Could the Corporation Gimmick work today?


Pre-Show Stalwart
One of the best stable gimmicks ever imo. Vince is best when he is a heel and has the crowd hate him and he needs group like corportation so he can physicaly throw his power around. So could it work today, could the wwe be leading to this with vince vs trump. Who would work in the stable and so on. I think it was one of the best storylines of the attitude era and great storylines always get repeated.
First off, Vince would HAVE to have John Cena. They could write it in perfectly because John Cena is such a company man, that it would make perfect sense for him to side with Vince. (This is just fantasy. He'll never be heel.)

Next would be Triple H because it would make sense for his loyalty to be to his Father-in-law.

Then, they would need an enforcer type, and I would nominate Batista. He has enough X-Pac heat as it is, so why not just turn him heel? Not to mention he could be rebuilt as the unstoppable monster he was before.

I think this would be perfect because you've got three major stars on one side, and Trump could build an army of up-and-comers and it would be perfect to get them over. Imagine a Survivor Series of Triple H, John Cena, Batista, and Vince vs. Edge (We'd need someone who was already over and he could use a face turn), Christian, MVP, and Morrison.
Here's how I would have it go...
Have Trump start doing a really good job as RAW's new "owner" and even bring back some people who made RAW what it is. Give the audience a feel as if RAW is seperate from the rest of the WWE. Vince could end up getting pissed that Trump is doing so well and in turn, takes over Smackdown! and ECW. Vince announces that Smackdown and ECW will now be run by Vince and Vince only. Let's say a bit down the road, Vince comes out on Smackdown and says everybody is watching RAW and because of that, the ratings for Smackdown and ECW have gone down. He then announces that Smackdown and ECW will merge into one show (SMACKDOWN!) The ECW is merged with the World Heavyweight Championship and all the ECW superstars move to SMACKDOWN. Some of the superstars from Smackdown and ECW get angryat this and leave the new Smackdown to go to RAW. Vince offers anybody from RAW to come to Smackdown.Now we have a new Smackdown vs RAW feud.
By now it is near Survivor Series and Vince challenges Trump to a 10 man elimination match between Smackdown and RAW, the winning brand's "Boss" gets the rights to the WWE. Vince announces the new corporation (Triple H, John Cena, CM Punk, John Morrison, and Shawn Michaels) vs "The Donation of Domination" (i just made that name up :p) anyways the DoD could be (Orton, Rhodes, Dibiase, Edge, Big Show) Now lets say that each team is left with one at the end (Triple H and Edge) lets say it ends in a draw somehow so nothing changes...Therefore the new rule of the Royal Rumble is whoever wins the Royal Rumble, their brands "owner" gets the company. It's down to Triple H and Edge, Batista comes in and eliminates Edge and Triple H at the same time!
lol i dunno where i'm oing with this...just thought i'd ramble :p
At first I was afraid of this thread but you guys got me thinking. Vince Vs. Trump is fine but it occured to me and i wish this is possibly the direction, but would it not be awesome if Trump hired Eric Bischoff as gm. Now i had allways hoped for this feud but now realise Vince could have just fired him. Like he did. Trump would say no one beats Vince but this guy gave him his greateast run for his money and bring out Bischoff. We all know Trump cannot commit to a full time schedule to make this angle work for a longterm story. Perfect revenge for the garbage truck thing and he is WCW if you want to rebuild the brand he's your man. Your only a couple of guys away from a good angle. Nash, Sting now that it's PG he might accept to fight for his "brand", or possibly Hogan, Flair could play a role "sorry trips i bleed WCW, WOoooo!". Would anyone else mark for a propper Vince Vs. Bichoff war?
You guys are really hopeful and assume any of the wwe creative have brains. Every one of your storylines are way better then the wwe has written in years. There in lies the issue. The only other person i could see Trump bringing in to run raw that would piss Vince off more than anything is Jesse The Body Ventura. Its his way or the highway. I am not sure if the fans would fall for a corporation angle. they would have to come up with something really good to pull it off.
Yes it could, but for that to happen you need a few key elements,

1. WWE willing to turn people heel.
2. Main eventers willing to work together to put the storyline/faction over.
3. the group to be dominant, and not beating by any tom dick and harry make shift team.

if they all work sure,

Cena heel turn (even if short term) he's the face of the WWE so it makes sense, he'd play the role the Rock played,
HHH he'd also play the role of the rock, but that of being loyal to "his" business,
Also for the name of shock value I'd have Legacy join (once that would happen I'd have Cena leave)
also I'd have Matt hardy and Regal in the fold, and maybe someone to play the role of enforcer
With branding and the numbers on each show, not really. To make it an actual 'corporation' type stable they'd need about 6 wrestlers and a few mouth pieces and lackies. The Ministry had 9 at one point and the Corp-Ministry had 14 if you include the mcmahons, the stooges, and the MSP. Right now 6 or 7 heels on any show would about the whole heel side of the roster. The corporation was awesome because they had numbers advantage 6-7 against 2-3. It wasn't until the end when the whole roster turned on them that they fell.

