Create Your Own BC.


Undertaker, If that is ur real name
No matter what the WWE is plotting with Doc and Anderson, something is going to happen regarding some type or variation of the Bullet Club. But before it comes in to full form, what do you want to see happen? Who do you want in it? How big do you want the group? Do you even want the group, or just keep Doc and Anderson as a seperate tag team? What would you name the group? What purpose would you give them??

Personally id like to see a larger faction than the recent 3-4 man groups. Id like to see both Finn and Styles lead the group ala Hunter and Shawn in DX. Have Anderson and Doc, id also add Becky Lynch to the group (She doesnt have a lot going on now anyways) id also add down the line maybe one or two more people.

As for who the two extra would be? Maybe a returning Hiedo Itami?? Surprise return and connecting the friendship with Finn and idk maybe Bobby Roode? connect the friendship with Styles.

Id have them start small with mid card titles, maybe Aj and Finn take the US and IC title. It gives importance to the mid card and leaves the WWE title and Roman to have their own importance, and EVENTAULLY when the BC comes to the WWE title it just opens new and fresh stories for them to accomplish.
I want to see the Bullet Club dominate in the WWE the same way they dominate in NJPW. Right now, I want to see Karl Anderson, Finn Balor, Doc Gallows, and A.J. Styles on the team, with Doc Gallows being the leader of the WWE incarnation. I’d like the group to get as big or bigger than it is in NJPW, but 4 is the minimum and these 4 must be members. I would name the group the Bullet Club and if that can’t happen for whatever reason, I’d name them something close to it. I don’t care if they are the Authority’s hired guns (pun intended), or if they are on their own as Faces or Heels. They could even do a Face / Heel stable, where half of them are Faces and half of them are Heels, but all of them are a unit. At the peak of their run, I’d like to see Finn Balor and A.J. Styles as the WWE World Tag Team Champions, Karl Anderson as the United States Champion, Doc Gallows as the Intercontinental Champion, and for a twist, I’d have the WWE World Heavyweight Champion, Roman Reigns join them.
In a Perfect world i would wan Aj, Finn, and Doc and Gallows but to honest i know the Biz will be spilt to Finn and Doc/Gallows. But i wouldn't mind Titus O'Neil coming back...if Vince/HHH gets involved going against the club. Actually "shooting" saying tthat "that 60 day suspension was joke" Titus would get a fued in for the US title or IC title againist a Authority mid card guy like Sheamus.
Well since everyone is in agreement on the first 4, There is a guy...I think with the right group and motivation could move quick.

Come down and stomp the hell out of the social outcast sparing Axel, to hell with the rules. Next week he comes out trimmed beard, pull his father's gum slap and a towel.

Yeah it won't work I know, but hey since we are all talking about crap that won't happen this is my choice.
I believe the WWE should work to establish the stable in front of a mainstream US audience before letting it get bloated.

The group should be Anderson/Gallows and either Balor or Styles, leaving whichever former Bullet Club leader that remains to feud with his old friends and play off the group's history.


If any current WWE superstars without direct BC ties were to be involved, I think there is an especially interesting choice- The Uso's.

Now hear me out:
The Uso brothers could logically fit the club for a couple reasons- first they are tied indirectly to the group, being as their "extended" family member Tama Tonga has always been a member, and the Inoa'i and Fifita families have been closely linked going back to at least the days of "The Islanders" when Tonga's father Haku teamed in the WWF with the Uso's uncle, Sam Fatu, aka Tama.

Next, aside from the family connection, The Uso's are a stale act that could use a different packaging, and assuming roles in a WWE version of Bullet Club could be that new lease on their character's lives.

And also in a slightly more esoteric parallel, The Uso's could fit the mold as this version of the club's answer to the Young Bucks. Both teams are polarizing pairings comprised of two brothers with reputations for flying high spots and high volume superkicks.
Bullet Club has to walk that tenuous cool heel line that plagues the product today. Gallows and Anderson are simply by default cool heels. They're not a WWE product and they're certainly names off the never in WWE list (never returning in the case of Gallows).

In Japan part of what made Bullet Club heels was the fact that they're foreign heels. That doesn't work here, even for Finn Balor as an English speaker. You only have to look at League of Nations to see how much of a rat's ass people give about foreign heels in the internet age.

Making Roman the Bullet Club leader might be a good way to make Gallows and Anderson uncool. I don't think it's the way things will go, nor do I think it's necessarily a good idea.

Bullet Club also has to avoid the nWo comparisons. They really can't be saying too sweet or using the wolfpack hand gesture. Bullet Club needs to be new, yet maintain that sense of familiarity that will help people to invest emotionally in them.

I would build Bullet Club to consist of outside WWE guys. Populate the group with NJPW and TNA guys. The group would consist of Balor, Gallows, Anderson, and Samoa Joe. Later I would consider adding Austin Aries and/or Bobby Roode, but not both. You don't want this to become the TNA faction.

The trick is just separating this from nWo. If you have an inside man in Balor or Styles, then it's too nWo. Unless they want Bullet Club to really hug that heel/face line, they need to be uncool. People like Roman, even factions like New Day might be boo'd mercilessly by the vocal majority. Styles joining the Club at Payback would result in the hugest face turning even more face pop of the modern era. We really need more uncool heels.
I'm one of the guys who are totally opposed to this. I don't wanna see another group make run-ins, beat down superstars and disturb matches.
We've already had NWO, NEXUS, Shield, blah blah blah..

