Create a Perfect, Hybrid Wrestler


Gone but never forgotten.
Last night, I saw a commercial for Raw vs. Smackdown 2010 and watched Shallow Hal and I came up with a strange, yet thought-provoking thread concept...

Many of us have our favorite wrestlers from the past and present. And we choose them based on specified criteria (i.e. great mic skills, chiseled physique, height requirements, in-ring work, etc). But, I don't think that our favorite wrestlers have ALL of the qualities that would prefer them to have.

Similar to the Create-A-Wrestler option in the Raw vs. Smackdown game and the scene in Shallow Hal where Jack Black is describing his perfect women to Tony Robbins, let's create a hybrid of our view of a perfect professional wrestler. As far as I'm concerned, there is no wrong combination.

For example, I'm a big Chris Jericho mark. However, if he has Triple H’s height and John Morrison’s build, I'd say that he would be a damn-near perfect wrestling specimen.

So, using any combinations of past, present, or future wrestlers, what would make up your perfect, hybrid wrestler? Feel free to use any criteria you’d like and be as picky as you wish.

**Also, please remember that this is a NON-SPAM thread. Please give good reasoning for all of your answers.**
Personally... I'd take the promo skills of the Miz, the mat wrestling skills of Jack Swagger, the technical, high flying skills of AJ Styles and put them all in the body of Matt Morgan. To me that would be ideal, I've thought that since the start of his feud with John Cena that the Miz was golden on the mic, oustanding promo work all around. Couple that with Jack Swagger, whose wrestling background really shows while he's on the mat and AJ Styles, who has a bunch of great show stopping moves and you have great main event wrestling talent and finally you have the blueprint, Matt Morgan, I'm not sure there's a more fit wrestling specimen out there (I mean I'd love to see all this in Melina or Velvet Sky's body but that's another story...)
I'd split a wrestler into 5 catgeories.
Promo and Mic Skills, Look/Body, In-ring skills, Gimmick and Presence/Charisma.

Promo and Mic Skills
Well there's only one possible way to go here for me. I want promos to make me smile and laugh, with emotion and seriousness only coming from huge matches and very personal rivalries.
So straight off, my perfect wrestler would have to be able to talk like The Rock. Quick witted, great impersonations, ability to improve and just fucking funny no matter what he's talking about. But when he needs to be serious to build up huge matches, he can also deliver an amazing promo.

This one is tricky, cause there are so many great physiques out there. But I don't like how John Morrison, John Cena and such look, they're just too disgustingly big. So I'm gonna say the perfect wrestler would look like Randy Orton. His muscles are perfectly toned, but his muscles look good. They never have big disgusting veins popping out of them.

In-ring skills

This isn't about being very athletic and being able to do mad spots off ladders and cages. I want some story telling ability in there as well, or else we'll end up seeing the same crap all the time. So it's really down to two wrestlers in terms of how they would do in the ring. Either Bret Hart or Shawn Michaels. Bret Hart gave us so many great wrestlers. But for some reason, I don't think he'd work that well with guys today. I can't imagine him wrestling against Randy Orton. I'm not sure why. But Shawn Michaels has been able to put on great matches with 3/4 generations of wrestlers and never look bad. So I think I gotta go with Michaels here.


This is the hardest to decide. If there's anything that's never been perfected, it's a gimmick. The obvious one to go for is the Stone Cold gimmick, the boss hating rebel. The reason that was so huge was because everyone was able to relate to it. But as for the gimmick that I've found the most genuinely entertaining over the years, it has to be Edge as the Ultimate Opportunist (Cause let's face it, the Rated-R gimmick died a couple of years ago). I love swerves, and no one does swerves like Edge.

Hulk Hogan. Without a doubt. Whenever Hogan was in the ring, every eye was on him, no matter how bad the match was. My perfect wrestler would always have me watching.
The closest we've ever had to a perfect wrestler is, ironically, Curt Hennig. He had a great look, great workrate (could brawl, or go technical), great on the mic, great charisma, and a great gimmick. The only thing that derailed his career was injuries.
The closest we've ever had to a perfect wrestler is, ironically, Curt Hennig. He had a great look, great workrate (could brawl, or go technical), great on the mic, great charisma, and a great gimmick. The only thing that derailed his career was injuries.

Hulkamanic, I think you missed the idea in this thread. If you believe Henning was close to being perfect, then take the characteristics that (in your opinion) make you consider him as being "imperfect" and replace them with another wrestler's... thus making the perfect wrestling specimen.
Hulkamanic, I think you missed the idea in this thread. If you believe Henning was close to being perfect, then take the characteristics that (in your opinion) make you consider him as being "imperfect" and replace them with another wrestler's... thus making the perfect wrestling specimen.

I was just making a comment on an aspect of your point. Here's my breakdown:

Mic Skills: No doubt about it, the Rock. Nobody is even really close to him, especially given the longevity. When he had the mic in his hand, he also had the crowd in his hand. He was a puppetmaster making them dance.

In-Ring Skills: Bret "Hitman" Hart. The best in-ring technician of all-time for my money. Always safe, and a great storyteller in the ring.

Physique: Lex Luger. This is the reason he had any success in the pro wrestling world, his incredible look.

Gimmick: The ultimate gimmick, the Undertaker. He's the greatest "gimmick" of all time, and has been over since he started the gimmick.

Charisma: Without a doubt, Hulk Hogan. The man had has more charisma then any single individual in wrestling history. That's how he got to be the biggest draw ever, even though he wasn't the most dynamic worker, or the best promo guy, etc. He still managed to have the crowd in the palm ofh is hands. Every eye was on Hogan when he entered the arena.

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