Could a Scarface gimmick benefit another WWE superstar?

CM Steel

A REAL American
In this era of the WWE gimmicks are mostly bland character's. The E is currently switching up the Zack Ryder character. But what if the WWE creative team brought back the Tony Montana-like gimmick to a rising star in the E? Like remember back when Scott Hall first came to the WWE as Razor Ramon? He was "The bad guy" of the modern WWF era. A cuban looking to take over the (wrestling) world. Too bad Scott Hall never won the big one...

And back in early 2004 the WWE printed out the new Eddie Guerrero (R.I.P.) T-shirt with him on the front with the Scarface poster as the backdrop. Pretty gangsta if you ask me. And what about Carlito? Spitting fruit in people's faces like he's some kind of caribbean mobb boss. It didn't really work for me.

So what do you think in your own opinion's? Could a Scarface gimmick benefit another WWE superstar? In my honest opinion, YES they should.
I could imagine Alberto Del Rio with this kind of gimmick, just because he's got the look and can pull off a white suit. Other than that what could he do to be more 'Montana-like'? *Going for the enziguri* "SAY HELLO TO MY LIL' FRIEND!"
quite like this idea especially for del rio as already mentioned .they could even make santino a kind of comedy mafia guy and have him as his sidekick might make them a tad more interesting anyway

The Boogeyman had a lot in common with Papa Shango, who himself was based off of Voodoo deity and James Bond villain Baron Samedi. Bray Wyatt has more than a little in common with Waylon Mercy, who was pretty much a carbon copy of Cape Fear's Max Cady. The Undertaker's original old West mortician character was, as points out, another in a long line of undertaker characters from film and television, as well as characters indirectly inspired by the character Cesare from the film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. I could go on if I tried.

There's very, very little out there in wrestling or pop culture in general that is original. If you're going to steal, steal smart. Tony Montana is a classic character whose traits befit a professional wrestler just as well as they do a mobster. If the right guy comes along, I'll have no problem saying hello to a new bad guy.
Santino Marella!!!

I know i'll get bashed for this, but bring Santino back with a real gimmick like this! Fits pretty well with his name, and if he maybe had a beard I could really believe it.

Santino is good in the ring, before he was the comedy jobber he was actually taken seriously, and had good title matches. The guy can go in the ring.

The only minor flaws would be the size difference between him and the rest of the roster as far as believe-ability goes, and it may take Santino jumping and ulitmatly coming out on top of a feud against a true fan favorite like a Rey Mysterio or Christian.

But you can get over those flaws, maybe bring in Mason Ryan to portray the bodyguard role.

I think it would have a shot at working. Let the bashing begin.
It is going to take someone really special that has the all the essential qualities to pull of a Tony Montana character type of guy. Tony Was the best Gangster in Film of all time (Even better Than the Godfather). If someone has all the qualities and is just bad ass like that i have no problem with it. But a PG Tony Montana is not gonna cut it
I think Del Rio is the only roster member who could do it right. You could give him Primo, Epico, Hunico, & Camacho as his entourage. Maybe a Mason Ryan or Zeke Jackson as a bodyguard. JBL or some announcer could emply that maybe he made his money illigealy. I know it could of worked in the attitude era, but in todays PG era who knows.
Only if they emphasized other aspects of the character. While Scott Hall's Scarface gimmick was great, he never really captured Tony Montana's ambition and viciousness. Really, he seemed to be more like Manny than Tony, just another shady character which, despite how good Steven Bauer was in the movie, is all Manny was in the grand scheme of things.

I'd like to have a character, it could be any race, come in from NXT or where ever and claw his way up to the top like Tony did and then have it come crashing down when he angers one of his more powerful allies. They could use that at his initial feud and then he finds another way to regain his power.
Do you really want the WWE to go back to this though? I mean I like Scarface, awesome movie, and I think the working from the bottom to be the top dog by any means necessary schtick could work. But every time I hear a WWE superstar hit it big, the consensus is that same every time.

