Current or Recent Mid-Card Feuds That Could Become Main Event Feuds


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In the past we've seen wrestlers who have feuded in the mid-card, but eventually went on to feud in the main event. Two examples of this would be The Rock / Triple H and The Rock / Austin.

However, as of late there have been some pretty decent feuds going on in terms of pairings. As well as there are feuds currently going on in the mid-card that should be more than able to carry onto the main event. Some might be better choices than others, but of course that is for you guys to judge which one you believe could carry on to the main event.

Recent feuds should be feuds that has happened in the past years time, rather than a mid-card feud from 2007/2008.

I'll start off by mentioning two recent feuds that I would believe could easily carry into the main event.

Cody vs Ted: Now it was hardly a feud as much as a break-up between the two when they started feuding with Randy Orton. However I'll let it count if anybody wants to mention it again. Cody vs Ted could easily main event some Pay Per Views. Especially considering their long roots in the business, as well as their past together. They both have a bright future ahead of them, and I could easily see them becoming big shots of WWE.

Bryan Danielson vs The Miz: While I personally must admit I don't see Bryan reaching a firm main event position like ever. I do believe that this could easily proceed to become some sort of a big thing. The Miz seems however to soon be sliding into the main event of some sort. So I could definitely see these two squaring off some time in the future as well.

A honorable mention, but I hardly considered it as much of a feud as it was a match of champion vs champion for the sake of the Bragging Rights Pay Per View - Dolph Ziggler vs Bryan Danielson. They tore down the house at Bragging Rights, and could easily do it once again. They could easily end up feuding at some point, and in the main event at that.
Daniel Bryan - Dolph Ziggler. The chemistry is just there. The look of the match and the way they string it all together is fun to match. Plus, they have enough about them that makes them so different that the feud works naturally.

The Miz - Alex Riley. It just makes practical sense. Riley is solid on the mic and ha physical ability. The Miz is moving along very well and he'll most likely determine Riley's success as well. The more successful he is, the more he brings along Riley. The tension, bossing him around..... Just makes sense.

Justin Gabriel - Tyson Kidd. Just like the prospect of the physical matches. It doesn't hurt that they both have relatively unique looks to them and could be billed pretty decently. I like the concept. Look-wise, David Otunga and D.H. Smith could also make for some interesting feuds, depending on how well Otunga progresses in the ring.
Agree with your two fued OP and yes Ziggler and Danielson should deserve a mention because they almost just showcased that they are future main eventers in their little mini fued (which I'd like to see once again as a proper fued... maybe if one gets drafted to the other show? *Ziggler most likely because it seems to be that until recently they thought of RAW in higher regard than SD! But now it looks like the best way forward is a total DOMINATION SUPER-BRAND :headbanger:*.

Anyways back on the topic, yes Danielson and The Miz, I think, would have been main event if it wasn't for the whole Nexus thing and if WWE needed something because all their stars were gone. If it was on near as makes no difference main event then you probably would have saw both of these solidified in the main event even when big stars return *a bit like the whole Nexus angle...*.
Easily John Morrison vs The Miz. Both are up and comers and if, IF JoMo gets a push from Sheamus we could have a Wrestlemania 30 main event right there.

Yeah my vote is for the Miz and Morrison. They have had an on again off again, Love-Hate relationship for a while in the mid card. I can see them being like Shawn Michaels and Triple H. Best friends, worst enemies, friends again etc. battling all the way to the Main Event. I like their chemistry whether friends or enemies. I don't think they have truly had a fight yet that has ultimately resolved their dispute.
R-Truth vs. Khofi Kingston: Yes, they are on opposing shows and haven't squared off yet, but they are getting built the same way. Entertaining as hell, these two I can see in the Main Event in a couple of years.

Drew McIntyre vs Alberto Del Rio: Del Rio is already heading to the Main Event scene, that's a given. With his classy yet repugnant character I can see him taking on a very serious Drew though. Yes, I am a fan of McIntyre and have defended his "Chosen One" gimmick many times. Here it stays the same. What would be better than having the stoic Scotsman face off against the brash over-the-top Rio? Their personalities would clash and dual personalities sell.

I also think one day it will be John Morrison vs. McIntyre, which is a good possibility with some time.

