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Could Edge Be Brought Back As A Manager?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Edge has taken early retirement due to a bad neck injury. He has made his returns to WWE TV since his retirement. But could or should Edge be brought back as a manager? Edge could bring in a new era of manager in today's WWE. There were great wrestler's turned manager's in each generation. Freddie Blauise (70's), Bobby Heenan (80's), Ted Dibiase Sr. (90's), now Edge (2000-12)?

And who should Edge manage? Should Edge & Christian just kiss and make up? Or should Edge look for new meat to bring up to the main event scene?
Edge could easily be an awesome manager in the E and whoever he pairs up with could be bumped up to a higher status in no time. The only thing is whether or not Edge would actually consider it... I think he likes the occasional appearances to help his buddy Christian out, but it will probably be too hard for him to be around wrestling so much and not be able to do it. Gotta feel for the guy, he still had so much left in him but got his career cut short. I think if he were to ever come back I wouldn't mind seeing him manage some young guys with something like he did with Ryder and Hawkins.
I could see it happening sometime down the road. I know that he has said he doesn't want to come back full time yet since he wants to finally be able to settle down with his family. When he does come back though, and I'm pretty sure he will I would hope that he becomes the mouth piece either for a young guy coming up through the ranks, or someone stuck in the mid-card limbo.

If he were to come back tomorrow though, the name I could see him working very well with is Curt Hawkins. That guy has the potential to be something and I believe you throw Edge into that mix he would at least have a spot in the mid-card for the foreseeable future.
Yes he could. I would put him as a manager of a tag team. Justin Gabriel and another flyer.

But I think he would be better as Teddy Longs replacement. Edge should be the GM of SMACKDOWN.

He could address the tag team division his first day saying he wants to restore the WWE tag team championships considering hes like a 10 time champ.

He also could be a great face GM at first and a great heel GM later.
Honestly, if it were up to me, I'd stick Edge at the commentator's booth...

He'd be great there, he's actually intelligent and does a great job of shutting Cole up (when he was a guest at the booth right before WM, it was quite hilarious.) Between Cole always trying to get himself and only himself over, Jerry Lawler's corny-ass eighty year old jokes, Josh Matthew's raging twitter bone, and Booker T's.... well being Booker T, I need to hear someone who's brain is fully functioning.

I swear, sometimes I'll switch and watch RAW on the spanish channel, just because there's less unintelligeble gibberish (I in no way speak spanish.)
I think he could be a great manager, I just worry that he'd over shadow whoever he's with. the goal is to make stars. It would be hard to tell (kind of like with Vickie) if a guy is over because he's good or because of who he's associated with.

I like the idea of him in the commentator's booth. Cole is amazing as a heel commentator. He just gets annoying because nobody can hang with him (100% serious). Lawler's old and tries to act young but fails. Matthews is too submissive. Booker T is too dumb. A guy like Edge would be a perfect foil to Cole on commentary.

Edge is witty. Cole is like Kobe Bryant playing 1 on 1 against a high school kid against the other guys. King usually responds with, as said "80 year old jokes" to which Cole mocks. Matthews just takes it. Booker T responds with some nonsensical (but funny) bullshit to which Cole says "yea you're an uneducated fool who barely got a GED".

I like the commentary idea, good job Yurnewhero.
He could be manager of an up-and-daring young talent or two with enough fire in his belly and enough luck in his hands to make it to the main event.

He could be sitting behind the commentator booth and play the role of cocky but oh-fuck-he's-banged-up heel.

He could fill be general manager of Smackdown, and give it an ooomph I felt it had lost since Vickie Guerrero got shafted.

He could be anything he wants to be if he wants to now, God willing.

I can't imagine a face Cole trading barbs with a heel Edge on commentary. Has Cole ever been a face commentator? :confused:
I have been waiting for Edge to make his return to WWE in some way,shape or form aside from active superstar since he retired. He's got a role on some crap Sci-Fi show right now but we all know that something like that won't go anywhere, and he'll porbably do that for a while longer and stop. But I think it would wrong to not bring him back considering his career as a wrestler was ended so early and not on his terms, he would be great as a manager, I think he would be better suited as GM of Smackdown or Raw but I would be more than happy with anything he would be doing so long as he was working for the WWE.

As a choice for someone who he could manage I would say Drew McIntyre, ever since Drew was banished to Superstars I've been waiting for the day WWE finally pushes him back up and I think a great way to do that would pair him with The Rated R Superstar, Edge. He could boost him up and talk about how he's going to boost him back up to what he was destined to be, a world champion. Edge could help him almost all the way and then have them split, and let Drew earn his world championship himself, but for his build back up I think Edge could be a major help for the ressurection of Drew McIntyre.
Honestly, if it were up to me, I'd stick Edge at the commentator's booth...

He'd be great there, he's actually intelligent and does a great job of shutting Cole up (when he was a guest at the booth right before WM, it was quite hilarious.) Between Cole always trying to get himself and only himself over, Jerry Lawler's corny-ass eighty year old jokes, Josh Matthew's raging twitter bone, and Booker T's.... well being Booker T, I need to hear someone who's brain is fully functioning.

