Curb Your Enthusiasm


You don't want it with me.
For those who haven't seen, on the latest episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm Larry David gets a new medicine that makes him lose control of his bladder. He winds up with a spray instead of a stream, and pees on a picture of Jesus. This inspires the women in the house to think their picture of Jesus is weeping, but that's beside the point.

Did Larry David go too far in making a joke?

I get the joke, and I even think it's kind of funny. I also think that he went too far. He certainly has the right to make the joke. He didn't break any laws, but I can see it as very offensive to Christians.

Like I said, I think it's funny, but I also think it's a bit overboard.

I certainly respect his right to make the joke, and won't be boycotting HBO. This show is causing a bit of an uproar.

What do you guys think?
Oh come on FTS. You've got to be joking me man. How is this too far? Because a sprinkle of urine dared to touch a picture of white Jesus? Who gives a shit? Anyone who is offended by that is either an asshole, a zealot, or a combination of the two.

Damnit FTS, you got me all excited thinking you started a CYE thread in the TV section. Larry David is a fucking genius and Curb Your Enthusiasm is one of the most underrated shows ever, and is routinely ridiculously hilarious. I thought this episode this week was absolute gold.

Anyone who this seriously have too much time on your hands, truly. That, or you're a moron.
The entire episode this week had me in tears laughing. I honestly don't see what the big deal is. Curb as a whole is a satire, and as long as it's good humored parody, I don't see what the big deal is. It's made clear that Larry has a condition that causes him to have a hard stream and that's why he usually pees sitting down, if I remember correctly.

And Larry, as usual, got his comeuppance during and at the end of the episode. He got hassled by the pizzeria owner over napkins, which winds up getting him arrested, and then at the end, he almost plummeted to his death. I think that because it's a slow news week, people are trying to start an uproar over it. The show's on HBO, and it's usually offensive. People should know what they're getting into. Furthermore, it's not like he took the picture and urined all over it.

What gets me though is that this is going to start a form letter campaign by people who are going to write to HBO calling for action. The people who fill out the form letters probably don't get HBO and have never seen an episode of Curb before, and probably thought there was malicious intent. Hopefully the uproar is ignored by HBO, as it should be.
Do you honestly think a devout person getting angry over someone pissing on Jesus is a moron? I know you're anti-religion, but to an extent, you surely respect religion enough to know that while it's not for you, it's still an important part of people's lives.

Surely, you would respect one's right to worship, and would be appalled at the constant Nazi graffiti at Jewish cemeteries, right? How is this different?

I, personally, wasn't offended, but if you can't see how someone would be, why not? I mean, honestly, someone pissed on Jesus.
I have to agree with FTS. Religion is a huge part of my life so does that make me a moron for being offended by it? There's going to be an uproar about this but I don't know if it will be big enough that Curb Your Enthusiasm would be cancelled or anything. I thought the show was good enough without having to do something like this.
Do you honestly think a devout person getting angry over someone pissing on Jesus is a moron? I know you're anti-religion, but to an extent, you surely respect religion enough to know that while it's not for you, it's still an important part of people's lives.

Did you actually watch the episode? He did not piss on the picture maliciously, he had a medical condition in the episode that made his urine stream go all over the place, he was pissing in the toilet, and literally a drop the size and consistency of a tear drop splashed onto a picture of Jesus. Anyone who finds that offensive, yes FTS, I consider them a moron. It's not like Larry just grabbed a picture of Jesus and started pissing all over it saying "Fuck Jesus!", it was a miniscule drop. Further more, it was on a television show. Anyone who tries to censor a television show because they were offended, yep, I consider them morons. Have these people ever heard of South Park, or Family Guy? These shows make fun of all different kinds of religion nearly every episode.

It was a picture. On a television show. A fictional television show. Should we start burning books because they don't approve of Jesus now?

Surely, you would respect one's right to worship, and would be appalled at the constant Nazi graffiti at Jewish cemeteries, right? How is this different?

Oh I don't know, maybe because that's REAL. This is FICTION. How can you compare spraypainting Nazi grafitti on a Jewish cemetery to a drop of piss touching a picture of Jesus on a fictional television show? Read that sentence again just to get a hold of exactly how absurd this is.

