Cut Your Own Dream Promo


Lord And Master
Staff member
Admit it, there are times when you are watching wrestling and you're hearing someone cut a promo... Then you start to think... "How would I respond?"

Well confess yourself here and cut your dream promo. It can be on anybody, at any time frame, at any era.

Me/John Cena:

Me: ...That's right, I'm challenging for the WWE title... TONIGHT !

-Cena's music hit's

Cena: So you wanna face me tonight? Well... I never back down from a challenge... I never stay down... And, I never quit... So why not? YOU'RE ON! Just one tiny question... Who are you?

Me: Haha ! Childish and ignorant as always, huh? Well... You don't need to know who I am, you just need to worry about catering to your little fans, you know, the one's who idolize ya, the one's look up to ya, you know those ignorant idiot girls who think your hot. Or those poor lost souls called boys with their gay looking tight black jeans, and pink strings in their converse and their stupid Fa-Hawk hair cuts.

Cena: Fa-Hawks? You mean Fohawks... Right?

Me: Hell No !! I mean Fa-hawks as in F*gg*t Mohawks !

-The crowd Boos tremendously.

Cena: What? No fries with your whining? Man! I don't care how ignorant they are. It least they have something to look up to. Unlike you. 'Cause you are not beating me tonight. Why? Because these people support me, they give me strength, I fight for them and they fight for me. It makes me invincible.

Me: Invincible? Invincible...Cena? Now you're Superman?

Cena: Im defiantly stronger than...

Me: BHAAA... SHUT UP !!!
Please, how ridiculous can you get? You're pathetic, you went from being a muscle bound Eminem to Ranch Dressing. If you really wanna be a superhero you can always call yourself Superwhitetrash.

Cena: Really? So an ordinary guy if fighting a Superhero in the Main Event? Good Luck !

Me: Who said I'm ordinary. I'm a Lethal Weapon Cena. I'm deadly, as a matter of fact I'm so deadly that when I blink, fireballs come out of my eyes. When I blow snots out of my nose, Kamehameha waves come out. Yeah, I'm a lethal weapon man, I'm tellin' you. Hell ! When I fart, LIGHTING SHOOTS OUTTA MY ASS !!!

Cena: Yeah, you probably should go to your local proctologist convention and get that checked... or maybe... a psychiatrist... cause I think your mommy dropped you on on your head when you were little.

-After a big staredown both men brawl.

Segment ends.

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