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CWI Thursday Night Riot 7/20/2006

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Roll video package of highlights from last week's Riot, then cut to opening credits and pyrotechnic display inside the US Airlines Center.

Camera pans down to Joey Styles and Jesse "The Body" Ventura in their broadcast position at ringside.

Styles: Last week's Riot ended on an earthshaking note as "Macho Man" Randy Savage, pinch-hitting for an injured Jun Akiyama, beat Stan Hansen for the CWI Far East championship--and just four days from now that title will be up for grabs as Savage takes on Mad Dog Vachon! Good evening, everyone, I'm Joey Styles along with Jesse "The Body" Ventura-- and speaking of titles, Jess, the CWI cruiserweight belt will be up for grabs as Koji Kanemoto takes on "Bullet" Bob Armstrong...

Ventura: Not only that, but tonight the World's Most Dangerous Man, Ken Shamrock, will go head-to-head with the AWA legend Baron Von Raschke!

Styles: Former CWI world tag team champions the Legion of Doom also in action, taking on Mike York and Frank Monte, the Alaskans; Andre the Giant faces Kane in a loser-leaves-town match; "Whipper" Billy Watson takes on Frank Gotch; and in our main event Bill Goldberg squares off against Big John Studd...in the meantime, let's send you down to Howard Finkel for our opening bout.

FADE TO: Howard Finkel standing just to the left of the center of the ring.

Finkel: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is our opening match! ("619" starts playing over the US Airlines Center PA) Introducing first, from San Diego, California and weighing in at 191 pounds, Rey Misterio!

Styles(off-camera): The current WWE Smackdown world heavyweight champion loaded for bear as he gets set to battle one of Japan's all-time great high-flyers!

Finkel(as music segues into the main theme from "Enter The Dragon"): His opponent, from Hiroshima, Japan and weighing in at 213 pounds, Jushin "Thunder" Liger!

To be continued
Picking up where I left off...

Ventura(off-camera): My money's on Liger, Joey...even though him and Rey are just about equal in terms of speed, Liger's got more technical skill. A win here tonight could get him started on the path towards being a contender for the CWI Far East or cruiserweight championship, maybe even the world heavyweight title.

Styles(off-camera): Bell has sounded, and Liger starts things off with a wristlock on Rey...

Ventura(off-camera): Liger's got the right idea--don't worry so much about getting the quick win, wear your man down and then you can beat him when you're ready.

Styles(off-camera): Irish whip by Liger into the ropes, and he nails Rey with a beautiful hurricanrana!

Ventura(off-camera): Liger's definitely in control of this match...

Styles(off-camera): But can he keep it up? Liger going for a grapevine on Rey...and Rey shoves him into the ropes! The reigning Smackdown heavyweight champion catches him on the rebound and locks him in a sleeper hold!

Ventura(off-camera): You don't see that too often from Rey!

Styles(off-camera): Liger trying to make his way to the ropes and not having much luck...Referee Jim Corderas drops Liger's arm once....twice....and Liger not giving up! Jushin Liger breaks the sleeper hold and nails Rey with a roundhouse right!

Ventura(off-camera): This is Liger's first CWI appearance...he doesn't want to go home on the short end of the stick!

Styles(off-camera): German suplex by Liger, and the New Japan sensation may be just moments away from applying his patented LygerBomb on....wait a minute! Misterio with the rollup! 1--2--3! And Rey Misterio gets his first CWI victory!

Finkel(as camera zooms in on a shocked Liger): Your winner by pinfall, Rey Misterio!

Styles(off-camera): Rey seems to have bounced back with a vengeance from his defeat by El Santo at Grand Opening...

Ventura(off-camera): I don't think Liger's going to forget about this anytime soon.

Styles(off-camera): That may be true...right now, let's send you to Mean Gene Okerlund, who's standing by with the World's Most Dangerous Man, Ken Shamrock!

FADE TO: Mean Gene Okerlund standing beside Ken Shamrock in Shamrock's dressing room.

Okerlund: My guest at this time comes to CWI with a formidable reputation developed in the harsh, dog-eat-dog world of UFC...he is, of course, the World's Most Dangerous Man, Ken Shamrock. Ken, tonight in your CWI debut you'll be facing the devious and technically gifted Baron von Raschke--your thoughts?

Shamrock: Gene, I've only got two thoughts on my mind right now-- one, kicking Raschke's butt, and two, becoming the number one contender for the CWI Extreme championship.

