CWI Throwdown 9/23/2006

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Pre-Show Stalwart
We open the PPV with a few bars of the "Miami Vice" theme and a wide-angle shot of American Airlines Arena; dissolve to reaction shots of the crowd as the camera pans over the stands and down to Gorilla Monsoon at the ringside broadcast table along with Jerry "The King" Lawler...

Gorilla: We've got an incredible show lined up for you here in Miami tonight--the CWI Lucha Libre and cruiserweight titles will be on the line, Rob van Dam and Harley Race will both be making their CWI debut, we'll be holding our first CWI battle royal...

King: And don't forget the main event, Gorilla! The tag belts are up for grabs!

Gorilla: Right you are, King-- the two-time CWI world tag team champions Legion of Doom will be defending their titles against the duo that ended their first championship reign, the Dudley Boys! Can they hang on to the belts, or will Bubba Ray and D-Von make history repeat itself?

King: My money's on LOD!

Gorilla: We have also have a major grudge match on tap as "Living Legend" Bruno Sammartino takes five-time former WCW world champion Booker T., plus CWI rising star John Cena goes head-to-head with Superstar Billy Graham-- and as a bonus attraction, we'll having a surprise guest make his first CWI appearance here in Miami! But right now, let's get things rolling with that massive 17-man battle royal....

Cut to Howard Finkel introducing the contestants for the battle royal. Even before the match has started, we've got some oneupsmanship going on in the ring as Brock Lesnar tries to intimidate Koko B. Ware and Lex Luger trades hostile glares with Owen Hart...

17-man battle royal

Senshi gets in the first shot of the match with a roundhouse right to Orlando Jordan; off in a corner, Kendall Windham and Charlie Haas are double-teaming Tom Zenk while Andre the Giant tries to heave Haystacks Calhoun over the top rope. In the middle of the ring, the Missing Link is biting Pat O'Connor...

Gorilla: I've heard of putting the bite on your opponent, but this is ridiculous!

Six minutes into the match, we have our first elimination as Koko B. Ware is hurled over the top rope by Pat O'Connor; moments later O'Connor himself is eliminated when Kendall Windham Samoan-drops him onto the arena floor. With fifteen men remaining, Andre sets his sights on Kamala...

Gorilla: When these two monsters collide, it'll set off tremors all the way down to Key West!

King: You ain't kiddin', Gorilla...they'll probably knock the cigar out of Fidel's mouth!

No cigars get knocked out of anyone's mouth, but Andre does succeed in eliminating Kamala from the battle royal; meanwhile, Jerry Graham and Brock Lesnar are trading punches in the middle of the ring and Swedish Angel has a hammerlock clamped on Charlie Haas...

Gorilla: Angel putting a lot of pressure on Charlie Haas, both literally and figuratively-- twice the former WWE tag team champion has come within an eyelash of being eliminated from this battle royal...And there goes Senshi! The NWA-TNA martial arts expert is the fourth man eliminated, thrown over the top rope by Brock Lesnar!

Busy gloating over having given Senshi the heave-ho, Brock doesn't notice Antonio Rocca sneaking up behind him until it's almost too late; only a quick rake to the eyes prevents Rocca from tossing the Next Big Thing over the top rope. Behind them, Tom Zenk nails Orlando Jordan with a perfectly timed savate kick and pitches him onto the arena floor, leaving just ten contestants still in the ring...

King: If there was a line on this in Vegas, I'd bet an even $10K that Andre and Haystacks end up being the last two guys left in the ring!

Gorilla: Don't be so sure about that, King-- battle royals are the most unpredictable type of match in this sport...See what I mean?!! Owen Hart just press-slammed Charlie Haas out of the ring! We're now down to nine men in this battle royal....

King: How'd you like to be Andre the Giant right now, Gorilla? Everybody else in this battle royal's going to be ganging up on him!

Gorilla: Not yet, King, they're too busy trying to save their own necks--good night, Jerry Graham! The four-time former WWE United States tag team champion given the heave-ho courtesy of Haystacks Calhoun, and that leaves us with eight contestants in this battle royal...make that seven! Owen Hart has just eliminated Kendall Windham!

King: If you like battle royals, Gorilla, you're certainly getting your money's worth out of this one!

Brock Lesnar and Lex Luger then get in a collar-and-elbow tie-up as Owen Hart tries to execute a Frankensteiner on Tom Zenk only to have Zenk counter it into a powerbomb. Antonio Rocca is resting in a neutral corner wating for Andre and Haystacks to wear each other out...