I, personally, wasn't offended, but if you can't see how someone would be, why not? I mean, honestly, someone pissed on Jesus.

No, they didn't. For Fuck's sake, should we just start censoring all teleivison, movies, and art now if they offend someone? If you answer "Yes" to that question FTS, I'll be one angry X.

I mean, do you ACTUALLY think Larry David sprayed urine on that picture? It was water FTS. Water.

I'd also like to say to those that might be offended by this, and I know this it's a novel idea....don't watch the show. GASP!
Did you actually watch the episode? He did not piss on the picture maliciously, he had a medical condition in the episode that made his urine stream go all over the place, he was pissing in the toilet, and literally a drop the size and consistency of a tear drop splashed onto a picture of Jesus. Anyone who finds that offensive, yes FTS, I consider them a moron. It's not like Larry just grabbed a picture of Jesus and started pissing all over it saying "Fuck Jesus!", it was a miniscule drop. Further more, it was on a television show. Anyone who tries to censor a television show because they were offended, yep, I consider them morons. Have these people ever heard of South Park, or Family Guy? These shows make fun of all different kinds of religion nearly every episode.

See, I don't think it's fair of you to consider them morons at all. Do whatever you want, but everyone that disagrees with you isn't a moron. Honestly, if you can't see what's offensive about that, you're not trying to look at it from any other perspective but your own.

It was a picture. On a television show. A fictional television show. Should we start burning books because they don't approve of Jesus now?

Please, show me where I said the show should be cancelled or suffer any kind of penalty at all. Honestly, all I said is that I can see how people would be offended. LJL said he was offended. Is he a moron.

You would have to be a moron to not think Larry David knew what kind of uproar this would cause. He had to read this in the script, and think to himself, "Hmmm, this is gonna piss some people off."

Oh I don't know, maybe because that's REAL. This is FICTION. How can you compare spraypainting Nazi grafitti on a Jewish cemetery to a drop of piss touching a picture of Jesus on a fictional television show? Read that sentence again just to get a hold of exactly how absurd this is.

The quantity of piss is not the issue. The idea that someone would think pissing on Jesus is a funny joke is what can be offensive. It's an uncaring and inconsiderate act to make a joke. He could have had a faulty ketchup bottle in a kitchen to make the same joke. It could have been any liquid other than urine. There are a million ways to go about it. I think this one may have gone too far for some people. That being said, I laughed when I saw it.

No, they didn't. For Fuck's sake, should we just start censoring all teleivison, movies, and art now if they offend someone? If you answer "Yes" to that question FTS, I'll be one angry X.

Where did I say that? I even said I thought it was funny.

I mean, do you ACTUALLY think Larry David sprayed urine on that picture? It was water FTS. Water.

I know what it was. I'm not an idiot.
See, I don't think it's fair of you to consider them morons at all. Do whatever you want, but everyone that disagrees with you isn't a moron. Honestly, if you can't see what's offensive about that, you're not trying to look at it from any other perspective but your own.

If someone is offended by something like that? Okay, they're not a moron. They're just a raging pussy. Is that better?

I'm being harsh, I know. Blame me for being such a God-hating liberal. How this could offend anyone frankly is just beyond me.

You would have to be a moron to not think Larry David knew what kind of uproar this would cause. He had to read this in the script, and think to himself, "Hmmm, this is gonna piss some people off."

And now I know you don't know what you're talking about, because there IS NO SCRIPT for Curb Your Enthusiasm, the show is done completely improvisational, the only things Larry plans out is a few basic plot points, and everything else from there is improvised.

And no, I highly, highly doubt Larry thought this would offend anyone, and if he did, I'm sure he didn't care in even the slightest bit. As he shouldn't.

The quantity of piss is not the issue. The idea that someone would think pissing on Jesus is a funny joke is what can be offensive.

Except the joke wasn't about him pissing on Jesus. It was about his secretary thinking that the urine drop (and again, we're talking a drop of water the size of a fucking raindrop here) was a sign from God that Jesus was crying. The humor was not at all revolving around the fact that urine was on a picture, they didn't even reveal it until the end of the episode, and when they did they spent about 2 seconds talking about it, and then jumped onto the next part of the episode.

