Cruiserweight Rumble

Tongue twisters and 205 rumble (choose 2)

  • I can say cruiserweight rumble properly 10 times quickly

  • Cruiserweight Wumble

  • I would like to see this match

  • I don't want to see this match

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George Steele's Barber

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Question #1 - Can you say "Cruiserweight Rumble" ten times quickly without saying "Cruiserweight Wumble"?

Answer #1 - I cannot.

Question #2 - Would you be interested in this type of match?

Answer #2 - I don't see why not. The high flying style makes little sense in a Rumble match but I don't care. I think it would be fun. I would like to see a surprise entrant or two. Twenty is probably the appropriate number of men coming in at a minute and a half intervals for about a 35 minute match. Maybe throw in a woman for shits and giggles, unless they are having their own Rumble. Throw it in to the pre-show or have it curtain jerk.

It's unlikely to happen. They seem to have a pretty full card already. The women having a Rumble set up for Sasha to win makes more sense and that doesn't seem likely to happen at this point. I just figure it could mean a lot to the top cruiserweights competing and ultimately draw more attention to a Cruiserweight Championship match at Mania. They're not doing much else exciting right now that is interesting. But mostly I want to see how they work the flippy spots in to a match of this type on this stage.
I don't think I want it. I'm not big on the idea of there being any other rumble besides THE Royal Rumble, although I am open to the idea of there being a Women's Rumble. There's no point for it other than, as OP mentioned to showcase some cool and innovative spots, and those could all still probably be showcased in a small Battle Royal. If anything, I'd rather have them do something like that.

But this raises a question that I haven't even thought about until this point... are there gonna be no Cruiserweights in the actual Rumble?
Yes I can say "Cruiserweight Rumble" ten times quickly without saying "Cruiserweight Wumble".

Now as for the bigger question.... No, I do not want to see this match. It's a bad idea. If the WWE did a different Rumble for the cruisers then all that would accomplish is further establishing the fact that the cruisers are inferior. Who would benefit from that? No one. The cruisers come off feeling like less of a big deal and they run the risk of fans not caring about this match. There should be two Royal Rumbles this year. One for the men and one for the women. The winner of the male Rumble gets to pick the Universal or World Heavyweight Champion to challenge at Wrestlemania. Same goes for the winner of the female Rumble, she can challenge either the Raw or Smackdown Women's Champion. The Cruiserweight Championship already feels like the least important title in the federation and a separate Rumble for the cruisers would only worsen this issue.
I think this could be a fun pre-show match, but that's about it. I've said this for a while now, I'm vehemently opposed to having two Rumble matches on the main card, and yes that includes the idea of a Women's Rumble. I'm likely in the minority here but most of the time, the Rumble is an hour and a half long cluster that has about 30 minutes worth of real entertainment value. Throw in another 45 minute cluster and you're leaving very little room for a good show. Throw it on the pre-show, where the cruisers belong at this point, and everybody wins.

Again this is just my preference as I know there are probably a lot of fans out there that love the Rumble matches, but for my own sanity, I hope they stick to the one Rumble match on the main card. The pre-show always sucks anyway so I don't really care what they do with that. In fact, a Cruiser rumble would be a hell of a lot better than the normal throwaway matches we get.
Yup, I said it 10 times fast...took me a few tries but it still counts. :p:p:p:p

I don't think a Cruiserweight Rumble is all that appealing right now. The CW Division is slowly gaining steam, there's still a lot of work to do because there's really no strong babyface for the division right now except Jack Gallagher and they need more than just him. The only two stout heels are Neville and Kendrick at this point but, as I said, it's slowly getting better.

If the division continues to roll along, if it continues to move in the right direction, if it continues to grow in relevance and if it gets a strong enough roster....then maybe this is something that'd be interesting to see a few years down the line. Right now, however, it'd be a throwaway match on a kickoff show.

At this point, what I'd prefer would be to have a couple of 5 or 6 man ladder matches take place with the winner being decided by pulling down a contract hanging above the ring. The two winners of said match then compete in a best of series of matches with the winner challenging for the Cruiserweight Championship at WrestleMania. I think it'd have a better shot of getting fans' attention at this point because even if they're not invested in most of the wrestlers, they'll at least pop for the ladder spots.
I would like to see it...but with caveat not at the Tumble PPV itself...You already have an hour of Rumble itself to slog through but if you have even a half hour one earlier for CW or Women you risk match fatigue in the fans (and potentially cheapen the major one) Much like the Muliple HITC matches on one PPV. I would either save it for an epsidoe of 205 live down the way or make it the CW match at Mania (as otherwsie most of the roster will be left off the show)
I'd be cool with it personally. The type of high spots that majority of the Cruiserweight division can pull off would make for a entertaining night. It'd be a pretty neat way to get the crowd warmed up before the original Rumble match. However, the same high spots and dangerous maneuvers can be displayed in a 20 man battle royal that would take hella less time than that of a Royal Rumble and be equally as entertaining. Even so, the women's division deserves that honor way before a division that hasn't even really gotten it's wheels off the ground yet.
Question #1 - Can you say "Cruiserweight Rumble" ten times quickly without saying "Cruiserweight Wumble"?
I tried and no.
Honestly, this match doesn't do anything for me. The cruiserweights having a Royal Rumble kind of takes away one of the big things they do: high flying moves. We'd see too many guys trying for the high flying moves getting eliminated.

If the cruiserweights are going to have a match to mirror what the heavyweights do, it should be at Money in the Bank. At least with that, you have ladder spots to get the crowd excited.
Or just put some top cruiserweights in the rumble like usual. I don't think it's necessary and they should have a few in the normal rumble because some guys have star potential.
with all the talents that will be booked on the main card, i think it would be a great idea for the kickoff show since outside of the cruiserweight title match, they'Re not going to have really that much place on the main card for them and the rumble match doesn't have that much place either to put some of them in. So why not just have a rumble just for them and give the winner the title match at the rumble itself.
It's a good idea for a number one contender spot or title, but not at The Royal Rumble PPV itself. Have it on Rumble week on 205 Live and stretch the entire episode into a Cruiserweight Rumble Match for the title or contender. Promo it up and 205 Live just might get some viewership.
I can see this if it doesn't take place at Royal Rumble PPV itself.

Why? Because we know that the traditional Royal Rumble match will surely take 50-60 minutes atleast and that would be enough for 1 PPV.

As suggested here already, give full 1 hour to them at 205 Live. Give the Rumble winner a title opportunity at Wrestlemania preferably. You could even add pin/submission just like Lucha Underground's Aztec Warfare.
I'd prefer my women's Rumble first, thanks. On a serious note, naah, don't really want it.

But I wouldn't mind Royal Rumble turning into a PPV revolving around contendership for each division.

30 Man Royal Rumble match
15 Woman Royal Rumble match
8 Man Cruiserweight Ladder match
and maybe even a tag team scramble

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