Could Daniel Bryan be a John Cena 2.0?

CM Steel

A REAL American
The would-be brother-in-laws John Cena and Daniel Bryan had their first showdown last year at Summerslam with Daniel Bryan defeating a injured John Cena for his first ever WWE championship...but right after that Randy Orton cashed in Money in the Bank on Daniel Bryan winning the WWE title. We all seen the rise of Daniel Bryan timeline wise and from those packages WWE have been playing all during Wrestlemania weekend.

Daniel Bryan: A wrestler who's paid his dues wrestling the indie scene before heading to the WWE at the bottom but worked his way up the WWE ladder through the mid-card picture before becoming a main eventer in the WWE as a top star. And now with CM Punk out of the second fiddle slot. Daniel Bryan had no problem with taking the slot. Now we have the #YES Movement. And a WWE in where Daniel Bryan is the WWE WHC, a man who married a WWE diva, and is hotter than the almight John Cena right now.

If the late Owen Hart never would have died maybe we could have had a chance to see something like this with him? We'll never know. But Daniel Bryan is the first of his kind. Would doesn't love Daniel Bryan? And could Daniel Bryan be a John Cena 2.0? That is the question.
I can kinda agree with this because:

1. John Cena came up from the bottom, was a mid-carder then worked to the main event and then the face of the company. - DB if not already there is working to face of the company or one of the faces.

2. JC had his own "movement?" with the Chain Gang/Cenation (you can say all you like that it's for little kids but that's who they're marketed too.. EVEN the YES! chants like it or not, see how many kids there are wearing YES! tees). - DB is already there.

3. JC/DB are with twins sisters and all 4 of them work together in the same company/business.

4. Yes, DB is hotter than the "almighty?" JC, good for him... :rolleyes: :shrug:

5. I'm neither a JC fan or DB fan but (...before anyone tryna be smart asks...) I commented here because the title of the thread interested me and even more what the tread said. I don't think DB should be called a JC 2.0, more a DB v.1.
I disagree with you. DB is a short term face of wwe. He disappear in few years like punk. The future face of wwe after JC is Roman Reigns.
I disagree with you. DB is a short term face of wwe. He disappear in few years like punk. The future face of wwe after JC is Roman Reigns.

Why would Daniel Bryan disappear? He's loyal to the company, he's not going to walk out like punk.

Also, I really doubt Roman Reigns is going to be the face of the company.

If you really look at the 4 biggest faces of the company (Hogan, Austin, Rock and Cena), they all have the ability to control a crowd.

Reigns doesn't talk. Also he's average in the ring.

I mean he's got the looks and the size but other than that? Not much.

The best Reigns will achieve is being a Randy Orton or a Batista but never "the guy".
Daniel Bryan is not the next John Cena or "top guy" for years to come. I see Daniel Bryan more like a CM Punk, number two on the roster. As for Roman Reigns, I don't see him being the face of the company purely because of his lack of talking ability. There's never been a face of WWE in history who has not been able to talk. Reigns to me is like the next Batista. I think Bray Wyatt could be the next face of the WWE, he can talk and he's well built.
I can see there are similarities. He's not quite so much Cena 2.0 as Sheamus is Cena 2.Irish, but I digress...

First, the obvious differences:
1) Vastly different appearances - Bryan is significantly smaller and scruffier, while Cena looks about as clean-cut as can get while being a rapper not named Will Smith.

1a) Vastly different wrestling styles - because of said size difference. Cena can do a 'rana and Bryan can do a suplex, but there isn't too much overlap otherwise.

2) Mic approach - Cena smirks, tries his hand at comedy and occasionally channels the spirit of The Rock. Bryan's smirk is invisible due to beard and it's either a monotone or a monotonous scream (channelling Warrior - R.I.P.).

3) Staying power - We simply don't know if Bryan will stand the test of time like Cena has. His WM-storyline only reached its climax after months of a sustained tease, so his current level of popularity isn't really a factor either way.

So if we can ignore the core differences that distinguish the two, certain parallels can be drawn:

1) Reduced moveset - Bryan's not trying to impress the indie fans with the size of his moveset anymore and instead doing more and using ring psychology to hype fewer moves better. Cena is unfairly infamous for his repertoire.

2) Say goodbye to the Heyman-guy - Brock Lesnar leaving didn't make Cena who he is today, but it certainly didn't hurt him. Ditto Bryan and Punk.

3) Dating a Bella - Cena and Bryan being in-laws and working together with each other and the Bellas would be Stu Hart's wet dream.