Gene(turning to face the camera): He is a man of few words, Ken Shamrock, but when he talks all of CWI listens! Now let's send it back to Joey and Jesse at ringside.

CUT TO: Gary Michael Cappetta in the center of the ring.

Ventura(off-camera,grumbling): Couldn't he have said "Joey and the Body at ringside"? "Joey and Jesse" sounds like one of those idiotic '80s sitcoms.

Styles(off-camera,annoyed): Get a grip, Jesse.

Cappetta: The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall! ("North to Alaska" starts playing over the US Airlines Center PA) Introducing first, at a total combined weight of 561 pounds, Mike York and Frank Monte, the Alaskans!

Ventura(off-camera): There's two guys you don't want to have mad at you....they grow 'em mighty tough up in glacier country...

Styles(off-camera): You can say that again!

Capetta(as music switches to "What A Rush"): Their opponents...accompanied to the ring by their manager Paul Ellering, at a total combined weight of 594 pounds, Hawk and Animal, the Legion of Doom!

Styles(off-camera): The former CWI world tag team champions looking to get back on track after their stunning loss against the Dudley Boys three weeks ago--and Hawk and Animal pouncing on York right off the bat! Double Irish whip into the ropes followed by a double clothesline!

Ventura(off-camera): Monte might not even get a chance to tag into this match!

Styles(off-camera): No maybe about it, Jesse...LOD setting York up for the Doomsday Device--and he goes crashing down to the canvas! The cover--1...2...3! And the Legion of Doom notch their second CWI victory!

Cappetta(as camera pans to Paul Ellering stepping back intot the ring with his own wireless mic): Your winners by pinfall, the Legion of Doom!

Ventura(off-camera): Looks like Paul's got something to say to the crowd here in Phoenix...

Ellering: Dudley Boys, I have just five words for you....WE--WANT--OUR--TITLES---BACK!

Styles(off-camera): OH MY GOD! The LOD has thrown down the gauntlet to the Dudleys!

Ventura(off-camera): The Dudleys are supposed to defend their titles on next week's Riot against Demolition...this challenge puts a whole new spin on everything!

Styles(off-camera): We'll have more on this situation later in the show...right now we're going to a commercial break--when we come back, we'll update you on the fallout from Justin Credible's interference in last week's bout between Tommy Rich and Eric Embry and Ken Shamrock makes his CWI debut against Baron von Raschke!

Cut to commercial.
As we come back from commercial we see Howard Finkel standing in the center of the ring.

Finkel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! (An instrumental version of the old East German anthem "Arisen From Ruins" starts blaring over the FedEx Forum PA) Introducing first, from Berlin, Germany and weighing in at 282 pounds, Baron von Raschke!

Ventura(off-camera): Not a whole lot of love for the Baron here in Memphis....

Styles(off-camera): That's hardly a surprise, Jess...Raschke generally has a rep for being cold-blooded and ruthless.

Finkel(as music switches to "The Ultimate"): And his opponent....from San Diego, California and weighing in at 241 pounds, the World's Most Dangerous Man, Ken Shamrock!

Styles(off-camera): Judging by the look in his eyes, Shamrock should have no trouble living up to his nickname...And the Baron trying to gain the advantage at the start with a blindside attack, but it backfires as Shamrock decks him with a left hook!

Ventura(off-camera): You don't want to be on the receiving end of one of those, Joey, trust me...

Styles(off-camera): Short clothesline by Shamrock, and Raschke trying desperately to avoid getting caught in a headlock!

Ventura(off-camera): Bet he never encountered anyone like Ken back when he was in the AWA! Shamrock is like a pit bull once he gets going!

Styles(off-camera): Raschke trying to reach the ropes....and Shamrock pulls him away! Irish whip--and a beauty of a clothesline! Earlier in the show he said wanted to become the number one contender for the CWI Extreme title, and it looks like he's taking a giant step toward fulfilling that goal!

Ventura(off-camera): If he hooks the Baron in that ankle lock, it's all over!

Styles(off-camera): Ken setting up for the ankle on Raschke....AND HE'S GOT IT HOOKED! THE BARON'S TAPPING OUT! THIS MATCH IS OVER!!

Finkel(as camera pans to Shamrock posing triumphantly in the ring): Your winner by submission, Ken Shamrock!

Ventura(off-camera): Pretty impressive debut for Ken, I gotta admit....can't wait to see what he does for an encore.

