgia and weighing in at 288 pounds, Buddy Colt!

Styles(off-camera): Colt hoping for better luck tonight than he had in his CWI debut at Grand Opening in the fatal four-way match that decided our first CWI Extreme champion....he's definitely got his work cut out for him, though.

Capetta(as music switches to Metallica's "Enter Sandman"): And his opponent.....from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and weighing in at 242 pounds, the Sandman!

Ventura(off-camera as crowd chants "ECW!ECW!" in the background): The fans really getting behind the Extreme Icon as he heads up to the ring--Colt might've bitten off a little more than he can chew...

Camera zooms in on Colt talking trash to Sandman and Sandman throwing it right back in his face.

Styles(off-camera): Neither of these two shows any signs of backing down to the other....and there's a furious roundhouse right on Colt by the 4-time former ECW world champion!

Ventura(off-camera): Sandman goin' after Colt like a wolf after a lambchop!

Styles(off-camera): Irish whip...and Sandman nails Colt with his patented Heinekenrana!

Ventura(off-camera): Not lookin' good for Buddy...

Styles(off-camera): Sandman with a Russian leg sweep! The cover--1...2...and Colt just manages to get his foot on the rope at the last second!

Ventura(off-camera): Maybe Colt's luck is starting to turn around after all...

Styles(off-camera): Rake to the eyes by Colt, and now the Extreme Icon hit with a dropkick! Buddy Colt in control for the first time in this match...

Ventura(off-camera): Those Georgia can put 'em down, but they don't stay down for long!

Styles(off-camera): Colt with a headlock on Sandman, and the former Florida heavyweight champion giving the Extreme Icon a hard time! (Camera cuts to a group of Sandman fans at ringside) Crowd starting to chant Sandman's name, trying to get him to regain some of the momentum he lost after that dropkick...

Ventura(off-camera): That might be easier said than done, Styles....Colt seems to be wearing Sandman down.

Styles(as camera pans to Sandman grabbing the ring ropes): Sandman finally makes it to the ropes, and Colt forced to let go of the headlock! He's trying to set Sandman up for a backdrop--DDT BY SANDMAN! DDT! The cover--1...2...3! Sandman wins in his CWI debut!

Cappeta(as fans resume "ECW!" chant): Your winner by pinfall, the Sandman!

Camera zooms in on Sandman chugging a beer over by the timekeeper's table.

Styles(off-camera): Coming up in just a few minutes, reigning CWI Lucha Libre champion El Santo will defend his title against Cavernario Galindo...but first let's take you to Mike Tenay, who's standing by live with Demolition!
FADE TO: Mike Tenay standing between Ax and Smash inside the Houston Rockets' dressing room.

Tenay(slowly turning to face Ax): Tonight's CWI tag team title match was originally supposed to be just you and the Dudley Boys, but everything changed when officials decided to make it a triple threat bout and add former tag team champions the Legion of Doom to the mix...are you at all worried about the odds?

Ax: NO! We've never backed off from a fight before, and we sure as hell won't start tonight!

Smash: Dudley Boys, you think you're hardcore just because you put a few people through tables? We wrote the freakin' book on hardcore! Ask anybody how much blood we've spilled, how many bones we've broken, how many guys we've sent to the hospital!

Ax: Legion of Doom, if you get in our faces....we'll rearrange yours!

Tenay(looking slightly pale as he faces the camera): That does it from let's send you back to the ring for El Santo vs. Cavernario Galindo!

CUT TO: Lillian Garcia standing just to the right of the center of the ring.

Garcia: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CWI Lucha Libre championship! (Daddy Yankee's "Rompe" starts blaring over the Toyota Center PA) Introducing first the challenger....from Chihuahua, Mexico and weighing in at 206 pounds, Cavernario Galindo!

Styles(off-camera): Galindo hoping to make CWI history tonight by ending Santo's reign as Lucha Libre champion...

Ventura(off-camera): That might be easier said than done, Joey--you know what a high-flyer Santo is!

Garcia(as music switches to "Los Muchachos de Hoy"): And his opponent...from Tulancingo, Mexico and weighing in at 219 pounds, the CWI Lucha Libre champion, El Santo!

Styles(off-camera): Bell has sounded, and right away Galindo seizes the early advantage with a wristlock on Santo!

Ventura(off-camera): Galindo needs to use his technical expertise if he's going to win this bout....Santo's got the size and power advantage here....

Styles(off-camera): Irish whip by the challenger on Santo--and a spinning heel kick knocks the Lucha Libre champion flat to the canvas! Galindo hooks the leg, but Santo kicks out at one! And now Santo going on the attack, hitting the challenger with a face-first suplex!

