Create a Giants' Stable

It's a common thing in wrestling to watch giants collide with each other and quite frankly, when one of them has a bit of extra talent, magic happens. Examples like Big Show vs Strowman or Kane vs Undertaker are good examples of great giant vs giant matches. Most of the time the matches are boring and the only interesting part is the staredown and a superplex, like Cass vs Big Show or Kane vs Great Khali. Giants were mostly food for "strong" wrestlers these days and everybody hated them. Nobody wanted to see the Big Show on their TV, everybody was bored of Kane. All that changed when Braun Strowman came along. Strowman made giants cool again.

We've seen stables take down a giant, we've seen stables involve one giant, as a powerhouse, but have we ever seen a stable made up only by giants? I don't quite remember.

So what about this?

The Leader - Braun Strowman, the man that has conquered every giant in the WWE.
The Tag Team - Kane and The Big Show
The midcard - Big Cass

You can position Kane, Big Show and Cass as equals and even create a freebird rule for them and have Strowman be the solo leader and position his as better then all three of them. At best, Strowman can go after the world championship and the rest of the rest of the championships, as mentioned. At worst, have Strowman hold the IC championship and the other 3 being a tag team like the New Day, since all of them seem injury prone. One can be left out as an enforcer.

The group would first appear as heels, but judging by Braun, they can be a big babyface deal in the future. I don't know, I just see money in this idea.

Think of these four againt Lesnar or Goldberg. They can squash everyone in their path.
The only problem is that Braun Strowman is pretty much the only giant in WWE at this point. Big Show recently underwent hip surgery and he'll be out for quite a while, Big Cass' projected return isn't expected to happen until sometime after WrestleMania and I don't think Kane will be around all that long as he'll have to do a lot of campaign work if he wants to be mayor of Knox, County TN next year.

Big Show is getting older and while he's probably in the best physical shape since he's been in WWE, I see his days as a headlining talent are over. Kane is over 50 and I imagine his time in the ring is rapidly coming to a close whether he wins his election bid next year or not and the jury is really still out on Big Cass's potential as a top guy.

Personally, I think I'd go for a stable of destroyers rather than 7 footers, or guys billed at being 7 footers. I'd set it up as some sort of Evolution style of faction with Brock Lesnar representing the past, Braun Strowman representing the present and Lars Sullivan representing the future. Of course, even that has drawbacks considering that Lesnar is only around a handful of times out of the year, Strowman lacks any championship success thus far and Lars Sullivan is in NXT and may not be ready. There's a ton of potential with Lars Sullivan and Strowman looks like he's being positioned as the biggest heavy on the roster for the next decade; plus, I've little doubt that Strowman will be WWE and/or Universal Champion at some point. Within the anything goes realm of fantasy booking, a stable formed of Lesnar, Strowman and Sullivan would most definitely be something you'd have to get the Shield back together to combat.
Personally, I'd leave Big Show ad Kane out of it. Both have had long storied careers, and do not need to rub from being part of a new stable. Maybe take one to act as a mouthpiece/manager for the group.

My attempt at booking a giant only stable would look like this:

Big Show/Kane - Veteran, looking to give rub to new guys a la Rik Flair in Evolution
Braun Strowman - Leader
Big Cass - Mid Card Guy
Authors of Pain - Tag Team

This would give Braun something to do that doesn't involve turning Reigns inside out even more, AoP and Cass get 'Veteran Support' from Show/Kane, and Cass gets to work on his mic skills, but gives him a mouthpiece while he learns/advances.

AoP are a perfect team to join up with a new faction, and possibly bringing Paul Ellering with them would be brilliant, as he is well versed in managing Big Sweaty Men.

I don't see why Vince wouldn't have built a stable like this before now, a group of big bastards seems like a VKM wet dream
With all due respect, I think you've made a terrific blunder by choosing Strowman as your leader. His stock has been desperately hurt by being fed to Lesnar, and losing to the Shield will do him no favours either. You've left one man out of your stable who could whip it into shape.


Unlike Braun Strowman, he's a former World Champion. Unlike Big Cass, his ACL is currently attached. Unlike the Big Show, he has globally wide demographic appeal. Unlike the 'Demon' Kane, he has literally committed manslaughter instead of just pretending to.

He's been involved in one match this year and immediately changed the outcome of the match, securing the championship for a friend. Who's to say what more he'd be willing to do for Monsters Inc (which is what I've chosen to dub the faction).

The Cruiserweights have been chasing off viewers like a pedophile at recess. Disloyal junior heavyweights like Aries and Neville continually leave the company in the lurch while blockbuster main events like Big Show vs Braun Strowman pop the ratings. The era of the big boys is upon us once again. And this man will lead us there.
With all due respect, I think you've made a terrific blunder by choosing Strowman as your leader. His stock has been desperately hurt by being fed to Lesnar, and losing to the Shield will do him no favours either. You've left one man out of your stable who could whip it into shape.


Unlike Braun Strowman, he's a former World Champion. Unlike Big Cass, his ACL is currently attached. Unlike the Big Show, he has globally wide demographic appeal. Unlike the 'Demon' Kane, he has literally committed manslaughter instead of just pretending to.

He's been involved in one match this year and immediately changed the outcome of the match, securing the championship for a friend. Who's to say what more he'd be willing to do for Monsters Inc (which is what I've chosen to dub the faction).

The Cruiserweights have been chasing off viewers like a pedophile at recess. Disloyal junior heavyweights like Aries and Neville continually leave the company in the lurch while blockbuster main events like Big Show vs Braun Strowman pop the ratings. The era of the big boys is upon us once again. And this man will lead us there.

Are you trolling? You have to be.

I'll answer as if you aren't though. Can Khali talk? Can Khali wrestle? I don't think so. Plus Strowman carrying the old giants and being their leader automatically rises his stock a lot.

Khali would be a great enforcer for the group and the guy that always gets his ass kicked.
Can Khali talk?

Yeah, just because he doesn't speak English doesn't mean he can't speak. What an incredibly insensitive thing to say, particularly in the current political climate. At least when he speaks hindi, it doesn't make me cringe so hard I have to change the channel like Big Cass cutting a promo.

Can Khali wrestle? I don't think so.

He's a former World Heavyweight Champion. I believe he can professionally wrestle at more than an acceptable level. He's going to be in a stable with a 50 year old part time politician who has never had a match over 3 stars, a yo-yo dieting giant who has one foot out the door to retirement, and a former Rosebud who covers up the fact he can't wrestle by doing garbage matches with gimmicks. Honestly I think he'll fit in just fine.

Khali would be a great enforcer for the group and the guy that always gets his ass kicked.

I think judging from the past 10 years of their career, Kane and Big Show fit this role pretty well. And Strowman is well on his way to being Roman's personal jobber

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