It's an uncaring and inconsiderate act to make a joke.

Puh-fucking-lease. So now Larry David needs to check with every religion to make sure he doesn't offend any of them before making his show? Tell me I don't have to explain just how absurd of a concept that is. Who gives a shit if some random zealots found it offensive? So now anyone who makes a joke about religion is an uncaring monster? You must just downright despise Matt Stone and Trey Parker then.

He could have had a faulty ketchup bottle in a kitchen to make the same joke.

So that they would think the picture of Jesus was bleeding instead? That's better?

It's urine. God created it, right? Don't remember any part of the bible saying "Thou shalt not ever let a drop of urine touch a picture of Jesus!"

It could have been any liquid other than urine.

It wouldn't have many any sense in the show though. He had a bladder problem, what other way is he accidently going to spray a drop of water on a painting? What is he going to just start splashing around a water bottle or something?

And again, it wasn't urine. It was water. Larry David did not pee on Jesus, I promise you.

There are a million ways to go about it. I think this one may have gone too far for some people. That being said, I laughed when I saw it.

Then those people have the option of not watching his show then, don't they?
If someone is offended by something like that? Okay, they're not a moron. They're just a raging pussy. Is that better?

Actually, yeah. I don't think they're stupid for caring, I think they're being too sensitive. Remember, where five times, so far, and this will be six, I thought it was funny.

I'm being harsh, I know. Blame me for being such a God-hating liberal. How this could offend anyone frankly is just beyond me.
Something else I never said. And if you don't see how it can be offensive, then you're not trying to.
And now I know you don't know what you're talking about, because there IS NO SCRIPT for Curb Your Enthusiasm, the show is done completely improvisational, the only things Larry plans out is a few basic plot points, and everything else from there is improvised.
OK, I'm sure the pissing on Jesus part wasn't made up on the spot. Pretty sure something like that would be planned. And, if you don't think, once some brought that up to him, he didn't let out a hearty guffaw and say, "That's gonna piss some people off," then pass me whatever you're smoking.

And no, I highly, highly doubt Larry thought this would offend anyone, and if he did, I'm sure he didn't care in even the slightest bit. As he shouldn't.
This is wrong on so many levels. First of all, for Larry David to not think this would offend anyone, he would have to be a moron. Secondly, I don't know when it became cool to just shit on everyone elses opinions and beliefs. I would assume that he knew it would be controversial and would probably drum up some attention for his show. I honestly didn't even know they still made it until a few weeks ago, and I used to love it.

Except the joke wasn't about him pissing on Jesus. It was about his secretary thinking that the urine drop (and again, we're talking a drop of water the size of a fucking raindrop here) was a sign from God that Jesus was crying.
You're splitting hairs. The joke wasn't about his pissing on Jesus, it was about the end result of that urine. Six of one, half dozen of the other.

The humor was not at all revolving around the fact that urine was on a picture, they didn't even reveal it until the end of the episode, and when they did they spent about 2 seconds talking about it, and then jumped onto the next part of the episode.
It only takes two seconds to cause an uproar. This is the country that invented "freedom" fries and "freedom" toast. This is the nation that boycotted Gatorade for advertising on Howard Stern after he said he didn't know or care who Selena was. Honestly, we live in a nation full of people waiting to cause a stink over something. David knew this would get him on the news, so he did it.

Puh-fucking-lease. So now Larry David needs to check with every religion to make sure he doesn't offend any of them before making his show? Tell me I don't have to explain just how absurd of a concept that is. Who gives a shit if some random zealots found it offensive? So now anyone who makes a joke about religion is an uncaring monster? You must just downright despise Matt Stone and Trey Parker then.
Once again, I never said this either. Parker and Stone are so much better about satirizing religion than Larry David. Larry David has spent his career being a self-hating Jew. Parker and Stone didn't deface any iconography. They give the iconography human traits. This way, no one actually fucks with the symbol, the symbol fucks with the people. They are ten times smarter and funnier than Larry David. If you want to continue that debate, we can move to the TV section.

So that they would think the picture of Jesus was bleeding instead? That's better?
So no one would think Larry David was pissing on Christianity.

