Crocidile Hunter Steve Irwin DEAD

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i dont really care why he did it, he shouldnt have done it in the first place....btw its not another HBK-style interveiw is it? lol
Stop it you guys, he just died and you guys are acting like a bunch of little kids.

Anyways, I hope he rests in peace, and he'll never be forgotten. I started watching his show when I was four back in 96, and I grew up watching him. I feel so bad for his family, I can't ever imagine my dad dieing. I can already imagine him in heaven, with all the animals saying something like "crikey! where's all the crocodiles?". RIP.

Flames Out
Are You guys Stupid? (ESPECIALLY TAKER04!)

Do you watch the news or read the paper the guy didn't do anything but help the animals, he was doing a documentry on the Great Barrier Reef and why it should be taken care of better than it is and why it should be saved. He spent all his life caring for animals and most the posts I see is (It Serves Him Right for Looking After Animals?) If any of you "kids" work you deserve to die knowing all the dangers that there is at the work place. Well thats exactly what your all saying.

Because Steve Irwin cared and did everything he could to try and save animal rights most of you are saying he deserved to die? Your all bunch a kids regardless of age that need to go back to school and learn about "The Workplace" because EVERY SINGLE JOB is a risk, who cares if Steve Irwins job was a more of a risk than being a cab driver but he didn't do it for the money or to be a prix he did it so every single person on this Earth could enjoy and see what Animals really are before we exterminate every single one of them, and that people only coems around once in a lifetime.
^like ive said already, last we heard of him, he was doin stupid shit like feedin a croc with his son under his arm, then he winds up dead for doin somethin he shouldnt have done, he shouldve known not to swim directly above a stingray....even i know that! and now everyone is sad about it....whats the big deal? if it was anyone else, people would just be like, "whatever....some dude got killed by a stingray. big deal." why should it be any different for him, just because hes famous....its the same as sportspeople that do drugs.....big deal, no one really cares if some random person does it! why do they make such a big deal for famous people? I wouldnt be on the front page of every newspaper in the country for doin drugs, but a footballer or a wrestler or whatever would be....
taker04 said:
^like ive said already, last we heard of him, he was doin stupid shit like feedin a croc with his son under his arm, then he winds up dead for doin somethin he shouldnt have done, he shouldve known not to swim directly above a stingray....even i know that! and now everyone is sad about it....whats the big deal? if it was anyone else, people would just be like, "whatever....some dude got killed by a stingray. big deal." why should it be any different for him, just because hes famous....its the same as sportspeople that do drugs.....big deal, no one really cares if some random person does it! why do they make such a big deal for famous people? I wouldnt be on the front page of every newspaper in the country for doin drugs, but a footballer or a wrestler or whatever would be....

You still don't understand do you? The reason why people care is because hes done so much for australia. He put Australia on map for fuck sakes, he cared for animals so much that he's so well know through that community. How do you know he was under a Sting Ray?

The whole baby thing, maybe you should of watched some of the interviews he did? He explained his actions and why he did it. Its a spur of the moment.
^he was swimming directly over the sting felt threatened and attacked him ffs.....
it felt unsaufe because it felt trapped, vie the camera man, you can't put all the blame on Steve.
alright taker, i like you ok, your kool and its been kool going back and forth with the trivia questions BUT I gotta tell you, i really disagree with you. First of all, it is a big deal. This man did a lot to preserve wildlife, he's a conservationist, he is an educator, he opened some zoos in Australia and he's a role model to children not only in Australia but also all over the world. You cant judge a man for 1 stupid incident with his child. he says that he was in complete control, maybe he was, or maybe he's not. If one of us did it, sure we'd go to jail. But we aren't the pros, he is, or was. He showed us a lot and he helped out a lot. He made enormous contributions to conservaion particulary the WWF (the World Wildlife Fund, the group that went to court against Vince, to have him change the name). Steve Irwin died because the the sting ray felt trapped with him and the camara man. Stingrays RARELY attack. Look if anybody dies its a big deal (to me it is anyway) and of course sombody who has been in the public eye is also going to get a lot of attention, but this isn't just any public guy; he is sombody who deticated his life and career on helping and saving animals. it is a big deal.
I dont understand how someone can say that if someone dies its not a big deal... The guy was well known all over the world... But you had to of known something like this was gonna happen sooner or later.. Never thot it would of been a sting ray tho...
yea i actually thought it be either a snake or a crocidile. I never considered any other animal, especialy not any sea animals. Jack hanna is another conservationist but he is not as risky as Irwin. Hanna has always had certain lines he wouldn't cross but Irwin had no boundries. Not only does it suck because he did so much but leaving a wife and kids behind sucks much worse.
I agree his kids were real young too... I didnt think it was going to be a water animal either... I always thot it was gonna be a crocodile... Irwin > Crocodiles
i hope they do destroy it, i know he wanted any attack by an animal that would constitute in his death aired for educational purposes. But he dies in a really sick way, they shouldnt air it. I hope it doesn't leak out into the internet or public if its found
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