Ventura(off-camera): These two did a lot of movies together back in the '60s, but no screenwriter could come close to topping the wild action we're seeing in the ring right now...

Styles(off-camera): I don't know, Jess-- some of those guys can get pretty bizarre....Santo now with a spinning toehold on Galindo, and the challenger trying to make it to the ropes...

To be continued
Picking up where I left off...

Ventura(off-camera): That might be easier said than done, Joey...

Styles(off-camera): Santo now trying for a grapevine on Galindo....and Galindo shoves him into the ropes!

Ventura(off-camera): Nice escape move by the challenger, wouldn't you say?

Styles(off-camera): You might be right, Jess....Santo trying for the cross body-block on Cavernario Galindo--and Galindo reverses it into a backbreaker! The cover--1...2...and Santo kicks out!

Ventura(off-camera): Santo doesn't want to give up that Lucha Libre remember how hard he fought Rey Misterio to get that title in the first place!

Styles(off-camera): I sure do, Jesse...Irish whip by Santo into the ropes...OH MY GOD! Flying dropkick by Galindo on the CWI Lucha Libre champion! And now he's climbing to the top turnbuckle to try and execute his famous Quebradora manuver!

Ventura(off-camera): If he connects with it, we've got a new CWI Lucha Libre champion!

Styles(off-camera): Galindo coming off the top rope....and Santo goes crumpling down to the canvas! The cover--1...2...3! Cavernario Galindo is your new CWI Lucha Libre champion!

Garcia(as camera zooms in a jubilant Galindo celebrating inside the ring): Your winner by pinfall and the new CWI Lucha Libre champion, Cavernario Galindo!

Styles(off-camera): Folks, words can't describe this moment....This past Monday at Conflagration, we chose our first CWI United States and Canadian champions, and now tonight we have a new CWI Lucha Libre champion. Coming up in just a few minutes, the Valiant Brothers make their CWI debut as they face the Texas Hangmen--but first let's go to Michael Cole, who's standing by right now with former CWI tag team champions the Legion of Doom!

CUT TO: Michael Cole backstage, standing between Animal and Hawk.

Cole(turning to face Hawk): Tonight here on Riot, you and Animal will be trying to regain the CWI tag team titles as you take on the Dudley Boys and Demolition in a triple threat match...are you concerned that you might be biting off a bit more than you can chew?

Hawk: Hardly....(turns to face camera)Dudley Boys, your free ride comes to a screeching halt tonight! And as for Demolition, they're sure as hell going to live up to their names tonight, because they'll get axed and smashed! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGH, what a ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuussssssssssh!

FADE TO: Joey Styles and Jesse Ventura back at ringside.

Styles: LOD throwing down the gauntlet to the Dudleys and Demos...

Ventura: And we won't have to wait much longer before it's picked up...(turns to face the camera) But right now, we're sendin' you back to the ring as the Valiant Brothers get ready to make their CWI debut against the Texas Hangmen!

FADE TO: Dave Penzer standing just to the right of the center of the ring.

Penzer: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! (Main theme from "The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly" starts playing over the Toyota Center PA) Introducing first, from Waco, Texas at a total combined weight of 479 pounds, Mike "Psycho" Moran and Rick "Killer" Gantner, the Texas Hangmen!

Styles(as Moran growls at the camera): These guys terrorized the AWA and the World Class circuit in Texas during the '80s, and now they want to dominate CWI as well...

Penzer(as music switches to Ratt's "Round and Round"): And their oppnents....from New York City at a total combined weight of 491 pounds, Johnny and Jimmy, the Valiant Brothers!

Ventura(off-camera): This match ain't for anyone who wants to see head scissors or missile dropkicks...this is gonna be a straight-out Pier 6 brawl!

Styles(off-camera): Which is exactly what these guys want....neither one of these teams getting a lot of love from the fans tonight. (camera zooms in Rick Gantner jawing with Johnny Valiant) Bell sounds, and Luscious Johnny V trading some angry words with the Killer....kick to the ribs and a rake to the eyes by Gantner as he tags in Moran! Johnny V is dazed!

Ventura(off-camera): This could be our shortest match ever!

Styles(off-camera): Moran setting Johnny up for the piledriver--Jimmy Valiant nails him from behind with a chair shot! And now Gantner back in the ring coming to his partner's aid! The referee's completely lost control of this match!

Ventura(off-camera): So have the Valiants and the Hangmen, it looks like....