Anyway, since a stable that size on any show would take up most or all of the heel side, that means that all the faces would have to feud with them, or else they'd have no one to feud with. Trouble is, RAW and SD both have more faces than heels, 1.5:1 ratio. So the groups number advantage wouldn't be there and hence wouldn't work. In 99, the roster size was about 20 heel wrestlers (not managers/lackies) and 19 faces. Evenly split, with enough room for other wrestlers to feud with other people, and for other titles too, and when the faces needed help for being out numbered, it came, but still never outnumbered the group. A stable that size now would probably be holding or feuding for all titles, so again the whole face roster would be feuding with them and outnumber them.

The only thing that might work would be a tri-branded corporation. For this to work, they'd have to be on all shows all the time to emphasize their power advantage. Travel would be hectic and a few lucky wrestlers would get lots of exposure. They already have wrestlers on most shows all the time, so I don't think it would be too difficult. that's the only way I'd see it working and with a strong load of under used middle cards, it give them a rub, as long as the stable doesn't go all NWO and be over run with too much top talent. The Corp had only 2 main events ever at most.

So in-conclusion, I don't think it would work, especially just on one show, but a tri-branded one might work.
Wow good topic. I think that if the WWE creative team would look here and read your guy's ideas they would have a much better idea for the Trump angle. Anyways I think it could happen if all the brands were in on it. I would love to see Raw vs Smackdown aka Trump Vs Corporation culminating at Survivor Series. Have a winner takes all match similar to The Alliance vs WWF. Bringing back the Corporation would be cool if they did it right.
How bout this for a story angle.
Since Trump took Raw, it gets better and better. Ratings are higher than they have been recently. This pisses Vince off so much that it makes him want to prove he's the best. Only way is to show his power and stature thus bringing in the new Corporation. He dominates over ECW and Smackdown for a while to let everyone know. This of course isn't enough for him. So he invades Raw. He has his Corporation attack Legacy and takes them out(two birds one stone). Everyone would be WTF is going on. This would finally get payback for what Orton did to his family and him, and would cripple Raw. Majority of the heels are gone since it was pretty much Legacy alone. No Randy = no top heel (unless you really consider Show one) for the title pic. No priceless = no heels for tag titles (Hart stable is ECW). With no top heels, it would leave the writers pretty much in the same place actually (still stupid and no ideas). It would force them to build up newer stars thus giving them a great push. They would be forced to go up against the top faces (which everyone is tired of) and would get alot of the crowd behind them. It would then create a whole new set of storylines with fresh rivalries. Some of the stars from Vinces brands would jump ship. Eventually it would lead to SS where the elimination match would happen for control of the WWE. Trump would stay calm and confident. Vince on the other hand would start to worry as he did in the Invasion days with only a handful of stars left at his disposal. Trump chooses his team (HHH, Cena, Batista, MVP, and a newly returned HBK) vs Vince's team (Edge,Y2J, Angle if he is back by then hopefully, Taker, and a mystery partner). The mystery partner would never show up. It would come down to Cena and HBK vs Taker. HBK would then get eliminated by Taker after a tombstone. Taker gets up and walks right into Cena's finisher. Cena surprised he actually got one on Taker without interference (F.B.I attacking Taker with a chair while the ref is out) Starts celebrating as if he has won, when out of nowhere he turns around into and RKO. Orton pins Cena. Orton then confirms what everyone already knows that he is the last member of team McMahon. Vince comes out and demands that Trump do the same. Trump shows up and exchanges some words with Vince in the ring. Vince asks Trump if he actually thought he had a chance. Trump replies "Yes" and Vince slaps him down yelling "You had no chance in hell". He then turns to Orton and whispers in his ear. Trump is getting up and Orton quickly runs and punts him. Cena gets up and tries to fend of Orton defending Trump. Legacy runs out and takes him out. Cena trying to fight back up from the beatdown and gets punted as well. Show goes off the air with Legacy and Vince raising their hands in victory as the new TRUE Corporation. Orton regains the Heel heat he had. Vince regains all of WWE. Eventually Cena returns and it's the real Wrestlemania main event we have all wanted to see forever. Cena Vs. Orton for the title with Orton coming out on top.

