Could Ric Flair Induct HBK?


JC CooL 420
HHH would do a great job IMO. So would Ric Flair among many other notable individuals. It's Shawn's call as it should be.

That's a quote from JR's blog...

If it's Shawn's call and he was to choose Flair... Would it be possible for him to induct Shawn into the Hall of Fame at WM 27?

Would Vince allow a TNA employee to Induct HBK?

Would TNA allow Flair to be there?

I think it's highly unlikely...

I think it should be Hall, Nash, Waltman, and HHH all together... A Klique reunion!

It's not a stupid idea. However, I just don't think it would happen. There are two sides we have to look at.

WWE - If HBK really wanted Flair, Vince would consider, but probably wouldn't go for it. Vince wouldn't want to risk Flair plugging TNA during his speech. I doubt Shawn would even ask considering that he obviously understands how the business works.

TNA - Intially you would think that there's no way TNA would allow one of their guys to be on a WWE show. However, TNA is the one always name dropping WWE and looking for mainstream attintion. I could honestly see TNA hyping Flair involvement in the HOF as a way to get more attention on their product. Remember, they did a three month storyline about the WWE HOF rings.

In the end, I just don't see any way that Vince would go for Flair inducting Shawn. To be honest, TNA might ruin the HOF this year. Without Flair and Sting, it really won't be a WCW hall of fame.
I've asked myself something similar over the past few days. I don't know if TNA would allow Flair to appear at the HOF induction ceremony nor do I know if Vince would allow it if he's still a TNA employee at the time. I'll say that I think it's at least possible. If Bret Hart can make a return to the WWE after all the years of bad blood between himself & Vince, then Ric Flair making an appearance at this year's WWE HOF ceremony isn't too far out.

Personally, however, I'd rather see Flair induct Arn Anderson. Even though Flair was really the overall leader of the Horsemen, Arn Anderson is the one that really struck me as the heart of the group. He was The Enforcer, he was sort of the rock that seemed to be a steady and constant presence. In my view, Arn Anderson is one of the best wrestlers of the past 30-40 years to have never been a World Heavyweight Champion. I think Anderson had the stuff to be a main eventer and a quality main eventer at that. A lot of his career was also built around being sort of a supporting character to Ric Flair, but I do think Anderson could've been much more.

Having Flair induct Anderson would have huge emotional content behind it as Anderson was right there involved with Flair in some of the biggest angles & feuds of Flair's career. I'll have no complaints if Flair were to induct HBK into the HOF, don't get me wrong on that. However, I think Triple H would probably fit that role best. Just like Flair & Anderson did in Mid-Atlantic, Triple H & HBK came up in the WWE and have been involved in some of the biggest angles, feuds & stories in the company's history. They're legitimately best friends and there's a real emotional connection between the two that I don't think Flair quite has with HBK on the same level as he'd have with Double A.

HBK & Triple H are the two original members of DX so it seems fitting that Trips induct HBK just as it seems right for the leader of the original Four Horsemen to induct his Enforcer.
There's no chance in hell that Ric Flair will be inducting either Arn Anderson or Shawn Michaels into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2011, as long as he is still employed by TNA Wrestling. I just cannot see Vince McMahon allowing someone, anyone, from the "competition" to be an integral part of the festivities on the night preceding Wrestlemania. There would be the uncertainty of what may be said or done, but over and above that, the fact that Flair appears on Spike TV on a weekly basis as part of a significant storyline, there's no way WWE will let him induct either of these guys.

Plus, Triple H will clearly be the guy to induct the Heartbreak Kid this year, it would be a slap in the face at him to have it be anyone but him. And Michaels will re-pay the favor when HHH's time comes. Flair would have been a great choice to induct Anderson (assuming the rumours are true and he in fact is going to be inducted), but I simply don't see the logistics of this making this realistic.
great thread!

