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Could more than one Divas title help the division?

Michael J. Fox

Dark Match Winner
First Post!! Hope I'm doing it right.

If you think of every wrestler in ANY promotion, let alone WWE, each [male] was able to win numerous titles in their tenures to help build their legacy. They had a wide variety of titles to chase. Tag Titles, IC/US, WWE/WHC, etc., all permitted the wrestlers to challenge for.

The "divas division" has one belt. No tag titles, no "mid-card" titles to chase. It's either challenging for the title, a personal feud, or a mixed tag match. Or Total Divas, but you know...

SO, could another title help the division? How else can the divas grow and add significance to their division and the WWE as a whole? All thoughts welcome.
I was going to instantly dismiss this, then I remembered that WWE once had two women's titles and, while the division was still crape, it still had a bit more focus.

That said, I'm happy for female wrestling to be wiped off the main roster shows. It's pointless.
The division has three girls who can actually wrestle. Only one of these three (Paige) is likely to get any title shots. We are stuck with an undeserving "champion" who cannot work a tolerable match. This "champion" has a twin sister who is even worse than her and the two of them star in a useless show that for whatever reason is regarded as more important than women wrestling. Guess who WWE would give the other belt to? There is no way that anyone should have to endure not one but BOTH Bellas as the respective champions in a division that through idiocy of the booking team only has ONE legitimate contender (Paige). Absolutely not.

They need more true contenders for the one belt they do have. If NXT becomes its own seperate entity then the NXT Women's Championship can be the prize for true female WRESTLERS while the models can go after the butterfly belt. Until then, put the Divas Championship on Paige and promote Charlotte to the main roster to feud with her. Pushing girls who can actually wrestle is what would help the division. Two belts with today's roster would do the complete opposite. Brie Bella VS Eva Marie for this second belt, anyone? That's what's coming if they did it, so.... No.
What the Divas need is relevance, to be booked and treated as though that they matter to the product. Over the past few weeks, there's been an improvement; I'm not saying that it's anything approaching a complete turnaround, but at least it's a start. Having two championships or ten championships in the Divas Division won't mean a thing unless Vince allows the creative team to present the women with storylines that allow them to expand as characters and depicts them as viable competitors in the same way the male wrestlers have.
Nope. I believe the more titles you have the less it will be recognized. How can you have a tag division with only 12 players. You need at least 20 wrestlers for a tag division. 10 to 12 singles wrestlers. Up to 4 from those 12 wrestlers should be paired up for simple tag matches, or to job for up-and-coming teams. Or they can be two wrestlers that have nothing going for them and be a Tag Team, but not have them matching.

I really believe the more belts you have, the less you focus on the titles. I was more hyped for the TV title in WCW than the US title. Cruiserweight, TV, Tag, World, US was my order of interest. The TV shouldn't have been there but it was "defended" every week.
The only one another title could work is if more divas were on the roster. With only what six females active on the roster you can't have more than one title because then you're saying a third of the divas division is champion material. I thought they may be leaning towards a diva tag title having AJ and Paige working so closely together but now that's a no go so I don't even see where there would be room for another title.
What about a mixed tag team title. a one man, one woman team? that could almost be better than the current tag division.
If they gave the women their own show it'd be a fine idea. If they want to do something interesting with the divas they could do a tag team cup tournament. They have diva versions of the survivor series match, I would like to see a divas Royal Rumble too, it doesn't have to be 30 women, it could only be 10-15 but it would shake things up.

Better using what they have would help them tremendously.
Not to be Miss Negativity here, but titles won't help the division, having women that can actually wrestle will help the division and the title.

Get rid of women like Cameron, the Bella's, Eva Maria....well pretty much the whole cast of Total Diva's can bugger off. With the exception of Nattie and Paige and if Naomi can find a better finisher then she's alright as well.

Instead of having the title making the wrestler look better, the opposite is true. Someone like Nikki Bella makes the title look worse. If that's the best the Diva's division can come up with then better fold the tents up now.

One poster mentioned giving the women their own show. They have one, it's called Total Diva's, and it's done nothing but ruin the division. Which if you think about it that is a true accomplishment, because the division was pretty bad to begin with.
People seem to forget just how bad the Diva's Division used to be. This Division that we have now is 100x better than the absolute shit that we were accustomed to 3-5 years ago. At least WWE has put SOME focus into the division this time around. We have The Bellas, Paige, Naomi, and Nattie who really make up your core at this point, and soon the NXT women will be making their way up in droves. I would take this over the crap that we got in 2011 any day, when over a four month period we had 5 different Divas champions. First step is getting rid of the garbage... Eva, Cameron, Rosa, etc.

As for the OP, I wouldn't be opposed to a sort of "mid-card" title in the Diva's division. In a perfect world, it would be implemented in NXT and than moved up to the main roster with whoever's holding it at the time. So you'd have two Divas segments a night, each featuring one title. I mean, if you want to add legitimacy, put the Diva's title on Paige and have her feud with Banks, and put the other title on Charlotte while feuding her with Natalya. I never really thought about a second title in the Diva's division but it makes sense.. what else is there to work for once you've reached the top? As long as it doesn't take up too much time, I'd be okay with it.
Instead of having the title making the wrestler look better, the opposite is true. Someone like Nikki Bella makes the title look worse. If that's the best the Diva's division can come up with then better fold the tents up now.

