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Could Fatal 4 Way be good?


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More Details On Possible Upcoming WWE Draft Spoilers
by Matt Boone
Apr 20, 2010 Alan Kessler sent along the following:

For what it's worth, I'm not sure how the WWE puts talent together for House shows but I got this email today regarding an upcoming (June 20th) WWE event at Nassau Coliseum.

Just wondering if this shows any spoilers for the draft....


On June 20th at Nassau Coliseum. The championships are in jeopardy like never before. It's WWE Fatal 4-Way. 4 superstars in one ring, all at the same time. At any moment, a new champion can emerge. Who will be chosen? Who will be champion?

Witness: John Cena, HHH, Randy Orton, The Undertaker, Edge, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Sheamus, The Big Show/Miz and many more live!

to me this isnt a bad idea. if they actually have all the championships used. kind of like night of champions. all fata four ways dont sound too bad. have hardy v drew v punk v rey for the ic title. edge v jericho v swagger v orton. taker v cena v batista v HHH. ShowMiz v Truth and Wisdom v Harty Dynasty v some one else. divas shit(combine the title please!!!). anyway i just noticed this and i was very skeptical about the gimmick payperviews but this one doesnt sound too bad.

The idea of it is okay I suppose. Most of these matches that have more than 2 guys are just one big clusterfuck. Newer guys can't work these kind of matches as good as the older guys but who really wants to see a clusterfuck of Cena vs Batista vs HHH vs Orton. Thats just every single ppv main event from the past year put into one. I guess beggers can't be choosers. I want this pay per view to work BUT I don't think it will sadly.
This idea is passable if, and only if, each of the matches is an elimination match. But, knowing WWE, none of them will be. Also, knowing WWE, it's likely that every match will be for a title, and, if that's the case, I don't see a single champion actually retaining. In fact, I don't see a single champion actually taking a fall. And, speaking of every title, are there 4 tag teams to put in there?
Fatal Four Way will be great, because not only can they have normal FFW's but imclude a ladder, cage, tables etc and other pretty cool stipulations like elimination matches (Tag and Single) maybe have a scramble sorta feel to it you know people coming out at timed intervals?

I think FFW will be in the words of the man of awesomeness, the chick magnet..... AWESOME!!
I think to do all Fatal Four Way matches each one would have to have something different about it to maintain interest. I think if one was an elimination match, another in a steel cage, TLC and maybe a no dq match. Either way I have never found these matches to be entirely exciting and found they usually lacked the IT factor a match should have.
I only see this gimmick working if there are more than the two fatal four way matches for the two world titles. There has to be at least four ffw matches and each one has to be for a title. The thing that appeals to me about ffw matches is that it is highly likely a title will change hands, if no title is on the line then there really is no point of having such a match. I could see this ppv succeeding because we are almost guaranteed a title will change hands and who doesn't want to witness that?
I'm actually a little excited about the idea of this PPV but I got a feeling it'll just let me down too. I'm seeing as like all the other match themed PPVs, it'll probably only have maybe 3 or 4 actual 4-way matches. One for the WWE Championship, one for the World Heavyweight, and a random one just full of big names. A tag match would be pretty amazing though, when was the last time there was one of those?
I don't see them making each one a stipulation match though like elemination style or steel cage. But that might end up being this one's done fall that it'll just get boring with normal rules especially if there isn't any title changes or the champion doesn't get pinned.
Fatal Four Way probably won't be up there with Night of Champions or Elemination Chamber but surely it'll be better then Cyber Sunday. I agree what Dandawolfman said, I hope it works but I'm not counting on it.
Personally, i think it wont be all FFW's but only some. I'm kinda hoping there's a FFW ladder match for like a million dollars or something. Or for some clippers and have punk in the match, and if he wins then all the others have to join the SES or if he looses he gets his head shaved. something like that would be a good idea. And have one FFW Elimination match. Which personally is my favorite match type.
This ppv may be shit, but I'd really like to see the tag titles in an elimination fatal 4 way. We haven't seen that in a very long time and it would be something really cool to see. ShowMiz against Hart Dynasty, Truth and Wisdom, and I guess the final team could be either Straight Edge Society or Dude Busters or whatever they are. Tatsu and Bourne would be a nice add as well into the match.

