Current roster Iron Man match

If you could choose anyone on the current roster to have an Iron Man match, who would you choose?
my pick is Dolph Ziggler vs Luke Harper. I know most of you would choose Bryan, but for me at least, Bryan isn't that exciting and he doesn't hold my attention for a long time and this is why I ruled out Bryan, in case anyone asked.
Dolph Ziggler is a show stealer and I can't for the life of me, remember a match where I was bored watching him do his thing, so I don't think 60 minutes of him would bore me at all. Luke Harper on the other hand is one hell of a talented big man, maybe the most talented big man the WWE has had in the last couple of years. He's so exciting for his size and can move better than most people on the roster + he has that aggression I missed seeing. So Luke Harper's power and sheer brutality coupled with Dolph Ziggler's flashy style and in-ring skills would no doubt be a match of the year contender.
Who would you pick for a 60 minute Iron Man match and why?
Rollins and ambrose hands down. The two are some of the best in ring that the company has ro offer today and with noth being so unpredictable in the ring would no doubt be full of breath catching spots. They work incredibly well together and the style clash works perfectly for them. I also think these are two of the only guys who could go for an hour in the ring. Harper i dont think could last that long not sure if Ziggler could either.
Rollins and ambrose hands down. The two are some of the best in ring that the company has ro offer today and with noth being so unpredictable in the ring would no doubt be full of breath catching spots. They work incredibly well together and the style clash works perfectly for them. I also think these are two of the only guys who could go for an hour in the ring. Harper i dont think could last that long not sure if Ziggler could either.

Good choices, man. Ambrose works very hard in the ring and it shows in the end of every match (out of breath, sweating haha) and Seth Rollins is athletic as hell and probably would last 60 minutes no problem.
I don't really know if Harper could go at it for an hour but I have faith in him, as for Dolph Ziggler? No, man, he absolutely can go for as long as the match needs it. He's so dedicated to his craft + he's one of the top 10 athletes in the WWE and I think he'd be able to pull it off no problems.
Kane and Big Show

On a more serious not i'd be interested to see Orton and Ambrose go at it. We know they are quality wrestlers. There brawling skills are badass and when it came to taking it to the outside we would see some badass shit.
Rollins and Bryan. I think this match would have the potential to become an all-time classic if you gave them 1 hour. Before their February match, I believe they hadn't met in the ring for over two years, when Rollins was still developing. A Rollins in his absolute prime vs a Bryan in his absolute prime is a match that would undoubtedly light the WWE on fire imo.

Also, I think these two guys are the best ring-workers in the WWE right now so it makes sense.
John Cena and Daniel Bryan. For an Iron Man Match to work, you need two main event level guys the crowd is really invested in. Holding the attention of the audience for 60 minutes is tough and it can't just be anyone in there. Throwing two midcarders together like Ziggler and Harper isn't going to work. Iron Man Matches rely on star power as much as work rate. Cena and Bryan are huge stars with a proven track record of delivering great matches, and Cena had a great Iron Man Match with Orton back in 2009. Seth Rollins is also a good choice and could work with either of those guys, and Orton is obviously proven as well but he's not as big a star as he once was.
Bryan vs. Ziggler
Bryan vs. Rollins
Bryan vs. Cena
Bryan vs. Orton
Bryan vs. Lesnar
Bryan vs. Triple H
Bryan vs. Sheamus
Bryan vs. Ambrose
Cena vs. Lesnar
Cena vs. Rollins
Cena vs. Ambrose
Rollin vs. Ambrose
Ziggler vs. Rollins
Cena vs. Ziggler
Ziggler vs. Orton
Ziggler vs. Sheamus
Rollins vs. Sheamus
Ambrose vs. Sheamus