I think HHH will induct Shawn. Flair was just a small piece in HBK's career. Shawn and Hunter are best friends. I think there's a strong argument for Vince himself to induct Shawn, as Vince is like Shawn's other father. Either one would be an excellent choice.

It's far more fitting that Flair induct Arn Anderson. TNA would be making a big, big mistake if they didn't let Flair go (I maintain that promotions would benefit working together to save the business rather than be brutally competitive). But....if Flair can't do it, you'd have to think his best tag team partner Tully Blanchard would, and that would also be fitting. It would also be a little ironic, because Tully and Shawn are both from San Antonio and both would be there the same night.
Like others have said, there is absolutely no way that they would allow Ric Flair to come back and do this. From the TNA standpoint, I'm sure they would be thrilled to have Ric Flair go and do that. Wrestlemania is the WWE's biggest selling pay-per-view, and a lot of people will tune in to see HBK inducted, it would be like free advertising. The WWE has nothing to gain except perhaps making Ric Flair, AA, and HBK happy - which I doubt is at the top of their priorities when you consider the fact that Flair jumped ship after they gave him the best sendoff he could have possibly asked for.
Probably not. What with the jab HBK delivered to Ric Flair during his fairwell speech, along with Ric Flair's association with TNA, I think it's a pretty safe bet that Triple H is going to be the one inducting HBK in. Or Vince. Or both.

In fact, I'd even go as far as to say it's a pretty sure guarantee that Ric isn't going to be the one inducting HBK.
Could he? Possibly, though I don't think TNA would be too happy about it considering they often make fun of the WWE through their announcers or promos.

But more importantly it would be stupid and insulting if Flair inducted Shawn. Shawn Michaels worked his ass off to put on an epic final match to retire Flair on the grandest stage in all of wrestling and helps give him the most epic send off any wrestler has ever had. Two years later, Flair spits on tradition and laces up his wrestling boots to wrestle for TNA.

Now Flair isn't the first guy to get the itch to climb back into the ring, hell look at Terry Funk, but HBK gave him the most amazing retirement match and ceremony anyone could ever ask for. I don't know how HBK feels about Flair wrestling again, he's been very quiet about it, but I can't imagine he doesn't feel a little bit insulted and betrayed.

Why would Shawn Michaels, a guy who has stayed away from professional wrestling since he announced his retirement, want Ric Flair, the exact opposite of post-wrestling HBK, to induct him?
I doubt it would be Flair to induct Shawn, plus why would Shawn want him too. He spat in Shawns face by not staying retired. It will be HHH, it has to be!!!! And I cant wait!!! Not to proud to admit I will cry like a baby!!!!!
Flair inducting HBK? No way. It won't happen. I'd say it's between these people to do it.

HHH- The obvious and most likely choice. These guys have been linked together in some of the best storylines as well as rivalries over the course of HBK's career. The last 13 years it's basically been HHH/HBK attached at the hip with everything. From DX reunions and classic matches, these two have had some of the best parts of their career together.

Marty Jannetty- Hear me out. Shawn began the rise to prominence with Marty with The Rockers. One of the great tag teams in the AWA and WWE. Marty has made WWE appearances before that have been linked with HBK. Who knows. Marty could even negotiate a small pay day for it as well.

His Wife- He's all about being a family man. As lackluster as choosing his wife would be, I could see it happening.
Vince wouldn't want to risk Flair plugging TNA during his speech.

For sure. On the other hand, if there is anyone in the wrestling business who has status legendary enough to be allowed to span the breach, it's Ric Flair.

But the only way I can see Flair inducting Shawn is if they do it on tape to prevent any "induction malfunctions."

Even then, it's a stretch to think of Vince allowing this.

"I'm sorry.....I love TNA......Wooooo!"
As much as I'd like to see Flair induct either AA (if in fact he goes to the HoF) or HBK, I just don't see it.

First of all, I'm sure Shawn will want HHH to induct him.