Gorilla: Antonio Rocca biding his time as Andre the Giant and Haystacks Calhoun trade punches near the center of the ring...

King: Maybe I was wrong about it coming down to Andre and Haystacks!


King: That leaves one less guy for Andre to worry about!

Gorilla: Just six men left in this battle royal, and things are now really beginning to heat up...Rocca with the airplane spin on Lex Luger! The Argentine aerial specialist applying his favorite hold on the Total Package, and we could be just seconds away from being down to five men left in this match!

King: Or even four!

Gorilla: I see what you mean...Andre trying to force Haystacks over the top rope...

Just as Rocca is preparing to try and throw Luger out over the top rope, a recharged Tom Zenk dropkicks him in the back, then administers a double clothesline on both him and Luger, knocking both men over the top rope and eliminating them from the battle royal. We're now down to the final four contestants, and Zenk finds himself confronted with three very large and very determined foes....

To be continued
Continuing from my previous post.....

17-man battle royal

Brock Lesnar superplexes Tom Zenk and jabs him in the stomach with a reverse elbow smash off the top rope while Andre Irish-whips Haystacks across the ring and knocks him down with a boot to the face. The Eighth Wonder of the World picks Calhoun up and starts to carry him to the edge of the ring; just as he's about to throw Haystacks over the top rope, however, he gets his foot caught in the bottom rope. Seizing the opportunity to catch two fish with one net, Lesnar grabs Andre's other foot and tips him over, and both Andre and Haystacks tumble out to the arena, leaving just Lesnar and Zenk in the ring...

Gorilla: What an amazing finish to CWI's first-ever battle royal-- the Z-man and the Next Big Thing as our final two contestants...

King: Brock's starin' at Zenk like Scott Hall at a crate of Jack Daniels!

Gorilla: Brock going for another suplex on Tom Zenk...and Zenk reverses it into a bodypress! Lesnar caught off-guard by that particular manuver...

King: If he's not careful it could cost him the match!

Gorilla: Zenk with a forearm shot to Lesnar's throat, and the former WWE Smackdown! world champion in major trouble right now....

The Z-Man starts to set Lesnar up for a DDT, but just as he's getting ready to deliver it Rick Martel's entrance music starts playing and "The Model" steps out from behind the curtain holding a wireless mic, taunting his former Can-Am Connection running buddy. Zenk lets go of his hold on Lesnar and starts to fire back at Martel....

Gorilla: Zenk's making a huge mistake, letting himself get distracted by Martel's verbal cheap shots...

King: This could be a huge break for Brock!

Gorilla: Brock must have figured that out too, King....he's getting ready to heave Zenk over the top rope...

Sure enough, barely two seconds after the words are out of Gorilla's mouth Brock F-5s Zenk and tosses him out of the ring like an empty soda can. The crowds boos their collective heads off and Z-Man, realizing he's just been screwed, starts chasing Martel back to the locker room area...

Your winner: Brock Lesnar at 36 minutes and 14 seconds.

As the Miami fans vent their outrage on the Next Big Thing, Lesnar smugly picks up a wireless mic and points in the direction of the backstage area...

Lesnar: I've got just four words for the other superstars in CWI....(slight pause)Here comes the pain.

With that, Lesnar exits the ring and strides back down the aisle to the locker room; we then fade to a hallway shot of reigning CWI cruiserweight champion X-Pac warming up for his title defense against Taka Michinoku later in the evening.

Cut to Michael Cole standing by with Harley Race, who's clearly itching to get his hands on Rob van Dam...

Cole: Harley, tonight marks your first official CWI appearance as you take on former ECW television champion Rob van Dam...what are you thoughts as we count down the final minutes until the match?

Harley: I've got just one thought on my mind right now, Cole, and that's to beat the living hell out of that showboat Van Dam! That worthless piece of (bleep) is a boil on the butt of this sport, and I aim to get rid of that boil any way I can!

Cole: Care to comment on your future plans in CWI?

Harley: I've got just one thing to say about that...Goldberg, your days as CWI world champion are numbered!

With that, Harley stalks off camera and we fade to a 45-second plug for Autumn Thunder.
After the Autumn Thunder promo, we fade back to the ring as Anthony Chimel prepares to introduce the next bout. Jimi Hendrix's "Voodoo Child" starts pounding over the American Airlines Center PA and Superstar Billy Graham struts toward the ring with the self-assured look of a competitor who considers victory a given.

