Creative Ways to Call Up NXT Talent


Dark Match Winner
So, this thread is pretty simple. I want to know how you guys would debut the NXT stars onto the main roster, just for some fun fantasy booking. It could be how you would debut a singular talent, a tag team, or just NXT talent in general.

For me, I'd have an annual 5 vs 5 Traditional Survivor Series match where one team is comprised of NXT stars and the other team is comprised of veterans. If Team NXT wins, whoever is remaining gets a main roster contract. If Team WWE wins, then whoever is remaining gets a title shot at either the Intercontinental or US Championships.

I like this idea because it gives the NXT guys a big win over some respected veterans (Think Mark Henry, Christian, Rey Mysterio, etc.) and some momentum when they get onto the main roster. They also wouldn't lose much if Team WWE wins because after all, they are veterans and they're "supposed" to win. And this would give the vets something to do for a big PPV and if they lose, they can brush it off pretty easily.

So what would you guys do?
I've been thinking for months that they should be coming up with the most over the top ways to debut the Solomon Crowe character. The basic gimmick is that he's a world-class hacker who controls electronic devices using his touch pad.

So it should be a no-brainer that you introduce Crowe to the people by having him "interrupt" a live WWE Network show. He hacks into the programming, cuts a promo, then the stream continues as if nothing happened. That is how you get a talent noticed, that is how you get a talent over.
I would debut The Ascension the exact same way that the Shield debuted. Have them come out through the crowd in some dirty outfits in the middle of a Shield-Authority match and just have them decimate The Shield. Than they can introduce them as the new "judges of justice" or something like that and have them mini-feud with the Shield throughout the year.
Why they don't have a Fatal Four Way ladder match or 6-8 people if you want for a contract baffles me. It gives a money in the bank style match up the many still want and can give someone like a sami zayn some amazing spots
They killed that Crowe gimmick, he's got a different one now.

Zayn doesn't really need much, he'll just the the standard "wow" debut beating someone big.

The Ascension can be Zeke's enforcers, brought in to help him against Heyman. Zeke can be all "look what you made me do"...

Adrian Neville - He is the MITB debut guy, have him debut and win... make it a shock but not the normal "underdog" thing, have him reasonably dominant, like his style "bamboozles" the roster. Almost make him like the guy in Bloodsport who is completely off the wall style wise. Have him stil NXT champ when he does it and it will add to the instant cred.

Bo Dallas - It looks like Barrett is being pushed as a face going forward so it might be a bit of bad timing, but I can see Bo coming in and trying to "change him" to being "Good News" Barratt... I REALLY hope they don't do this though.... Bo-Leive seems to be the mirror of the Wyatt's so I get the feeling he'll end up feuding with his bro and being "assimilated" into The Family within 3 months of joining.

Adam Rose - He's clearly on his way and we know it's all about the debut and the entrance... who does he interrupt with it? Probably Ziggler who is cutting a bitter promo in the ring about how this is war, he's not there to have fun etc...
Adam Rose - He's clearly on his way and we know it's all about the debut and the entrance... who does he interrupt with it? Probably Ziggler who is cutting a bitter promo in the ring about how this is war, he's not there to have fun etc...

It would be cool for Rose to debut much in the same way that Jericho did. Keep these vignettes rolling for a while but add an air of mystery (kind of like Undertaker's "21" and Jericho's "Y2J SAVE US ALL") until finally one night when somebody like Orton is talking, have the lights cut out, have his music hit and let him make an impact right away. I know when Jericho made his debut as The Millenium Man and his music hit when Rock was in the ring, I marked out... Probably because I really wasn't expecting it, but it would still make for a great impact if Rose were to do the same.
Since the shield turned face now and they win their wrestlemania match effortlessly, maybe they can find 3 more guy in NXT and make them debut to work for HHH. Something like they are going to do something that Kane and the outlaws can't accomplish, which is destroy the shield. I think most guys can debut like these, Konnor, Corey Graves, Oliver Grey, Scott Dawson, etc

And for others:

The Ascension: I don't like their chance if they debut as a tag team. Viktor has botched several match-ending, and Konnor is obviously better than him, but gimmick like Ascension will not be great to do a break-up angle like ptp...I really think they should find someone replace Viktor.

Enzo Amore: He is injured so he don't get many attention, but he is hilarious with the mic, however, I never see him have a "normal match" in NXT, he don't showcase much in the ring. Give him a big guy and use him as a crowd heel will be great.

Sami Zayn:I understand he is extremely great in the ring but his current character in NXT is...nothing. Look at Emma and you will see gimmick are more important than in-ring work when you debut. So I think he need to make a big impact by defeating big names when he debut, someone like Alberto or even Orton, and quickly establish his character. If Cesaro is not chasing the gold immediately they can have a great feud, but I doubt it will kill Cesaro's momentum.

Bo Dallas: I don't know why WWE never give up on him. He is drawing heat because of people don't want to see him on TV, not because of people hate him. His matches are almost always the most boring one in NXT, and he do not entertain me with his mic work as well. But I have to say his gimmick is pretty good, he is a heel who keep having face promo.

Mojo Rawley, Tyler Breeze, CJ Parker: I think they got no chance if they debut now, sorry = =

And for someone like Solomon or Kalisto, just make their debut in NXT first, we only need one Sin Cara flop.

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