Could It Possibly Work: Weight Divisions In WWE


Over the years, there've been numerous threads talking about how WWE should bring back the Cruiserweight Division filled with debates as to why they should or shouldn't. This isn't a thread about the Cruiserweight Division, exactly, but, rather, a discussion on whether the use of multiple weight divisions could be at all viable in WWE.

Last week, it was announced that a 32 man tournament will be featured on the WWE Network this summer called the Global Cruiserweight Series. This tournament SEEMS like the brainchild of Triple H and, if so, then he and the rest of the NXT creative team will likely be the ones behind exactly what goes down in the tournament. The plan is to gather some top Cruiserweights from around the world, including some signed to WWE developmental deals, and the wrestlers must all weigh 205 lbs. or less. Now IF this is received well by fans and generates a lot of positive interest, it has some fans wondering if it could lead to a Cruiserweight Division revival on the main roster.

The idea I had involved WWE adopting a number of different weight divisions yet doing much like what takes place in a lot of to p Japanese & Mexican promotions in that the non-heavyweight titles are treated with as much prestige as the heavyweight titles, sometimes much more so. This in and of itself leads to one of the bigger problems with the whole concept in that Vince is more interested in presenting wrestling as entertainment rather than a sport; we all know it's not a legit sport but, at the same time, it'd be interesting to see how well it'd be received if it was treated more like a sport similar to what we see in NXT. In combat sports like MMA and boxing, weight divisions are standard operating procedure and the titles aren't necessarily viewed in the sense of "well heavyweights are better than light heavyweights because...."

Another potential problem, and probably the single biggest problem, is namely Vince McMahon himself. At times, Vince's creative decisions can be described, at best, as chaotic; there are times in which Vince seems to change his mind on a push, angle, wrestler or what have you right in the middle of things and has drastic changes made to it without any real concern of logical continuity. The Light Heavyweight & Cruiserweight Divisions of the Attitude Era and afterward weren't warmly welcomed by Vince and were treated as primarily filler. Back in the late 90s during an internet chat, Vince was asked upon how he'd improve the Cruiserweight Division and he sarcastically, and insultingly, responded "Perhaps an influx of Ethiopian talent would be appropriate." The "Ethiopian" thing was due to the the problems famine and hunger had brought about to the country for quite a long time. At the same time, however, it is something of a different day and we've seen a significant number of wrestlers 225 lbs. or less achieve great success in WWE and Vince does seem to be more open to the notion of how useful smaller wrestlers can be.

The thought I had would be that IF WWE ever did go in such a direction, they could somewhat copy the use of weight divisions as used by the UFC, only not with so many of them. The Heavyweight Division would be for 206 lbs. & up, the Cruiserweight Division between 186 to 205 lbs. and a Middleweight Division for 170 to 185 lbs.

I'm not suggesting WWE adopt weight divisions or that they even should. It was just something I was wondering if fans could get behind if WWE genuinely put effort into it. Personally, I have little faith in WWE being able to pull something like this off at this time because Vince McMahon just doesn't strike me as stable enough. He'd have to be willing to devote time and prestige to all the various championships; MAYBE when/if Triple H is the one running the show, it's something that might have a chance of succeeding.
WWE is driven by storytelling, which is over-the-top at best and nonsensical at worst. They have the freedom of being able to do what they want, and the fans are able to make whatever they want happen through sheer willpower. Much of wrestling's appeal is that practically anything can happen, unlike actual sports.

Segregating people by weight could severely limit what they can do with their stories. You also don't get the intriguing styles clashes that come with having guys of different sizes face each other. I may want to see Finn Balor take on Luke Harper, but I wouldn't get that with weight restrictions. Rey Mysterio doesn't get to face Chris Jericho for the IC title in 2009 and the Daniel Bryan WM 30 story may not happen. That would frustrate me.

WWE may also have to hire more guys to make each division deep enough to be interesting, otherwise we'd see the same pool of guys fighting over and over. That's more money they have to spend, which may not be appealing to them. And frankly, I wouldn't trust the company to invest nearly as much on the middle/light-heavyweight roster as they would the heavyweights, especially from a storytelling standpoint. The company can hardly produce interesting feuds/storylines around the non-world title belts as it is.