After stepping in the ring, he starts to flex for the crowd; in the middle of his pre-match posedown, "You Can't See Me" erupts from the PA and John Cena emerges from behind the curtain, decked out in a retro Dolphins jersey. Graham looks at the Doctor of Thuganomics like he was something that crawled out of a dumpster, but Cena just shrugs it off...

John Cena vs. Superstar Billy Graham

Graham starts by trying to nail Cena with a flying clothesline, but the reigning WWE Raw world champion ducks out of the way at the last second and levels his opponent with a flying tackle. He then hits Graham with a pair of fistdrops and an elbow smash to the face; he suplexes Superstar from the second rope and tries to get the pin, but Graham kicks out at two and drills Cena with a gut-wrench suplex of his own...

Gorilla: Graham out for blood as he hits Cena with a knee drop...

King: If you want to make your mark in this federation, Gorilla, you gotta put the pedal to the metal every time you step in the ring!

Gorilla: Fair enough, King...Graham with a forearm smash! The cover--and Cena kicks out at two!

Graham puts Cena in a headlock and for a while, it looks like Superstar might walk away with a submission victory. To his chagrin, however, the Doctor of Thuganomics refuses to succumb to the hold and after an almost superhuman effort manages to reach the ropes, forcing Graham to break the hold. Irritated that he can't seem to put Cena away, Superstar begins jawing with the referee...

BIG mistake; Cena decks him with a roundhouse right and lands a Five-Knuckle Shuffle, then lifts him up to deliver his favorite finisher...

Gorilla: Looks like Billy Graham took this match a little too lightly...

King: Speaking of light, it looks like Cena's about to put Billy's lights out!

Gorilla: Cena with the F-U...and Graham gets plunged into the canvas! The cover--1....2....3! And John Cena chalks up another CWI victory!

Mad pops erupt from the crowd when Cena is officially announced as the winner. Graham, outraged at having his CWI debut spoiled by losing to this upstart, tries to blindside him only to wind up getting hit with another F-U.

Your winner: John Cena by pinfall at 18 minutes and 9 seconds.

Fade to special correspondent Jim Ross standing by outside the arena.

JR: Gorilla, I've just been told by our producers that the contestants in our bonus match have just arrived at the American Airlines Center. One of them is Lance Storm; as for his opponent, we've been asked not to disclose that individual's identity until both contestants have been introduced by the ring announcer directly prior to the start of the match. Now back to you and the King at ringside!

Cut to Dave Penzer standing just to the left of the center of the ring, introducing the next match. RVD's old ECW entrance theme booms out over the American Airlines Arena PA and the former ECW television champion rushes down the aisle to massive applause; one person, however, is less than happy to see him...

King: I hope Race mashes this guy to a pulp!

Gorilla: Yours seems to be the minority sentiment on that score, King!

Moments later, the music switches over to AC/DC's "Shoot to Thrill" and Harley Race walks through the curtain itching to mop the floor with Mr. Monday Night. RVD dares him to try something; the seven-time former NWA world champion is more than willing to take van Dam up on it...

Rob van Dam vs. Harley Race

Technical prowess goes out the window as RVD and Harley trade punches like they were baseball cards. Race rakes van Dam right in the eyes and DDT's him in the center of the ring; while the former ECW television champion is trying to recover from that, Harley gets in some vicious kicks to his ribs...

Gorilla: I don't know about you, King, but I think RVD might have made a mistake taking this match...

King: Believe it or not, Gorilla, I agree with you!

Race powerslams RVD and follows up with a belly-to-belly suplex; before van Dam knows it, he finds himself on the wrong end of a piledriver. Quicker than you can say "squash match", Race gets the 3-count and the victory.

Your winner: Harley Race by pinfall at 6 minutes and 24 seconds.

Fade to quick shot of the Legion of Doom going through a pre-match workout as they await the main event, then cut to Josh Matthews standing by with Tito Santana.

Matthews: Tito, tonight you're challenging Cavernario Galindo for the CWI Lucha Libre are you feeling right now?

Tito: I'm feeling great, Josh...With the fans here in Miami and watching all over the world to back me up, there's no way I can lose.

Matthews: The reigning Lucha Libre champion has a rep as being one of CWI's most phenomenal aerial specialists--how do you plan to cope with that?

Tito: I know a few high-flying moves myself, Josh, and before the night's over Galindo's going to see a lot of them...Arriba!

Matthews(turning to face the camera): There you have it from former WWE Intercontinental and tag team champion Tito let's head back to the ring as X-Pac gets set to defend the CWI cruiserweight title against Taka Michinoku!

