Could Cryme Tyme have won the WWE tag team titles?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Cryme Tyme made their WWE debut back in 2006 on RAW. JTG & Shad Gaspard were a hot young new tag team in the WWE's modern era. They were released once and then re-hired back by the WWE. Formed a short-lived faction with WWE poster child John Cena calling themselves "CTC". And for those on & off four years Cryme Tyme never once won the WWE tag team title's :-(

Storyline wise big Shad turned on his tag team partner and friend JTG, setting up a feud between the two. It seems like Cryme Tyme was the WWE's version of ECW's Gangstas featuring New Jack and Mustafa. Two street thugs who happen to be african-american bringing chaos to from tha hood to a wrestling ring. But the Gangstas won tag team gold while in ECW. Cryme Tyme has zero.

The biggest stage that Cryme Tyme has ever been on for the WWE tag team straps was at that years WWE Summerslam against the JeriShow (Chris Jericho & the Big Show).

But in your own honest opinion. Could Cryme Tyme have won the WWE tag team title's?
Sure they could've but they decided to just make them comic relief and then split them ala Harlem Heat, except neither guy was ready to go singles.
I'd say they were more aiming at WWE's version of Harlem Heat that was a big name team.

Then they got suspended for playing a prank on a ref and then Shad got fired.

Really tho, in ring they weren't that good. they were entertaining on the mic and in vignettes but in ring they kinda sucked.
JTG is nothing by himself and has just faded into obscurity of jobbing.

Hey the Uso's are a far better team in the ring and have some charisma but they too will never win the titles by the looks. Some teams are just there to pad out the roster
Imagine if Cena went back to Thuganomics with Cryme Tyme? That would have been awesome!

As for Cryme Tyme, yes I think they should have, but iti's not a major missed opportunity that they didn't
I'm actually surprised they didn't. The tag belts were pretty worthless during Crime Tyme's run, and they were as good a team as any other they were using at the time.

They could have held the titles for a year straight, and it really wouldn't have changed their push one bit.
I honestly thought they should've been tag team champions. They were one of the more entertaining teams around that time other than The Spirit Squad.

I remember when Rated RKO were the World Tag Team Champions, WWE hinted at a feud between them and Cryme Tyme. A feud like that ending with them winning the titles could've put them over big time.

They had potential, no doubt about it. Should've been given a chance to run with the belts.
Together they were good, but at the time, the tag team's were just filling up the roster apart from DX and Rated-Rko, there was teams like Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch and Jesse and Festus,none of these guys ever had a hope of gaining tag gold! Maybe Cryme Tyme should have, they were good on the mic and had entertaining promos. But WWE's tag division has been dead for years, something I only hope they pick up in the future.
I was never a fan of Cryme Tyme or any of the other tag teams around at this time. Neither of the two struck me as having particularly good wrestling ability and the joke of their gimmick must have flown straight over my head as I never got why it was popular. I would put them on par with the Highlanders; They weren't overly entertaining and the tag team scene at that time was extremely weak. The teams with matching gimmicks were outshone by the likes of Miz and Morrisson and Jericho and Big Show.

On another note, why is JTG still on the roster?
When they were tagging CTC on JBL's Limo with John Cena they should have gotten their push.

They should have formed a stable/alliance that worked more like an alliance or APA style back up for Cena whenever he's faced with odds... (judging from Nexus, New NeXus, The Shield) to get them more TV time and eventually a serious run at the titles.

I think them not getting their shot is a combination of bad writing, poor attention paid to the division and dare I say racism.
I will always say this, and I have said this over and over again... FUCK YA !! They should have won the damn belts.

