1. The Kings of the WWE – Booker T. William Regal, and Sheamus. Freebird rule in use. Before Booker become a full time commentator, let him have one more run as King Booker!! Before they run out of things for Regal to do, let him have one more run as King Regal!! With Booker and Regal, this can ONLY help Sheamus.

2. The “Real” Kings of the WWE – After the King of the WWE run a mock for about a year, and take full control of Raw and Smackdown, have them face the “Real” Kings of the WWE, Jerry “the King” Lawler and the King of Kings, Triple H.

Since I too am a “King”, I wouldn’t mind being the special guest referee for that match.

3. The "Million Dollar Men" - Brett and Mike DiBiase.

4. The "I. R. S." – Windham and Taylor Rotunda.

That’s two tag teams right there. Pair both teams up together, have Ted Dibiase Jr. in there as the leader, and you have the NEW Money Inc. If you want to make it bigger, add others and form the NEW Million Dollar Corporation, or better yet, the Billion Dollar Corporation!!
I love how everyone put 2 white guys on the same team, what the problem with 2 black guys on a team( Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson, Harlem Heat, Doom) all yeah all 3 teams were tag champs. Dude why can't 2 black guys form a tag team but its ok for 2 white guys?

Im just saying everyone puts too much emphasis on the looks of the team rather than the chemistry and gimmicks etc. JTG is supposed to be the "ghetto" dude while R-Truth is pretty much all about the kiddies without a gimmick really besides rapping his entrance. Im not saying that 2 black people can't be a good team but it has to make sense. Just because both people are black doesn't mean they would make a good team. Dont be so fucking touchy.
Really dude, The Hood? Isn't this just a but stereotypical? (Don't get me started on Cryme Tyme)

Its what they represent the hood is just short for the neighborhood don't u fallow jtg word on the street. Its just street language its not stereotyping. Unless your from the hood you won't understand the language. Now crymetime I thought was racist just like lie cheat and steal with eddie and chavo. Maybe you like this team zack ryder and trent barretta as the Cracker-Busters
Im just saying everyone puts too much emphasis on the looks of the team rather than the chemistry and gimmicks etc. JTG is supposed to be the "ghetto" dude while R-Truth is pretty much all about the kiddies without a gimmick really besides rapping his entrance. Im not saying that 2 black people can't be a good team but it has to make sense. Just because both people are black doesn't mean they would make a good team. Dont be so fucking touchy.

R-Truth was K-quick back in the 90's in the wwf and his character was just like JTG a Ghetto rapper. Look it up. Thats why a lot of people here think they will be a good team because they both from the HOOD. Can you dig that SUCKA
R-Truth was K-quick back in the 90's in the wwf and his character was just like JTG a Ghetto rapper. Look it up. Thats why a lot of people here think they will be a good team because they both from the HOOD. Can you dig that SUCKA

Key words: BACK IN THE 90's. Are you fucking kidding me? Things are so different now it's not even funny. And the kids LOVE R-Truth, do you really think that Vince is dumb enough to trade that for a hood black dude that's really REALLY overplayed? And K-Kwik lasted what 3 months maybe? Great idea. Sucker.
i go ahead and say it like everyone else, R-Truth and JTG, not being racist but they would go perfect together since they both portray "hip-hop" styles. Whats Up Brooklyn!

Chris Masters and Tyler Reks as heel team. Both are equal built and would be powerhouse domination

Miz and Riley for obvious reasons Riley is like a clone of Miz.

Mark Henry and Micheal Tarver would look like a good pair and as a heel. Mark Henry sucks as a face and really needs to turn heel, they dont have much in common so its just a chance.

Last choice and my favorite, Jack Swagger and Skip Sheffield. It would be an american domination! Jack Swagger is already The All American American and Skip reminds me of a country hick so you could imagine to proudful americans teaming up as a PowerHouse once again, also i would have them as a face because neither one has tried it yet considering their both new and Skip has barely performed except in NXT and Nexus
Key words: BACK IN THE 90's. Are you fucking kidding me? Things are so different now it's not even funny. And the kids LOVE R-Truth, do you really think that Vince is dumb enough to trade that for a hood black dude that's really REALLY overplayed? And K-Kwik lasted what 3 months maybe? Great idea. Sucker.

