Could Roman Reigns be the next "Heyman Guy?"


Championship Contender
If Brock Lesnar is indeed leaving WWE after WrestleMania, would it be smart to have Heyman cost him the match and side with Reigns?

Let me make a case for it. Lesnar has become somewhat of a tweener as of late and Reigns just got booed out of the building last night. What did they do last year when Batista got booed after winning the Rumble? Turned him heel. If my gut is right and he gets booed like crazy throughout the match at WM31, then they might want to go this route. They can always turn him face again later. Heyman is such a great manager, it would be a shame to have nothing for him to do once Brock is gone. Plus, let's face it - Reigns needs someone to do his talking for him since his promos are garbage. I can't think of anyone that would benefit from Heyman more than Reigns would.

The only issue would be what does this do to Rollins' character? Would they be able to keep him heel while carrying the brief case and trying to cash in on the new top heel in the company? Or would this by default make Rollins a face or tweener?
No. Heyman should not be with anyone other than Lesnar. He's the only one who it works with. Don't believe me?

Big Show.
Curtis Axel.
Team Angle.
The Dudleys.

Those are the guys who weren't real-life Paul Heyman guys or didn't really know him/work with him prior to being paired up with him on-screen and for the most part it failed miserably. How is it going to be any different with Roman Reigns or Seth Rollins? Yes, Heyman is a great manager. Yes, Heyman is a great talker. Yes, Reigns really needs the help. Rollins doesn't. But Heyman isn't the answer for Reigns.
So it's not even worth a shot then? They should just let Reigns continue to fail at speaking on his own and let Heyman's talents go to waste when Brock's contract runs out?

And I don't know why you mentioned Rollins not needing him. That wasn't part of my question. Rollins can clearly cut decent promos for himself. I asked how it would affect his character if Reigns were to turn heel.
I think they're going to keep Reigns as a face. Unlike Batista last year, Reigns actually have fans, kids and women. He's just going to get a mixed response going forth.

I think Dean Ambrose will be a Heyman guy. It keeps Ambrose from getting too popular.
I've been saying the same thing lately. Having Heyman as Roman's mouth piece would benefit him drastically. And once Roman improves on the mic and in the ring he can break away and be the face of the company WWE wants him to be.

A screw job finish would be a perfect way for WWE to capitalize on the fans hatred of Reigns. It'll give Heyman a new outlet to stay on the Main Roster. It'll give WWE it's new monster heel. Lesnar would leave WWE a defeated man, yet still looking strong. And it would set up a potential Roman vs Rock match at Wrestlemania 32.

If you watch the showdown between Heyman, Lesnar, & Roman on RAW you hear Heyman talk about his relationship with Roman's family. So the groundwork is there if WWE wants to go that route.
Maybe a good idea. After the Rumble, Reigns should be able to get major heat if he goes heel. But I wonder if they have just created another Cena as well? He is a guy that the company loves without fail, but is just kind of so-so with the fans. Seems as if Reigns is getting this push to make him the Champ, but he is not the guy most fans want as champ. (at least fans that put their butts in the seats)
Last year they made the fans happy at WrestleMania and maybe they will again this year. I would guess that a title match with Daniel Bryan would sell more PPV's than with Reigns, but who knows that for sure?
I think that's the best way to go if Lesnar is leaving the company after Mania. Heyman can say that he knew Lesnar was leaving him behind and needed a back up plan. Heyman failed with Ryback, Cesaro, etc. but they weren't Reigns. Reigns has been groomed to be a top guy and protected his entire career in WWE. He just needs help on the mic and that's where Heyman is perfect.

I'd also thought maybe a Shield comeback would be cool. Have Ambrose turn heel as well and they triple power bomb Lesnar to take the title and do it again through the table to write him off TV for good.

Then I'd throw him into a feud with Daniel Bryan to start his title reign off right.
Why is everyone wanting Reigns to turn heel? In most matches isn't the heel the one who basically runs the match? He beats down the face for most of it, then the face hulks up and turns it on. The face then either beats the heel, or the heel has to cheat to beat the face. I think I have that right.

