Darren Young & Percy Watson were a tag team in FCW, so, they could become a tag team again.

Another one that was a tag team in FCW was two guys from NXT, Derrick Bateman & Johnny Curtis, now, I know that, we obviously haven't seen much of them, unless you watch on but, they must have chemistry.

There are a couple other teams that are currently in FCW that could be brought up(although i doubt it) as tag teams.

Current guys on the roster that I would team up(that havent already been a tag team), would be William Regal & David Hart Smith (Blue Blood type gimmick, from Regal's days in WCW), I kinda like where they were going with Mark Henry, and Evan Bourne, so throw them in there too. Another tag team with two singles stars put together, but, probably will never happen, is the Big Show, and Rey Mysterio, they need to take care of Mysterio's brittle body anyway, putting him in a tag team would sure help.

My final choice, is two guys that, wrestle in kind of the same way, but, have two completely different gimmicks, Daniel Bryan and Jack Swagger. Think about it, they are both awesome wrestlers, as far as the wrestling aspect of it goes, but, as far as gimmicks, they are completely opposite.
R Truth and Mark Henry- MVP and Henry worked so why cant these two?

Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins- These two are former title holders in jobberland put them back together.

The All American Masterpiece- Chris Masters and Jack Swagger these two can become powerhouse heels since both use submission finishers. Plus the name sounds cool ;).

Darren Young and Percy Watson- I heard these guys were pretty entertaining in FCW.
R-Truth and JTG would be a good tag team. I think Evan Bourne and Daniel Bryan would be a good tag team as well. Trent Baretta and Curt Hawkins because they were a tag team in FCW, and my last mashup would be Chris Masters and Jack Swagger. They both are somewhat submission specialists and I think it would spice up the tag team division. They could be kind of like Angle and Benoit when they teamed together.
Primo & Chavo - great wrestlers being misused, they could bring a Latino gimmick to the TT division in a team that would certainly have some cool high flyin moves.

Gabriel & Bourne - speaking on high-flying... This could be awsome if WWE got them in similar clothes, gave them a cool name and kept them together for a couple of years. Then, when we'd only see them as a team, and they became less... raw (pun intended), they could break up and give us a couple of good matches.

Sheamus & Triple H - they go really good together, so why not?! If used as heels, they could dominate the division for a while, easily defeating a couple of crappier teams and then having them defying bigger names who would team up to try to be the 1st ones to beat them.

But, like it or not, this is the PG era, so to make the TT division great, we need the get the kids attention. So, team up Cena and Mysterio and tone down their participation in singles events (thus making their TT appearences more desired by their fans).

Those teams, along with the Usos, Harris+McHennig, JTG+Truth, a couple of FCW teams, the return of the Hart Dynasty and Ryder+Hawkins, plus several occasional single competitiors pairings, would give WWE the basis to a good TT division. But they'd still need what they're lacking now: time slots and good storylines...
I just want to point out that I love that everybody just throws the black people on the same team. Funny shit!

4 teams I wouldn't mind seeing are:
Sheamus & McIntyre
Mark Henry & Evan Bourne
Primo & Chavo Guerrero
Husky Harris and McGuillicutty away from nexus

I think these teams work because of the similiar styles (Sheamus & McIntyre, Primo & Chavo) or contrasting styles (Henry/Bourne, Harris/McGuillicutty) along with the fact that their gimmicks can believably work well together. And I really hope they don't break up the Usos. Both can wrestle and I've always liked the brothers tag teams. I don't see why it's so hard for the WWE to make tag teams anymore. The talent is there...I think NXT is a big reason why the tag team division is dead. They bring most of their new talent up to the bigs competing against each other now. Tag teams were a great way to get young guys in the fold quickly and think about how many superstars launched their careers starting off in the tag division. WWE needs to get rid of NXT, at least for now, as they have plenty of young talent to work with as compared to before NXT started. Then they can start bringing the new people up as tag teams again and revive the division.
ahh this is a good topic!

first team i would make is Drew McIntyre & Cody Rhodes and maybe put Dolph Ziggler with them as well i think these 3 guys could make a good stable possibly under the name "The Dashing Ones"

another team i would make is Jack Swagger and Chris Masters sense there both sumwhat of submission wrestlers and Swagger is jobbing in the mid card division while Masters is just simply jobbing all together. i think these 2 guys would make a pretty good team and it would be something different.

the 3rd team i would make is either Miz & Alex Reily (after Miz is done as WWE Champ) because they work good together and Reily is basically Miz verison 2. the other team is Johnny Curtis & Derrick Bateman they were tag champs in FCW for awhile WWE could also bring up Wes Brisco & Xavier Woods another team of former tag champs down in FCW.
- Put Ryder and Hawkins back together and give Curt The Zack treatment. Woo Woo Woo

- Michael Tarver & Justin Gabriel. Put Tarver in The Corrrrrrrrrre. I like him better with Gabriel then that awful ginger.

