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Could anyone else care less about Maria's return?

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Source: The Wrestling Observer Filming for the new season of "Celebrity Apprentice" has finished, and WWE Diva Maria is expected to return to Smackdown any day now.

So Maria's coming back. Come to think of it I forgot she was even in WWE. Her reltaionship storyline with Ziggler really didn't go any where, and every other time I remember seeing her on Smackdown, she was either at ringside with Dolph or a special guest refree.

Maria use to get pushed, and had plenty of spotlight at one time. I'm of course talking about Playboy and that "Bunny Mania" match at Wrestlemania 24. So are you excited to see Maria return? Why or why not?
I personally wish this thread was posted in the spam section so I could reply with a simple "Hell no".

Maria serves no purpose on a wrestling show in my eyes based on what she has done in the WWE up until this point. She is not good in the ring, she is not a good backstage interviewer, she cannot cut a wrestling promo, and she is not a good valet (see Santino and Ziggler). She is not entertaining. Wrestling isn't her thing. She is beautiful, but that's not going to cut it for me anymore. We've seen beautiful, now let's see entertaining. If its the same old shit with her which is what I'm expecting, then no I am not excited. Maybe if she teams up with McCool and gets a snobby gimmick I'll probably give her a look. Other than that she is a bathroom break for me.
Honestly no, I couldn't care less about her coming back. She's a cute looking girl but being a bigger fan of TNA than of WWE right now women who can actualy show at least 50% in-ring ability impress me more.

But there is one thing I noticed about her when WWE had her acting as Dolf's gf, that was the backstage segments with the other girls doing their soap opera thing.

I think even if they're only for 2-4 minute segments at a time, I think they have a huge chance to hook a lot of female viewers into watching to see all the backstage drama going on. America has a very unhealthy addiction to drama that they really need to take advantage of.
How could you deface the great name of Maria. I believe she could break the gender barrier and win the WWE championship in the future. ;)

In all honesty nobody cares. She used to have the position the bella twins have, but they get paid less and there's two of them. Maria is a god awful actress and wrestler, all she can ever hope for is being arm candy.
Maybe you guys are right. I don't wanna see maria back. She can't wrestle, and isn't very good. I wanna see her try to take maryse's title shot. Maybe even try to fight katie lea burchill.
Maria contributes nothing to the show except for being eye candy. For all the years she's been in WWE I don't think she's significantly progressed in any area at all, so why the hell is she still employed? Unless she can pick her game up and show a small bit of talent in the ring I think being future endeavered would be the only option, shame because she is really beautiful but like suneeboy say's "that just don't cut it".
I am surprised that she has not been released. Having divas that posed in playboy still in the roster does not exactly say "PG" does it? When WWE went "PG" I figured Maria's days were numbered. All she accomplished was being in Playboy, that and being another pretty face. That is what she was best known for during her time in WWE as far as I know of. She's not good in the ring.

There's plenty of other women who could take her spot because of being able to be BOTH "eye candy" and actually good in the ring at the same time. Oh wait, that was TNA I was thinking of for a moment there.... LOL.

I guess they will just keep her around to be Mickie's partner in those random pointless tag matches that the divas do every week. Maybe that's why she's still around. I'm honestly not that interested in her return though, because she's not that entertaining.
She wasn't that bad of a wrestler. She improved, she was better then a few they have in there right now. Her promo skills were horrendous though. It's hard to take you seriously when you spent years portraying a dumbass. I could care less. I didn't even realize she was gone.
I agree with sunneeboy, she has no purpose in the wwe, she can't wrestle, she cant talk. But DAMN, shes hot, i loved her playboy photos, they were amazing. back on topic, no i couldnt really care less about maria returning, unless she has a gimmick change or turns heel.
I'm not about to say "OMG Maria is back! The Divas are saved!", but it was interesting to hear the pop when she arrived. She certainly didn't do much, and probably showed us the extent of her offense, but at least she got a reaction.

Teaming her with Mickie is probably the smartest move...That way, her weaknesses can be covered up.
I liked Maria in the Diva Search, something was sexy about her and how she flipped off Carmella after she got the boot - loved her attitude.

On Raw, I didn't care much for her "stupid girl" gimmick - and noticed that she sucked in the ring.. I was thinking WWE was going to release her but they didn't. . When they put her in the storyline with Santino thats when I started to kind of like her again just because I think Santino is the most entertaining/funniest in the WWE. . So yeah I guess I liked her during that whole thing (even though the storyline with Santino and Beth was 10x better)

When she went to Smackdown, I thought the whole occasional special ref. thing was stupid.. I went back to thinking she sucks major and needs to be released.. Then she had that stupid storyline with Ziggler.. Maria's acting skills in the storyline with Ziggler was painful to watch - the writers went over the top making it look like an episode of General Hospital or some shit..

I don't care for her return, I still think shes useless - only good thing about her is shes sexy.. I think it will be interesting though if WWE actually pushes her as far as wrestling goes and lay off the dumb gimmicks and shit for her. . Who knows maybe if they actually have her wrestle descent matches and stuff.. she might improve? I doubt she will though, but who knows.
In the fifth shot in my war against the Smackdown section, I am going to answer the question quite simply:

Could anyone else care less about Maria's return?