K-quick was more over than R-truth. And why it lasted 3 months do we remember the jail time he really served. And back then he was suppose to be from brooklyn just like jtg is today. WWE has recycle k-quick with JTG. They do it all the time. Just be honest and say it you dont want to see 2 black guy be tag-champs, I will respect you more for it.
K-quick was more over than R-truth. And why it lasted 3 months do we remember the jail time he really served. And back then he was suppose to be from brooklyn just like jtg is today. WWE has recycle k-quick with JTG. They do it all the time. Just be honest and say it you dont want to see 2 black guy be tag-champs, I will respect you more for it.

HA! I give a shit if two black guys are champions. The fact is R-Truth and JTG would simply be Crime Tyme part duex. How good did Cryme Tyme do? Right, they didn't do SHIT. R-Truth is simply way way higher up on the card than JTG is and to team them up doesn't make sense. It's only about race when YOU say that they should team up because theyre black and name themselves The Hood. And I'm being racist? Seriously go fuck yourself.

And btw R-Truth was in jail before he ever started wrestling dumbass. He was straight up released from WWE before and went to TNA. You don't know shit.
JTG & R-Truth - They could have the bad ass attitude and try to fight whoever they one.
Evan Bourne & Yoshi Tatsu - Being the international stars having been to Japan a lot.
Ezekiel Jackson & Kofi Kingston - Heels who used the race card to try to get want they want.
The Major Brother - Bring them back if it's possible.
Primo & Chavo - They team up because they want to make a name for themselves and are tired of being compared to the rest of their family.
HA! I give a shit if two black guys are champions. The fact is R-Truth and JTG would simply be Crime Tyme part duex. How good did Cryme Tyme do? Right, they didn't do SHIT. R-Truth is simply way way higher up on the card than JTG is and to team them up doesn't make sense. It's only about race when YOU say that they should team up because theyre black and name themselves The Hood. And I'm being racist? Seriously go fuck yourself.

And btw R-Truth was in jail before he ever started wrestling dumbass. He was straight up released from WWE before and went to TNA. You don't know shit.

Its funny how all you know is how to curse maybe you should team up with mr. anderson and form AssCrack. your the only 1 on here that don't like this team and you was the one that said that 2 black guys cant work together but history shows 3 african american tag champs. And Im far from racist its hard to be when Im hispanic and my son is black and my girl friend is white :lmao:
I never said two black guys can't work together. I said THESE 2 black guys don't work together. Big difference. AssCrack? Haha because I'm white? Most racist thing said on this thread. So that really just makes you a jackass. And I don't care if you call me a cracker or whatever because it's just a dumb word. Just like spic, ******, etc. Only stupid people let that kind of stuff offend them. And I'm not gonna respond to anymore of your shit because I have better things to do with my time than waste it on some ****** who thinks that Im racist because I don't like these two guys as a team.
i go ahead and say it like everyone else, R-Truth and JTG, not being racist but they would go perfect together since they both portray "hip-hop" styles. Whats Up Brooklyn!

Chris Masters and Tyler Reks as heel team. Both are equal built and would be powerhouse domination

Miz and Riley for obvious reasons Riley is like a clone of Miz.

Mark Henry and Micheal Tarver would look like a good pair and as a heel. Mark Henry sucks as a face and really needs to turn heel, they dont have much in common so its just a chance.

Last choice and my favorite, Jack Swagger and Skip Sheffield. It would be an american domination! Jack Swagger is already The All American American and Skip reminds me of a country hick so you could imagine to proudful americans teaming up as a PowerHouse once again, also i would have them as a face because neither one has tried it yet considering their both new and Skip has barely performed except in NXT and Nexus

your not being racist dude. I like most of your teams but i don't think Miz is going for the tags title anytime soon. How you like Ryder and Riley . And what about Big Show and Yoshi as Show-guns
I never said two black guys can't work together. I said THESE 2 black guys don't work together. Big difference. AssCrack? Haha because I'm white? Most racist thing said on this thread. So that really just makes you a jackass. And I don't care if you call me a cracker or whatever because it's just a dumb word. Just like spic, ******, etc. Only stupid people let that kind of stuff offend them. And I'm not gonna respond to anymore of your shit because I have better things to do with my time than waste it on some ****** who thinks that Im racist because I don't like these two guys as a team.

