Crowd Reaction to Cena's Make a Wish Video at HOF & Treatment of Maria Menounos


Pre-Show Stalwart
Sorry if this is a duplicate, wasn't too whether this should go here or in the WM 29 section.

This is from the HOF report posted on WZ:

"A John Cena Make-A-Wish video is shown and gets one of the biggest boos of the night."

'I don't like John Cena so I'm going to be really cool and boo him for meeting up with sick kids.' You can try and defend this all you want, you can say it's being shoved down your throats all you like but that doesn't fly with me. Some of the kids featured in the video could have been at the event, how would that make them feel?

Whether you like Cena, or not, have a bit of fucking respect for a guy that's trying to do something good for kids that aren't as fortunate as you, the crowd in attendance or myself to have been gifted with reaching adulthood. You know why the WWE focus so much on this aspect of Cena? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Cena credited for granting more wishes than anybody in the history of the organisation? When you commit that much time and effort to something it SHOULD be recognised.

What further turns my stomach is some of the comments in the Disqus section of the article:

User: SimilarCreatures: "Not really, I believe the fans did that because they hate Cena to the point that they boo everything that he does."

When another user sarcastically called Cena a terrible person for this work, SimilarCreatures responded:

"He IS a terrible person. He does make a wish because WWE wants him to and it helps with his public image, nothing more."

I hope that user sees this thread. Good to know that he/she has worked so closely with John Cena that he knows his exact intentions with regards his charity work. It's great to get insight from people who have such unrestricted access to John Cena and know him so well.

Fuck off. Judge a guy based on his entertainment performances, fair enough, but don't make sweeping comments/judgements about someone you have never and WILL never meet and have any sort of extended interraction with. You don't know the guy, don't pretend you do.

Something else that I found disrespectful was the treatment of Maria Menounos:

"Extra TV host Maria Menounos is out to induct Bob Backlund. She talks about Backlund's career and how she's been a big fan. Allen says she really seems to be a huge fan of Backlund. She also talked about how fit Backlund is. Some of the fans start to boo and "WHAT?" Menounos after her speech drags, according to Allen."

Don't like her? Fine. Don't like her speech? Fine. However, the lady is in an arena FILLED with people and is trying to give a speech about her friend that is going to be seen by a few million people on DVD.

Public speaking is NOT easy and I'd like to see any one of those ignorant fans give a speech in front of even a small crowd giving them that reaction. It's just not a nice thing to experience.

I know this statement will be met with TONS of disagreement and critisism but, IMO, you pay for a ticket to Raw and you can cheer or boo whomever you want. The HOF ceremony, while it IS an event, is not a typical wrestling event and should be treated as such by the fans.

You're not cool or edgy because you boo Cena's charity work or give a non-wrestling personality a hard time. Actually, you make all wrestling fans appear to be the very stereotype we've been trying to shake for years:

Uneducated idiots.

How do the rest of you feel about these reactions? Do you feel the crowd have the right to do what they like after paying for a ticket or do you feel that is was disrespectful?
People are booing Cena because that's what they do. It'd actually be hypocritical for them to not boo him, even if they are showing a video highlighting the good work he does for Make-A-Wish. It's not like they're booing the kids or anything.

An Maria Menounos may well be Backlund's buddy, but I'm pretty certain her inducting him was still just a cynical ploy to get her featured at WrestleMania yet again.
Yeah, there is no need to be booing during a video like this. He does a good thing by helping them. He might have been told to do it ( or nudged) the first time but to have granted more wishes than any other person on the planet: he deserves resepct.

These people booing just think that they are big because they are booing John Cena. Many people genuinely dislike him. Fair enough. Boo him on Raw or Mania but not then. I guess some are just jealous that he is one of the biggest stars in the history of wrestling and they are just contributing to his paycheck. I wasn't there but I doubt it would of taken anything away from the night.

The WWE would show fucking JTG granting a wish if they wanted too but John Cena grants so many and is the man of the company they feel that he should get recognition in helping out others and promoting the WWE in a positive light.
The simple truth of it is that there are a lot of fans out there today, unfortunately, who simply have no class. While it's true that WWE & Make A Wish both get something out of working together in terms of recognition, that doesn't make what Cena does any less worthy of respect.