Also, where would the tag division fall in? Would it remain as it is or would that have to adhere to weight classes in some way?

It's a novel idea, but outside of a possible crusierweight resurrection (which I'm also skeptical about), it's not something I'd be interested in seeing. That's partially because I don't trust WWE to be able to pull if off successfully.
Giving the little guys more importance by giving them a title to jump around for is fine, but let's leave it at that.

Putting weight divisions in would be a huge step backwards and would make Bryan's career and achievements mean absolutely nothing.
I don't think weight divisions would be of much use. In WCW the Cruiserweight division was only to offer an exciting contrast to the WWE which was great when it started. In practice though, it caused a glass ceiling that kept a lot of good talent out of the upper card. I think weight divisions would limit talents more than it would help the WWE at least.

Now, this does have me thinking about that Cruiserweight tournament though. What does the WWE even have for cruiserweight talent?

AJ Styles (though there is no reason to use him at that level)
Chris Jericho (probably doesn't even qualify anymore)
Dolph Ziggler (his style would certainly fit but unlikely)
Sin Cara
Tyler Breeze
Tyson Kidd
Xavier Woods

Now, lets assume they do the proposed Cruiserweight tournament and they want it to be huge so they bring in enough talent for a 32 man tournament. This actually could be beneficial for some of the smaller WWE talents who never get a shot at standing out. Kalisto is already getting a big push but could be cemented even more with a high placement in the tournament. Neville would probably benefit the most because he is a textbook Cruiserweight wrestler and would likely be the one to win the whole thing. Tyler Breeze could also benefit from being able to show off his character a lot more and get a bunch of wins. There could even be a dark horse in either Xavier Woods or Diego (former Primo Colon) who are both excellent talents that rarely ever win.

Now, I hear you say, what about NXT talent? Austin Aries, Chad Gable, Finn Balor, Hideo Itami, and Sami Zayn would all be perfect fits for a tournament like this. And, quite frankly, that is partially right right. I'm not sure they would put Finn Balor in a tournament like this since he is already NXT Champion and Sami Zayn may be slightly outside of this tournaments scope as well. Austin Aries, on the other hand, is just walking into the organization and could get a solid start from a strong showing in a tournament like this. Assuming Hideo Itami ever returns from injury, he would add an excellent strong style element that could help solidify him as a standout. Mostly, I think Chad Gable would have the most to gain as he is the least known talent but could easily make a name for himself with a good showing.

Honestly, I would love to see a big round-robin style tournament with guys being put into groups of four and having to face each person in their group with the top two moving on. It would be something new for the WWE and allow everyone to display what they can offer from an in-ring standpoint. There would also be incentive for everyone to bring their A-game so it could make for some of the best matches we've seen in years.

So the likely talents would be Neville, Kalisto, Sin Cara, Tyler Breeze, Austin Aries, Xavier Woods, Hideo Itami, Tyson Kidd, Diego, Fernando, Chad Gable, plus 21 indy talents (or more depending on the status of Itami/Kidd). A tournament with these guys would be a fun watch if nothing else.

As a totally separate division though? I dunno about that.
Not a division, that would do nothing but bury everyone in there.

Now, a completely separate brand, of just cruiserweights, with their own storylines, and everyone having time to shine, and making it compelling without the need of the "heavyweight" star power.

That i would like.
I think it's a great idea and it makes the titles more important.

They can fix the issue of wrestlers in different weight classes not being able to fight each other, by just making the weight class only matter when it comes to titles.

A cruiserweight could still fight a heavyweight, a title just can't be on the line.

I think it could be a dope idea that they try out for a few months.
Weight classes is what professional sport came to long ago, i think WWE should follow this, after all this is logical and will make WWE look more legit. Point system can be usefull as well. WWE need some change to become more interesting to watch and wrestlers below the main event to feel more important. But it must be done right.

On the other hand matches like DBry vs HHH will not be possible, until there is some special PPV for it.

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