This doesn't mean the team didn't have problems. Shad wasn't as polished as I think he needed to be on television, but if you can make Khali a world champion, there is no reason in hell that Cryme Time couldn't have one tag team reign. The fans were behind them and it was just such a prolonged losing streak in championship opportunities. Jericho and Show, Miz and Show, DX, Miz and Morrison were more polished and maybe even more popular, but only Miz and Morrison needed the belts as much or more than Cryme Time did. The other teams had no business having the belts other than to give them an ego boost. Cryme Time needed a tag title reign, just like PTP and the Usos need a title reign to be of any real significance to fans. A run as tag team champs, is a starting point and they can use that to build momentum to further their individual careers.
Yeah, Cryme Tyme should have held one set of the Tag Team Titles at some point along their career in WWE. There was a point when barely anyone in WWE had an effective catchphrase and Cryme Tyme was the only talent who didn't get a derogatory "What?" chant. Seriously, Curt Hawkins and Zack Ryder were just HANDED the tag team titles back on Smackdown before the belts were unified. Why Cryme Tyme was less deserving than the "Edgeheads" won't ever make sense to me.

Regarding racism in WWE, Smackdown in particular had a reputation for no interest in pushing black wrestlers. I'm sure Mark Henry's push and Booker as GM on SD was Vince's attempt to rectify that problem.
Absolutely they could of. Matter of fact they should have! I remember Cryme Tyme being pretty over in 2006-2007. At least compared to anyone else in WWE's "Tag Team Division" at the time. Especially with two sets of Tag Titles, I can't believe they didn't find a way to put the belts on them at least for a little bit. WWE dropped the ball with that team, and with the individuals as well. Both Shad and JTG had break out (and by break out, I mean solid mid-card status) potential.
I am surprised they didn't hold the belts. The tag belts were pretty much a non entity when they were around. They were a true team and had some talent. I never understood why they didn't get a chance with the belts. I could have easily seen them drop the comedy and make a serious run with the titles. Now would actually be a perfect time to bring them back to add a little something to the division. Yes, I think they could have and should have won the titles.
i'm surprised, though not shocked, that they never won the titles. keeping in mind that this is WWE creative we're talking about here, and discussing a division that was and is still mostly dead.

we never saw much more than "hints" with this team. a "thuganomics" type stable with Cena to feud with Bradshaw could have worked well. going over Rated-RKO or JeriShow for the titles would have been monumental, both for their careers and for the division as a whole.

sadly, add them to a long list of legit teams, and by that i mean reasons for two men to be on one team to begin with, a team name, team entrance theme, matching outfits, etc, that never got (or at least to this point) a single tag title run. right along there with the Uso's and Prime Time Players.

separating this team was a bad idea and mistake, plain and simple.
Yah sure they could have been credible champions.. Back when they were a tag team the titles were worth about as much as well like they kinda are now.. I liked cryme Tyme. Loved their gimmick,money money yah yah money money yah yah.. They were one hell of a team,but when they split honestly that was it...

They gave the edgeheads the belts for christ sakes. Zack and Curt instead of Cryme Tyme? Are you kidding me or what? But a huge battle with Rated RKO would have been awesome. If the battle ever happened,Cryme Thyme could have gotten a huge push going over. Perhaps they still be in the E if that had happened! I know JTG is still around but really not around
Together they were good, but at the time, the tag team's were just filling up the roster apart from DX and Rated-Rko, there was teams like Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch and Jesse and Festus,none of these guys ever had a hope of gaining tag gold! Maybe Cryme Tyme should have, they were good on the mic and had entertaining promos. But WWE's tag division has been dead for years, something I only hope they pick up in the future.

Didn't Cade & Murdoch actually hold the titles? In fact I am pretty sure Cryme Tyme was feuding with them while they were the champs. This is when Cryme Tyme should have won the belts imo. They were over with the crowd and were probably the only tag team on RAW at the time that anybody cared about after Rated RKO ended and HHH got injured.

I never really liked them and I know people were complaining on a daily basis about how Cryme Tyme was just portraying a negative stereotype. But they got a decent crowd reaction, more so than Cade/Murdoch or Highlanders. IMO this is the time when they should have held the titles.

Once they got fired and eventually came back, their time had already passed IMO. The CTC stint could have maybe made them relevant again but that was a bust when Cena got injured. Then they split up and I kind of figured that neither had any hope as a singles wrestler

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