- Husky Harris & Tyler Reks. Make them into some kind of young angry slacker duo.

- Skip Sheffield & Yoshi Tatsu. Give Yoshi the Jimmy Wang Yang treatment and have him come out suddenly as a southern boy, hahaha!

Since WWE doesn't usually like giving their teams names anymore, and just combines their names, their official team names will be, Ryderkins - Tarviel - Tylusky, & Skiposhi.
Oh I would say
1. Gabriel and Bourne they are the best high fliers in the wwe so why not right?
2. goldust and regal. two old school wrestlers
3. Christian and Yoshi Tatsu. i loved when they would tag on ecw
4. Masters and mysterio just because masters would get exposed more and mysterio could lighten his load.
1. R-Truth + JTG = Yo Yo Yo, Whats up, Yo, but for real this tag team has a better upside then cryme time. They can call them-self , The Hood
2. Shamus + Drew = The Celtics Warriors, this could be our anti-american group, just imagine the heat they would get.
3. Primo + Chavo = La Familia Latina. This is perfect they both come from strong latino wrestling families.
4. Mysterio + Mistico = Los Mysxicos . They both mexicans high flyers aand mexicool was already use. But regardless of their team name this tag team can help each other career, rey needs to slow down his workload and mistico needs to learn English.
5. Tyler Reks + Chris Masters = The Master Rekers , they can be the new power of pain
My kind of thread here, good idea.

1) Ted DiBiase & Alberto Del Rio: If Del Rio wasn't going to be in the main event picture currently, I could see this as a very entertaining duo. Similar gimmicks with the "loads of money" between them, and you know that there would be some sort of hired bodyguard as well.

2) William Regal & Skip Sheffield: I was very impressed with Skip, and WWE was high on him before his injury. Regal has always been very good in the ring on the mic, and just never really got that big push out of the midcard. These 2 were mentor/rookie in season 1 of NXT, and were actually entertaining. Two different in ring styles, and very different on the mic, but they would play well off of each other.

3) Alex Riley & Chris Masters: I know, Riley is in the picture with Miz right now. If you look back at Riley pre-Raw (NXT, and some FCW stuff) he is really good on the mic and in the ring. He has the potential to be US/IC champ down the line, and maybe even main event. If he were to break from Miz, I would see him in Tag Team first though, and I think Masters would be an excellent partner. Masters has the look, but Riley with him as the mouthpiece for the team could put them both over.

4) Chavo & Primo: Did WWE not hear the crowd popping for the Three Amigos at the Rumble? I know I loved that segment. And poor Primo, his brother cost him a decent career in WWE. These 2 would be your typical "lucha" team with their movesets, but would be very entertaining, even if they would just be there asa fill in team and not hold the titles.

I'll take this time to say this. Please WWE, don't break up the Uso's. You have SO much potential to have a good tag team division with the talent you have on the roster and building up in FCW. You already screwed up a fine team in The Hart Dynasty, but felt they were "boring" and broke them up. They were boring because you have NO opponents in the division. So please: Uso's, Hart Dynasty, Chavo+Primo, Slater+Gabriel, McGuillicutty+Harris, Santino+Kozlov, and potential mixes you can do with the multitude of good talent you have in midcard and reserves.... make us a good tag team division, because we crave it.
Sheamus and Heath Slater - The Fiery Red Heads
Cena and Darren Young - Ebony and Ivory
CM Punk and John Morrison - The BLF - Beard liberation Front
Undertaker and Tyler Reks - Dead Rek-oning

Also Arn Anderson and Mr T should manage a stable of wrestlers called "The Double A Team" made up of Big Zeke (Mr T) Dolph Ziggler (face man) Jerry Lawler (hannibal) and Yoshi Tatsu (murdoch) and combination of these 4 as a tag team would be good :)
Great Topic, anyways mine are farfetched but the tag title seen is in such decline i think it can seriously improve it

Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler

They are both good in the ring, both have a great future. What else is needed??? some gold, and taking the gold from a jobber pair would be perfect

Mark Henry and The great khali

The worlds strongest tag team anyone??, they looked good on raw and they would be great to add a scare factor to the tag team division.. Heel or Face

Daniel Bryan and Cm Punk

Both former indie workers and they have the mic skills, the in ring skills and the look to get across as a serious tag team

And finally my most unrealistic.....