I don't know if it was John Cena's idea to do the whole thing with Make A Wish, if it was a collective decision or what the deal was; but the man takes time out of his life to visit kids who have life threatening illnesses. Some of the kids he grants wishes to won't live to see adulthood. Some won't live long enough to get out of elementary school.

If fans want to boo Cena, that's all well and good. If you do it just because you don't like Cena, fair enough. If you do it just to be a dick, again fair enough. But c'mon, there's a time and a place for it and last night wasn't it.

I always find it funny that fans or dirtsheet writers accuse WWE of being crass or classless, which they are sometimes, but they seem to think its okay to act like malignant turds themselves.
These actions are shit. Unfortunately in a relatively quiet arena the voices of a couple can really stand out and affect the spirit of an event. There are quite a few idiots out there and sometimes I wish they would just stay at home and stick to annoying people on the internet but I also feel strongly that the mentally handicapped should have the freedom to walk the earth with the rest of the humans.
These actions are shit. Unfortunately in a relatively quiet arena the voices of a couple can really stand out and affect the spirit of an event.

This. WWE have even requested before that if you attend the event to try and be respectful as its less of a night for the fans and more of a night to honor the careers of legends such as Sammartino, Foley and Backlund last night. Some guy shouted "Hogan" from the balcony and Vince was able to respond, that's how easy it is to communicate with whoever's speaking even in that setting.

The booing itself is pretty low. It's a bit like when Cena was sponsoring the Susan G. Komen (sp?) charity somebody brought a "Lets Go Cancer" sign to Night of Champions. Little things like this let the entire wrestling fanbase down because it's a pretty scumbag move. Either way its a precursor for the inevitable.

Cena's in for a very hateful reaction tonight at MetLife Stadium.
The simple truth of it is that there are a lot of fans out there today, unfortunately, who simply have no class. While it's true that WWE & Make A Wish both get something out of working together in terms of recognition, that doesn't make what Cena does any less worthy of respect.

I don't know if it was John Cena's idea to do the whole thing with Make A Wish, if it was a collective decision or what the deal was; but the man takes time out of his life to visit kids who have life threatening illnesses. Some of the kids he grants wishes to won't live to see adulthood. Some won't live long enough to get out of elementary school.

If fans want to boo Cena, that's all well and good. If you do it just because you don't like Cena, fair enough. If you do it just to be a dick, again fair enough. But c'mon, there's a time and a place for it and last night wasn't it.

I always find it funny that fans or dirtsheet writers accuse WWE of being crass or classless, which they are sometimes, but they seem to think its okay to act like malignant turds themselves.


I'm one of the original Cena haters. I mean that. I hated him long before he was the Dr. of Thuganomics, long before it was "cool" to hate him, I soured on him a mere few weeks after his debut. I've always hated his TV character and always will. You can call me a hipster!Cena hater.

However, if I were to be so fortunate to see him on the street I'd be honored to shake his hand and commend him for what he's done both for wrestling and, indeed, for his work with the MAWF.

Don't like him? Fine. Keep your opinions on his TV character FOR his TV character. Last night was not the time.

I'd like to echo a sentiment I've seen another user use here:

I'm an out and proud gay man but (because of fans like them) a closeted wrestling fan.
First thing I thought of was Eagles fans cheering Michael Irvin's injury. Simply classless.

I'm no Cena mark, but I respect everything he does outside the ring.
The HOF audience has kinda sucked because, well as Georgy pointed out, even a single fan's comment is heard. Everyone can't be Bobby The Brain and make it look like gold. I was glad they put in the 'kick-out warning' a few years ago for the fans attending. Instead, they decided to edit the whole thing and that really sucks. I wanna see everyones speech.

Now about the Make-A-Wish, the fans really just boo'd Cena but since that is the first time they saw Cena on the big screen, they made the most of it. To be honest, I didn't expect them to do anything else. But with kids who are dying...come on. Discretion you fuckers.
To hear this really pisses me off.