I swear, sometimes I'll switch and watch RAW on the spanish channel, just because there's less unintelligeble gibberish (I in no way speak spanish.)

I really like this idea the best. I don't think I could see Edge as the manager type. He's a wrestler and I do think that's what we would want to remember him as. But I think he could add something to the commentary booth if he could just be himself.
Edge could easily put over any talent he manages, what I am wondering if he did become a Manager would be itching to get back into the Ring.When he see's his talent Wrestling and getting success something in him will be sad that he's not in there
No. I want him back but it won't work. Your telling one of the modern greats to stand on the sideline every week and not get involved. It would kill him inside.

Managers always get involved in matches somehow, he takes one bad fall and he's done. It would be awkward to watch a manager that just cheer-leads and never gets involved.

Even worse, he's going to leave his family to travel around with all his buddies 300 days a year... to not wrestle. It would be a pretty miserable life. Its not like Arn Anderson or Gerald Brisco who retired and kept going. Edge can never have another match, never take another bump.
I can see Edge as a fantastic heel commentator putting over Christian any time he's in the ring and talking trash to the wrestlers saying if he wasn't banged up, he could kick all their asses. Josh Matthews and Edge could be a great team, because Edge could just bully Josh while also bringing up good insight to the matches. I guess that in this era of the "three-man booth", we'd have Booker T in there as well who could act as foil to Edge's heel character.

I think it could definitely work. As a manager, I could really only see him managing Christian. The thing about managers is that they have to get physical and I just can't see Edge doing that after his career-ending injury. Receiving an AA like Ricardo Rodriguez? It's just not worth the risk.
Edge as a manager could be a cool route to take because he is excellent at getting reactions from fans which could help someone get over. Unlike Vickie or Cole he would be able to help faces get over too and not just heels. I think Tyson might be a potential candidate because they are both Canadian. Heath Slater needs some help and he always reminded me of a young Edge, so he would be a perfect fit for someone that could use Edge's help too. Then there's always Christian, but he is doing fantastic as a top heel right now and bringing Edge back to help him might result in Edge overshadowing his former partner. I'd rather Edge return as an announcer or GM if he came back but helping someone like Tyson or Slater who need help in getting over would be good too.
I would rather have Edge as General Manager or Commentator.
I can't really see him as a manager for another wrestler, for now. Perhaps for a stable, though.
I love the idea, just can't picture it. I could see him in any on-air role but manager. He would be a great addition to NXT.
I would like to see Edge as much as the next man. But as mentioned previously he ant take any serious bumps, and he's smart for leaving before his condition got serious. I love Edge, but can't see him being a manager. Maybe for a short program, but not for a long run. Dudes been in the WWE since like '99? He's overexceeded everything to accomplish in WWE. Leaving as a wrestler is the best thing to do. Doing the commentary or manager role will take away from the fact he left while red hot!

I'm sure dude is relaxing at home and enjoying it. No need to rush back into the road schedule.
What a great idea!! I think Edge would make a great manager. He has the mic skills. He has the history. He has the experience. He has, for a lack of a better term, the…Edge.

I’d like to see him start out as a Face manager I think his Stable should consist of Tyler Reks, Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, and Randy Orton. I realize that this team is stacked from bottom to top, but this collection of Superstars would be the perfect alliance against Vickie Guerrero and her alliance of Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Christian, Mark Henry and Alberto Del Rio. Hey, it’s better than the New Latino World Order…as of right now.I would even look for a Christian Face turn or an Edge Heel turn when it’s all said and done. It would be similar to when Undertaker was running the Ministry of Darkness and the Corporate Ministry, and then all of a sudden is in a Tag Team with the Big Show.
I could see Edge being a hands-on, Face GM. I would love a "Rated-R Smackdown!!" I could easily see him coming in (months down the line, after the JL v. T Lo feud) and taking over Smackdown, making huge trades with RAW, giving younger kids title shots, crazy matches, I want Edge to come back and make Smackdown a REAL contender with RAW. I want the Ultimate Opportunist to see this position as an opportunity (oh, I'm so funny :D) to revolutionize the WWE.
In real sports (yes, I went there. Chill.) what do they do with the younger kids with potential? Developmental programs, in this case, Jobber or Mid-Card status and feuds. Edge can set this up.
In real sports (DEAL WITH IT) what do they do with their top talent? They make them perform at a high level. In this case, Main Event feuds and title shots. Edge can come in and make WWE make SENSE again. Or, he can do the opposite and make it complete ANARCHY again. Either way, I could see Edge as a Smackdown GM being nothing but a good thing, but only if WWEcan do it right. And we all know how thats been working out for them in the past few years...:banghead:
Of course he COULD be a manager. He would be so good that you would think about him more then the wrestler he is managing. And that would be the downfall. Edge would be to big of a superstar then the person who is supposed to manage. I too would rather see him as a commentator. I think him and Booker would be a good team.

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