4) Wholesomeness - While Bryan as a heel was more annoying than vulgar and always really within the PG realm (save for a few one-liners to AJ Lee), John Cena has come a long from the STF-U (understandable, of course, since Cena debuted much earlier). Today, as faces, both are truly heroic characters, as opposed to some of the more edgy faces in the vein of Austin or Undertaker.
Bryan's longevity is on him to evolve. He was brilliant originally as the heel shouting 'yes' and was gold during his 'no' face. But now it's starting to feel more forced with the crowd, promos feel very unnatural as does his all round performance. I get pandering to the crowd is important for the Yes Movement, but nevertheless he/creative need to realise strategies like that have a short shelf life.
DB and Cena had faced each other before SummerSlam. Owen Hart would have never come close to being a top guy. Not sure how you mean DB is the first of his kind (is he missing a testicle?). DB is and will never be Cena 2.0 (not that I understand what exactly that means either).
Assuming your asking if hes going to be the next big star in wrestling

then only time will tell, hes probably the best bet at the moment, true his story line was pushed heavily for a long time but it worked. They've tried pushing other guys hard and had them fail bryan succeeded with flying colors. He's shown he can change and being great in a few different roles from cowardly heel/ comedy act/ Napoleon complex/ ultimate underdog.

One would hope bryan will reach that level, with so few stars around on full time roster it would do great wonders for wwe. No he is not what has been typical wwe superstar but in case you haven't noticed the usual wwe way hasn't exactly been doing so great last few years so maybe its a good thing.
By John Cena 2.0, I thought you were referring to him kicking out of finishers. LOL
No, he is not John Cena 2.0, he is just the new face of the company. And when you are the face of the company, you have your own movement... hell, you become a brand on your own. You score hot women (although he scored it before becoming a big shot), and you win the world championship (or two of them). Its a part of the super-successful life.
Reigns may very well turn out to be the Batista of the WWE to what John Cena was during that time. A top guy but not the top guy like Cena was. WWE has had a long history of there being 2 top guys Hogan/Andre Hogan/Savage Hogan/Warrior Bret/Yokozuna Bret/HBK Austin/Rock ect.. Usually one guy becomes that top guy even while the company has 2 top guys. Like Hogan was always the guy, Bret always the guy, HBK always the guy, Austin always the guy ect...

So I don't know if DB ever passes Cena, I think in order for that to happen Cena has to go away for a long period of time, cause if not everyone will still know Cena as being the face of the company, just like Hogan was even while Hogan was off tv making movies he was still seen as the top guy.
I'm a big Bryan fan, but he is not the next Cena. Yes, he beat Cena at Summerslam, but even RVD had a win over Cena at one time. Sometimes Vince just has to give the fans what they want. I truly believe the only reason Bryan won at Summerslam was to setup the Authority storyline with Orton cashing in and Triple H turning heel. It was never a real endorsement of Bryan. Mania on the other hand was, at least for now.

Bryan is the guy right now because of the fans. They are responsible for him being on top much more than anyone who's in charge in WWE. If they had it there way Batista would be champ right now. But he bombed and Punk walked which allowed Bryan to get in the main event. But Bryan's run at the top will only last as long as fans are interested in him. The moment his popularity dips, that's when he loses the title. Vince recognizes a cash cow when he sees one and so they're cashing in on Bryan while they can.

Like the Joker said, "They need you right now...but when they' don't....they'll cast you out. Like a leper."

That's the difference between Bryan and Cena. Cena can be booed by half the crowd and it makes no difference. If that ever happens to Bryan he's finished. He has no room for error. Cena's spot is secure. Bryan's position at the top depends entirely on fan support. The moment that dips he's done.
The fact that they're both dating a Bella is irrelevant.
No, they are very different characters and have very different backgrounds. It would be like saying Rock was Austin 2.0. Bryan could be a big deal but as long as Cena is there, he is always going to be second place - think Foley compared to Rock or Austin. Not a bad spot to be in really.
No, they are very different characters and have very different backgrounds. It would be like saying Rock was Austin 2.0. Bryan could be a big deal but as long as Cena is there, he is always going to be second place - think Foley compared to Rock or Austin. Not a bad spot to be in really.

No your wrong. Stone Cold and the Rock came into the WWF/E around the same time. While John Cena and Daniel Bryan are years apart from each other in years in the WWE. Plus both Stone Cold and the Rock weren't really big names on the indy curcuit, while John Cena and Daniel Bryan were names in the indy scene. So you really can't compare John Cena & Daniel Bryan to Steve Austin & the Rock in that sense.
I doubt Daniel Bryan will be the next John Cena, mainly because John Cena is still an active wrestler and there is no need for a next John Cena. Daniel Bryan will be Daniel Bryan, a new marketable talent that can wrestle in fresh high profile feuds. The face of the WWE will always remain John Cena until he decides to retire, until then all other wrestlers are simply that, other wrestlers. Daniel Bryan is just a newly established star joining the likes of the older established stars like John Cena, Randy Orton, Batista, Sheamus (kinda), nothing more, nothing less.
I think Bryan and Cena are two different guys with two different routes. I couldn't compare the two besides them both dating a Bella twin and being popular with the kids.

It'd be cool to see them be a tag team one day or have a legit feud without Cena looking at Bryan like he's a little brother.
I disagree with you. DB is a short term face of wwe. He disappear in few years like punk. The future face of wwe after JC is Roman Reigns.

I agree that Bryan is likely only a short-term face of the WWE. Likely only one year, maybe two years max. However, I disagree that Reigns is the future face of the WWE. Vince may want him, but Reigns is just another Batista. The real breakout star of The Shield is Seth Rollins.

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