It it one thing to boo Cena or chant "Boring" at a regular live event. That's fine. However, I disagree with those actions at a Hall of Fame ceremony. Not the time or place for that. The HOF ceremony isn't about Cena. It is about the wrestlers that have paved the way so others can be at a Wrestlemania.

Besides, regardless of how you feel about Cena, how can you not respect somebody that grants the most wishes in the Make-A-Wish Foundation?
What does promoting John Cena's Make-A-Wish appearances have to do with the HOF in the first place. Its almost like the WWE was daring the crowd to react negatively. John Cena is force-fed to the audience to the point that hes being patted on the back at a Hall of Fame induction ceremony?? In what context was this video shown in? What was the purpose? People were booing the fact that they paid to go to a Hall of Fame induction ceremony, and even THERE, they are given John Cena fluff-pieces.
What does promoting John Cena's Make-A-Wish appearances have to do with the HOF in the first place. Its almost like the WWE was daring the crowd to react negatively. John Cena is force-fed to the audience to the point that hes being patted on the back at a Hall of Fame induction ceremony?? In what context was this video shown in? What was the purpose? People were booing the fact that they paid to go to a Hall of Fame induction ceremony, and even THERE, they are given John Cena fluff-pieces.

I knew someone was going to go down this route.

What context? The HOF is a night where one's contribution to wrestling is acknowledged and honoured. In my view, there's no better night to acknowledge Cena's contributions to the Make a Wish Foundation. Why? Because it's acknowledging what he's doing for young wrestling fans.

That's what you people fail to realise. He's giving up a lot of time and effort to give a little bit back to FANS.

He's made a huge contribution to those young, unfortunate fans and he should be recognised for it. Why shouldn't he be patted on the back on a night that's designed to pat someone on the back? THAT'S the context.

If you want to look deeper into it, however, I do think it's further setting up a Cena heel turn at 'Mania. They're placing the image of Cena as the hero of the kids, WWE ambassador to the NGO's, ultimate good guy, etc, in the forefront of the fans' mind so that the turn has ultimate effect. That's why he officially acknowledged it also. You can quote me on this, it's going to happen.

Regardless of WHY it was used, the reaction was NOT warranted.
Eh, what are you gonna expect from that crowd? That's kind of the problem with letting fans in that Hall of Fame ceremony. If it was up to me, I would not let them in. It's a Hall of Fame ceremony and people act stupid and dress shitty. Anyway, I can't wait to hear the reaction for Cena tonight.

It's really stupid though how people to this day still believe that John Cena only does all this charity stuff because WWE makes him and it helps his public image. "He can't be that good of a person because if he is, we have to respect him. So he only does it for himself so we have the right to boo him even when he does charitable things."

The one thing that annoys me though is that stupid "WHAT?" chant. God, I hate that.
Kind of sad to see how petty and childish some people can be. I know it's Cena, and I know a lot of lot people don't like/borderline hate him, but come on now. This is just sinking too low. The news for Maria's reaction caught me off guard, but the reaction to Trump doesn't surprise me at all.

And I'm sure someone from WWE warned/asked the audience to show some respect to everyone before the cameras started rolling. I can remember going to the HOF ceremony last year, and Josh Matthews politely asked everyone in the AAA to show respect (no heckling, loud booing, obscene chants, etc.). Of course, when Cena came out, he was booed out of the building, and a group of assholes on the lower level wouldn't shut up, as Tully Blanchard told a story about a recent death in the family.

I think we can safely say Cena will receive 90% of the negative reaction from the crowd at MetLife tonight. He's going to walk into a shit-storm of venom. It'll be like One Night Stand 2006 all over again with a bigger crowd.
On the way home from the bar last night my friend asked what I would be doing today and I told him I would be getting some house work done, then relaxing and watching Mania. He isn't a wrestling fan, so he asked who was fighting and I said Cena was taking on Rock. He proceeded to do the you can't see me hand gesture and say "fucking Cena." That is how far the dislike for Cena goes, a non wrestling fan hates him.