Honestly, there are a number of legit possibilities for highly entertaining Iron Man matches. One reason why I included the guys I did and in various different combinations, there are no doubt more of them that could be listed, does have to do with a combination of physical fitness and a very slight degree of fantasy booking on my part. For me, the "ideal" situation involves the wrestlers not having a whole shitload of falls during the match. Since Iron Man matches are such a rarity, there have only been a total of five 60 minute Iron Man matches in WWE history, I think Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart at WrestleMania XII had the perfect formula of it getting right down to the wire with neither wrestler having scored a fall. It jacks up the tension and drama if you're 50 minutes or so into a 60 minute match in which the winner is determined by who wins the most falls and nobody's scored a fall yet. The wrestlers I listed above have great cardio conditioning and if the action was kept at a strong level without a lot of restholds and told a great story, I don't think there'd be as much of a chance of fans tuning out due to the match length
If you could choose anyone on the current roster to have an Iron Man match, who would you choose?
my pick is Dolph Ziggler vs Luke Harper. I know most of you would choose Bryan, but for me at least, Bryan isn't that exciting and he doesn't hold my attention for a long time and this is why I ruled out Bryan, in case anyone asked.
Dolph Ziggler is a show stealer and I can't for the life of me, remember a match where I was bored watching him do his thing, so I don't think 60 minutes of him would bore me at all. Luke Harper on the other hand is one hell of a talented big man, maybe the most talented big man the WWE has had in the last couple of years. He's so exciting for his size and can move better than most people on the roster + he has that aggression I missed seeing. So Luke Harper's power and sheer brutality coupled with Dolph Ziggler's flashy style and in-ring skills would no doubt be a match of the year contender.
Who would you pick for a 60 minute Iron Man match and why?

I don't know if any of you would've even thought about this name... But I would like to see the Iron Man Match Between Bad News Barrett and Brock Lesnar

Brock can dominate any kind of opponent with his brutal strength and offense! And I always thought Barrett can spend a lot of time in the ring with his good in ring abilities and skills and move set. He can sell injuries as well!

I would want Brock to beat him to his ass just like how he did deliver to Roman Reigns and then Barrett should get back and turns the match into a back and forth one and finish it off with 2-3 win!!

What do you think?
Rollins vs Daniel Bryan The Future vs The Beard, now this would be an Iron Man Match I know the WWE universe would definitely want to see, the most over babyface in the company against the most over heel against the top heel in the company
Ziggler/Bryan in an Iron Man Match would have Bret/Shawn comparisons through at it because people compare Bryan to Bret Hart in a sense but Dolph is more or less HBK in some ways
If you could choose anyone on the current roster to have an Iron Man match, who would you choose?
my pick is Dolph Ziggler vs Luke Harper. I know most of you would choose Bryan, but for me at least, Bryan isn't that exciting and he doesn't hold my attention for a long time and this is why I ruled out Bryan, in case anyone asked.
Dolph Ziggler is a show stealer and I can't for the life of me, remember a match where I was bored watching him do his thing, so I don't think 60 minutes of him would bore me at all. Luke Harper on the other hand is one hell of a talented big man, maybe the most talented big man the WWE has had in the last couple of years. He's so exciting for his size and can move better than most people on the roster + he has that aggression I missed seeing. So Luke Harper's power and sheer brutality coupled with Dolph Ziggler's flashy style and in-ring skills would no doubt be a match of the year contender.
Who would you pick for a 60 minute Iron Man match and why?

Luke Harper? Seriously? That HAS to be a joke.

Putting aside the most obvious match of Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler, I'd go with Bryan vs. The Miz. The Miz went almost an hour in the 2012 Royal Rumble and is the most underrated in-ring performer on the roster. We never saw a conclusion to the Bryan/Miz feud and I'd love to see that take place in a match where Miz can finally prove his haters wrong.
Ziggler, Daniel Bryn, Seth Rollins, Randy Orton and Dean Ambrose are about the only ones who could deliver a 60 minute iron man match from the current roster.
If any two current talents could work an Iron Man match, it would be Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose. No need to look further than this match to see why.


Put John Cena or Daniel Bryan with either of them, it would sure to be a classic! I don't really need to go into detail about why Bryan would be a great fit for that sort of match. I know some people don't think that Cena can wrestle, but he has put on some fantastic long matches against the likes of Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton and CM Punk.

Brock Lesnar could be another name to add. I know some people would see it as being unrealistic, but Brock Lesnar and Daniel Bryan could put on a wrestling clinic. Lesnar was one of the best amateur wrestlers of his time, Bryan has been ranked one of the best professional wrestlers in the world today, together they could put on one of the best matches that has ever been seen in the US.
I'd definitely say Rollins v. Ambrose at the culmination of a major feud. They could easily make it happen. I'm not a huge fan of iron man matches, but I'd watch this one.

I could also very much get into a Bryan/Ziggler IM match.
If I were picking out of personal preference I'd say Cesaro vs Sami Zayn, I thought there 2 out of 3 falls was awesome and would like to see them go for 60 minutes.