Cut to Lillian Garcia standing in the center of the ring introducing the next match. Hakushi's old entrance theme "Angel" starts wafting over the American Airlines Arena PA and Taka Michinoku heads down the aisle with ex-Kaientai pal Sho Funaki in tow.

King: Can you imagine how huge it'll be, Gorilla, if Taka wins the cruiserweight title on his first night here in CWI?

Gorilla: Don't count your chickens before they're hatched, King!

Moments later, the music segues into "Brass Knuckles" and X-Pac struts down to the ring with Triple H beside him; the reigning CWI cruiserweight champion brandishes his title belt at Taka and tells him to "s*ck it", which prompts the challenger to bolt from the ring and attack the DX high-flyer while Funaki starts trading punches with the Game...

CWI cruiserweight title match/X-Pac(champion) vs. Taka Michinoku(challenger)

About two minutes into the match, Taka starts to realize that letting Funaki talk him into coming with him to the ring might not have been such a great idea after all--X-Pac is walloping the living daylights out of both Kaientai members. By the three-minute mark, Funaki is being chased back to the locker room by Triple H as X-Pac batters Taka with a fusillade of spinning heel kicks and forearm shots.

Gorilla: Taka may have stepped on a land mine when he took this match....

King: Now he knows how Tokyo felt when Godzilla came to town! :eek:

By the five-minute mark, Taka is on the wrong end of a Bronco Buster; X-Pac then proceeds to drill the challenger with a belly-to-back suplex. Just as he's about to set Taka up for the X-Factor, however, Bad Company's old entrance theme starts pounding from the American Airlines Arena PA and Pat Tanaka starts hurling insults at him from the middle of the aisle. The cruiserweight champion starts to hurl insults back, notices something out of the corner of his eye, and turns around just in time to get clocked by a chair-swinging Rick Rude.

Gorilla: This was a set-up! X-Pac getting mugged by Rick Rude and Pat Tanaka!

King: Looks like Bad Company decided to make their CWI debut a couple of weeks early!

Gorilla(as camera follows Taka Michinoku zipping out of the ring and back to the locker room): Yeah, you'd better run, you little toad! If I were the gambling type, King, I'd been an even five grand he was in on this somehow!

Triple H and the New Age Outlaws intervene on X-Pac's behalf, but not before Rude manages to call out: "We'll kick your @$$ at Autumn Thunder!" Arena security then arrives to escort the champion back to the locker room....

Your winner and still CWI cruiserweight champion: X-Pac by disqualification at 6 minutes and 57 seconds.

Cut to shot of the Dudley Boys shadow-boxing in the hallway outside their dressing room.

Fade to 30-second promo for the CWI Road Rage tour.
As we return from the promo, "Can You Dig It Sucka?" erupts from the American Airlines Arena PA and Booker T. heads down the aisle with Larry Zbyszko at his side...

Gorilla: Zbyszko's got no shame, honor, or sense-- how he can live with himself after the way he stabbed Bruno Sammartino in the back is beyond me...

When they get to the ring, Zbyszko proudly shows off a "Team Booker" lapel pin for the camera...

King: The fashion accessory everybody wants to have!

Gorilla: Please... :rolleyes:

During Booker's pre-match warmup, the music switches over to "Inno di Mameli"; the Miami fans burst into a standing O as Bruno Sammartino steps out from behind the curtain followed by former CWI world heavyweight champion Dave Batista. Deciding that discretion is the better part of valor, Zbyszko retreats from the ring to the relative safety of the timekeeper's table....

Grudge match/"Living Legend" Bruno Sammartino vs. Booker T.

Bruno doesn't waste much time getting down to business; no sooner has the bell rung to start the match than the two-time former WWE world heavyweight champion has clamped an armbar on the 2006 King of the Ring. He then lands Booker flat on his back with with a nicely executed hip toss while out on the arena floor, Batista is keeping a wary eye on Larry Zbysko...

Gorilla: Zbyszko clearly not in any hurry to get in a slugfest with the Animal...

King: Looks more to me like it's the other way around!

Gorilla: Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

Bruno goes for a headlock on the five-time former WCW world champion, but Booker quickly escapes from it and hits the Living Legend with a suplex....(post to be edited later, I hope)
This is by far your best show to date. The battle royal was MOTN so far, and I like who you matched up for your matches. Legend vs present lol... My only suggestion is a little less of the announcers during the matches. I'll be reading the rest!
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