A clusterfuck of main eventers in the WWE or WCH matches is just then entire year wrapped into one match, so plugging in a Kofi, or Christian, or Matt Hardy kind or mid carder would be a pleasent surprise. I don't just thoughts. It would kind of be a downer to see the same 4 guys in one big match. Yeah they are the big stars and all, but I think this ppv would be a great chance to plug someone into the title scene and just involve them with 2 or 3 of the other main event guys.
this could be either really awesome or really disappointing. but i guess that's the way it goes with a lot of things in the wrestling world today.

i'd like to see nothing but fatal fourway matches on the pay per view, but mix it up a little bit. all of them could be unique with the match format.

keeping in mind that these are just ideas and don't really figure into the upcoming draft, so i'll just take a stab at some ideas for people that could actually be in the matches...

raw world title: cena/batista/triple h/sheamus. make this an elimination fatal fourway and bring back the idea of a finishing move that actually finishes the opponent off the first time. no more kicking out after two or three finishers. one finisher to end it. give the strap back to sheamus. could you imagine pushing him over these guys. have cena and batista eliminate each other and then you could further the feud between sheamus and triple h by having them end the match.

smackdown world title: do a fatal fourway scramble match with either the first decision getting the belt or the last decision after a certain time period getting the belt. put in swagger/orton/edge/jericho. all four of these guys are extreme opportunists and have used that in their favor to claim numerous world titles (except swagger, whose just got the one so far). but use that to further the story and the match. make this the "ultimate opportunity" match or something. and really, any one of those guys to win would have earned it and could do very well with any other of the three to further a feud down the road for months.

IC belt: no ladder match or cage match. we just had elimination chamber and lockdown and we are going to have money in the bank and just had TLC. so it's a bit much to do it that often and takes away from its significance. but do a fatal fourway first blood match. i know it's PG, but surely there's got to be a way to make someone bleed without a direct shot to the skull from a steel chair. and the match could be either the first man to make another bleed gets the belt or the last man to bleed gets the belt, so either first decision or elimination. put in four midcarders that really need the push, or possibly three midcarders and a veteran that deserves one last shot at the gold, like regal or kane. maybe even throw in a wild card like gold dust or santino, both former IC champs.

us title: maybe a fatal fourway submissions match? i know that there are plenty of guys that don't have submissions as finishing moves, but "no time like the present". also, maybe a submission move is what separates some of these guys from the rest of the pack and gives that final push to main event star status. plus it's just a different feel to the match. or do a falls count anywhere. just something different, but my favorite is submission. plus, Miz could do awesome in a submission set up.

tag team title: do a fatal fourway tag team turmoil. last team standing wins. do it with ShowMiz/Hart Dynasty/Crime Time (great way to build the feud)/Straight Edge Society. think of the things this could do for the Crime Time feud, the implications if Straight Edge lost, especially if due to interference from rey mysterio and the possible feud with miz and big show if they lost. or if miz lost both his titles in the same night both due in part to big show. great feud possibilities.

Women's: do a fatal fourway title unification match. put both belts on the line and let one of the divas win both belts to unify them. either just use the one belt or let the diva carry both like the tag champs do. and make this match longer than 3 minutes. the divas just might surprise the fans, if only given the chance.
i don't particularly like it and i really dislike pay per views like this where the gimmick limits the matches to 1 or 2 types of matches (eg HIAC, Breaking Point, TLC). Trust me, Fatal four way will be stale after this year because they can't make it any different next year
I see it being the World Titles and maybe the tag titles, that is, if there actually are 3 other tag teams to use.

I highly doubt that any of these will be elimination matches, because that's not a Fatal Four Way. It'd be referred to as a Four Corners match if it were to have elimination rules.

Considering the draft will have happened by then, i doubt we'll get Cena v HHH v Orton v Batista. The SD one will probably be Edge v Jericho v Swagger v Orton, but hey i'm just spitballing, who knows who's going where.

Anyway, i really doubt that this is a PPV theme they'll bother with next year. The stupidest thing about modern day themed PPVs in the 'E', is that they do the exact opposite of what they used to do.

Back in the day, KOTR, Survivor Series and Royal Rumble were used to help promote the mid-card talent. They were the guys who had the majority of the focus during the PPVs and then the ME were done to cap it all off.

Nowadays, these same PPVs have been changed to focus on the ME matches, and NONE of the mid-card. Ok, so the Rumble is still the same, but we no longer have KOTR to focus on several mid-card guys and set up summertime angles afterward, and where Survivor Series used to have 5 or 6 elimination matches, we're now lucky to get 3, and usually they feature 2 ME'ers who are fueding and another 8 random wrestlers to fill the gaps.

Let the mid-card do all the stupid gimmick matches, and keep the ME'ers in more singles matches, and then we won't have guys like HHH getting neck injuries in the first month of the new (WWE) year, a week before he's supposed to wrestle Street Fight.....

.... Otherwise it'll be 2007 all over again.
I had little interest in this PPV but after seeing the poster I'm a bit more excited for it. Maybe it means either Christian gets traded and begins a big push or something. Except for Kane they rarely put mid-card talent on their posters, and certainly never alone. It would be cool if they built Christian up tonight with a big win and then he gets traded but I'm still weary. Maybe WWE just needed a different guy for the posters.

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