Create the Most Ridiculous Gimmick Match Ever

The Ring Break Match

The only way to win is by slamming your opponent so hard that they actually go threw the ring.

The Chamber Match

Using the normal Elimination Chamber, you lock two guys inside instead and instead of other wrestlers in the pods, have a massive variety of weapons. So in one pod there could be steel chairs, in another there could be tables, in a third there could be sledgehammers and 2 by 4's and in the forth there could be one of each of previously mentioned by each has bared wire wrapped around them. Also inside the bared wire pod there is a bag of thumb tacks and lighter fluid and a lighter. Every 3 minutes a pod will be unlocked and the weapons inside can be used in the match. The two wrestlers will not be allowed to make a pin-fall or submission attempt (any subnissions will be forced to be broken before the 5 count or the wrestler could risk being DQ'd) untill all 4 pods have been unlocked. The only way to win is by pin-fall or submission. The only time a wrestler could get DQ'd is if they don't break a submission before the count of 5 before all 4 pods are open. There are no count-outs.
the tazer on a pole on a pole match W/ Sausages, an "adamle origional"
You Must climb the pole get the pole on the pole climb that pole then get the tazer, you must Taze your oppenents nipples for 1 min the stick a wet sausage in thier ear untill they scream "wet Willy"
it is a hell in a cell cage and every 3min a side of the cage will light up in flames and stay like that for 3min, the ropes are barbed wire and the turn buckels are balls of barbed wire, off the top of the cell there are curls of barbed wire hanging of the top of the cell all the way down so that they are 6ft of the bottom, all the weapons under the ring are coverd in barbed wire now i wouldnt put it past tna to do something like this lol

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