Styles(off-camera): Neither can I...folks, in just a few minutes "Bullet" Bob Armstrong will challenge Koji Kanemoto for the CWI cruiserweight title, but first let's go to Michael Cole, who's standing by live with Big John Studd and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan!

CUT TO: Michael Cole standing between Big John Studd and Bobby "The Brain" Heenan inside Studd's dressing room.

Cole: Tonight, John, you'll be making your CWI debut against one of the most successful and dominant superstars in WCW history, Bill Goldberg-- how do you feel?

Studd: The way I see it, Goldberg's just a big overgrown tree that needs to be chopped down, and I'm bringing the axe to do it with. The minute he steps in the ring with me, I'll make those wars he had with the NWO look like Sunday picnics.

Heenan: Tonight, Studd starts his climb to the top of the CWI ladder...before you know it, he'll be taking the CWI world heavyweight title from Batista. And along the way, he'll wipe the floor with every ham & egger who's dumb enough to step in the ring with him!

Cole(turning to face the camera): That's it from here...now back to the ring!
Thank you. :) And on that note, on to the next match...

FADE TO: Anthony Chimel standing just to the right of the center of the ring.

Chimel: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is for the CWI cruiserweight championship! (Garth Brooks' "Friends In Low Places" starts playing over the US Airlines Center PA) Introducing first the challenger....from Marietta, Georgia, weighing in at 226 pounds, "Bullet" Bob Armstrong!

Styles(off-camera): Bullet Bob a superstar on the NWA's Georgia and Alabama regional circuit back in the '70s...he's also one of the founding fathers of the USWA and had a memorable showdown with Nick Bockwinkel in Atlanta in 1972...

Chimel(as music switches to "Gatchaman" theme"): And his opponent....from Kobe, Japan, weighing in at 198 pounds, the CWI cruiserweight champion, Koji Kanemoto!

Ventura(off-camera): Koji looking awesome as he gets set to defend the cruiserweight belt against Bullet Bob...

Styles(off-camera): The bell sounding, and Armstrong starts the match with a hip toss on Kanemoto! The challenger going for a headlock on Kanemoto, but Kanemoto reverses it into an armbar!

Ventura(off-camera): Koji trying to force Bullet Bob off his game plan early...

Styles(off-camera): Irish whip by the champion on Armstrong, and now he nails the challenger with a spinning heel kick!

Ventura(off-camera): Smart strategy on Koji's part, using his speed and technical skill to counter Bullet Bob's size advantage...

Styles(off-camera): Kanemoto trying to put the grapevine on Armstrong, but the challenger just makes it to the ropes and forces him to break the hold! Koji now trying for the German suplex--but Armstrong blocks it and reverses it into a back body drop!

Ventura(off-camera): Looks like Bob's done a pretty good job of scouting Koji.

Styles(off-camera): Elbow smash by Armstong on the champion, and now Bullet Bob's setting up Koji for his patented Georgia Jawbreaker!

Ventura(off-camera): If he hits it, we could have a new CWI cruiserweight champion!

Styles(off-camera): Armstrong connects with the Georgia Jawbreaker! The cover--1...2...OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! KANEMOTO'S KICKED OUT!KANEMOTO'S KICKED OUT!

Ventura(off-camera): Looks like the champ's found his second wind!

Styles(off-camera): Kanemoto delivers a perfect Tiger Suplex on Armstrong--and now he's climbing to the top turnbuckle to try his famous moonsault press!

Ventura(off-camera): Except for Muta, nobody does a better moonsault than Kanemoto!

Styles(off-camera): Koji airborne....and he nails Armstrong with the moonsault! The cover--1...2...3! And Koji Kanemoto retains the CWI cruiserweight title!

Chimel: Your winner by pinfall and still CWI cruiserweight champion, Koji Kanemoto!

Ventura(off-camera): Bullet Bob gave it everything he had, but in the end the momentum was on the champion's side, Joey! I have a feeling Koji's gonna be wearing that cruiserweight belt a long time...

Styles(off-camera): We're going to take a short break right now...when we come back, my broadcast colleague Gorilla Monsoon will be interviewing Bill Goldberg and Andre the Giant will square off against Kane in a loser-leave-town match!

Fade to commercial.
As we come back from commercial, we see a 15-second promo for Conflagration, then fade to Gorilla Monsoon standing in a hallway next to Bill Goldberg.

