current wrestler who's career has been hurt by drug abuse


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with all the drug related deaths in Wrestling over the years it's a shame that a lot of these guys dont take something from it, with the death's of Test, Eddie, and Umaga, all drug related, we have a few who just may, as sad as it is, be the next to go as a result of it. now before everyone starts, i am NOT referring to Steroids in this. i mean street drugs. Weed, meth, coke, Heroin. stuff like that.

so the question is, which Wrestler (still living) has really ruined a good career by over use of drugs?

for me, 2 stand out the most. the first is Scott Hall. back in the 90's in the WWF, he was one of my favorite wrestlers, and looking at pictures of him back then, to his most recent run in TNA, looking at the effect on his body, it's horrible. years of due and alcohol abuse have ruined what may have been a great career, but we will never know.

next, as you can tell from my Sig, Jeff Hardy is another Top one. at one point Jeff was in one of the #1 tag teams. was idolized by children everywhere, and had a very bright career ahead! but then the drug abuse started, and looking at my pic really sum's it up. his match quality really took a hit, his promo quality although never great to begin with, became even worse. no showing for events. My little brother grew up thinking Jeff was the greatest thing ever, but after news of his drug habits were released, it broke that idolization, and he never watched wrestling again, because he was that upset about it. now is that really someone we want our children looking up to? i know i dont. even after given chance after chance, he would go back to it.

so now comes the heat i imagine, but thats okay, anyone else got any others?
Obviously Hall and Hardy are two of the quicker mentions, so I'll go a different route...

Brian Kendrick was stuck in a tag-team in the early part of his WWE career until he finally got his push in 2008 as 'The' Brian Kendrick. He was apart of Unforivens SD Scramble match for the WWE Championship, and looked like he may have a future in the WWE. They even gave him a bodyguard and a decent, but simple gimmick. However, he soon got depushed and later it was found out that he failed over 10 drug tests because he did weed. It was obvious he didn't care about his future in the WWE and continued to do drugs, so he was canned, and rightly so. It's sad because he had so much talent and could've had a good US title run if nothing else on SD. However now he's on TNA and isn't really doing anything.
i agree hardy and hall dont need to be mentioned. i didnt know bout kendrick but its unfortunate cuz he coulda done somethin in WWE. same goes for RVD if he coulda given up weed i think he would have gotten more pushes and possibly held the wwe title a few times. umaga comes to mind too, i think he was on his way if it hadnt been for his drug suspensions, too bad we will never know i think he was pretty damn good for bein that size.
Seems like Lance Cade was going to get one heck of a push a few years ago. Anyone who has a run with Jericho is likely to become a star. Jericho was his RAW mentor and he seemed like he was destined at least of the IC belt, but I think it was pain killers he was addicted to. That's why he went into convulsions on a plane ride. When he was in a tag team, he looked awfully jacked. Wouldn't be surprised if he was roiding at one point.
William Regal was the first name that screamed out to me. He was in the push of his life then got a 60 day suspension in 2008.
Drugs have seriously affected his career and it's a great testament that most ROH guys look up to him.
If you haven't already, I recommened you read his autobiography, Walking a Golden Mile.
I have to say not just Hall and Jeff Hardy but RVD for sure. He finally got a World Championship then screwed it up getting caught with weed and pills riding with Sabu. I would also include Chris Masters.
my god, I have thought this many times.... I was always a huge mark for Jeff, but everytime he left the E, or he was supended, I got angry at him more and more. but then, last year, right after CM Punk's heel turn, I was disappointed. I mean I am an actual straight edge, so for me seeing a guy being held down for drug abuse was something just plain stupid! but then...seing his pics in TNA...OMFG. don't get me worng, I'm happy for him if he really quit drugs, but I mean..he was a fit motherfucker for using too much cocaine? :disappointed:
I'd say the one that SCREAMS poster child for Say NO and needs to be saved by the SES, is Scott Hall. I'm quite surprised he's had as many chances as he has with his history. Granted I've seen others like Hardy, and RVD, but I would say, those are young enough, and in far better shape (not necessarily weight.etc) but that they seem to be more level headed enough to determine how to try to get back on track. Where you look at Hall's track record, its screw up, after screw up after screw up when people have put their own asses and money on the line to have him come in and try to work something out, then he goes and does something to show that he's not learned anything from his mistakes. Its part of the 12 step process, just as soon as he's ready to move on to the next step, he falls about 5 steps back, case in point, no showing to a fan event surrounding a PPV, and that was 2 different times within like 2 years. Then, you have him being drunk in public and punching out a window and resisting arrest with law enforcement, at his age, is there really any reason that he has now to clean up his life? Sadly, I don't think it will work out for him, not to be a Debby Downer, but with as many fudge ups as he's done in the last few years, he still seems like he hasn't taken accountability for his own problems at this point. I think he's one of the biggest people that is a walking case of "Don't let this happen to you." Its almost sickening to see how he can come into a ring all hopped up and slurring and its accepted for him, but god forbid another wrestler turn up with a bit of wine or something like that...I'm not defending any others for turning to drugs or alcohol, but I'd say Hall is the worst case.