As for Flair, he made the decision to go to TNA. It's not unforgivable nor should it be. Flair still loves to entertain and he's doing that now in TNA. That being said, I'm sure Vince feels differently than we do.

One other thing... It may not seem like a huge deal to us but Flair and Hogan used their Hall of Fame Rings as props in a storyline. Hogan gave his to Abyss while Flair put his up for grabs in a match.

I'm not so sure how Vince would feel about this. I mean here we have a guy coming to induct a member into the HoF when earlier, he took the very ring he received from the HoF and uses it as a prop? I'm sure that doesn't give a ringing endorsement for Vince to allow them to come in to his house.
I remember quite clearly that Shawn said ideally he'd want an induction split into two parts and that he wanted Bret Hart to do the first. The only logical option to deal with the second would be HHH as Undertaker can't do that kind of stuff.
The wrestling world doesn't work that you van get anyone to do anything. Ric is contracted to TNA, so 1) TNA executives would say no. 2) Vince McMahon would say no. And 3) HHH is most likely to do it anyway.
Marty Jannetty- Hear me out. Shawn began the rise to prominence with Marty with The Rockers. One of the great tag teams in the AWA and WWE. Marty has made WWE appearances before that have been linked with HBK. Who knows. Marty could even negotiate a small pay day for it as well.

This is actually a pretty interesting idea. While I think it's HHH, Marty's speech beforehand would definitely be more interesting considering these guys spent 24 hours a day with each other back in the day.

Only thing I see as a problem is most fans who watch now probably have no clue who Marty Jannetty even is.
Of course it has to be HHH who inducts Shawn. It would be the most entertaining intro since The Rock inducted his family and would definitely bring out every era of Shawn's career.

My dream would be to have as many guys as possible who had either their best match or their breakthrough match with Shawn Michaels. A lot of them had the talent to be completely over but were not embraced until Shawn sold for them (see Mick Foley, Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, even Kevin Nash) After a match with Shawn they took the ball and ran with it. Shawn even had a great match with The Masterpiece. His match with Hulk Hogan (thanks to the oversell) was the first Hogan match where I did not go to the kitchen for a beer.

Having HHH bring through a cavalcade of guys whose careers went on the uptick would be hilarious and bring out real emotion too.
It's going to be HHH.. maybe the Kliq as well.. But defo it will be HHH.. his best friend.. Right now he is out, so it's why he wasn't mentioned.. but he will return soon and then it will be him inducting HBK in the HoF..

Flair is on TNA and as long as he in on TNA.. he won't appear on WWE programme..
It won't be Ric Flair because I believe HBK doesn't want it to be him. I think HBK was hurt when the Flair took a giant dump on the retirement match and had a match with Letal. So even if TNA was ok with it, even if Vince ok with I am a firm believer that HBK would not be ok with it.
First off, dam I hope he doesnt get his wife too, no offence but blah...that is valuable HHH time taken up.... secondly the fact that Hogan and Flair did that with their HOF rings is disgusting. WWE need to induct another active wrestler to take that title away from Flair. I dont think Bret should induct Shawn, they hated each other, and I think Bret just wanted to be back in the spotlight and didnt really forgive them (not that he had the right to expect them to be sorry...but that is another rant). I think if it is two part it should be Vince and then Trips.
We got a better chance of Kofi Kingston winning a World title...:disappointed:

Not saying it wouldn't be cool, but we know WWE. They write out everyone who is in TNA. I wouldn't be surprised if Flair and Hogan weren't on the website anymore.
It'll probably be DX or Jannety.
I could definately see Marty Jannetty inducting HBK, but, obviously, it is going to be HHH...i wouldnt even be surprised if it was Kevin Nash, but, this one is way to obvious

As far as Arn Anderson goes...Ric Flair would be the logical choice, if he wasnt with TNA...but, as i saw someone say earlier, i think Tully Blanchard will induct Arn...if Flair cant be there, who better than, his long time tag team partner

Something else to think about...if Vince can pull it off to where he can get Sting, who will induct him since Flair wont be there?....he doesnt really have a history with anyone in WWE?...interesting, SORRY I GOT OFF TOPIC
Shawn has said in past interviews that he wanted Bret Hart to be the one to induct him, since he would be the most honest person in terms of his in ring and backstage legacy.