Monsoon: Bill, tonight in your CWI debut you'll be facing Big John Studd....earlier tonight, Studd and his manager, Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, had some very strong comments to make about you in their prematch interview--your response?

Goldberg: Heenan's just like the Goodyear blimp-- full of hot air. And as far as Studd goes, if anyone's going to be cut down to size tonight, it's him.

Monsoon: CWI.com current has you ranked #3 on the list of possible contenders for the world heavyweight title currently held by Dave Batista...what's your reaction?

Goldberg: Just this, Gorilla...Before I'm through, I'll be ranked #1 on that list.

Monsoon: There you have it, Goldberg sounding full of confidence as he awaits his bout against Big John Studd...now let's send you back to the ring for the loser-leaves-town match between Andre the Giant and Kane!

CUT TO: Dave Penzer standing in the center of the ring.

Penzer: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is a loser-leaves-town match...the loser of this match must depart CWI immediately following its conclusion and is barred from competing at CWI events for the next six months! ("Burned" starts playing over the US Airlines Center PA) Introducing first, from parts unknown, weighing in at 332 pounds, Kane!

Ventrura(off-camera): The Big Red Machine makin' what could be his final CWI appearance before Christmas...

Styles(off-camera): I wouldn't be so quick to write him off if I were you, Jesse--Kane's faced longer odds than this and prevailed! As Andre found out the hard way at Wrestlemania III, size isn't everything...

Penzer(as music segues into "La Marseillaise"): And his opponent...from Grenoble, France and weighing in at 501 pounds, the Eighth Wonder of the World, Andre the Giant!

Ventura(off-camera): Speaking of Andre, he's got some harsh words for the Big Red Machine....

Styles(off-camera): Kane not wasting time retaliating--he nails the Giant with a vicious forearm shot to the throat!

Ventura(off-camera): That might be the key to victory for Kane...go for Andre's weak spots right off the bat and soften him up for the Tombstone later on.

Styles(off-camera): Kane trying to Irish whip Andre, but Andre reverses it and nails him with a boot to the mid-section!

Ventura(off-camera): Andre not in any hurry to leave CWI, that's for sure..

Styles(off-camera): The Giant picks up the Big Red Machine...gorilla press slam! They can hear it all the way up in the skyboxes...and Kane looks to be in serious trouble as Andre gets him with a scoop slam!

Ventura(off-camera): Andre's usin' his size to major advantage in this bout-- it could be over before Kane even know it...

Styles(off-camera): Andre with the headbutt on the Big Red Machine! The cover--1...2...and Kane just gets his foot on the ropes in the nick of time!

Ventura(off-camera): I didn't think he had it in him...The Giant's been in control for most of this match...

Styles(off-camera): Looks like that's about to change--Kane hammering away on Andre with some stinging roundhouse rights, and now he nails the Giant with a headbutt of his own!

Ventura(off-camera): The Big Red Machine going after the Eighth Wonder of the World like a starving lion after an antelope!

Styles(off-camera): DDT by Kane on the Giant, and we could be just moments away from seeing the Tombstone!

Ventura(off-camera): If he connects with it, this place'll go nuts....

Styles(off-camera): Kane trying to pick Andre up...and the Giant comes crashing down to the canvas! The cover--1...2...and this time it's Andre's turn for a last-second escape!

Ventura(off-camera): This match could go on all night, Styles!

Styles(off-camera): Not the way these two have been hammering at each other--something's got to give sooner or later...Kane trying for a suplex on Andre--Andre counters and reverses it into a sidewalk slam! The cover--1...2...3! And Kane is out of CWI for the next six months!

Penzer(as camera zooms in on a jubilant Andre): Your winner by pinfall, Andre the Giant!

Ventura(off-camera): Kane gave it everything he had, but in the end the Giant's size and sheer power won the day for him, and because of it Kane'll be on the sidelines for the next six months...

FADE TO: Styles and Ventura back at the broadcast table.

Styles: Before we get to our next bout, we want to update you on the situation involving Tommy Rich and Justin Credible...you may recall that last week, Rich was battling Eric Embry when Justin came out to ringside and lured Rich into a 2-on-1 ambush that involved Justin's manager Jason and Buzz Sawyer, who will be facing Sabu for the CWI Extreme title at Conflagration. CWI commissioner Lou Thesz had been prepared to suspend both Justin and his manager, but Embry and Rich told Thesz that they wanted to settle their differences with the former ECW star inside the ring...so in two weeks time, Tommy Rich and Eric Embry will be facing Justin Credible and Buzz Sawyer in a tag team grudge match, with Jason barred from the arena, here on Riot.