Others that are notable, Lex Luger, Brian Kendrick, Lance Cade, Konnan.
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Hall is a good mention, but I still wana go with Hardy. Look at how his career was going. He was getting the push of his life in the WWE. The #1 company in sports entertainment today. He was just becoming World Heavyweight Champion. Had won the WWE Title not too long before that. And he had to drop the title to Punk as he was being released from the WWE due to drug issues. He's had to go back to TNA, which winning the TNA World Title is like the WWE US Title. It's not a big deal. And even at that, TNA management is afraid to give him the title with all his court dates. He's lost all he was going to get. He can't even be #1 in the B company. He screwed himself with drugs, and since he ran to TNA after his release, he'll never get WHC gold again.
Like You, Scott Hall Messed Up His Career...Even Recently He Did While He Was In TNA. He Got Too Intoxicated n Was Arrested Which Resulted In His Release and Kevin Nash Had 2 Surrender The TNA World Tag Team Titles Becausee Of Kevin Nash's Release. This Isn't The 1st Time Another Superstar Had 2 Suffer Because of Scott Hall
Jeff Hardy is the career reincarnation of Scott Hall, you couldn't really have a thread about druggy fuck ups without mentioning these two. Scott Hall has been a part of some of the biggest feuds in all of wrestling whether it was during his time in the NWO or as Razor Ramon in the WWF but after the success got to him he fucked up his career time and time again and again with his drug and alcohol abuse and being forced into numerous rehabs throughout the years. This man could have been roughly as legendary as HBK is now if he had stayed off the drugs and maintained his abilities in the ring. It would have probably led to a lot less no showing and as a result the wrestling community as a whole wouldn't have so much anger against him.

Jeff Hardy has been given push after push after push throughout the years and when he wasn't teaming with Matt he has been largely hit or miss. After only about 5 years of being a legit pro wrestler this guy claims to be "burned out" and refuses to go to rehab for a drug problem that he claims doesn't exist. When he returns it seemed that as soon as he'd be in line for a big push he'd get busted for something and because of all of this it took him 10 years to finally win a world championship and after that happened he was legitimately busted for trafficking all kinds of drugs. It feels like every time the shit hits the fan with Hardy he gets up and leaves the WWE for TNA, the man never seems to deal with the consequences. Hardy still has a few years before he completely becomes Hall but at the pace he's going now it seems inevitable
It is very sad that Umaga and Eddie Guerrero passed away due to drug problems. And both of their names were Eddie. Weird huh?! They were both great wrestlers.

