Create your own promotion


Championship Contender
I don't know if this has been done before but the rules are simple.
.create your own wrestling promotion
.create the roster
.create the belts
.What channel and what time will it air if its on tv
.how will your promote it?
.also make the fist show put who wins each match and how long it airs.
This is harder then you think but dont over do it.You cant put too many big names on the roster.This should take longer than 5 minutes.If you arent interested in this then dont reply thank you

Heres mine
it will be called National Championship Wrestling

Ken Doane
Bob Holley
Buff Bagwell
Charlie Haas with jackie Haas
ricky morton
rick steiner
idol stevens
kc james
Dwest for those of you unfamilair he wrestles in ohio valley and he looks just like kanye west he has a lot of charisma
teddy hart
trevor murdoch
jack evans
justin credible
simon dean
dj gabriel
elix skipper
colt cabana
greg valentine

kenny bolin from ovw
jimmy valient

the belts are
.world heaviweight
.tag team

it will air on the vs channel wednesdays from 9 to 11

heres the first show

Ken doane comes out and cuts a promo about how he is the future and he will cary the company
Bob Holley interupts him and says nothing will be given to him in pro wrestling he has to earn it and he has to earn everyones respect including himself.ken doane smacks holley in the face and says what does holley know about respect holley challenges him to a match and says he will teach him respect later on

match 1
6 pack challenge for tv title
maven vs. charlie haas gabriel vs.elix skipper vs. vampiro vs. buff bagwell
winner elix skipper

match 2mini tournament for tag belts
kc james and dol stevens vs.jack evans and teddy hart
winner jack evans and teddy hart

match 3 deuce and domino vs.trevor murdoch and colt cabana
winner deuce and domio

post match
colt says even though they lost they will be the future of tag team wrestling because not every tag team wins here first match he says they have a lot to work on but they are the future and he raises murdochs hand.

next week deuce and domino vs. hart and evans for the tag team championships in the tournament finals

match 4 ken doane vs. bob holley
winner holley
after the match holley tries to shake his hand doane spits in his face

battle royal involving every man on the roster for the world heaviweight championship
ken doane wins after eliminating holley last

post match he cuts a promo on how he is the world champ and he doesnt need anybodys respect

show closes.

to promote each show i would make sure POst it every where in newspapers on tv comercials i would hypee it up and get ppl to watch it

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