But personal preference aside I'd say Orton vs Rollins, Bryan vs Ziggler, or Ambrose vs Rollins would all make great Iron Man Matches.
Reigns vs Lesnar - I think the chemistry was there from the start, Roman took 4 F5's. Brock has done one already with Kurt and Reigns can hold his own. It would be awesome to see.
I don't think there are that many wrestlers who'd be capable of holding the audience's attention for an hour long match, or wouldn't have the stamina or moveset to go for that long- it's a major reason why these matches are so rare.

However, I see a few candidates on the WWE roster at the moment who'd be able to do this. I'd actually like to see a Triple Threat or Fatal 4 Way Iron Man match. I'm pretty sure this has never been done before in WWE (I think ECW did a 3 way with Douglas/Funk/Sabu in the mid 90s though..) and it would be interesting to see how it would work out.

I'd go for a Triple Threat between Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and Seth Rollins, with Dean Ambrose also being a candidate if the match was changed to a Fatal 4 Way. I think these guys would have an incredible match, both have such wide, exciting move sets and the technical skills to craft an epic hour long match.
I like Ziggler and I do think he is very good but I have no idea where all this support has come from. I mean, I have seen nothing from him that suggests he is a better wrestler than someone like Cena. Nevermind fucking Shawn Michaels or Bret Hart. I wouldn't even consider him one of the best on the roster never mind of all time. Fuck, in the last two months Roman Reigns has had better matches than Ziggler has had in his entire career.

Ziggler and Ambrose seem to be in the same very odd situation. They are clearly talented and can have good/great matches at ease but someone is missing.

The obvious names are Bryan, Rollins, Cesaro and Orton. Personally, I like Cena and Sheamus too. There are others (Ziggler/Ambrose) but these wrestlers are the guys that I'd consider for a 60 minute match.

The ultimate combination is probably Rollins and Bryan or Bryan and Cesaro. Both would be incredible matches. There are so many PPV's in a year so they may as well give us Rollins/Bryan for 60 minutes. It would be a classic. To be honest, matches featuring almost any combination of those names would be great.
I like Ziggler and I do think he is very good but I have no idea where all this support has come from. I mean, I have seen nothing from him that suggests he is a better wrestler than someone like Cena. Nevermind fucking Shawn Michaels or Bret Hart. I wouldn't even consider him one of the best on the roster never mind of all time. Fuck, in the last two months Roman Reigns has had better matches than Ziggler has had in his entire career.

If you really think that, you haven't watched any of Dolph Ziggler's matches. Ziggler is EASILY the second best in-ring performer on the full-time roster, after Daniel Bryan and WAY ahead of Seth Rollins or Dean Ambrose. Roman Reigns couldn't touch Dolph Ziggler on his best day. The best singles match of Roman's career was at SummerSlam against Randy Orton and even then Orton carried him.
If you could choose anyone on the current roster to have an Iron Man match, who would you choose?
my pick is Dolph Ziggler vs Luke Harper. I know most of you would choose Bryan, but for me at least, Bryan isn't that exciting and he doesn't hold my attention for a long time and this is why I ruled out Bryan, in case anyone asked.
Dolph Ziggler is a show stealer and I can't for the life of me, remember a match where I was bored watching him do his thing, so I don't think 60 minutes of him would bore me at all. Luke Harper on the other hand is one hell of a talented big man, maybe the most talented big man the WWE has had in the last couple of years. He's so exciting for his size and can move better than most people on the roster + he has that aggression I missed seeing. So Luke Harper's power and sheer brutality coupled with Dolph Ziggler's flashy style and in-ring skills would no doubt be a match of the year contender.
Who would you pick for a 60 minute Iron Man match and why?

Rollins vs. Ambrose. They compliment each other so well. They got a lot of history. It would be great to see what moves they bring out in a hour.
Harper vs Cesaro
I dont know why, but its the first place I went. I think these two guys can work a good match out. It might start out slow, but they can do amazing spots. To me, and I could be wrong, they seem to have enough stamina to get through a match fairly well. These guys were on the indies doing decent length matches so they can keep one going. While I see no reason for them to ever have one, I think it could be fun.
Hideo vs Balor
Bryan vs Jericho could be really cool.
Brock vs Whoever is the best Kurt Angle of the WWE. I can sit through an hour of suplex city.

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