Ventura: It won't be for the squeamish, Joey!

Styles: And on that note, let's send you back to Tony Chimel for the next match!

CUT TO: Anthony Chimel standing just to the right of the center of the ring.

Chimel: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! (Chariot theme from "The Ten Commandments" starts blaring over the US Airlines Center PA) Introducing first, East York, Ontario, Canada and weighing in at 251 pounds, "Whipper" Billy Watson!

Styles(off-camera): This is Whipper's second CWI appearance....in his debut at Grand Opening, he lost a table match against Bam Bam Bigelow--let's see if he has better luck this time around.

Chimel(as the music switches to the University of Iowa fight song): And his opponent...from Humboldt, Iowa and weighing in at 204 pounds, Frank Gotch!

Ventura(off-camera): Gotch was the first guy eliminated from that "crazy eights" match at Grand Opening...he's got a lot of pent-up frustration to unleash here tonight.

Styles(off-camera): Bell's sounded, and Whipper opening this match with an armbar on the former NWA world champion...

Ventura(off-camera): Both these guys have amazing technical skills...in the end it's all gonna come down to who's got more endurance...

Styles(off-camera): You may be right...Watson Irish whips Gotch into the ropes, and Gotch knocks him flat on his back with a flying tackle! Frank Gotch with a step-over toehold on Billy Watson!

To be continued
This was a pretty good written show. My recommendation to you would be to get a freewebs or angelfire account. You've got a longer show, so I think posting it all at once would help...because then some people would read it, and forget about it.

I love Styles and Ventura as your broadcasters. I also loved Mysterio's match. Please don't push Goldberg! Haha...the main event was great. Kane and Andre colliding was amazing! I would also recommend not writing the entire show in commentary. Sometimes it makes it a little more confusing to read.

All in all, you've got some great feuds going on, some great stuff going on. The dialouge was awesome in this show...I would just write a little more action to go with the hard work you put into this already.


- Vertan
Thanks for the positive feedback, Vertan. :) Just one small correction: I haven't posted the main event yet. Watson vs. Gotch is the final undercard match...if the Goldberg/Studd main event on this edition of Riot isn't your cup of tea, the next one will have the Dudley Boys facing Demolition and LOD in a triple threat match for the CWI tag team titles. And in the meantime, later today I'll start posting the Conflagration PPV; the main event for that is Batista vs. JBL for the CWI world heavyweight title.

And on that note, back to the US Airlines Center...

Ventura(off-camera): Watson in a world of pain right now, but he's not tappin' out....he suffered worse than this in his battles with Lou Thesz for the NWA world title...

Styles(off-camera): Watson makes it over to the ropes, and Gotch forced to break the hold.

Gotch tries to suplex Watson, but Whipper counters it into a DDT and follows up with back-to-back elbow drops. He tries to pin Gotch, but Frank kicks out at 2½ and nails him with a roundhouse right.

Ventura(off-camera): Gotch was the first guy eliminated from the "crazy eights" match at Grand Opening...he's obviously lookin' for redemption here tonight....

Styles(off-camera): Gotch with a belly-to-back suplex on Watson, and now we see him going for the toehold once again...

As Gotch starts to apply the toehold, however, Watson abruptly grabs him by the back of the neck and pulls him down to the canvas.

Ventura(off-camera,startled): Watson's got Gotch hooked in a small package!

Styles(off-camera): The cover--1...2...3! And the Whipper notches his first CWI victory!

Chimel(as camera pulls back to show Watson celebrating in the ring): Your winner by pinfall, "Whipper" Billy Watson!

Ventura(off-camera): The promoters have to book a rematch between these two....this was an incredible bout!

Styles(off-camera): I'd have to agree with you there, Jess--I wouldn't be surprised if we get a ton of e-mail at CWI.com asking for a replay of this match. But coming up next, our blockbuster main event as Big John Studd takes on Bill Goldberg!

Cameras follow a frustrated Frank Gotch down the aisle back to the locker room as we fade to black.

Cut to commercial.
As we come back from commercial, we see Howard Finkel standing just to the left of the center of the ring.