If they want to, I want them to follow a different storyline than a outsiders-beat-down-people thing.
Make them faces. Not heels. They beat up other heels and all.. Try some crazy shit..
Don't add Balor. He's a bit too good for a stable.
4 man group under the condition Gallows and Anderson DON'T win the tag titles. Keep them strickly as enforcers or even give them singles runs. AJ wins WWE title, Balor can have IC and give one of the other 2 the US title.

I want Enzo/Cass Vs New Day to dominate until Summerslam or later. I don't need Bullet Club ruining that. They can win the tag titles next year.
Seeing Anderson, Styles and Gallows together would be very cool. I think WWE fans want to see what Bullet Club in WWE would be like. I think after the initial formation they should add another 2 members. The obvious choice for those 2 members would be Samoa Joe and Finn Balor. The 5 of them in Bullet Club could become the most exciting thing WWE has done on years. Cena and Reigns would be the faces taking on the heel supergroup with help from faces like Sami Zayn, Cesaro and Dolph Ziggler.
If your going to reform the bullet club in WWE then Balor, Gallows and Anderson as members of the NJPW version are a most, I would add AJ But he is doing great by himself and can always be added later on down the line. as for who the other members should be, I really like the idea of Seth Rollins making a big return at Payback and establishing himself as the leader of the new look Bullet Club. I would also add Paige and Tama Tonga if WWE can sign him.
I would keep Styles,Balor,Gallows and Anderson together.Than you can move to a major power struggle thing between Balor and AJ regarding who is the true leader of the Bullet Club. AJ vs Balor would be kinda cool to see.
The sum of the parts, in the aggregate, have to be as big as the whole when they separate. So, each member has to have weight with or without the Club. I'll go with Styles, Balor (sans the Demon gimmick), DG & KA, and...Ricochet. I know- reeks of fandom. Yet, there's a link: all recently from Japan, all former title holders, all have had trysts with the American indies, and all can do great things independently. No need for a clear-cut leader; let them all have their say.

Reigns will probably end up as the leader and, somehow, Ambrose and Rollins will make up leading to something with AJ at Battleground in DC. Or Reigns recruits his cousins and Tamina and we get some Islander stable- stellar legacy, but will be ravaged by the bookers.
They'll go with Balor, as the name is already trademarked... but if there was one "shock member" I'd add... it'd be... Chris Jericho.

This kind of goes back to the great missed opportunity that was The Nexus... they always alluded to someone being "behind it" but it was never actually revealed. I always thought Jericho should have been that guy - he was Barrett's pro on NXT so it made sense and was the kind of guy that could sell the idea.

They didn't do it so...

Why not do it now?

Sure you have the existing members... Gallows/Anderson, Balor, potentially Nakamura... but who has the kind of stroke, respect and time away to put all this together? (in the story) Y2J does...

It also fits in with his AJ feud... why would he single out AJ? to soften him up for the big plan... He beat him at Mania, but AJ got the #1 contendership... so now it's time to unleash it

On a practical level, this works as Jericho is a guy who can disappear for a bit and "pull the strings" from afar, letting Balor take the point man role... but when the time comes, he and Jericho can team up, interact and generally cause mayhem and it gives more colour to this Nakamura/Jericho feud they want to get going...
I'd be fine with just Anderson, Festus and Styles. Maybe have Balor join upon his debut leading to a feud with Styles over control. This seems like a group that has enough star power to not have to go past anymore than 3 or 4 members, I could see them running this angle into the ground ala nWo though.

Bloated factions usually get stale for me pretty fast. The only time I ever remember saying to myself "hey they need more people" was with the Wyatt's, seeing as they were supposed to be a cult...with followers. They could slowly add more and more members to BC until there are internal power struggles and splinter groups and all that but I'd honestly prefer that they do something somewhat original but I don't really have any expectations.
Something to consider, that WWE almost never considers is, why? What is the point?

What is this faction for, what does it mean?

If you answer that question, it helps with a lot of the plotting.

The Bullet Club in Japan, AFAIK, gets over partially on the strength of being foreigners. Outsiders. How does that translate to WWE? WWE fans don't really care at all. Anti-American heel gimmicks haven't really worked since Bret HArt left. (The last time it came close was Muhammad HAssan).

The Bullet Club are outsiders in WWE because they aren't pure WWE products.
They built their names, made their bones, earned their stripes outside the WWE Universe. New Japan, ROH, TNA, Mexico, the indies. (Go ahead and say TNA, who cares.)

That should be the organizing principle of the Bullet Club. WWE products/loyalists vs free-agent types.

All that said, Jericho becomes a natural fit as the veteran leader. ECW, WCW, Japan, MExico, Smoky Mountain.
Here is what I would imagine, A New Nexus, but they don't suck. All these new NXT guys being called up should come together (minus Enzo and Cass) and form a big stable we would have AJ Styles, Finn Balor, Luke Gallows, Carl Anderson, Apollo Crews, Baron Corbin. That would cement NXT's place having better wrestlers and save enough TV time to give us more Damien Sandow.
AJ Styles
Finn Balor
Doc Gallows
Karl Anderson
Curtis Axel

AJ, Balor, Gallows and Anderson are gimmies. I picked Axel because I feel like this kind of group gives him more opportunity to shine, and I feel like could really push him to new heights. Paige I picked because as of right now, she has no direction and putting her in this group would be perfect for her.

They should push the BC as this eras nWo. They are trying to take over the WWE. Now, they need to NOT over extend like WCW did to the nWo. They need to not make EVERY storyline about the BC either. They can honestly do this with the BC as heels or faces. They can be an outside force looking to take over, they can be here to do Shane McMahons bidding, they can be the Authority trying to destroy the WWE from within if they can't have it.

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