Styles(as camera pans over to show other wrestlers and CWI security officials intervening to restore order): Help finally coming to break this thing up, and I think we might be looking at a possible DQ for both teams in this match....

Penzer(as camera focuses on Moran yelling threats at the Valiants): The referee's official decision is as follows...both teams are disqualified for outside interference!

Ventura(off-camera): Not the best way for the Valiants or the Hangmen to make their start in CWI....this could make it harder for them to move up the ladder in the tag team ratings...

Styles(off-camera): Not to mention land them in hot water with Commissioner Thesz....coming up shortly, Kronik will try for their second CWI victory, but right now let's send you over to Todd Grisham, who's standing by with the reigning CWI tag team champions, the Dudley Boys!

CUT TO: Todd Grisham and the Dudley Boys in the Toyota Center visitors' locker room, with Grisham standing to the left of Bubba Ray Dudley.

Grisham: Thanks, Joey...(turns to face Bubba Ray) Tonight, you and D-Von will be defending the CWI world tag team titles against two of the most formidable duos of all time, the Legion of Doom and Demolition. Would you say the odds are for you or against you?

Bubba Ray: The odds don't mean (bleep) to us! We're gonna tear the LOD and Demolition up like they were Kleenex, and when it's all said and done we'll still be CWI tag team champions!

Grisham: In the weeks since you've won the CWI tag team titles, you've become marked men, and a number of teams--including the two we'll see in our next match--have entered CWI specificially so they could get a shot at you. What's your reaction?

Bubba Ray: We'll tear them up too! The only way anybody's going to get these belts is to pry 'em out of our cold, dead fingers!

D-Von: Oh, my brother, TESTIFY!!!

Grisham(turning to face camera): There you have it from the CWI tag back to Joey and the Body at ringside.

Camera cuts back to Joey Styles and Jesse Ventura back at the broadcast table.

Styles: When we come back, Kronik goes for their second CWI victory as they take on the Destruction Crew, plus exclusive video footage of a backstage confrontation between Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake and Randy Orton following their cage match at Conflagration.

Ventura: And later...our awesome main event--The Dudley Boys put the CWI tag team titles on the line against Demolition and the Legion of Doom in a triple threat match!

Fade to commercial.
As we return from commercial break, we see Styles and Ventura back at the broadcast table.

Styles: Before we bring you our next matchup, we want to show you some exclusive footage of a confrontation that erupt backstage at Confrontation between Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake and Randy Orton following their steel cage match. This video was originially being taped as part of an interview segment for; we join the footage in progress as Jonathan Coachman is asking the Barber about his post-match plans.

Camera fades to a clip of the coach talking with Bruti in the Staples Center backstage area; in the upper right corner of the screen we can see a caption that reads "Taped Monday 7/24".

Coach: Brutus, you came away with an amazing victory in your first official CWI match...what do you see as the next step in your CWI career?

Brutus: The way I look at it, Coach, CWI is my oyster and I plan on scooping up as many pearls as I can find! I might make a run at the US title, or find a partner and win the tag team belts from the Dud--

The Barber is cut off in midsentence as Randy Orton blindsides him and plows him into an empty metal trash barrel with the RKO. Orton, clutching a spot on the back of his head from where the Barber cut some hair off, then pulls the mic out of Coach's hand and glares down at a dazed Beefcake.

Orton: You may have won the battle, but the war's just getting started!

The Legend-Killer spits on Bruti, then throws the mic down and walks away as we fade back to Styles and Ventura at ringside in the Toyota Center.

Ventura: Looks like the heat might have just gotten turned up a few degrees, Styles....

Styles: If things keep up like that, pretty soon Beefcake vs. Orton could rival the Masters-Luger feud in intensity--right now, though, let's head to the ring for our next match!

CUT TO: Anthony Chimel standing in the center of the ring.

Chimel: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall! (The Kinks' "Destroyer" starts blasting from the Toyota Center PA) Introducing first, at a total combined weight of 472 pounds, Mean Mike Enos and Wayne "The Train" Bloom, the Destruction Crew!

Styles(off-camera): The former AWA tag team champions looking to make a big impact on their first night in CWI as they battle one of the most celebrated tag teams in WCW history...

Chimel(as music segues into "Rock & Roll All Night"): And their a total combined weight of 618 pounds, Brian Adams and Bryan Clarke, Kronik!

Styles(off-camera): Kronik made an impressive CWI debut on June 29th when they beat the Rougeau Brothers on the premiere of they'll try to improve their record to 2-0 as they take on Mike Enos and Wayne Bloom!