John Cena and Randy Orton

Wwes two biggest faces combine. Not to win tag gold, but to win both world titles. They dominate the wwe, win both straps and turn heel and sabotage most of the roster while theyre at it. Hold the titles for the year and become the most hated team possible. Then it comes to wrestlemania, they face each other for the gold. Winner takes all, (very situational but whatever). The match gets an additional competitor, the anonymous raw gm, out comes Chris Jericho, he wins in an epic match and becomes the undisputed world champion.

Very unlikely, but whatever right
I just want to point out that I love that everybody just throws the black people on the same team. Funny shit!

4 teams I wouldn't mind seeing are:
Sheamus & McIntyre
Mark Henry & Evan Bourne
Primo & Chavo Guerrero
Husky Harris and McGuillicutty away from nexus

I think these teams work because of the similiar styles (Sheamus & McIntyre, Primo & Chavo) or contrasting styles (Henry/Bourne, Harris/McGuillicutty) along with the fact that their gimmicks can believably work well together. And I really hope they don't break up the Usos. Both can wrestle and I've always liked the brothers tag teams. I don't see why it's so hard for the WWE to make tag teams anymore. The talent is there...I think NXT is a big reason why the tag team division is dead. They bring most of their new talent up to the bigs competing against each other now. Tag teams were a great way to get young guys in the fold quickly and think about how many superstars launched their careers starting off in the tag division. WWE needs to get rid of NXT, at least for now, as they have plenty of young talent to work with as compared to before NXT started. Then they can start bringing the new people up as tag teams again and revive the division.

I love how everyone put 2 white guys on the same team, what the problem with 2 black guys on a team( Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson, Harlem Heat, Doom) all yeah all 3 teams were tag champs. Dude why can't 2 black guys form a tag team but its ok for 2 white guys?
Another create a tag team thread... Why is there not an "Official Create a Tag Team" thread yet?

I'm actually really looking forward the the potential Daniel Bryan Danielson/Derrick Bateman tag team. These guy have great on-air chemistry and Bateman is great comedic relief to DBD. Bateman could end up on the same road as Santino... comedic jobber/eventual competitor.

Another team I want to see is Sheamus/McIntrye. They looked like a natural team during the Royal Rumble. They have a regional connection as well. Both are fierce competitors and brutal in the ring to their opponents.
Ted Dibiase Jr. and DH Smith- I think these two can be a formidable tag-team
Hawkins and Ryder- turn them back into the Major Brothers but keep them heel if you want.
Yoshi Tatsu and Rey Mysterio- Both high fliers I think this can work.
Jack Swagger and Chris Masters- Good submissions and young guys they can really go well together
Chava and Primo- latino high fliers strong lineage of wrestling nuff said
Chris Masters and Jack Swagger- American Masters, could be a very formidable tag team.
Chavo Gurrero and Primo- Very unique styles that you dont see in WWE anymore, could be very formidable.
JTG and Percy Wtson- I have always had faith in these two as a tag team. I can see them being very entertaining together.
Daniel Bryan and Ted Dibiase- A heel turn here and a gimmick turn there and these two have a tag team.

Great thread and from most posts i can see and group of jobbers or relatively useless superstars turned into a great and reborn tag team division.
Simples, WWE should create an 8 tag tournament winner gets the WrestleMania 27 match.

Pair some of the guys up who we wouldn't necessarily see teamed together and see what happens, put some big names in (Big Show/Diesel or Kane/???) just get something that gets the fans talking and makes the tag belts look credible.
I actually created one of my dream teams on svr 2011. I put Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler. I named them "Dashing Perfection". Maybe one day they'll put them together and have that name.

First, I had thought of Ted DiBiase and Alberto Del Rio. But I think Ted DiBiase and the Miz would be a good team too. I would name them Miz Money Inc. If Beer Money weren't around, I would love the Miz and DiBiase say..."Miz.....Money!!!"

Two other notable dream teams are Sheamus and Drew McIntyre as "The Celtics Warriors" or "The Chosen Ones", and Alberto Del Rio and Chavo Guerrero known as "Mexican Royalty."
Justin Gabriel and Ezekial Jackson...the good old power and speed combo. I really think Jackson would be better served in a tag team than as a monster jobber, and Gabriel still needs some time to develop before making it in the singles ranks.
Khali and Ted Dibiase...sort of like Andre and Haku, Dibiase does all the dirty work, Khali comes in to finish them off. Dibiase does the talking, and acts as the leader...eventually leading to break-up that could see Dibiase get a rub off the big guy.
Christian and Evan Borne...Evan could use a mentor, Christian could use someone to take the bumps.
Skip Sheffield and Kane - The Craniums!
Ryder & Hawkins - Reuniting them could be a great idea. Especially with the way the Tag Division has looked.