Only 1 way to find out teamed them up. It can't be no worst then Mark Henry and Great Khali now that was a waste. I wasn't trying to offend you with asscrack I was just joking with you. Its all about fun
your not being racist dude. I like most of your teams but i don't think Miz is going for the tags title anytime soon. How you like Ryder and Riley . And what about Big Show and Yoshi as Show-guns

Yea Ryder and Riley wouldnt be too bad actually since Miz is main eventing now, Im not sure about Big Show and Yoshi, I guess i would have to see them in a match first but who knows it could work maybe
Here's some fun tag team ideas....

The Big Show & Hornswoggle
Hornswoggle starts calling himself "the Little show" and they team. But in old "attitude WWE" fashion....while standing between Big Show and Hornswoggle at the urinal, Todd Grisham notices that Hornswoggle is actually more well endowed that the Big Show. Thus...The Big Show is actually the Little Show...and vice versa. Hilarity ensues. Hornswoggle has sex with Mae Young backstage at WrestleMania.

Mark Henry & Awesome Kong
Awesome Kong debuts as "Martha Henry" - Mark Henry's twin sister. They become the first ever brother and sister tag team champions. Maryse becomes enamoured with Mark Henry, and they are supposed to go on a date. Mark Henry gets nervous and asks his sister for help, stating "I never know what to say on a date". They come up with a brilliant plan where Mark takes Maryse out, and keeps excusing himself to use the restroom, make phone calls, etc. When he leaves...Martha Henry returns, wearing a comically bad fake beard - and macks pretty heavy on Maryse. Maryse loves it, and things are looking good for Mark. Until...the plan is ruined, when Mark Henry (who is hiding under the table) reaches up and takes food off of Maryse's plate. Cue the food fight.

Darren Young & The Great Khali
Darren Young dresses up as Aladdin, he comes out onto the stage where a giant lamp is waiting. He rubs the lamp and POOF - Out comes The Great Khali. Their themesong hits....It's a version of the song "Prince Ali" Disney's Aladdin....only, they rewrote the lyrics...."Make way....for the great Khali...." etc. They are led to the ring by a bunch of camels and women in veils and bikinis.

Cody Rhodes & Ezekial Jackson
Cody Rhodes gets a letter; requesting his presence on the Maury Show. He goes through the entire roster of Divas, asking if they are the ones who sent him this letter. Apparently, he's slept with all of them, and fears he may be "the father" to some unsuspecting unborn child. They deny it. Weeks pass...and eventually, we get footage of "Maury". Maury introduces Dusty Rhodes. Dusty tells a heartbreaking tale of his affair with the late, Sapphire. Cody is shocked to find out about the affair...but even more shocked to find out, that he has a half-brother. Ezekial Jackson walks out. They embrace. A new team is formed....and Big Zeke debuts his new gimmick...."the African American Dream".
As far as thrown together teams I have two.
1. Tyler Recks and Trent Baretta classic power and speed combo.
2. Swagger and Masters

Then I would bring up some guys from FCW and team them with current guys
1. The Rotunda bros. Maybe have them work with Ted Debiase as new Money Inc.
2. South beach boys- Darren Young and Percy Watson solid face team that crowd would get behind.
3. Doom- led by a returning Teddy Long who is tired of be treated like shit. Have them be under the masks like the origanals. The could be Tarver and Titus Oneil solid powerhouse team.

Then I would bring up a complete new team Hunico and Epico fast paced lucha style team. That is six teams plus existing four makes a solid ten team division.
this thread really is making me miss the TAG division.i love the team of
Swagger & Masters-All American Masterpeace
Cody Rhodes & Chris Masters could also work.
and the poster who said to use the freebird rule with Booker,Sheamus,& Regal. I love it, i LOVE it!!!
my first thread to go 5 pages and i still have no rep points.WTF!!! Rep your PoPe people!!

