Crazy Childhood Wrestling Stories!

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We all have these...playing wrestler and fucking shit up!

Lemme start, back in the mid-90s wrestling was hot, HOOOOOOOOOOT! So hot that the girls in my class would come back the next day, after Raw and talk about their crush on The Rock. It was an epic time, being a wrestling fan.

Now everyone in my grade was supposed to be a character. We had everyone from the whole DX to Stone Cold. I, was Kane. Had a growth spurt in Grade 6, so was the tallest kid in class. Wanted to be HBK though :(

But I was happy being Kane. Loved Kane. So now one day me and a bud, who played Austin, were grappling during recess. We decide to make it a ladder match, and put a back pack on top of a ladder we found setup. The rules were, no rules, but you need to take each others' signature moves at some point, i.e I hit the Chokeslam, he hits the Lou Thesz Press. Or we flipped a coin to see who'd win and work on the fly! Such Pros! :lmao:

So we were going at it and yours truly whips him to a "turnbuckle" and he ricochets back. Now I had already laid him out with a clothesline earlier in the match, so I decided to mix it up a bit. Picked up another backup that was lying on the ground and WHAM!

He buckled and went down on one knee, but then slowly made his way back up...till he felt the back of his head. BAH GAWD! HE WAS BUSTED WIDE OPEN! And Little Kane just shat his pants. I took him to the nurse to get him fixed up and bot of us were honestly shaken up.

That lasted all about a couple of days, and then he exacted his revenge by giving me the Stunner in some "Main Event". Ah the Attitude days.

I can't be alone at this childhood assery, right?
I remember one story so vividly that I can paint a picture frame by frame on how it went down.

This must have been between 03-04. This was when Cena was really starting to get hot. Me and my buddies would get together every weekend and just wrestle on the front lawn(well done don't try this at home campaign). Anyway,like I said this was when Cena was hot. I remember I use to walk around with a chain and padlock around my neck,similar to what Cena wore.

So anyway,one warm typical Saturday afternoon me and buddy decided to have us a one on one match. We had this little rivalry going and we always enjoyed wrestling one another so we went at it again. I put the huge padded lock and chain down somewhere and we began. After a few minutes the rest of our friends began to get a bit restless and wanted their turn to wrestle. So one of my other buddies decided to pick up this massive chain and padlock. He hurled it across the lawn and all I could hear was "HEY LENNY,USE THIS!'' Me and my buddy,Jesse,the one I was currently wrestling were kind of just in a stand off at this point. I heard his cries and decided to turn around and see what he had meant by it. I seen this spinning padlock and chain coming right in my direction. Thanks to my quick reflexes,I ducked just in time to avoid it...but my friend,who was directly opposite of me...wasn't so luck.

So here I was one the ground,covering my head and a trillionth of a second later I just heard what I could only describe as somebody being beaten to death. I heard a large "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!" I turned my head,looked at my buddy,seen him clutching his face,rolling around on the ground in pain.Screaming like a school girl I might add. Then I noticed the chain and lock right on the ground next to him and immediately put two and two together. I looked back at all my other buddies and they were all just in shock and disbelief. More notably the one who threw it who I might add took off running down the street out of fear of retaliation. Sure enough,even though he was in a ton of pain he took off down the street after him, and disappeared off around the street corner.

It was one of the crazy absurd moments that play over and over in your head in slow motion every time you think about it. I think my buddy (Jesse) suffered a fractured jaw or something but yeah...tomfoolery at its finest.
My brother and I were play-wrestling. I was 12 and he was 10. Since I was bigger, I usually won, but as we stood facing each other, he grabbed my belt buckle and elbow....lifted.... and friggin' suplexed me back over his shoulder and into the TV set.

I'll never understand how the little shit was able to do it. We didn't break the TV, but it was knocked off it's stand and into the wall. The punishment from our parents convinced us our wrestling days were over.