Although Triple H is also a safe bet if he really decides on a two part induction. I highly doubt Flair will be the one to do it for obvious reasons... namely TNA.


I found the quote. It's from April 2009's WWE Magazine:

“My instincts say Triple H, or Ric Flair, but I’m always looking for something different. I’ve thought of my wife. I’ve thought of Kevin Nash, or my son, when he’s older. I thought of Vince–he could talk about how it was to have me work for him. I’m sure I was difficult. It’s funny; I’ve even thought of Bret Hart.”

Michaels continues, “I sometimes think, ‘Will he ever make peace with me?’ I’m not in denial about what happened in Montreal. I’m OK that I was that way, but that doesn’t make it right. It’s still wrong, but it is what it is. There’s nothing I can change about that, and I don’t want to pretend it didn’t happen. It’s something that really bothered me. But in the end, I want to be inducted without all the fluff. I want the truth.”

It's hard to say if he feels the same way now, but since they've made peace since then, I don't see why Bret shouldn't be a top candidate.
There's no way anyone BUT Triple H is going to induct Shawn Michaels. Ric Flair doesn't even make sense. The fact Shawn Michaels retired Ric Flair as it was didn't really make all that much sense because the two had NO history. Michaels looking upto Flair his whole career is one thing, but you can say the same about hundreds of wrestlers, they still have no real history when it comes to their careers. Triple H and Shawn Michaels are forever connected by their careers, from the Kliq as friends, to one of the greatest stables ever in DX, to their feuds against one another later on, and then back to the reunited DX. It makes NO sense for anyone else to induct Shawn but Triple H, and I don't see why Michaels would ever ask for anyone else but Triple H to do it, either.

It would make perfect sense for Flair to induct Arn Anderson, though. Flair should be the one to induct Arn, in fact. No one else BUT Flair should do it, as it's the same reasons for Triple H inducting Michaels; Arn and Flair's careers have been totally connected throughout both. Do I think Flair will induct Arn, though? No I don't, because Flair burnt his bridge with WWE when he pissed all over their retirement gift to him and then went to TNA. I don't think he even deserves to since he basically slapped the WWE, Vince McMahon, and even Shawn Michaels in the face with his choices. I think it'll be either Ole Anderson or Tully Blanchard that inducts Arn, and I'm totally fine with both of them, really. In fact, I'd prefer Tully Blanchard who was part of a great tag team with Arn, part of the Horsemen, and the two were even IN the WWE together.
I think its one of those situations where you arent going to advertise for your rival company if you have another option, and WWE still has trips who has been shawn's friend for longer anyway. It will be nobody else than HHH IMO, but I was wrong about something major before so who knows.
I used to think Ric Flair would be the best one to induct HBK should the opportunity arise to have HBK in the HOF. But then once Flair became a full time ring professional again in TNA, I have a big feeling that it kinda burned a bridge and would leave a sour taste in the mouth of Vince, HHH, and HBK, no matter how full of faith you are. That basically craps all over the effort you put into the months leading up to your feud ender with Flair. I personally would not want someone who goes back on their word. Your best bet is going to be HHH. He's seen Shawn (as he knows him by) at his best and worst. He's seen him at the best of his professional career, and the worst of his emotional lows played out in public. HBK is the entertainer that we all know and love, and HHH is one who has stood by him with the full support of WWE and Vince when Shawn didn't even believe in himself. The only other person I could even throw as a one in a million shot after this last year's (WM 26) would be Bret Hart, another form of closure for HBK to end his career, or Undertaker, what better way to go then the man who ended his career? Those are just my suggestions or thoughts at least and the reasoning behind them.

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