I've never been a fan of John Cena the character. Ever since he debuted on Smackdown and nearly beat Kurt Angle, who I was a huge mark for, I have held an irrational hatred for him. John Cena the man though has my respect. He works his ass off for the company and does a lot of great charity work. I can't say I'm surprised that fans booed him, but it is still classless.
If you want to look deeper into it, however, I do think it's further setting up a Cena heel turn at 'Mania. They're placing the image of Cena as the hero of the kids, WWE ambassador to the NGO's, ultimate good guy, etc, in the forefront of the fans' mind so that the turn has ultimate effect. That's why he officially acknowledged it also. You can quote me on this, it's going to happen.

Really? But what about all of the wwe teasing of it on air? Surely that smacks of Vince simply using the intrigue of it to draw extra ppv buys? No way he turns Cena full heel at WM, maybe tweener, Laurinitus comes down/Rock takes him out/Cena with the distraction rolls up (maybe even with pulled tights) for the win.

But this isn't the time or place for that endless debate, so I'll stop.
In my country long time ago people bood national anthem. Country was separated by that time but anthem stayed the same so people were displeased by that. Can you imagine our athletes going to sporting event for their country and that their people boo the anthem at start of the event and in some way looks like that people boo them. At the end, goverment changed it. Now they are happy and applaud it. :lmao:

What I am trying to say is that people are trying to express that "Cena hate" with that and they most certanly dont mean anything bad about "Make a Wish", problem is, its not time and place for that expression of hate...
Personally I wouldn't do it but this type of fan was fostered by the business itself with the type of characters these older fans grew up on like DX, Austin and Rock, characters that were anti social, disrespectful and mocked everything with the motto of saying whatever they wanted.

Are they still cocks for booing his charity video? yes but it's pro wrestling, it simply breeds lack of class. Half of me wonders if they aired it merely to get that reaction and stir up some noise in the place, it would be a very pro wrestling thing to do.

As for Menounous, while I thought it was ******ed having her beat Beth Phoenix she does seem a genuine fan of wrestling, most of the guys were probably just living up to the stereotype of never ever having a chance to touch a woman that looks like that so they boo her like a 6 year old who thinks girls have cooties, I mean they booed Trish's husband for being....well...her husband.
Jack Hammer hit it on the head when he said some people just don't have any class. It's a shame that a person would not know how to act at a ceremony like that. I am all for having fun, but there is a time and a place for it. As far as booing Cena during his Make a Wish videos, I can't say I am surprised. I am not the biggest Cena fan, but just the fact that he does all this for sick kids makes him a pretty decent person who deserves respect for what he does. Even if Vince "encouraged" him to do it that doesn't take away that he has granted more wishes than anyone else. I know it is their right to boo, but can't we just be a bit better than that?
I think the WWE expecting a wrestling crowd to act like high society of respect is misplaced to begin with. Sports HOF ceremonies are usualy insular and only invite an elite few of players and family members.

But what do you mean "Maria Menounos inducted Bob Backlund"?
What does promoting John Cena's Make-A-Wish appearances have to do with the HOF in the first place. Its almost like the WWE was daring the crowd to react negatively. John Cena is force-fed to the audience to the point that hes being patted on the back at a Hall of Fame induction ceremony?? In what context was this video shown in? What was the purpose? People were booing the fact that they paid to go to a Hall of Fame induction ceremony, and even THERE, they are given John Cena fluff-pieces.

I have a problem with this kind of attitude. I paid to see the Hall of Fame induction ceremony and I did not mind the video being shown. It took all of two minutes in between speeches. Do you expect there to be absolutely zero downtime between inductions? Would it be better if we just sat in silence? The video did no harm.

I don't think people were booing the video or the cause. They were booing simply because they saw Cena on screen. They were just waiting for the opportunity so they were happy when they got it. Once they realized what the video was a lot of the booing stopped but mostly they just couldn't wait to boo Cena so they did it as soon as they saw him without even realizing what was being show.