Yeah I had to be a little different then others.
The Miz vs. John Morrison: Now, I know it’s safe to say that both Miz and Morrison have established somewhat of a rivalry in the last few years since they split. Whether they work together or work against each other, the *feeling* was always there---they have a hot feud just waiting to happen.

In the past, they never actually had a stable feud. It was more or less just a couple of matches between each other with no real storyline added to it. Sure, you had the Bragging Rights feud where they clashed, but if you think about it, it wasn’t exactly the kind of way you would want these two guys to feud. Personally, I would have preferred it if this feud would have gone longer and adapted more of a story to it; but unfortunately, there wasn’t.

Sure, one might say: “Bullshit, Miz is a cheap no-talent hack”, while another may say: “Morrison is shit.”---whether either of these two be true or not, we must all admit, these two guys will without a doubt be the future of the company. At this moment though, things are looking brighter for the Miz than they are for Morrison. However, my theory is that eventually, John Morrison will achieve his way to the top just as the Miz will do soon enough. I may not like this, but even I must admit that Morrison (and Miz of course)becoming the future of the business is the most likely scenario.

It goes without saying, a Miz and Morrison feud can easily be made into one of the greatest rivalries of this generation if WWE plays their cards right. They both have the talent, the skills, and the credibility to carry on such a thing. Hell, one may even go as far as to say that they are the future version of your Stone Cold vs. Rock rivalry and Cena vs. Orton rivalry…
None of the midcarders today exactly look like Main Eventers to me so this is an extremely difficult question for me to answer. I guess the only midcard feud that we could see in a main event at a later date is Daniel Bryan vs The Miz and thats not saying much either. The Miz is being touted as the future of the company so I guess he will be main eventing sooner rather than later. As for Bryan I see him like a modern day Chris Benoit with slightly better mic skills. And Chris Benoit did main event a few times back in the attitude era. One such example is against The Rock at fully loaded 2000. I do not see Bryan becoming a main event staple.

Another reason why I feel it will be difficult for us to see current midcard feuds on a main event level is that I feel the current main eventers ie John Cena, Randy Orton, Sheamus and Wade Barrett have long careers in front of the. So it will take an exceptionally talented guy to break into the main event. Among the present midcarders the only two who I feel could be permanent main eventers are Miz( coz Vince Mcmahon said so ) and Alberto Del Rio.
Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz - Generally speaking, this has been among the most anticipated feuds in wrestling this year. From the moment The Miz was announced as Daniel Bryan's Pro on the 1st season of NXT, a lot of fans began drooling over this feud. Not only because of how much they'd enjoy it but for what it could mean for Daniel Bryan. I do think that Bryan's firing did hurt this feud as we didn't get to see it play out as much as we would've liked, but I think this could have been feud of the year in the WWE.

Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio - I think this feud has main event written all over it quite frankly. Rey Mysterio is among the most over babyfaces in wrestling today. The pops he gets whenever he comes out on SmackDown! are huge and the fans love him. Alberto Del Rio is someone that garnered instant heat in his very first appearance on SmackDown! and he put a beloved babyface out with an injury. The matches they've had thus far have been very good, especially the one featuring Rey's return, and they have a great chemistry.

John Morrison vs. Sheamus - I might be jumping the gun here a little, but this is a feud that has a lot of potential. Morrison has looked more like a star over the past several months than he has in a very long time. His first match with Sheamus, the Falls Count Anywhere match on Raw, was one of the best television matches I've seen this year. Even though it was only about 6 or 7 minutes, it felt like it was twice that long and they wrestled an actual match throughout the arena instead of the usual punch, kick, toss a guy into something formula we usually see with brawls outside the ring. It was a strong match and I think it ultimately showed the kind of potential this feud would have. The only thing really holding Morrison back has been his lack of ability on the mic. I think if he were to improve on that, then he'll be main eventing next year.
Daniel Bryan - Dolph Ziggler. The chemistry is just there. The look of the match and the way they string it all together is fun to match. Plus, they have enough about them that makes them so different that the feud works naturally.

Right here. The few matches that these men have had with each other have easily been the best matches on each respective episode. Bryan Danielson can have a good match with anyone, but his matches with Dolph Ziggler have been nothing less than great. The chemistry these two have just brings a giant size smile to my face. They have a very similar style while having completely different gimmicks, which makes for a great give and take.

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