It's urine. God created it, right? Don't remember any part of the bible saying "Thou shalt not ever let a drop of urine touch a picture of Jesus!"
I sincerely don't think you believe that it's OK to piss on Jesus because God made urine.

It wouldn't have many any sense in the show though. He had a bladder problem, what other way is he accidently going to spray a drop of water on a painting? What is he going to just start splashing around a water bottle or something?
I get that. I'm not as stupid as you seem to think I am. All I am saying is that someone who doesn't see how people can be offended is being dense. How hard is it to look at something from a different point of view. Honestly, stubbornness is getting in the way of logic.

And again, it wasn't urine. It was water. Larry David did not pee on Jesus, I promise you.
And again, I know. I'm not an idiot.

Then those people have the option of not watching his show then, don't they?
Well, that's an option people have been exercising for quite a while with that show, isn't it?

I knew I could find something new for us to debate.
Something else I never said. And if you don't see how it can be offensive, then you're not trying to.

Yeah I guess it could be offensive. Doesn't change the fact that anyone who finds it to be offensive, yeah, I have zero respect for those feelings.

OK, I'm sure the pissing on Jesus part wasn't made up on the spot. Pretty sure something like that would be planned. And, if you don't think, once some brought that up to him, he didn't let out a hearty guffaw and say, "That's gonna piss some people off," then pass me whatever you're smoking.

Seriously? I can't believe this has even made the news. Has it? I haven't heard a thing about it on TV or in the newspaper. It was such a minor thing that I really doubt Larry David even thought it would offend anyone. Probably because he has faith in the intelligence of his audience. Those who can't separate their personal beliefs with fictional entertainment shouldn't concern him.

This is wrong on so many levels. First of all, for Larry David to not think this would offend anyone, he would have to be a moron. Secondly, I don't know when it became cool to just shit on everyone elses opinions and beliefs.

Since humanity was created? Since television was invented?

I would assume that he knew it would be controversial and would probably drum up some attention for his show. I honestly didn't even know they still made it until a few weeks ago, and I used to love it.


Ridiculous, you think this a publicity stunt or something? I would literally bet you ten thousand dollars right now that was completely and totally not Larry's intentions. Why again would he need to drum up some attention for his show when it's already been all over the media for the last few months talking about the Seinfeld reuinion? Stories in Time, national media coverage for weeks. CYE has been doing very well lately.

It only takes two seconds to cause an uproar. This is the country that invented "freedom" fries and "freedom" toast. This is the nation that boycotted Gatorade for advertising on Howard Stern after he said he didn't know or care who Selena was. Honestly, we live in a nation full of people waiting to cause a stink over something. David knew this would get him on the news, so he did it.

Again, I will literally bet you 10,000 dollars right now that was not his intention. Get some cash, hop on a plane, find me Larry David, and let's do it. Seriously. CYE has ALREADY been on the news for weeks because they just aired the Seinfeld reunion episode!

Once again, I never said this either. Parker and Stone are so much better about satirizing religion than Larry David. Larry David has spent his career being a self-hating Jew. Parker and Stone didn't deface any iconography. They give the iconography human traits. This way, no one actually fucks with the symbol, the symbol fucks with the people. They are ten times smarter and funnier than Larry David. If you want to continue that debate, we can move to the TV section.


I'm sorry, what were you saying?

So no one would think Larry David was pissing on Christianity.

No, he's just murdering Jesus.

I sincerely don't think you believe that it's OK to piss on Jesus because God made urine.

No I think it's fine to piss on Jesus because it's a picture, not a holy sacrament, and I don't really give a shit if someone takes a dump on the Vatican's front steps. That's just me though.

I get that. I'm not as stupid as you seem to think I am. All I am saying is that someone who doesn't see how people can be offended is being dense. How hard is it to look at something from a different point of view. Honestly, stubbornness is getting in the way of logic.

I can see how someone can be offended, but that doesn't change the fact that I consider those people to be quite dense themselves.

And again, I know. I'm not an idiot.

So, again, what's the problem? Urine never touched Jesus' picture. Ever.

Well, that's an option people have been exercising for quite a while with that show, isn't it?

It's actually quite popular FTS.

I knew I could find something new for us to debate.

