"Cult Of Personality" Sig Request!

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Right guys, you're probably sick & tired of CM Punk signatures, but here's another one, yet again.

Right, I'd like multiple pictures of Punk, ranging from his Indy days, to his other phases in the WWE, possibly with him holding his multiples Titles/MiTB Cases etc. Make sure you can get in different looks as well. If you can't it's fine. After that, somewhere on the Sig, can you run the words "I'm The Cult Of Personality".

Rep will be given to anyone who comes up with one and I'll choose the best one to use once I've gotten enough in.

Thanks in advance!


Tell me if u want me to change anything :)
I like it, but I would've liked the Text inside the Sig itself.

I will wait to see if there's anymore that come in in the next few days.
You've been repped.
Right, I'm gonna wait for another 2 Days (Till Wednesday). If anyone's got anything, post it & I'll rep you. Will pick my favorite on Weds.
I think that's pretty damn good Electro Boy!
Liking the images, it's got what I wanted AND I think the Text's pretty awesome.

You've been Repped.
Again, I like it! The only problem I have is the Text being blue. However, it's all good otherwise.

I'll let you know who's been picked at the end of today.
Right, after long deliberation I've finally decided who's sig I will be using.
That personis;

Electro Boy!

I think that his one is just the sharper, the better looking out of the 4 that I was shown. It came down to him and CBL13, but he pipped him.

Thanks to everyone who did try, you've been repped & it was much appreciated

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