Could "The Old Man Has Still Got It" storyline work?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
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An example of the old man has still got it storyline would be Hogan beating Triple H at Backlash 2002 for the Undisputed title. Call it nostalgia, but The Game was built up to be the "young lion" at the time, and Hogan was the old veteran who wanted to see if he still had what it takes. When Hogan beat HHH the crowd erupted. It was one of those goosebumps moments. This type of storyline has also been done with Ric Flair.

Now I don't think the veteran would have to win the match in order for this to work. The match itself could be a close contest, with each man looking strong. The young guy would look impressive because he could hang in there with the veteran, and the veteran would look like he's still got it. Matches like that could be huge, and create lots of buzz.

In theory WWE could use this storyline with Shawn Michaels. I'm saying in theory because it's very unlikely to happen due to Shawn's light schedule, and he doesn't work house shows. HBK was been involved in a number of world title matches, but hasn't won. I'm not counting Survivor Series '02 because Shawn was still in top form back then. Anyway, if you consider the fact that he didn't beat Taker at Mania, and how he went on about how he was done in that segment where HHH found him working at a cafeteria, then you've got a perfect premise for this storyline.

This could also be done with Taker, but he would have to go back to his American Bad Ass gimmick. If he's The Deadman, it wouldn't make sense.Could WWE use this storyline without the threat of holding down their future guys? Would this work if used on a limited basis? Thoughts?
An example of the old man has still got it storyline would be Hogan beating Triple H at Backlash 2002 for the Undisputed title. Call it nostalgia, but The Game was built up to be the "young lion" at the time, and Hogan was the old veteran who wanted to see if he still had what it takes. When Hogan beat HHH the crowd erupted. It was one of those goosebumps moments. This type of storyline has also been done with Ric Flair.

Now I don't think the veteran would have to win the match in order for this to work. The match itself could be a close contest, with each man looking strong. The young guy would look impressive because he could hang in there with the veteran, and the veteran would look like he's still got it. Matches like that could be huge, and create lots of buzz.

In theory WWE could use this storyline with Shawn Michaels. I'm saying in theory because it's very unlikely to happen due to Shawn's light schedule, and he doesn't work house shows. HBK was been involved in a number of world title matches, but hasn't won. I'm not counting Survivor Series '02 because Shawn was still in top form back then. Anyway, if you consider the fact that he didn't beat Taker at Mania, and how he went on about how he was done in that segment where HHH found him working at a cafeteria, then you've got a perfect premise for this storyline.

This could also be done with Taker, but he would have to go back to his American Bad Ass gimmick. If he's The Deadman, it wouldn't make sense.Could WWE use this storyline without the threat of holding down their future guys? Would this work if used on a limited basis? Thoughts?

Undertaker works a light schedule as well and he's carrying the heavyweight title, so it could work for Shawn as well. I would like to see them work some kind of angle like this with HBK. He can still carry matches and go. I would like to see more offense from him cus lately he's just been selling and hitting his main moves at the end of the match. He's had title fueds with Orton and Cena, so if they stick with a Sheamus-type I could see HBK working a program like that. I'm sure he'd drop the title shortly after but it would still be nice to see Shawn wrestle a great match and come up with a victory for the belt.
If Im not mistaken HBK has been pretty adamant about not wanting to be the WWE or WHC champion again. He realizes that his time in the ring is coming to end. At least he is one that will admit it.

Now I think if done right Taker could still pull this storyline off as The Deadman. All they would have to do is have him go on a losing streak, and to really sell it have him come within moments of winning a few of said matches only to have his opponent win out of nowhere. Then have someone from the mid-card come out and make it known that he has taken notice and says Taker cant do it anymore, yadda yadda yadda, then says that he is going to be the one to end the career of The Undertaker. Have Taker ignore him for a few weeks untill he has to respond, then the mind games start and leads up to a match where Takers career is on the line. Win or lose if done correctly Taker could pull it off
They have basically done this storyline with Tommy Dreamer, but I'm sure it could be done again, as long as it was done right. Make it an emotive farewell for someone, maybe even Michaels. You could even have him win the title at WrestleMania, and then drop it and retire on the next Raw, setting up a tournament. The storyline could definitely work, but build it up like Flair with the old man trying to win against a face friend, rather than some lame ass win over a heel, which would lessen the emotion of it all. Michaels beating HHH and them hugging afterwards would set a much better scene for the battle then Randy Orton looking all moody.
Could WWE use this storyline without the threat of holding down their future guys? Would this work if used on a limited basis? Thoughts?

Tastycles had a good idea, the only thing I would change is that I would have HBK win the belt earlier, and then leave after having retained it at Wrestlemania. That way he gets another actual (though short) title reign and not just a one night reign.

WWE could possibly use a storyline where a veteran "has still got it".... but it depends on who they decide to use in this storyline. It would also depend on how long that veteran would be on top, because eventually someone new needs to get pushed to the top. The young guys are the future of the company and we know for a fact that the veterans will not be around forever. The legends of tomorrow have to get put over eventually. The only way I see this storyline working is if they pick a veteran who the fans will truly still get behind (like HBK) and if he does not stay on top for long after winning, because a longer title reign by a veteran does not always work out well. It would be interesting to see, but WWE runs the risk of really messing things up if they don't set it up correctly.
This IMO is a very dangerous storyline that should only be used in the circumstances to where it does not harm a younger talent. One might argue for example, a Austin vs Orton (Rattlesnake vs Viper) matchup would be harmless entertainment and a huge draw. Putting someone of an older calibur in with say..Morrison could either make his career moment or bury it forever. I love the "does the old man still have it?" storyline, but I think people underestimate just how dangerous that angle can be.

And I definitely would not have a championship involved.
I would like to see HBK with one more world title reign. I think the storyline could work for him but I think he should be heel. I think Shawn excels more as a heel and it could work by having him lose a series of matches and then have someone like HHH telling him he should retire. HBK can get frustrated and start a heel reign as champ proving he's still got it.

For Undertaker I don't think it will work. I don't see him on a losing streak as the Deadman. It could work as the American Bad Ass though. I don't see that stroryline working without Taker doing some mic work.
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