Until the next day, anyway.
Pretty standard accident. Cut my finger on my bud's tooth while applying Mankind's mandible claw.
Me, My brother, and one of our friends from school were having a wrestling match one day and my brother gave the dude a hiptoss right through a toy WWE ring. It was hilarious. The toy ring wasn't long for this world after that but damn that kicked all kinds of asses.
Being a product of the 80's wrestling boom, I tried my best to give my older brother the Hogan Big Boot and proceeded to put my foot through our tv. My brother, being the dumbass that he is, thought it was really funny until our parents found out.
Oh I have quite a few stories along these lines.

I used to have a trampoline and whenever my cousins came over the 4 of us would "wrestle" each other as whoever the hell we damn well pleased. I was usually Shawn Michaels and even tried a superkick once but fell on my ass. Later in the "match" I samoan dropped 2 of my cousins and when i landed on them we all thought the one who was skin and bones had a broken rib or something cause he freaked out and ran inside.

When I was just a wee little bastard my parents would send me away to summer camp all summer and I made a friend there by the name of Christian. He LOVED wrestling as much as me which was lucky because we hit it off right away. We had multiple counselors but our favorite was always a guy named Logan cause he was a big wrestling nerd like us. He helped us create tag team titles and we carried those paper championships around the camp like we were the shit. We even wore sunglasses all day and talked like them. :lmao:

More to come later.

EDIT: Oh and for those who care I was Edge, He was Christian.
First off, good thread idea.

Like many, back in elementary school my friends and I had our own LRW (Living Room Wrestling) promotion. My house had a pretty big living room, so my friends would always come over and we would have tag matches.

One time, my best friend and I were playing as LOD, my friend playing Animal and myself playing Hawk. My best friend picked his puny, weakling little brother up in preparation for the Doomsday Device and I delivered the clothesline from the arm rest of the recliner. Not thinking, we didn't realize that the living room couch was directly behind my friend's brother and when I delivered the clothesline, he fell back and his spine landed directly on the front edge of the couch. He rolled around in agony for a few seconds and we thought we'd broken his back. Luckily, no harm was done, but we let the other team pick up a fluke victory on us, the only match LOD lost in our LRW promotion....

*Sigh* The Good Ole' Days.....
I once attempted a step up enzguiri, and succeed at it, and knocked my brother out cold for 30 seconds.
Speaking of botched moves, I once Pedigree'd family friends' son on my mattress. Simple, easy pedigree. Except O did the Hunter-Shawn-DX-Reunion-backstab version of it. If you guys don't know what I mean, it was the pedigree after Vengeance when Hunter turned on Shawn. Great moment, great Pedigree.

Great balls of scott, he couldn't breath for a minute!

Little Helmsley soils his pant, yet again.
Great post OP!

Here are the stories I remember involving myself or people close to me.

During the New Generation Era:

I was about 11 or so and my brother is 5 years younger than me. Of the many different moves I did to him two stick out.

1) Putting him in the figure 4 with the purpose of seeing how long he could take it because we all know if you do the move right, it really hurts.

2) One day I powerbombed him and he landed on a hard plastic toy. Total accident but he was screaming in pain...... the dangers of wrestling.

A buddy of mine told me that one day in school he and another kid had an argument over what hold was better. The sharpshooter or the Boston crab. So the first kid puts my friend in the sharpshooter and then my buddy puts the other kid in the Boston crab. Only my buddy really sits down on it and holds it for some time and really hurt the other kid.

Attitude Era:

One day my brother, a friend of his and myself are wrestling on the front yard. in the midst of it all my brother gives his friend a ddt and somehow one of the rocks we had around the house for landscaping was in the yard and this kids face hits the rock. Kid goes crying home and doesn't speak to my brother for a few months.

At our lunch table, we created a wrestling league where we created our gimmicks and kept track of matches and title holders. I was in a tag team with another kid and totally ripped off Bulldogs gimmick and being Albanian instead of the British Bulldog I was the Albanian Eagle.

Same buddy from the Boston crab story in class pulled an X-Pac by not only doing a crotch chop in front of a teacher but saying what Pac said the night before on Raw which was, "You can tuck it, buck it and then you can s*** it."