Ventura(off-camera): Kronik may have the size advantage, Styles, but as far as smarts go I have to give the nod to the Destruction Crew...

Styles(off-camera): Bell has rung....Wayne Bloom starting the match for the Crew, while Bryan Clarke is in there for Kronik. Wristlock by Clarke on Bloom, followed by a hip toss...and Bloom not looking too good in the first minutes of this match!

Ventura(off-camera): He needs to get out of there fast and tag in Enos...

Styles(off-camera): Clarke with a powerslam followed by an elbow drop, and now he tags in Brian Adams...Adams with a kick to Bloom's spine, and now there's a devastating backbreaker! Hooks the leg--1...2...and Bloom kicks out!

Ventura(off-camera): If he's going to tag out, now's the time!

Styles(off-camera): Bloom with a thumb to the eye on Adams, and now he tags Mike Enos back into the match! Enos with some wicked forearm shots on Adams, followed by an Irish whip--FLYING TACKLE BY ADAMS ON ENOS! And now Kronik is going to attempt their signature finishing move on Mean Mike...

Ventura(off-camera): They might be trying too early, Joey!

Styles(off-camera): Clarke back in the ring....and he nails Bloom with a roundhouse right as Bloom tries to interfere in the match!(Camera follows Bloom toppling out onto the arena floor) Clarke and Adams setting Enos up for the High Time--and Enos comes crashing down to the canvas! The cover...1--2--3! And Kronik goes to 2-0!

Chimel(as camera zooms in on Adams high-fiving Clarke): Your winners by pinfall, Kronik!

Styles(off-camera): An impressive win for the former WCW tag team champions....when we come back, our blockbuster main event--the triple threat match for the CWI world tag team titles!

Fade to commercial.
As we come back from commercial break, we see a 15-second promo for Frontal Assault, then fade to Howard Finkel standing in the center of the ring.

Finkel: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is a triple threat match for the CWI world tag team championship!("What A Rush" starts booming from the Toyota Center PA) Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Paul Ellering, at a total combined weight of 594 pounds, Hawk and Animal, the Legion of Doom!

Styles(off-camera): The former CWI tag team champions getting a massive ovation as they make their way to the ring along with their manager Paul Ellering!

Ventura(off-camera): They've got blood in their eye, Styles...if I were the Dudleys I'd be careful as hell about keeping my guard up....

Finkel(as music switches to Rick Derringer's "Demolition"): Their a total combined weight of 577 pounds, Ax and Smash, Demolition...

Ventura(off-camera): The Demos givin' Hawk and Animal a look that could freeze the Sahara...

Styles(off-camera): These two teams had a major rivalry going when they were both in WWE in the early '90s, and it looks like we may see that revived here tonight in Houston!

Finkel(as music segues into the Dudleys' old WWE entrance theme):...and at a total combined of 604 pounds, accompanied to the ring by Spike Dudley, the CWI world tag team champions, Bubba Ray and D-Von, the Dudley Boys!

As the Dudleys turn to the crowd to show off their title belts, Ax and Smash suddenly jump them from behind, tossing Spike out to the arena floor and pummeling Bubba Ray and D-Von. Smash is about to clothesline D-Von when Hawk catches him in mid-stride and powerbombs him onto the mat.

Ventura(off-camera): We've got a total free-for-all in there, Joey--it's like a mini-battle royal!

Styles(off-camera): Bubba Ray and D-Von in a 2-on-1 brawl with Ax in one of the neutral corners...(Camera cuts to Spike Dudley shouting at his brothers)Spike frantically trying to get the champions' attention as Smash is set up for the Doomsday Device!

Ventura(off-camera): The Dudleys are in danger of losing the belts and they don't even know it!

Styles(off-camera): Hawk going airborne....and Smash is knocked out flat! The cover--1...2...3! And the LOD have regained the CWI world tag team titles!

Finkel(as camera cuts to the Dudleys and Ax hearing the crowd's ovation for LOD): Your winners by pinfall, and the new CWI world tag team champions, the Legion of Doom!

Styles(as referee hands the title belts to Hawk and Animal): The Legion of Doom regains the championship they lost less than a month ago on the series premiere of TNR! Next week, Riot comes to you from the Matthewson Exhibition Center in Sedalia, Missouri....for Jesse "The Body" Ventura and the rest of the CWI broadcast team, this is Joey Styles saying good night from the Toyota Center!

We see the Dudleys protesting the referee's decision, then pan to Ax and Smash staggering back to the locker room as Riot goes off the air.
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