As for the future I think about Jeff Hardy and Rob van Dam. I hope nothing happens to them but it could happen. Both Hardy and RVD has lost alot of the wrestling ability they had when they were younger. I don't know if drugs has anything to do with that or not. I think maybe the problem with Hardy is that he doesn't keep himself in shape. RVD is just getting older, plus the drugs may have an effect on him as well.
Jeff Hardy. Never have really followed Scott Hall, wrestling came and went off the air in NZ, so I missed alot of him. Tried watching WCW but it crappy story lines killed for me it is Jeff Hardy hands down. He had amazing natural talent, and aside from his crap as mic skills could have led the company. He could have easily been the face of the company, esp in this PG era coz kids idolised him. Plus he was hot as so woman loved him too. What a waste of talent.
Hall is a good mention, but I still wana go with Hardy. Look at how his career was going. He was getting the push of his life in the WWE. The #1 company in sports entertainment today. He was just becoming World Heavyweight Champion. Had won the WWE Title not too long before that. And he had to drop the title to Punk as he was being released from the WWE due to drug issues. He's had to go back to TNA, which winning the TNA World Title is like the WWE US Title. It's not a big deal. And even at that, TNA management is afraid to give him the title with all his court dates. He's lost all he was going to get. He can't even be #1 in the B company. He screwed himself with drugs, and since he ran to TNA after his release, he'll never get WHC gold again.

he didn't get release because of drug problems with his last exit from WWE. he left because his contract had expired and didn't want to resign. he wanted to pursue other interests. his last WHC win was a way for the WWE to keep him there thinking that if they gave him the gold he would resign.

the one i can't believe no one has mentioned yet is Sean Waltman. Pac was a great wrestler for his size but because he was so close to Hall his life went down the same road his Scott's. i think he could have had a great run in WWE if he could have let the drugs and alcohol go.
Can you really classify Scott Hall as a 'current' wrestler? :shrug:

My first thoughts were of Regal. I thought he was great as the Raw GM, I was jealous when he got to have Layla on his arm every night, and Regal might be the best pure wrestler on the Raw brand. So, he goes and fails a drug test and is sent back down to carrying people who are jobbers to everyone but him. lol
I won't say Hall or Hardy, those are too easy. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Carlito. He was an IC Champion, US Champion, Tag Champion. He had a talk show segment, he was a really good heel. Then he became addicted to pain killers. I know he's said he was happy to be fired because he wasn't happy with his character's direction in WWE, but I always thought he had protential to be one of the top heels in the company. He's still fairly young, so if he gets cleaned up he could always come back. But he did not leave on good terms. I'm looking forward to seeing him on the lucha libre show on MTV2.
Am I allowed to include someone who's career has been hurt by other people's drug abuse? Because, if I am, the name I would include is Matt Hardy. An addiction to pain killers has led Jeff to fail multiple drug tests in WWE, and leave the company twicebefore the thrid strike. Without Jeff to punish for his own actions, WWE has taken all of it out on Matt, who has been turned into a lower mid-card jobber. It really is kinda sad to see what has been made of his career, especially since Matt's easily the better Hardy in the ring, in all respects.
I don't think anybody Mentioned William Regal, This Surprises me.

In 2008 he was Given a Pretty Massive Push, He won the King of the ring, Became the GM of RAW, Was having matches against Main-eventers. But the push came to a complete stop when he was busted for drugs, Kinda sad really, I was actually enjoying seeing him as a relevant character. Now all we ever seem him in are 3 minute squash matches on Superstars or sometimes RAW, and Stupid backstage segments, so sad.
Reagel was also the first that came to mind for me. As another poster said, he got the absolute push of his life. He was the gm of raw and won the freaking kind of the ring tournament. If you look at the list of wrestlers who have won king of the ring, almost all of them went on to become maineventers. hhh, scsa, ted dibiase sr., kurt angle, lesner, edge... you get the picture. some may not of liked it, but i thought him turning off raw due to lack of respect was fucking brilliant. i thought for sure he would be in the main event, and even get a title run if he kept it up. then he got caught with steroids i think. (i know the op said not steroids, but i took that to mean people that got roid rage and did something stupid like benoit.) now as another poster said, he gets jobbed out to jobbers. he is a great wrestler, has good agression and style, can talk really well on the mic, and people absolutely dispise him. yet his one screw up cost him what could be a main event spot to this day.

heartachetonight, you literally posted exactly what i wanted to say when i was typing up mine. damn you, lol.
heartachetonight, you literally posted exactly what i wanted to say when i was typing up mine. damn you, lol.

haha, sorry. At least we agree that Steroids pretty much decided his fate, which is sad.