So what do you guys think. I know I kinda got lost in the way, but in my head it makes perfect sense.
All of the ideas above are really interesting and good ones that are better than any story line WWE has going right now. I love the idea of Trump getting the Raw ratings up and Vince getting pissed and merging ECW and Smackdown (not permanently but for the feud). Then there would be (one of the things I missed most form the attitude era) brand invasions. This is a win-win for the WWE because Raw would be shown as the Flagship, and Smackdown and ECW will get more recognition and ratings. Because of this feud, people will tune into ALL 3 SHOWS to see what kind of action will take place. Also, this would be an opportunity for some mid-card superstars to get some recognition as well. My idea would be inter-brand ppv matches from SummerSlam to Survivor Series. Then the final match at SS could be Raw (Cena, MVP, Batista [enforcer], HBK and Orton) vs Smackdown/ECW (Edge, Jericho, CM Punk, Christian, and Undertaker [enforcer]) with obvious heel turns from CM, Christian, and Taker, and face turn form Orton/Priceless. Obviously, the winner of the match takes complete control over WWE. In the match, it would be 2 Raw ppl left (Orton & Cena) and 1 SD/ECW (Edge). Edge eliminates Orton with a roll up then it leaves Edge and Cena. They have a brawl and suddenly the ref gets knocked out. A Edge looks to get a chair and hit Cena with it but Orton gets back in the ring and RKO's him. This leaves an opportunity of Cena, who tries to get up, but from NOWHERE GETS A PUNT FROM ORTON! Randy then pulls Edge over Cena and Vince, whom is watching the fight from the outside of the ring, on the other side of the ring from Trump, wakes up the ref and Edge gets the 3 count. TEAM SD/ECW WINS! And after, Trump gets in the ring to confront Orton, only to recieve an RKO and a Punt. The end of the PPV sees Rated RKO raising hands with a surprised/happy Vince in a shocking ending. This can be done, seeing as there doesn't have to be R rated activites during this feud to take place, just some backstage attacks and stuff...

This would be my dream storyline with the Trump vs. Vince angle, but obviously WWE writers are too stupid to think of creative what do you guys think of my idea?
If wwe does take this part then it needs to be done at survivor series, and hopefully they dont fuck it up like they did with the invasion angle.

i personally think wwe is holding cena's heel turn for a rainy season - times when wwe ratings are on a decline. they will try to throw a curve ball like wcw did with hogan. this is when their ratings rocketed and monday night war began with 80weeks of stronghold.

And we all know, if there's a survivor at survivor series its going to be orton lol. He has been the only survivor from 2003-2005 at the survivor series and also wont it last year with legacy
I think that this could work, especially with the Trump angle going on. Though this would have to be a heel faction, as McMahon is best as a heel. This would require some guys turning heel. I just don't know if Vince is willing to. Cena would have to be a heel. Cena is a company man it would work. As well as Trips, and some mid card guys to fit. Then have Legacy be a wild card group, not siding with anyone. While Trump has Batista, with some other guys as Faces. Giving the feeling that they didn't have a chance, until someone jumped ship over to Trump. I think that it could be good.
I'm sorry, but Trump will NEVER be the face over McMahon in the WWE. The fans mostly know that it's all fake(except kids) and they all know Vince is the reason for the storyline. Vince is stuck in the Legend status where no matter what he does he'll get cheers.
I don't see why not since kayfabe was dead during the late '90s/00s, and everyone used the internet then anyway.

But.. WWE just doesn't have ENOUGH top talent to put in the corporation as heels and then have faces on the other side to feud with 'em. And then you've got the different brands.. so in theory yes, but probably not.
What if the idea of cena joing a the actually new corporation worked. i mean a complete switch think of this. Cena and mcmahon join up to make ultimate pg corporation. They get trips because he is just so much better as a heel, mcmahon allegiance. Team priceless join without randys approval and they thought randy would want to be in the group because its all the top heels taking over (assume they forgot about hatred towards trips and just went for the idea of better legacy) So randy gets pissed but kinda doesn't show it just that blank crazy stare like ok, whatever and walks off. team corporation is celebrating maybe vince is awarding cena title to tremendous booes and out of no where randy comes and rko's cena and leaves through crowd ala ddp. He does this for a few weeks and is a tweener and ultimate loner and needs no one.

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