Can I ask a question? Why do you take this stance against Nikki? Is it because she looks like a barbie, because I really can't think of a reason why Nikki gets so much hate around here. Just because she can't run around the ring and perform a crazy amount of moves like Paige, doesn't mean she isn't good. She's supposed to be a powerhouse and she has played that role magnificently as Diva's champion. Imo, she has had one of the best Diva title runs in a long time. So, why is Nikki the scum of the earth to most around here?

Because she dates John Cena is not a legitimate reason btw :suspic:
Can I ask a question? Why do you take this stance against Nikki? Is it because she looks like a barbie, because I really can't think of a reason why Nikki gets so much hate around here. Just because she can't run around the ring and perform a crazy amount of moves like Paige, doesn't mean she isn't good. She's supposed to be a powerhouse and she has played that role magnificently as Diva's champion. Imo, she has had one of the best Diva title runs in a long time. So, why is Nikki the scum of the earth to most around here?

Because she dates John Cena is not a legitimate reason btw :suspic:

First of all I don't give a shit who she's dating, I don't care what they do in their personal lives outside the ring. And I don't really care what she looks like either, I'm a woman so that doesn't do anything or impress me in anyway.

I just think both her and her sister are crap in the ring. Nikki is better than Brie, but that's not saying much. Most of their fame comes from Total Diva's and it seems the WWE is fixated more on that show than being worried about women's wrestling.

When you look at the girls from NXT and the Bella twins, they aren't even on the same planet. That's what worries me about any call ups. I don't want to see Charlotte or Sasha Banks end up on Total Diva's and their wrestling career's become secondary. It's a personal thing, if you don't agree then that's fine, but it doesn't change my mind about the Bella's. I've never really thought there they any good and nothing I've seen recently tells me differently.
I'm a fan of the Divas division and I wish they'd get more attention...and not the Total Divas kind. I wouldn't be opposed to a Divas Tag Team Championship, I have zero problem with the Divas getting more time and more matches. I'd much rather watch more Divas than listen to a rambling Bray Wyatt promo about nothing that goes on forever.

As for the Nikki Bella hate on here, I don't get it. I think she's a FANTASTIC heel Divas Champion, and the best heel Diva WWE has had in a very long time. She's my favorite heel Diva since Trish retired. She works a powerhouse style that's very rare for someone built like her, usually the powerhouse Divas are the Luna Vachons or ODBs or Kharmas, not the model-types like Nikki. It's a clash of what you'd expect against what you get, and I'm a big fan of hers.
I think it comes down to mathematics. They already had 2 singles titles once upon a time and they retired the women's title to just leave 1 singles title. So if there was going to be another women's title I assume they would want to go the TNA route and make the new championship tag team. that's where the math comes in. I use the world title as an example. there is always a number one contender; however, there are also 2 to 3 other wrestlers also usually involved in the title storyline. there aren't enough diva tag teams out there to support a divas tag title. especially now with aj gone you're down to the Bellas being the only real team. you'd need about 4 teams out there to support a tag title and given the state of the diva's division, if they could even pull that off it would look extremely manufactured.
More titles will not help this division. The roster is terrible. Total Divas does them no favors either. The idea that giving the divas more air time will only further irritate WWE fans as it will be a larger dose of something that we can barely stomach in smaller portions. The idea that more time will improve the division is as laughable as the idea that a 3rd hour of RAW makes it a better show. Adding another belt will just be one more segment every week where one of the Bellas stinks up the joint with some random beauty queen from Total Divas. In the day of Trish Stratus, Mickey James, Lita etc the idea of giving the Divas something else to strive for wouldn't have bothered me one bit. But doing it now would be as equally painful as it would be pointless.
I don't think the Divas need another title. What they need is something to do while they are not feuding for the title. A good example is prior to wrestlemania while AJ/Paige were feuding with the Bellas. Naomi and Nattie were in the tag team scene alongside their respectable teams having sort of a mini feud with both getting a small wrestlemania moment. We need more of this. The girls getting involved in the male scenes. If you all recall this is really how AJ blew up. Same for trish and Lita as well. It would be nice to see summer Rae have involvement with miz and MizDow to further their feud. Aside from that the divas should have storylines involving eachother without a title on the line. It's possible for the male superstars to feud without a title they should be able to do the same for the divas. This will bring interest to the division more than adding a title.
She's supposed to be a powerhouse and she has played that role magnificently as Diva's champion.

Well this right here is a problem. Nikki Bella is supposed to be a "powerhouse"? That's not believable. The Bellas as a whole just don't have whatever is needed to put them over (in my opinion) as great (or even good). They have gotten much much much better, which now make them adequate. I really believe if they weren't twins, they would not be in WWE.

Now back to the thread. No. An additional title doesn't work. Here's why, people don't care about women's wrestling. That's an overstatement, but you get the point. It's just not something that's bought by the current audience. I love the fact that women can have someone like them in there, but that's really all it's for. When you get someone who can wrestle and has a good persona, then yes, people want to see it. Adding a title would probably make people dislike the division more.

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