Best story of all though would have to be me growing out my sideburns like The Rock. I'm talking Rock of 98 and 99 when he had those big Elvis sideburns. I thought it was the coolest thing at the time.
Okay,so I'm back with more absurdity. So,I'm sure you've all done this. Get together after the bell has rung after school and just wrestle on school ground. So yeah,the same group of people whom I always use to wrestle with got together on one winter afternoon. Instead of a one on one match we just had one massive battle royal...must have been at least 10 of us just fucking around lol.

Anyway, the time once again came when Jesse and I locked horns again. I eventually got him down and had some kind of chin lock on him. I had his head and neck resting on my knee in a sitting up position while I brought the pressure and tugged back on it. Now,here's what happened. I must have put too much pressure on it because we both heard and felt a snap. Now,if I remember correctly,I think he was paralyzed for a few moments,maybe. Well,after that,I swear to god he started hulking up. A combination of Hogan hulking up and just...Incredible hulk..hulking up...if that makes any sense. He was rolling around in the snow,screaming,yelling,crying and raging out. Everybody paused what they were doing,gathered around in a big circle and just watched him go through what seemed like a seizure episode. Nobody helped because well...that's how my friends were,really.

Now,here comes the funny part. Some lady was near by walking her dog and she heard all the screaming and she just rushed over and asked what was wrong. So we told her and she just began freaking the fuck out on us. Lecturing us about how we stupid kids shouldn't be doing this wrestling thing because we could hurt somebody as we so clearly did to each other so often. She must have went on a 5 minute rant about this before my buddy Jesse eventually calmed down enough to speak. She eventually focused her attention on him and asked if he was okay. He was but boy was he pissed. He just completely began to unload on this woman.


"I seen that,I heard the screaming and rushed over because I thought you were hurt"


"Okay,I think you need to calm down"


"Now hold on,you don't need to use that type of language with me,I was just trying...."


"You know what? You kids can kill each other for all I care"

Then she proceeds to storm off. We were all a bit shocked but all laughed it off afterwards. No soon after we resumed our match,which I won with a crossface by the way :)

True story. Word for word. Even the conversation, I remember it like it happened yesterday. I recall a lot of our wrestling shenanigans, and there were a lotttt. Keep this thread going and I'll keep on sharing.
Too damn many to count. Back in the mid to late 90's when wcw vs wwf was was a great time to be a kid who loved wrestling.

Two stories stick out in my mind. Ironically, both involve my brother nearly killing me. First, I was in kindergarten and he was in first grade. We had an old king mattress that we'd wrestle on in the basement. He, our friend Ryan, and myself were messing around and I gave him a pedigree. In return, he was gonna give me one back. Well, he instead gave me a powerbomb. I was total unprepared and it knocked the wind out of me. But, because I was like 5, I thought I broke my back and I remember him bookingnit upstairs to get our mom (she is a nurse). This was also right before my bestfriends bday party so I was upset thinking I'd have to miss it.

Second was when I tried to powerbomb him. He was always nuch larger than I (till puberty hit). I had him stand on a bed and basically jump onto my shoulders to do it. Well, my legs give out, and I hear a shit ton of cracking in my back. Again, thought I'd broke ny back but it was simply the wind knocked out of me. I think I was like 8 at the time.

Writing this also reminds me of one other story. While trying a fisherman's suplex onto the bed with my buddu James, hit leg got too close to the wall and put a nice hole in the drywall.
One time me and a few of my friend were wrestling up in my parents bedroom which had two beds side by side inside of it. It was pretty crazy, there was about four of us and it was right around that hardcore time in WWF, just after 2000 when there was all sorts of weapon innovations and crazy violent stuff.

Anyway, at one point I came into the room with a small metal bin and a very heavy metal bicycle pump:


That sort of deal. I held it by the end and swung it round like a lunatic, and karmically missed everybody else and had it swing back round and crack me in the side of the head. I was more or less alright because I didn't do it too hard but I was knocked woozy for a couple of minutes.

Later on in the 'match', I jumped off the higher bed onto the lower one and kneed one of my mates in the back of the head, Seth Rollins style. Dude wasn't very happy with me. Later on we watched Taker and Michaels at HIAC, which even at that age was my favourite match on all the 50 old wrestling tapes that I had. It srangely didn't curb our violence.

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