As for Maria Menounos, the crowd's behavior was a disgrace. I was embarassed to be associated with those people. Yes, her speech did seem to drag a little long but that is absolutely no excuse to boo her even if you did pay for a ticket. I hate it when people use the excuse that they paid for a ticket to justify acting like a jackass. We were there to honor the careers of some great wrestlers. What the morons that were booing didn't realize was they were disrespecting Backlund too and he was clearly upset by it. Inexcusable.
People are really stupid. Really, really, really stupid.

If you were booing, you're an idiot. If you think those idiots were right, you're just as dumb as they are.

This is why I hate most wrestling fans. Not everything is fake. This isn't fake. He does nice things for children and you're booing? I'd throw them out. All of 'me.
I've made it no secret that I hate most internet wrestling fans. This is why. They think they know everything and can fix the wrestling world if they were in power. They boo genuinely nice people like John Cena, even when he does things for sick children. They booed Maria Menounous because she was inducting her friend? Internet wrestling fans ruined wrestling for me. I much prefer to watch wrestling with my mom, or my friends who cheer the good guys and boo the heels than with my smart mark friends who shit on every face.
Some people take it too far. While I was at WM, there was literally one guy behind me telling a kid that he was a ****** because he was a John Cena supporter. This is when you have to look at who the real idiots are.

I have seen numerous wrestling events, and the crowds nowadays are downright trolls. I think they think it's cool to boo, because they consider themselves smarks. I think it's time to really redefine what a smark is. Booing Make a Wish because Cena is involved makes you a mark, not a smark.
Cena haters have been worked into booing regardless of what it does. I think it shows just how emotionally wrapped up they are in hating him. Which is what any good heel does and he IS a heel to them. Don't focus on the actual action, focus on the reaction and how Cena responds. He likes it when the adults boo because that creates a unique and awesome atmosphere and doesn't hurt the bottom line.

I don't care at all about the girl. Not a bit. This is pro wrestling.

Some people take it too far. While I was at WM, there was literally one guy behind me telling a kid that he was a ****** because he was a John Cena supporter. This is when you have to look at who the real idiots are.

I have seen numerous wrestling events, and the crowds nowadays are downright trolls. I think they think it's cool to boo, because they consider themselves smarks. I think it's time to really redefine what a smark is. Booing Make a Wish because Cena is involved makes you a mark, not a smark.
It's definately time to redefine smark. If you boo Cena and think he sucks and think that the WWE desperately wants everyone to cheer him, there is nothing smart about you. Everyone knows its a work so simply knowing that doesn't make you smart. Having decent business sense does. Most smarks don't because they are too concerned with what they personally like and want to see....a mark I other words.

Eh, what are you gonna expect from that crowd? That's kind of the problem with letting fans in that Hall of Fame ceremony. If it was up to me, I would not let them in. It's a Hall of Fame ceremony and people act stupid and dress shitty. Anyway, I can't wait to hear the reaction for Cena tonight.

It's really stupid though how people to this day still believe that John Cena only does all this charity stuff because WWE makes him and it helps his public image. "He can't be that good of a person because if he is, we have to respect him. So he only does it for himself so we have the right to boo him even when he does charitable things."

The one thing that annoys me though is that stupid "WHAT?" chant. God, I hate that.
They think he does it because the WWE asks him because they themselves are shitty, selfish people. They boo him because they feel he's corny and they don't relate. Cena is the handsome fireman who rescues kittens and your wife wishes you were more like him and not a fat drunken slob. A lot of people don't think his character is realistic because they aren't and don't know anyone like that in real life. Look at the demographics. It's teens and poorer, uneducated adults that generally watch wrestling. It's not hard to put 2 and 2 together. That's why Cena gets such an amazing reaction. His character is someone the adults despise. His character is also someone kids look up to because they haven't failed and been shit on in life and aren't cynical to this idea that you can be both successful and a genuinely nice person.

In 10 years people will look back and realize the true genius of the character and why they don't turn him heel. You aren't going to stop watching or change the channel when he's on regardless of how much you think he sucks. In fact, he'll extract the strongest emotional reaction from you and get you to care more about his opponent than you would otherwise.

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