And I'm sorry to the poster of this thread, But Steroids pretty much are Considered drug's to Some people, And regal got treated the same way he would of gotten treated if he got caught with meth or coke.
Lance Cade and Kendrick were the two that popped into my head immediately. Both VERY stupid. Kendrick couldn't lay off weed a bit? Seriously? He was one of the longest reigning tag champs and was being given great singles push...stupid fuck threw it all away. I really don't see him achieving too much in TNA. What a shame.
Cade I was just starting like. He was ok with Murdoch but was coming into his own while paired with Jericho. Took one too many pills and did the jig while in flight....dumbass.
I don't count Carlito cause he wanted to leave. He didn't fuck up and ruin anything he didn't intend to. RVD I doubt regrets his incident but it totally blew the wind out of the sails of WWECW and what could have been an amazing title run.
Like everyone is saying... Hall and Hardy kinda go without saying...

I will pick RVD because he did something no one else had done... He held both The WWE and ECW World Titles at once... AND he was the first guy to beat Cena 1on1 for The WWE Championship! Cena was 2 time Champ at that point, but Edge used MITB to take the title, earlier that year... Obviously it wasn't a clean 1on1 win... Wasn't it after an Elimination Chamber Match or something?

Anyway, RVD beats him and wins the title... Huge push in itself just getting a win over Cena, let alone getting that strap off the mutha fucker LOL...

Then they bring back ECW and RVD is the "1st" ECW Champion, after the "Rebirth"... He has both titles at the same time and is on top of the wrestling world!!!

Then he gets busted, WITH SABU, for possession of weed... LOL and he lost both titles in like back to back days... I think Edge won the WWE title in a Triple Threat Match with him, RVD and Cena in the match... Then he lost the ECW title the next night on ECW, To Big Show!!

Then I believe he got suspended or whatever...

Then he was out of WWE! It's cool he is TNA Champion or whatever, but he might as well be The Diva's Champion...

Hell, at least he would be back in The WWE!!!
there will be different reactions by people but some may consider alcohol a drug. to my opinion WWE holds their talent on a certain pedestal.
first Ted DiBiase Jr. many expected him to be in the ME by now and his father thought he would be a huge face. put on a good match with randy orton on raw with his father guest host 7/6/09. im not judging him but early 08 was arrested for DUI. does that incident put Ted Jr. on a tighter leash?
same with Santino Marella, came in and feuded for the IC title, again received a DUI and hasnt found a real role on RAW.
Most recently Shane Helms was arrested for public intoxication with Chris Jericho which led to his release. Of course Jericho cant be released.
Its fair to speculate where would these guys be if alcohol didnt find them in a unwanted incident. Especially Santino.
Here is a video with Randy Orton and TMZ compares wrestlers the new rock stars of partying. Hes very careful with his words assuming he know he is held to a certain expectation
Hall is a good mention, but I still wana go with Hardy. Look at how his career was going. He was getting the push of his life in the WWE. The #1 company in sports entertainment today. He was just becoming World Heavyweight Champion. Had won the WWE Title not too long before that. And he had to drop the title to Punk as he was being released from the WWE due to drug issues. He's had to go back to TNA, which winning the TNA World Title is like the WWE US Title. It's not a big deal. And even at that, TNA management is afraid to give him the title with all his court dates. He's lost all he was going to get. He can't even be #1 in the B company. He screwed himself with drugs, and since he ran to TNA after his release, he'll never get WHC gold again.

Another case of the young and dumb..I mean uninformed. Jeff Hardy left the WWE because he was hoping to start up some sort of TV gig on either MTV or somewhere along those lines. WWE wanted to resign him but Jeff didn't want to put his body through that much abuse. Jeff then left the company because he DIDN'T resign...
Jeff was the SETUP by police officers. Let's face it if Jeff wasn't setup this case wouldn't be delayed for so long.

But my vote goes for Eddie G & Scott Hall.
Eddie because it eventually ended up taking his life. Still one of the saddest moments in all of sports.
Scott Hall is another because it cost him his family.
im gonna say MVP was receiving a good push on smackdown a few years back but once he got busted ( i think)he was put into that losing streak storyline and has been forgotten ever since.He has also been outspoken with his love for weed so thats probably also affected him

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