In Reigns case he can't manage a match being the aggressor. Yes, yes, I know he was a heel for the first couple of years with the Shield, but he was the closer. Ambrose and Rollins were the offensive duo of the the team. I'm afraid if Reigns turned his matches would just be a bunch of rest holds and headlocks.

He does need Heyman, but if he also has to learn to do it for himself. The thing that does worry me is that he spent two years with two of the best talkers in the business, Ambrose and Rollins, and he didn't seem to learn anything from them.
Right choice, wrong guy.

He should supplant Rollins as The Authority's new made man, since in the story, Rollins "failed" and Reigns "came through".

It would be easy enough after he told everyone who thinks he was hand picked for success to go fuck themselves using nicer language on Monday night.
Reigns is their next big babyface and he can definitely get there. His promos are hit and miss but many of them have featured great delivery. That's good. In the ring he probably needs to improve but his two biggest singles matches (against Orton and Rollins) were pretty good nevermind the fact he just started a few years ago. Plus all his time in The Shield.

Many fans are rejecting Reigns but they haven't even seen what he can do. His injury came at an awful time but this Road to Wrestlemania is his chance to prove he can hang with the best. Brock and Heyman are perfect opponents and keeping him face should work. Like with everything in wrestling, if the writers do THEIR job then Reigns will be absolutely fine and a heel turn will be laughable.

If Brock is leaving after Mania then the aftermath writes itself (in my opinion.) Reigns hits Heyman with a spear at some-point - either WM31 or night after- allowing him to take time off. He returns as the manager of Rollins who cashes in on Reigns and Heyman/Rollins can work some magic; Punk-esque. Reigns losing has a big meaning and Heyman remains on TV. Win/win in my eyes but the idea of Reigns turning heel is something I'm not for. It won't happen and it shouldn't; Reigns has huge potential as a babyface.
No. Heyman should not be with anyone other than Lesnar. He's the only one who it works with. Don't believe me?

Big Show.
Curtis Axel.
Team Angle.
The Dudleys.

Those are the guys who weren't real-life Paul Heyman guys or didn't really know him/work with him prior to being paired up with him on-screen and for the most part it failed miserably. How is it going to be any different with Roman Reigns or Seth Rollins? Yes, Heyman is a great manager. Yes, Heyman is a great talker. Yes, Reigns really needs the help. Rollins doesn't. But Heyman isn't the answer for Reigns.

The Dudleys worked ECW with Heyman long before they were paired together. I think Bubba even confirms himself a Paul Heyman guy in jest on the Chris Jericho podcast.

And how well did Brock know/work with Heyman before being put together on screen and that worked right from the off.
No I'd like to see Roman Reigns continue to be face. I wouldn't mind Rollins being the next Paul Heyman guy but I'd like to see Paul Heyman go in a different direction. Depending on how Rusev vs Cena goes I wouldn't mind seeing Lana and Rusev move up the card.

But if you really want to know what's on my wishlist it's finding the right Paul Heyman Girl.
Roman could be the next Heyman guy, but it probably will be Seth at WM31 when he cashes in on a beaten down Brock after Brock beats Roman. This would give Roman more time to get better in the ring.
No. Heyman should not be with anyone other than Lesnar. He's the only one who it works with. Don't believe me?

Big Show.
Curtis Axel.
Team Angle.
The Dudleys.

Those are the guys who weren't real-life Paul Heyman guys or didn't really know him/work with him prior to being paired up with him on-screen and for the most part it failed miserably. How is it going to be any different with Roman Reigns or Seth Rollins? Yes, Heyman is a great manager. Yes, Heyman is a great talker. Yes, Reigns really needs the help. Rollins doesn't. But Heyman isn't the answer for Reigns.

What if Heyman has been silently forming his own super-group??? At WrestleMania, Ryback, Axel, Big Show, The Dudleys and Cesaro, come out and help Roman beat Lesnar. Heyman then celebrates with his Heyman Guys to end the show!
I like the Idea, personally. The WWE has to find a way to shut Reigns up, because his promos are horrible and when he's being himself, he's an arrogant ass. I'm not a Punk fan, by any means, but to me....That pairing (Heyman/Punk) was the best tv in the last 5 years. I don't know that Heyman can re-create that magic with anyone on the current RAW roster, but Lesnar is definately replaceable with Reigns in that role.

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