I just didn't think it would be something so thoroughly ridiculous.
Yeah I guess it could be offensive. Doesn't change the fact that anyone who finds it to be offensive, yeah, I have zero respect for those feelings.

I guess empathy is not a universal trait.

Seriously? I can't believe this has even made the news. Has it? I haven't heard a thing about it on TV or in the newspaper. It was such a minor thing that I really doubt Larry David even thought it would offend anyone. Probably because he has faith in the intelligence of his audience. Those who can't separate their personal beliefs with fictional entertainment shouldn't concern him.

I saw it on Hannity. Go ahead.

Since humanity was created? Since television was invented?

Meh, this new uncaring nature of people is a new phenomenon.


Ridiculous, you think this a publicity stunt or something? I would literally bet you ten thousand dollars right now that was completely and totally not Larry's intentions. Why again would he need to drum up some attention for his show when it's already been all over the media for the last few months talking about the Seinfeld reuinion? Stories in Time, national media coverage for weeks. CYE has been doing very well lately.

I haven't heard anything about a Seinfeld reunion, but then again, I wouldn't fucking care about it anyway.

Again, I will literally bet you 10,000 dollars right now that was not his intention. Get some cash, hop on a plane, find me Larry David, and let's do it. Seriously. CYE has ALREADY been on the news for weeks because they just aired the Seinfeld reunion episode!

I am 100% sure he knew someone would pick up on it. Seriously, boycotting Gatorade because Stern said he didn't know who Selena was. This shit happens.


I'm sorry, what were you saying?

I knew this was coming up. This was different. This made a joke of the people who believe in crap like this. The staute took on human traits, which empowers the iconography. Larry David peed on a picture. But, I feel this is time for mention number seven....I thought it was funny.

No, he's just murdering Jesus.

Nope, according to Mel Gibson, I took care of that one already.

No I think it's fine to piss on Jesus because it's a picture, not a holy sacrament, and I don't really give a shit if someone takes a dump on the Vatican's front steps. That's just me though.

Yeah, see, that's just wrong....:lmao: Bet you wouldn't do it in the Secret Archives though. I dare you.

I can see how someone can be offended, but that doesn't change the fact that I consider those people to be quite dense themselves.

Well, at least we got somewhere.

So, again, what's the problem? Urine never touched Jesus' picture. Ever.

Kayfabe urine did....

It's actually quite popular FTS.

It just doesn't get the buzz it used to.

I just didn't think it would be something so thoroughly ridiculous.

What else is left?
I notice you say "It can be very offensive to Christians" but really, anything can be found offensive to someone. I don't generally watch this show so I can't comment on the individual event but it sounds funny to me. I think this is more about people needing to get thicker skin. What happens when you're 'offended'? Nothing, apart from you making a fuss about it.
Take a trip down memory lane with me, kiddos. It's a lane of happiness and gumdrops, gloom and despair. We're going back a few years ago, when a Danish newspaper put out a few cartoons of Muhammad. Then South Park tried to follow suit, and had their nuts cut off by Comedy Central.

Muslims have a outright religious law that there shall be no depictions of Muhammad. Not as much Muhammad, but any pictures in general, really. Something like "God created everything perfectly. By drawing a picture of said something, we are trying to recreate what God did himself." You know, idolatry and what not. What the Danes did was incredibly insensitive to Muslims. Yet, everyone in America didn't seem to see the problem with it.

Censorship! They cried. Terrorism! They shouted. For, you see, those were words that everyone liked to link with the mean ole Muslims.

South Park came along and tried to show everyone the silliness of such a concept. They had Jesus shitting everywhere, did they not? Something about Jesus shitting on all the Christian's faces? Or was it just Americans? Either way, it's the same concept. And Cartman did his part in evilly communicating to the viewer that censoring one show, just because it offends you, leads us down a slipper slope to the point where nothing can ever be shown on TV.

Now, I'd like to see how this situation should be treated any differently. So what if some Christians are pissy about it? A drop of urine fell on a picture of Jesus. I can see how that'd be offensive, I 'spose. But, you see, how are the Christians getting riled up any different than the Muslims getting offended?