!!Just 1 guys opinion!!
I think that some teams that could help "revive" the wwes tag team division are:
Curt Hawkins and zac Ryder: they were a good team and they are doing nothing other than jobbing so throw them together
Priceless: these guys weren't ready for the main event when legacy broke up so have them team up and be 2 of the top guys in the company again
Yoshi tatsu and Mark Henry: get tagging them toghether
Rebourne: Rey mysterio and Evan bourne. Now this would be awesome. Bourne can learn from Rey and it would build Bourne into a new mysterio
I got more. Bring up Tyler Black, put him with Daniel Bryan (with their Ring of Honor back ground being mentioned) call them " Code of Honor"

McIntyre and Sheamus. That gave me chills, and I don't even like them.

and Ted Dibiasi and Cody Rhodes. There IS NO reason they shouldn't atleast be watching each others backs and casually tagging together. Keep Maryse with them... thats a snobby ass team.
I don't like threads like this, and I don't like tag teams. But oh well.

JTG and R Truth, obviously. I mean, they're both black. Then uhm...uhmm...I honestly don't know. If two random wrestlers are put together, people are gonna dismiss them as a thrown together tag team, so what's the point? I wouldn't mind, or care, if WWE brought up some tag teams from FCW, but current single superstars should be left as they are.
Zack Ryder & JTG - These two are so over the top, it's a 450 Spalsh clear over the shark. Ryder will steal your girl and play innocent, while JTG will steal everything else and openly admit it. Comedy team, but booked effectively (like Santino and Koslov). They CAN get it done in the ring, but their backstage shenanigans are far more entertaining.

Jack Swagger & Daniel Bryan - "Submit Or Suffer/S.O.S." - a submission-based team, they'll catch you in a lock from anywhere. Show them training with guys like Dean Malenko, Stu Hart, Arn Anderson, Sgt Slaughter... They can be goofy faces or merciless heels.

Justin Gabriel & Ezekial Jackson - The Nation Of Domination - complete with 1998 theme - they don't talk, they just come in and wreak havoc. Big Zeke lays 'em out and "The Angel of Death" buries them with the 450.
Big Show & Rey - they already have some history and it could cover both their weaknesses and neither seems to be doing much right now.
Ted DiBiase & David Hart Smith - the leaders of the Fortunate Sons stable should have the belts
Cody & Goldust (when fit) - self explanatory
Daniel Bryan & Derrick Bateman - I really hope these guys win NXT and get a shot (though I'm kinda going for Brodus Clay) - Bateman is insane - that double date with the Bellas was gold. Bryan is such a great straight guy to Bateman's comic and they can both really go in the ring.
i agree with some teams bein mentiond as i do think they have it to make the tag belts relavent pretty bored with the comic of santino and kozlov... i mind when he first appeared and thought hes gonna be some1 but yea that didnt happen....

jtg/r-truth.... all hood ...and mediocre mic skills ... decent in ring
regal/drew...or drew/sheamus.... anti american group would easily draw some big heat ...regal a great worker..and on the mic with facial expressions ...sheamus n drew okie on the mic and in ring

zeke/skip sheffield....just let them bulldoze opponents ..actions speak louder than words...hell ive them a manager thats a great mouthpeice

henry/ tarver....give henry his mean badass gimmick back when he was on ecw
1. The Goldy-Locks: Mamma Dust(GoldDust) & Pappa Dust (the Gold Khali, done up GoldDust- esq), accmpnd by Baby Dust (Goldswoggle [Hornswggle] )

2. I always thought teaming Finlay w/ Sheamus woulda made sense as a (heel) mentor/ partner role. This would've also given Finlay a last little something to do that's quazi important b4 he retired. I always liked Finlay, and they're both sooo Irish.. and my name is Liam, 2 boot. It's real.

3. Sting & Undertaker. Yeah.

4. Booker- Truth would be the name of my fourth team. They come out to R- Truth rapping to 'Can you dig it.'

Edge & Christian - They dont need the Tag Division, but the Tag Division needs them. Build up some crediblity again. Edge is winding down his career (rumoured) so what better way than 1 last run as E&C culminating in a match at WM28.

Mark Henry & R-Truth - Turn them both heel. Both much better as heels. Not a fan of either as single superstars but together, in a tag division that needs some direction I think they could prosper as a team.

Hart Dynasty - Please put them back together. Neither are doing anything as single superstars but as a tag team they worked really well. Both are talented superstars and were thrust into singles competition far too early.

Cody Rhodes & Ted Dibiase - Again, neither doing anything as single competitors. They both have talent and a run as Tag Champs would give them back some much needed crediblity. Both are very blessed..."Dashing" and "Rich".

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