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Could The Miz be a success as a top face?


I'm from Winnepeg you idiot!
So I think it's pretty obvious that somewhere down the line the Miz will get a face turn and more than likely it will happen soon when The Marine 3 is to be released. Hopefully they will go the simple route and have him go against Big Johnny for never giving him a chance after winning the match for him at mania but I digress.....

Do you think The Miz could be a successful face?

My opinion? Most defiantly! He can be the cocky type of that always has a good insult lined up for anyone just like Jericho in the early 00s and I can really see the people getting behind his catchphrases (something which I believe he is better at than anyone since the rock). Sure his in ring work isn't great but hey so what? There's a lot worse!

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The Miz is a ready made babyface waiting in the wings. He sells loads of merchandise. He's over on the mic, and his "Really?" bit always gets a crowd response. He could easily call out a strong heel like Daniel Bryan or Cody Rhodes with it, and get the crowd's support. Does any ody remember the Raw when John Cena and the Miz were Tag Team Champions? That could happen again. It would be like Hogan and Roddy Piper.
The Miz right now is where Sheamus was a year or so back. His heel run is fizzling out with a big losing streak.

So yeah, I do believe this is leading to a face turn and his next big push.

Whether or not he can cut it as a good guy is a different question. On the long run he needs to be a bad guy, no doubt about it.
I think fans could get behind Miz as a babyface. A few tweaks of his personality, a little less of the annoying heel on promos and maybe adding a little more to his in-ring move set and Miz would be well on his way.

The thing about Miz right now is that I think a character tweak & turn are what's needed right now. If Miz has been punished for a low buyrate at Survivor Series, which wasn't his doing but rather how he was built & booked during the build for the ppv in and of itself, then they can't just bring him back and do what they were doing with him before his de-push. It's gotten stale and a new direction is needed. If they're going to keep him heel, then it needs to be a much more aggressive type. Miz can deliver with intensity when he needs to, so either route is a possibility for him.

Miz needs a fresh start and 2012 has not been a good year for him. Despite the hate he's often gotten, Miz does have a lot to offer and I personally think that he has potential that hasn't been fully tapped.
The Miz could easily make it as a top face. Hell, he could be the next John Cena.

Just have him fight heels instead of faces, and his turn is complete once you make his shirt fan-friendly and make him a little less annoying.
I'd say yes. I don't think he could ever be huge, like Rock, Cena etc. But if you ever watch any of his guest appearances on TV he comes off as a very likeable guy, even though he was a heel. Plus, as the OP said, he has the kind of mic work that can easily be tweaked to make him a smart ass face like Jericho used to be.
I think he's to much of a heel to be a face. I don't think it'll work because of the heelish reputation. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with a heel as a face of the company but remember when miz was the wwe champ, they were gonna make him bigger after mania 27 but because he wasn't that big and ppl didn't like him, it didnt work and he lost the belt.
Miz is ready for a huge freshening up, and a face turn is just the ticket.

It's very difficult for a wrestler to stay in one frame of character for a long time these days. Miz already has a pretty good fan base for a heel. He's had his run with this mindframe for the past few years, and he was in line for a megapush that fell through, but now it's time for him to go the other route.

With much of the top face talent either stepping away from full-time competition (Triple H, Taker), not being able to step away from the meds (Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton), this is Miz's time to step up as a top face. Of course, his character would need some MINOR tweaking (less attitude toward the fans, more toward heels. Keep the cockiness, but just town it down a bit) and he'd have to face a pretty prominent heel in order to truly flip him and not confuse the fanbase. I can see him feuding with someone like Dolph Ziggler, with "The Show Off" pulling the C.M. Punk deal w/Cena last year about how he should have been the one in the movies and not Miz.

Whatever happens, I'm curious to see how WWE handles this. With his media savvy, Miz could really be a valuable face for the company in the next few years.
If you want to get Miz over at a top face, you have to push him against a top heel...and Ziggler is not the guy, at least not right now. I still don't think many people care about Ziggler, he doesn't get much of a response. The response is all Vicky still.

Of course, WWE has no top heels anymore (Big Show sucks). OK...Daniel Bryan is over.