Finkel: The following contest, scheduled for one fall, is our main event! (Main theme from the movie "Volcano" starts blaring from the US Airlines Center PA) Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by his manager Bobby "The Brain" Heenan...from Los Angeles, California and weighing in at 372 pounds, Big John Studd!

Camera cuts to a closeup of Heenan getting in a ringside fan's face as the crowd chants 'Weasel!Weasel!' Studd starts to advance menacingly towards the security railing, then changes his mind and continues on to the ring.

Ventura(off-camera): These people have no class whatsoever, Styles...

Styles(off-camera): If you ask me, Jesse, the nickname fits him perfectly-- he's a dirty, conniving little weasel who makes makes Bill Alfonso look like Mother Theresa.

Finkel(as music switches to "Who's Next"): And his opponent...from Tulsa, Oklahoma and weighing in at 287 pounds, Bill Goldberg!

Heenan wisely bolts out of the ring as Goldberg steps in and gives BJS a "wanna start something?" glare. Studd matches that glare with one of his own, and in the background we can hear chants of "Spear!Spear!Spear" from the fans in the arena.

Styles(off-camera): The irresistible force that is Goldberg vs. the immovable object of John Studd....this promises to be an all-out war!

Ventura(off-camera): Neither one of these guys givin' an inch here...

The staredown ends abruptly as Studd tries to shove Goldberg only to have Goldberg deck him with a left hook and powerslam him as the bell rings to signal the start of the match.

Ventura(as camera zooms in on Goldberg taunting Studd): The former WCW world champion letting Studd have it with both barrels!

Styles(off-camera): Studd trying to hit Goldberg with a clothesline, but Goldberg sidesteps him and throws him into the ringpost! This match could be over almost as quick as it began!

Ventura(off-camera): I hate to say it, but Heenan might have made a mistake taking this match!

Goldberg Irish-whips Studd across the ring and knocks him flat with a shoulder block; he tries for the pin, but BJS kicks out at two and puts him in a rather painful headlock. Over in Studd's corner, Bobby Heenan is vehemently urging him to put Goldberg away.

Styles(off-camera): Heenan shouting instructions to his man at ringside...Goldberg fighting to make it to the ropes as Studd tightens the headlock!

Ventura(off-camera): Studd's got forearms the size of sequoias...if he wanted to, he could put this match by clamping Goldberg in a sleeper!

Styles(off-camera): Goldberg finally making it to the ropes, and the ref tells Studd to break the headlock! (Closeup of BJS arguing with the referee) Studd not happy with that call...

Ventura(off-camera): And here's something else he won't be happy with...Goldberg's back on his feet!

Goldberg spins BJS around, DDT's him, and signals the crowd that he's ready to deliver his patented Jackhammer finisher. Out on the arena floor, Bobby Heenan looks like he's going to have a heart attack.

Styles(off-camera): The Heenan Family about to drop to 0-2 in CWI competition...Goldberg hits Studd with the Jackhammer! The cover--1...2...3! Goldberg victorious in his CWI debut!

Heenan tries to jump Goldberg from behind only to get a roundhouse right square in the jaw; he goes tumbling to the arena floor like a sack of potatoes. A groggy BJS staggers out to the floor and drops to his knees beside the Brain; back up in the ring, Goldberg is saluting the crowd.

Finkel: Your winner by pinfall, Bill Goldberg!

FADE TO: Styles and Ventura at the broadcast table.

Styles: It has been a breathtaking night for CWI this week on Riot...before we go, we want to update you concerning next week's show, which will be coming to you from the Toyota Center in Houston. The main event, originally scheduled as a title defense by the Dudley Boys against Demolition, will now be a triple threat match in the Demos take on both the Dudleys and the former CWI tag team champions, the Legion of Doom....

Ventura: And next Monday, live from beautiful downtown LA, CWI presents its second pay-per-view, Conflagration! Brutus Beefcake takes on Randy Orton in a steel cage, William Regal puts his CWI European title on the line against "Bomber" Pat Roach, new CWI Far East champion "Macho Man" Randy Savage faces Mad Dog Vachon, and in the main event "The Animal" Dave Batista defends the CWI world heavyweight title against JBL!

Styles: For my partner Jesse Ventura and the rest of the CWI broadcast team, this is Joey Styles saying good night from the US Airlines Center in Phoenix...and be sure to catch Gorilla Monsoon and Jerry "The King" Lawler next Monday on pay-per-view at Conflagration!

Cut to exterior shot of US Airlines Center, then roll closing credits as Riot goes off the air.
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