A good WWE gimmick is when you take the personality of a person, and turn the dial up to 11.

If you ask someone to play a role, they have to be super talented to make it work, and even then it won't feel authentic.

Take Stone Cold, they simply took traits that Steve had and turned that shit right the hell up. You took a redneck who could trash talk with the best, to the biggest beer drinking ass whuppin sumbitch in WWE history.

The same with the rock, you took an overconfident and very talented young man and turned him into a third person talking egomaniac who can lay the smackdown on anyone who crosses his path.

Say the same about Jericho (wisecracking, but can get shit done, sans his heel turn), Undertaker (quiet, but feared), McMahon (Egomaniac), Foley (slightly odd, turned batshit crazy). The list goes on and on.

So yeah, this might work, but something tells me this isn't how you want to get talent over.

Just My Opinion
Santino Marella!!!

I would love to see Santino do something meaningful with his career, but it would take one HELL of a turnaround for anyone to take him seriously again. I could fill pages of content with youtube clips of reasons why he will likely be a comedy jobber forever, but really I can't be assed.

I hope I am wrong, coz I like Santino... actually that might be because he is a comedy jobber... so I kind of hope im right...

Anyways, I doubt it.
Ahh not really guys, if anything they'd do it just to take a jab at the Main Event Mafia reforming in TNA with a new crew. How can you go wrong with a stable made of Kurt Angle, Sting, Kevin Nash, Booker T, and Scott Steiner doing what they do best :p. I think it would be in WWE's best interest to stay away from the mafia scene just to save face. However with all the pop shots they do to each other I wouldn't be surprised if WWE does form a mafia style stable. I could see del rio in it but not many others, rio sorta reminds me of that guy on weeds lol.
In this era of the WWE gimmicks are mostly bland character's. The E is currently switching up the Zack Ryder character. But what if the WWE creative team brought back the Tony Montana-like gimmick to a rising star in the E? Like remember back when Scott Hall first came to the WWE as Razor Ramon? He was "The bad guy" of the modern WWF era. A cuban looking to take over the (wrestling) world. Too bad Scott Hall never won the big one...

And back in early 2004 the WWE printed out the new Eddie Guerrero (R.I.P.) T-shirt with him on the front with the Scarface poster as the backdrop. Pretty gangsta if you ask me. And what about Carlito? Spitting fruit in people's faces like he's some kind of caribbean mobb boss. It didn't really work for me.

So what do you think in your own opinion's? Could a Scarface gimmick benefit another WWE superstar? In my honest opinion, YES they should.

I have to respectfully disagree. In some circumstances you can recycle gimmicks, and have them work. For example, Bray Wyatt and Damien Sandow (recycled versions of Waylon Mercy and The Genius, respectively). But Wyatt and Sandow are working with their gimmicks because (1) they're good gimmicks (in my opinion), (2) they're both very talented, and (3) neither Mercy nor The Genius were terribly memorable (I think Spivey, who I was never a fan of, could have done well with Mercy if things had worked out a little differently, and Leaping Lanny, well, at least his brother was one of the 5 greatest wrestlers of all time).

The Scarface gimmick is strong, and I'm sure you could find a talented worker to give it to. But the reason why it won't work is because Scott Hall was so good, and so memorable. I never understand why internet fans don't rate Scott Hall higher. I've said before, and stand by my comments, that Scott Hall is the most talented (although certainly not the most accomplished) big man wrestler of all time. He's on the list with Dibiase, Jake Roberts, Piper, Henning, and Steamboat as the best wrestlers of all time to never win the world title (sorry, I don't consider Steamboat's pre-Hogan WCW title or Henning's AWA title as legitimate world titles, even though they are two of my all time favorites) (and I would also rank every one of those guys among the 20 greatest wrestlers of all time, proving yet again that championships are not the way to rank wrestling greatness).

Anyone running with the Scarface gimmick would just be compared, and most likely unfavorably, even if they were very talented, to Scott Hall.

Sorry for the rambling post, by the way.

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