Yes. I could. She's very attractive and gives me fuzzy feelings in my tummy when she comes on my screen. not to mention she needs to regroup with Ziggler in order to give him a much needed boost after his Intercontinental Title fiasco.
Yes. I could. She's very attractive and gives me fuzzy feelings in my tummy when she comes on my screen. not to mention she needs to regroup with Ziggler in order to give him a much needed boost after his Intercontinental Title fiasco.

Any diva could replace her though, there is nothing unique that she brings to the table. All she is famous for is the Playboy thing, other than that she's another pretty face who can't wrestle. I didn't mind her as an interviewer, but they put a stop to her interviews for some reason. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if she gets future endeavored because they are PG now and Playboy is anything but PG.
I used to be a big fan of Maria. She was the one diva who didn't come off as a ****e, and actually seemed innocent. She was so fucking adorable. And then... she did Playboy. I guess taking her clothes off somehow made her get smart, but at the same time... she became a thousand times less appealing. Everything about her changed when she did Playboy. Hell, even her VOICE changed. She used to have this sweet innocent voice, and then all of the sudden when she would come out for the kiss cam after Playboy she would sound like a man. WWE really dropped the ball with her, BIG time. She could have been the next Miss Elizabeth. But instead, she's just another **** on the show who can't wrestle for shit.

Anyway, to answer the question.... do I give a crap about Maria's return? Nope, why should I care about ANY of the Divas? They all suck, outside Maryse, and Maria's one of the very worst of them. I'm sure in real life she's a sweet girl and has a lot of love for the business, but WWE fucked her up, and she's now basically nonexistent to me.
I guess, the IWC should eat crow about now(not that I disagree that she isn't irreplaceable, although I don't share the same weird hate that some of you guys seem to have) since she's apparently the most popular chick amonst the rest of the fans. I really didn't expect her to win the Slammy at all, maybe it was Apprentice people voting for her.
she's apparently the most popular chick amonst the rest of the fans. I really didn't expect her to win the Slammy at all, maybe it was Apprentice people voting for her.

I think her winning that Slammy was more about the amusing segment with Batista afterwards and less about Maria winning. Seriously, something is wrong here. She didn't deserve to win it because she has done NOTHING all year. There was no reason for her to win that at all unless it was to set up Batista's lines after it, and even though they could have still done that with Michelle/Mickie/Beth/Maryse (one of which SHOULD have won) winning it rather than Maria who has done absolutely nothing in the past 12 months but talk to Ziggler.

I stand by my previous statement that I have not cared about her return because she is easily replaceable and am surprised she has not been future endeavored.
I agree, even compared to her standards this had been a very unremarkable year for her, but this was apparently the only award the fans had a vote in so it does count for something. They are definately going to be mentioning that slammy for the next coule of months, and it will result in something of a push(unless of course the voting is rigged which I will go out on a limb and say it wasn't).
I agree, even compared to her standards this had been a very unremarkable year for her, but this was apparently the only award the fans had a vote in so it does count for something. They are definately going to be mentioning that slammy for the next coule of months, and it will result in something of a push(unless of course the voting is rigged which I will go out on a limb and say it wasn't).

Personally my guess is that it was rigged. Since when has Maria been the most over diva? She's done nothing to interest the fans this year, my guess is that she was "chosen" because McCool, Mickie, Melina and Maryse are in the midst of a push, and having Batista ruin their acceptant speech Kayne style would have looked ridiculous. On the WWE live blog, they had an unofficial poll of who was the diva of the year, and the results where as followed: Mickie James 36%, Melina 21%, Michelle McCool 10%, Kelly Kelly 13%, Beth Phoenix 5%, and all other divas were shoved together and got 15%, so where was Maria in all this? In the "other diva" group. Surely the diva who won the poll should have her own group, right? The award was part of a joke so Batista could push his angle, that's my theory at least. Unless some die hard Maria fans somehow got around the one vote per person limit, WWE probably had something to do with this.
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Ya I know, thats what made me think it was rigged, but tbh, I do think Maria is pretty over w/e I see her on tv. Also, she's had a lot more character development than a lot of the other Diva's out there right now, and has been around for a relatively long time, always plays a likeable character. I don't think its too far fetched either way.
Maria's second bananas now. She's last year. We seen her naked and now we're tired of her and want to see another Diva naked. That's how the business works for the divas. Unless you're a great wrestler, most women don't last long in wrestling. McCool lasted so long because she's with Taker. Same goes for Kelly Kelly. Pretty sure she's with someone backstage. But Maria's a good girl, but her welcome's worn out in my eyes. Unless she does something just off the wall crazy, like goes on a strike where she only wears her bra and panties to the ring until they allow Bra and Panties matches again, I don't think we'll see her around much longer.

But she's still galaxies better than Bustrash Ashley Massaro. She looks like a walking case of VD.
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