When Wade Barrett comes back they're going to need a little time to push him back to the top. Honestly the only person I can think of (and the storyline seed was already planted) who Miz can feud with is Jericho. I think that'd do enough to get Miz "back" over as a face this time.

Then when Miz gets that swagger and attention back, but as a face this time, I think it's the other way around from waht Shockmaster suggested...that Miz could give Ziggler the rub as a top heel and bring him up. Some will think that's ridiculous but I think it's realistic.
Miz can feud with is Jericho

I don't think that would work as both men are to similar in character a better feud would offer a stark contrast. Maybe someone like Kane, Kane could make him look good and get him over as a underdog face. I really like Miz he has grown so much since he first started and I believe when he gets back from filming the marine 3 WWE will give him a face push.
The Miz is one of the most talented guys they have right now, so yes he could definitely get over as a face. He's charismatic, good on the mic and good in the ring, he basically has all the skills. However, if he does turn face, it needs to be like when the Rock turned face. He still needs to be pretty cocky and talk all kinds of shit, however, it needs to be directly entirely at his heel opponents and not at the audience. When you turn him face, you can't take away what makes him awesome to begin with (GET IT????).

I don't think a feud with Daniel Bryan would be the way to go, because while Daniel Bryan is technically a heel, a large portion of the crowd absolutely loves the guy. Maybe they could form a tag-team somewhere down the line because I think if they were to interact on the microphone it would be great...REALLY? YES! REALLY? YES!

I also think the Miz could be a guy who hosts his own talk-show segment like the Highlight Reel or Piper's Pit. It could be called the Awesome Show or something like that and it would be a good way to start feuds as he could have heels on as guests so he could talk shit to them and whatnot.
The same is true of Miz as is with Ziggler. Both have pretty much exhausted what they are capable of within their current heel roles. Face turns for both would go a long way towards making them fresh.
Successful face? Yes.

Top face? No.

While I believe that Miz could be a good upper-mid card face, I doubt his ability to be the top face. A top face (Cena/Orton/Punk), when faced with a monster heel (Henry/Show/Lesnar), defeats the heel either with his power or with his superior/faster wrestling ability. Miz lacks in both these aspects. His offense is not believable enough to see him beating the likes of Show/Henry. I can imagine him beating the like of Cody Rhodes, but he will most likely be a stepping stone if some heel in in the midst of a monster push.
I think The Miz is too valuable as one of the top heels in the company to turn face. There aren't that many great main event heels left to start taking some away. Daniel Bryan is supposed to be a heel, but gets tons of cheers at shows. Jericho is suspended now, and with the tour with Fozzy, no one knows how long he'll be away afterwards. Brock Lesnar is a part-timer and Big Show isn't a legitimate main event star. The Miz is great at drawing heat, and he and Dolph Ziggler are the future heel stars of the WWE
If anything The Miz in order to pick up momentum once again, he is going to need to turn face to revitalize, to rejuvenate his career
I wish Miz was more talented than he is. He obviously loves wrestling, and you couldn't find someone more enthusiastic than him about his job, but he's just average in the ring, can't get past that.

He CAN be good on the mic, but hasn't been for the last year, he's done the exact same promo over and over (the most MUST SEE champ, in the MAIN EVENT OF WRESTLEMANIA, etc). Doesn't help that he's been booked as an absolute chump ever since Cena crushed him at the end of their feud.

I guess he's got catchprases and whatnot, but he'd never be much of a top face. He's just not interesting or entertaining enough. There was a time when he was constantly improving in the ring, and being good as a heel, but it all ended when he became WWE champion, he was booked as the standard cowardly heel who couldn't do anything, and he seemed to just give up on improvement.
I think they are going to go on the route of having Miz go on a losing streak much like how MVP did before they turned MVP face, they will do the same with Miz
I think they are going to go on the route of having Miz go on a losing streak much like how MVP did before they turned MVP face, they will do the same with Miz

But he's already been on a losing streak? He's won, what, two matches this year?

I might add, I HATE losing streak storylines. They never work. Sheamus was in one before he moved to Smackdown, and all it did was make him look like a chump.
And I think the losing will only get worse which will then cause Miz to go on an even more downward spiral until he actually turns face by doing something which then will cause Miz to look at life all differently and with a new GM in charge, he will get a new lease on life which then will cause him to turn face in the process

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