Evan Bourne & Kofi Kingston - A lot of people might consider them future World Champs, but I don't. I think putting them together could make a solid, exciting Face team.

Sheamus & McIntyre - They have a lot of similarities. Putting them together could enable both to receive a push simultaneously. They could really be a formidable team. I could see them dominating if given a chance together.

Skip Sheffield & Daniel Bryan - I could see both of them coming out of a run as a team, ready for the Main Event. Bryan is establishing himself right now and has had some success. But it is way too soon for a World Title. He already has a Mid Card Title. So, there isn't a whole lot to do with him at this point. In my opinion, Sheffield has the tools to be a star. He could really benefit with a rub from tagging with Bryan. A win, win, I believe.
And finally my most unrealistic.....

John Cena and Randy Orton

Wwes two biggest faces combine. Not to win tag gold, but to win both world titles. They dominate the wwe, win both straps and turn heel and sabotage most of the roster while theyre at it. Hold the titles for the year and become the most hated team possible. Then it comes to wrestlemania, they face each other for the gold. Winner takes all, (very situational but whatever). The match gets an additional competitor, the anonymous raw gm, out comes Chris Jericho, he wins in an epic match and becomes the undisputed world champion.

Very unlikely, but whatever right

I believe that's what you call "THE TWO MAN POWER TRIP". It's been done before with HHH and Stone Cold. Interestingly enough, Jericho was also involved in putting and end to that angle.
1.) Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder- They were a very good tag team, and really have nothing to do right now, wtf not?

2.) The Harris Brothers- Re-Debut Husky Harris with his brother, Bo, in FCW. Just give him a cool name, maybe Blade since he's a high flyer, and you have a great tag team right there.

3.) The Colons- Bring up Epico (Tito Colon) from FCW, and give him Carlito's gimmick. Pair him with Primo, and again, insta-chemistry!!!

4.) Money Inc- Get a held back Ted DiBiase, and recreate the Virgil character via Michael Tarver. You can even have Brodus Clay used as the third wheel/bodyguard.
Well, for starters they could use the Usos, who could very well be a great tag team if Vince "understood their gimmick". They also need to put the Hart Dynasty back together again. ZERO of the THREE are actually getting over on their own (with the exception of maybe Natalya) and nobody believes that Tyson and Smith are capable of being legit singles stars. Put them back together now!

Celtic Connection (AKA Sheamus & McIntyre): When King called them the Celtic Connection at the Rumble, I immediately wanted it to happen. Here are two guys who are loved all the right people backstage, who aren't doing much of anything right now because of Del Rio and Miz, respectively. They're both dominate and mean, and putting them together would mean instant heat for the tag division, as well as credibility.

Big Show & Kane: Former tag team champions. Giants. Dominant monsters. Neither of them are doing anything.

Tyson Kid & Daniel Bryan: If they don't reform the Hart Dynasty, why not put together two excellently trained technical superstars? Neither of them is going to be a main eventer, but they could be one hell of a tag team!

Rey Mysterio & Mistico: I don't really have to explain why, do I? And yes, I'm aware that one of these men is not yet on the roster...

I can't really think of too many guys that I'd want to tag together... I wouldn't mind seeing Cody Rhodes and Chris Masters in an Egomaniacs type of tag team. The "Dashing" one and the "Masterpiece"? I mean, come on! It's screaming to be put together!
I would like to see

Chris Masters and Cody Rhodes as a heel team. Master's old Masterpiece gimmick would mesh real well with Cody's Dashing gimmick.

Barret and McIntyre as a heel team. They used to team in FCW. I would love to see them act like Rated RKO, they would be a great team, but there would always be tension there.

Daniel Bryan and a returning Chris Jericho as a face team. I would love to see this team. Teaming with Jericho would help get Bryan to the next level.

Hawkins and Ryder as a face team (not with Ryder's gimmick, but back to how they were). I miss them. They had great chemistry and could be a solid team in the division.

Hart Dynasty as a heel team. They would need a manager to help them get over, maybe get Jimmy Hart to return. They should have never split.

Joe Henning and Ted Dibiasi as a heel team. The Fortunate sons should be a team, not a stable. They would be good.

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