Could dana white really fire anderson silva?


While watching rome is burning today jim rome had an interview with dana white. During the course of the interview dana stated that if anderson was to act like a clown during another fight he would cut(FIRE) him. Two questions for you all, Do you believe dana could fire him, and do you think it would be dumb or smart to do this?
I really cannot see him fire Anderson Silva, but I think it is the end of the line for Silva's "not fighting friends" policy. I think he will force Silva to move up to Light Heavyweight to fight his friend and training partner Lyoto Machida.

That of course depends if Machida can again get the win over Rua. Its a bit of a toss up, but even if it is close, I thin there will be a bit of closure there. After that fight, give it 4 months, they will be forced to fight, Silva and Machida.
TM the word doing the rounds is that he is STEPPING DOWN in weight to fight GSP next,i think this is a more marketable fight for UFC.If Silva is successful in that venture,then i would imagine he will step up to LHW for a possible fight with Machida,and to answer the op,no its not a financially smart decision on the part of Dana White to sack 1 of his most valuable cash cows
1.) Dana White won't let him fight Georges St. Pierre. He's afraid that Silva would pull that bullshit he pulled at UFC 112 against GSP, and it would severely damage the UFC's image. Dana said that Silva "doesn't deserve to fight GSP". That won't happen any time soon.

2.) He's fighting Chael Sonnen next.

3.) Silva will never fight Lyoto Machida. They're friends, they fight in the same camp, and Ed Soares would kill himself before that ever happened.

4.) Never doubt Dana White. If he said he'll cut Silva, he'll keep to his word and do it. Silva is NOT a cash cow by the way. PPVs he fights on usually perform below average, and I doubt that changes especially after his last performance.
Dana will cut him if he has too

in the UFC fighters only stay dominant for so long so Dana probably feels he can find a new middleweight to come in and kick ass he can and will raid the WEC for talent

Machida and Silva probably wont happen just because they have the same trainer and probably wouldnt be able to come to a deal that would suit both of them for having to give up there trainer
Well, if Dana doesn't put Anderson Silva in there with a one-dimensional Jiu-Jitsu fighter again, then he won't have to worry about Silva pulling this kind of stunt ever again. He pulled this stuff against two guys who only wanted to pull guard and try and catch Anderson in a submission. Don't put him in fights against fighters like that, especially when they don't even deserve the shot at the title to begin with.

So, yeah... Dana won't fire Silva, because I doubt he matches him up against someone like Maia or Leites ever again. Against wrestlers and strikers, Anderson will be completely focused and will put on the show we all know he's capable of putting on. Watch his fights against Dan Henderson and Forrest Griffin for proof of this. That's Anderson Silva; he just needs to be in there with someone who will actually fight him. Bottom line.
I agree with JMT that some of the fault lies on the fighters that Anderson has been put against. I mean look at the Thaies Laites fight. The dude barely tried striking or even tried to score points. Nearly every time Anderson got near him Laites just dropped to the ground. I mean i'm sorry Anderson wants to put on a show and not fall on top of these one dimensional fighters and have a Jiu-Jitsu battle for 25 minutes. Hes trying to put on a show whether it be showboating or trying to knock his opponents out.

Everyone blames Anderson for the boring fights but not his opponents. I haven't seen the Maia fight, but to me even though Anderson showboated and such he still stuck to his gameplan of not going to the ground. Sure he could have finished it at any given time, and i'll say he should have, but that's Anderson for you. I just believe that both fighters deserve the blame when a fight is bad. Not just one because he is considered to be the best fighter in the world.

As for him firing Silva theres no fucking way. What hes gonna fire him and watch Silva go right to Strikeforce or another competitor. Silva's last few fights may not have been to amazing, but hes to much of an asset to give up. He goes to Strikeforce than they gain some serious momentum because they have Fedor and Silva. Two of the top pound for pound fighters in the world. That is to much of a risk to take.
Wow, first post back and I see you all DEFENDING Silva? I figured JMT would try, but really...

The man made a complete ass of himself after round 3. You cannot sit their and excuse that, and I guarantee if he tries that shit again Dana would cut him. The fucks he gonna do, go to Strikeforce? Have fun with all the "challenges" their.

The fact of the matter of Silva acted like a little girl, made himself and the UFC look like a tool, and thought it was okay and he could get away with it without repercussions. Dana can't hurt his wallet (even if he could, I'm sure he's got plenty saved up) and its not as if he can force him into fights against people with the actual ability and potential to dominate him (I was thinking like...Brock Lesnar? :D) so instead Dana will I suppose have to get creative if he really wants to punish him.

Personally? I'd have stripped him of his title. It wouldn't matter how his opponent fought, you know GSP wouldn't sit their and make a fool of himself like that. Hell, I don't think ANY Champion would do that. So, I'd strip him of his title and just not give him a shot at it again till he proves himself. Hopefully that'd piss him off enough to actually fight like he can, in the mean-time I'd start pushing him up a weight class cause everything about his body to me screams Light Heavyweight. When he fought Forrest, I really realized how natural that looked compared to his lanky anorexic middle weight form.

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