Now, this is where someone says "But Razor! They aren't shouting terrorism against HBO!" But you're splitting hairs.. If they seek to get Curb Your Enthusiasm censored in anyway, shape or form simply because they're offended, they're committing a unique act of "I'm offended! Take it off the air so that NO ONE IN THE WORLD can see it!" censorship. That is wrong, and we all know it.

Oh, and "Double Standard!" "Hypocrisy!" I figured I'd get in the words people like to shout at Christians a lot. They fit here, I think.
Intent. If Larry willfully, and with goal in mind, attempted to deface an image of a religious nature than it should be cause for concern and indignation. However it was an accident that it happened. Morally he should have cleaned the picture up immediately but that's neither here nor there.
Raised Catholic and having even participated in church services for a good portion of my youth I was neither offended nor outraged by the situation, i thought it was funny.

Please point out where I said it should be censored. Or, if you wouldn't mind, point out where I said it should be sanctioned. I never did that.

In my original post, I said I laughed when I saw it. The questions I posed were about whether or not it was offensive. I said it is not hard to see how it was offensive.

Furthermore, the South Park episode you and X mentioned could easily be deemed offensive as well. I don't see how you couldn't see how people were offended. I don't think that makes them morons. Maybe they're being a bit sensitive, but the show clearly had a symbol of their religion being defaced. Some of us are open minded enough to see it as satire, but in this world, where Christianity, being wealthy, or even being white, are constantly under attack, it's not much of a stretch to see how this is another attack on the one group of people it is still OK to insult, white Christian men.

Please point out where I said it should be censored. Or, if you wouldn't mind, point out where I said it should be sanctioned. I never did that.

My bad. I didn't mean you. I meant the people who will take offense. You know they'll want the show censored, taken off the air, something. It happens weekly here in the United States.

In my original post, I said I laughed when I saw it. The questions I posed were about whether or not it was offensive. I said it is not hard to see how it was offensive.

I said I 'spose it would be offensive. Considering I'm not Christian, I'm not offended by it. However, simulated urination on my God would piss me off, I'm thinking.

Furthermore, the South Park episode you and X mentioned could easily be deemed offensive as well. I don't see how you couldn't see how people were offended. I don't think that makes them morons.

Not as much "morons" as "not viewing things properly." Or, in the case of Christians, completely taking a double standard.

Maybe they're being a bit sensitive, but the show clearly had a symbol of their religion being defaced. Some of us are open minded enough to see it as satire, but in this world, where Christianity, being wealthy, or even being white, are constantly under attack, it's not much of a stretch to see how this is another attack on the one group of people it is still OK to insult, white Christian men.

Please. Being Muslim in the United States will get you 100 times the ire that being Christian will. At least, in the South where I live it will. In fact, if I told my family I was Deist I'd most likely be shunned from my home.

And while it may be insulting, which I acknowledged would be a reasonable step, how is it an attack on Christian men, while drawing a cartoon of Muhammad isn't? Americans were almost unanimous in their incredulous stance against the Muslims who didn't like the Danish cartoons, claiming that they were simply trying to use terrorism to censor something they didn't like.

I fail to see the difference here. If Christians can gawk and be confused, even claim that the Muslims didn't have a reason to be offended, then why can't other religions say the same to Christians now?
I can kind of see how or why people would be offended over what happened in the show, but I don’t think they should be offended at all. It’s not like the guy that did what happened was trying to offend anyone or get anyone angry. The small drop landing on a picture of Jesus was supposed to be something funny and it wasn’t that big a deal, and by judging what some have said, it was funny so they succeeded in what they wanted to accomplish: make people laugh.

Now, if people are offended, I don’t think they are morons, but I do think they are being a tad bit too sensitive over something that wasn’t meant to offend anyone at all. Or maybe they are just trying to cause a small or big uproar just for the sake of causing an uproar. I see why people might be offended, but I don’t think they should be offended.
Definitely not. I am a Christian, and I laughed at possibly the best episode of Curb since the road head episode. Of course, I can see why people would be offended, but come on. That could totally happen in real life as an accident. I think it's only because Larry David is jewish that people are upset about it. X is right, Curb is definitely one of the most underrated shows, and I might even say it's almost as good as Seinfeld.

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